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Lovers in the Stars
Lovers in the Stars
Lovers in the Stars
Ebook165 pages2 hours

Lovers in the Stars

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Newly self-published Author J.R. Ryder takes you on an emotional ride with Lovers in the Stars.

Fate written in the stars.
“Beautifully written, and the recognition of their love weaves the beautiful colors of the sunrise and sunset. A passionate and erotic dance of words and imaginative phrases and paragraphs. There is no doubt that love can endure for infinity. Bravo to the author.”—Barnes & Noble starred review

A Unique Passionate Story
“This was a perfect story about a love that would never be broken by anyone. Craving desires, passionate nights but true love that even fights time. I highly recommend this book, I love stories about the stars and other things in the sky, I have never read anything like it.”—Amazon starred review

An intriguing romantic retelling about two stars, Altair and Vega, which was inspired by the story “The cowherder and weaver girl,” which has been told in many different variations that is almost three centuries old. Vega, the Goddess of the heavens and weaver of clouds, who falls for a mortal Altair, a simple cowherder, while visiting earth.

This legend is told in many different cultures, however, When Marie meets Mark, designed by fate while stargazing, he tells Marie his version of the legend.

Vega is a beautiful Goddess that is the youngest out of seven sisters, which carries a special skill that is taught by her very strict mother. Once Vega masters this skill, a unique power takes over her. She uses her aura and this special weaving power within her threads, that adds beautiful colors to the clouds. Within this thread holds a certain magic allowing her to ascend and descend to earth at her own will, which leads to her meeting a human, Altair and their forbidden love ensues.

Altair a simple boy with a troubled upbringing, becomes a dedicated cowherder taught by his father. In his travels he is acquainted by a woman who takes him in. He helps with the farm until she is called away. One day as he tours the farm while playing his flute, he comes across Vega and is struck by her beauty, and she becomes enthralled by the melody he plays.
Vega and Altair fall in love, however fate is not on their side, and neither is Vega’s mother, as the legend begins.

During his storytelling, a love infatuation ignites between the two fated strangers Mark and Marie as a romantic love story develops that was already written in the stars.

PublisherJ.R. Ryder
Release dateDec 29, 2023
Lovers in the Stars

J.R. Ryder

J.R. Ryder is a newly self published author who had always loved poetry, fantasy with his head in the clouds. J.R. currently lives in sunny Southern California, where after 17 longs years in the United States Marine Corps he was able to retire. J.R. Ryder was the dorky kid that was always made fun of growing up, because he always had a story to tell or a poem to write to someone. So after years of bullying he set it aside and locked it away. Sports was his outlet, where football became his new passion. J.R. Ryder, wasn't your all American athlete nor was he built to play beyond high school. After High School, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as engineer mechanic. He spent 17 years of faithful service, serving our country. J.R. has 3 Combat deployments that we are all aware of to include an array of humanitarian missions. After retirement from the Marine Corps, J.R. struggled to find his place or find his new belonging. Going from job after job, nothing seemed to fit his personality or need. This caused J.R. to fall in a low. Depression was real. J.R. also had to come to terms with himself that he was broken. Needing an outlet J.R. Ryder found an old passion that he thought was long gone. His writing's. After gaining attention on Social media, he decided to give it a chance. His writing passion has always been romance. J.R. Ryder put out his first book Nightstand Desires with erotic short stories to allow the reader to go on a journey with him and explore his mind. J.R. Ryder's goal with his books, is to share his mind and to take you on a journey and explore the creative mind the universe has blessed him with and inspire closet writers that anything is possible!

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    Lovers in the Stars - J.R. Ryder


    In The


    J.R. Ryder

    Lovers In The Stars

    Copyright © 2023 by J.R. Ryder-All Rights Reserved.

    First Edition 2023

    This book is copyright protected. The content within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated, or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

    This is a fictional book. This is a retelling of a legend that has been told in many different variations. In research of this legend, I have pieced together and created my own version. This is my original story, and no parts were copied, stolen, or forged in the telling. Any likeness to other retellings is purely by accident.

    WARNING: This book contains adult consensual romantic scenes, and death. Some language or scenes may not be suitable for everyone. Read at your own discretion.

    Cover Design by: Mary Lasko

    Printed in the United States of America
























    "To say I love you would be amateurish. As I stand here simply breathing, my heart flutters for you as if it knows nothing else"- Altair

    It Starts with the Stars

    (Marie’s point of view)

    On a warm summer afternoon, right before the sun sets down into the mountains, I make my way over to an old open field that used to be a sports complex. One of the baseball diamonds sits right in the middle of the park, with a wide open and empty outfield, that is perfect for just laying out and grounding myself spiritually. I have been wanting to do this for a while now, but the ex I had didn’t really believe in that stuff. I tried to get him to take me, and just lay with me. However, the one time that I finally was able to get him to do it, he completely missed the point of it, and his hand quickly found my breasts and in between my thighs. Though I was young and wanted him to like me, I allowed it. I mean at times, it would be hot having sex under the night sky, but to say it was even good, would be an understatement. Foreplay, seduction, and passion wasn’t his cup of tea. It was more like thrusting, coming, and then passing out, leaving me to finish myself off. He was your typical fuck boy; however, I didn’t find that out until later after we graduated high school. I went on to college, and he stayed here in town when only after one week into my school year, I receive the text and picture from one of my friends showing me his disrespectful actions. I didn’t get mad, or call him out, I just went on with my life.

    Years have passed and I’m on summer break and heading back to town. A month into my summer break I decide to do what I have always wanted to do, lay out and stargaze. I pull up to an empty complex with a few people walking or jogging along the dirt perimeter. I grab my blankets from out the back of my car, two cans of my favorite Moscato, and a couple of my mother’s old couch throw pillows. With my arms full, I kick the car door shut, maneuver my fingers to the lock button, to press it on the key fob, trying not to drop anything until I hear it lock. Once locked, I head over to the middle diamond. I pass through the first gate with ease, and as I am clearing the dugout, the blanket gets snagged and whips me around, where I go crashing into the fence. I let out a quick scream in embarrassment and look around to see if anyone saw. Thank God, no one did. I collect myself and head to the outfield. I drop everything in the middle of center field and arrange it. An amber glow blankets the fields, as the black mountains silhouette in front of a fiery orange and red hue behind them. I finally get situated, sitting I open a Moscato in a can.

    Sitting calmly and slowly sipping my drink, I notice another person with the same idea as I. As they get closer, I notice that they are in fact a him.

    Oh god, I hope he doesn’t try to bother me?

    I turn my head and my back away from him, in hopes that he will get the picture, however, being a woman, alone in a field just screams kidnap me now. My anxiety gets the best of me, as I can feel his presence moving closer as my skin begins to crawl. I close my eyes and eagerly wait for a disgusting one liner or pick up line. The longer I brace for it, I notice that he hasn’t said anything. So, I peek around and see him, sitting alone with practically the same things as I, however with a six pack of what I assume is beer. Relieved, I continue to watch the sun set down into the mountains and watch the night sky paint the stars. I finish one can and lay back to watch the night take over the sky.

    It’s early august and the heat and weather are very much unpredictable. Sometimes it will pour rain and some years it will be beautiful. Looking at the clear night and warm skies the chance of rain is highly unlikely. The stars begin to shine through the darkness as I stare up into the sky. Pointing out familiar constellations, and playing the guessing game, what is a plane or satellite. Living in a rural area has its benefits. Like no city lights drowning out this beautiful, serene view of the stars. There is one cluster of stars that keep grabbing my attention. I try to find it on my stargazing app, but for some reason it isn’t working right. I look over and see the guy looking and pointing like someone is there with him, however no one is. It is kind of nice knowing that some guys do stargaze. I crack open my second can, as it makes this loud popping and crackling sound, grabbing the attention of the not so distant stranger.

    Sorry, I whisper.

    I see him move with sounds of muffled clanks from where he is. He pops open a beer as his dark shadow raises his arm with a beer in hand.

    No worries. Cheers, he whispers back. He then lays back down and continues his gaze and I do the same.

    I take a sip, and continue mine as well, however those star clusters are calling to me. I try to check my phone again and nothing. Giving up, and I am almost done with my second can, so I put it aside and enjoy this silent calm, before I have to head back home to the crazy house. While gazing up I get completely lost in the sky.

    Hey, mind if I join you, a rough voice says, starling me.

    Oh shit, you scared me, I yell, grabbing my chest as my heart just sank into my stomach. Join me how?

    I take it you are stargazing right? he responds. Mind if I lay my stuff over here just for some company?

    Well, I am not going to be here long, I reply. I am almost done with my can.

    Great, because I am almost done with my Blue Moon, he responds. I won’t be a bother, and I promise not to be creepy.

    Well, you failed that test, by sneaking up on me like that, I reply sarcastically.

    You’re right, I’m sorry to bother, he says as he turns to walk away.

    Actually, here is another test, if you pass, you can stay, and I get to have one of your beers? I yell out.

    Okay, what is it? he says.

    You can stay, and give me one of your beers, if you can tell me what constellation that is, I respond.

    That’s it? he asks. Well, I can do more than just that, I can tell you a whole story about that constellation and the legend behind it."

    Oh my god. Really? I ask.

    Yup, okay hold on, let me go get my stuff and I’ll tell you all about it, he responds.

    He turns and walks over to collect his things, as I fix up the area, like he is coming over to my place for the first time. When he turns around with his blanket and things in his arms, I realized something.

    Huh, so that is what I looked like with all my stuff.

    He drops his stuff and begins to lay out his blanket and situate the rest of his stuff. His blanket is a few inches away from mine and he sits on the other end, legs crossed with a beer in his hand. I finish my can of Moscato, and before I can look down, I hear the cap popping off another bottle. I look across at him as his hand reaches through the shadow between us giving me a beer. Blue Moon to be exact, which ironically, is my choice for lager or beer.

    Here you go, he says reaching.

    Oh wow, thanks, I reply.

    Before I start, why do you want to know about those stars? he asks.

    Honestly, I know this might sound weird but those stars and the one across from it just seem to grab my attention, I explain.

    Oh okay. The reason I ask, is because those two stars share a love story that has been told in many different variations for centuries through the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures. Some cultures actually have celebrations and festivals about them, he explains in detail.

    Really, oh wow. How do you know all this? I ask.

    Let’s just say I have always been invested, he explains mysteriously.

    Oh, secrets huh? Okay, continue, but first, my name is Marie, I reply reaching out my hand.

    Nice to meet you, I’m Mark, he responds. Do you mind if I come sit by you, it would be easier to point out the stars?

    Sure, but no funny business, I say trying to be funny.

    Oh my god, I can’t believe I just said that I say to myself shaking my head.

    I promise, no funny business, he responds with a chuckle.

    He sits next to me and takes a sip of his beer and begins pointing up at the stars. His blanket covers his lap, with my blanket draped over mine. A smile forms across his face as he looks up, with focused and happy eyes. The natural brut smell of him catches my attraction off guard and the joy in his voice peaks my attention as he begins to talk.

    Okay, so you see those two stars in the sky? he asks, as he turns to look at me, catching me off guard again.

    Oh, um, uh huh, I say fumbling my words, as I am lost in his voice and smell. Hell, it could have been the wine

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