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How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith
How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith
How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith
Ebook140 pages1 hour

How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith

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About this ebook

Unbelief is the single biggest barrier to experiencing the supernatural in the Kingdom of God. For example, scripture tells us Jesus could do no mighty works in His hometown because of the people's unbelief. When His disciples could not heal a man's son, Jesus later told them unbelief was the reason for their challenge.


Fortunately, each of us has the ability to change what we believe. The more our beliefs line up with the truth of God's word, the more effective our faith becomes.

How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith addresses these topics and more:

  • What Truth Is
  • The Truth About Sin
  • The Importance of Covenants
  • The Value of Hope
  • What Faith is
  • Why You Don't See More Miracles
Release dateSep 27, 2021
How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith

Chris Cree

Chris Cree was a merchant marine officer and flew off of aircraft carriers in jets with the US Navy. After leaving the Navy he spent 12 years working on the docks in various marine cargo operations positions. In 2007 Chris turned his blogging hobby into a new career developing websites, both in his own business as a freelancer and as an employee of a rapidly growing firm. This job change provided the flexibility to eventually leave the coast where the ships were, move to the mountains and go to Bible college. Chris and his wife Lisa founded NewCREEations Ministries in 2013 as a vehicle to answer God’s call on their lives to guide believers into their full inheritance in the Kingdom of God. They lived in Scotland for a number of years as missionaries. While there, they established a local campus of an international Bible college. In 2021 God gave them a clear word to pass the baton to local leaders raised up on their team and return to the States. Through NewCREEations, Chris and Lisa focus on ministering life-changing Bible teaching, helping believers experience the Kingdom of God and His goodness in practical ways which improve their lives. They travel and teach, publish books, and produce video content along with a variety of other materials. They are working on establishing and growing a new extension of NewCREEations Ministries called Kingdom Mindsets, a discipleship platform to fulfill the Great Commission by connecting anointed ministries with the Body of Christ.  You can learn more and contact them with questions or other inquiries via their website.

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    How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith - Chris Cree

    Everyone Believes Something

    We're hard wired as human beings for belief. People tap into that belief with secular things all the time so spiritual believing makes sense too.

    Seeing is Believing


    I prefer not to believe anything. I like to know.....or accept I don’t know until I do know.

    That sounded silly to me even though on the face of things it sounds rational and wise.

    I mean, I prefer to make decisions based on the best possible evidence. Who doesn’t? So I get that part.

    But there is a school of thought out there that sees all belief as bad. To this way of thinking the only valid concepts are those which can be observed with our 5 senses, measured and neatly quantified.

    These folks tend to say, I’ll believe it when I see it.

    But to take that whole concept to the extreme and say, I prefer not to ‘believe’ anything, makes no sense.

    What is Belief?

    I could go into a whole long thing about what belief is. Oh, wait. I did that in chapter 3 where I share about the difference between faith and belief. You can skip ahead if you want. But in a nut shell,

    Belief is an opinion or judgement in which a person is fully persuaded.

    You see, here’s where the, I prefer not to believe anything, idea breaks down. Regardless of whether you choose to believe something or not to believe that thing, either way you are still believing something about that thing.

    Beliefs in Action

    A belief is simply something we hold to be true. The only way to put that belief into action and have it serve us is to apply faith.

    And this is where some folks get tripped up, especially the, seeing is believing, crowd.

    Faith involves believing something to be true without complete proof. Unfortunately many twist the understanding of faith to mean believing something in spite of contrary proof.

    But that’s not faith. That’s foolishness.

    Secular Faith

    Faith is not just a religious thing either. The secular world taps into faith all the time.

    We humans are naturally creatures of faith. We hope for things that don’t exist yet and then go to work in the confidence that we can bring those things we hope for into reality. Every great achievement, things like becoming an Olympic champion, accomplishing great engineering feats, building huge corporations, or winning mighty military victories, started with an element of faith.

    Take the Olympic champion as just one example.

    No one wins the gold medal without a ton of faith that they can become a champion. Before they actually do win they are just one of many contenders. But actually winning requires a strong belief that they are going to win coupled with a tremendously disciplined workout regime that is exercised in every confidence that the gold medal is going to be theirs.

    Many will have similar faith and not win the gold. But no one who wins the gold is completely without that faith.

    Seeing is believing? No. The truth is exactly the opposite. Believing is seeing.

    If someone doesn’t have some idea in their mind that they can create something that doesn’t yet exist or do something that hasn’t been done (i.e. they are without faith) then nothing new will ever be achieved by humanity. Scientists that are working on cures for diseases work in the faith that one day a cure will be discovered.

    Everyone believes something. The more relevant question is this. Is what you believe true?

    What is Truth?

    The question of truth is not just for obscure philosophers to kick around. Truth is important for all of us and affects our everyday lives.

    The Question

    PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING the question, What is truth? for thousands of years. For some it’s just an interesting thing to ponder while other folks haven’t given it a moment’s thought.

    The thing is, finding truth, understanding it and applying it to your life with wisdom is huge and will go a long way towards a contented and successful life.

    Pilate asked Jesus the question at his trial:

    Pilate said to Him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I find no fault in Him at all. — John 18:38 (NKJV)

    Untruth Truth

    As a result of seeking the answer to that question there are a bunch of silly ideas out there about truth. One of the most common whacky concepts is that truth is a matter of perspective. That way of thinking believes something can be truth for you, but not truth for me.

    This was the implication of Pilate’s question to Jesus.

    The confusion here, I think, is between facts and truth. Facts often do vary by perspective. This is why it’s not unusual for various witnesses in trials to give conflicting testimonies in a court of law but still be honestly and accurately describing the same events to the best of their abilities.

    Assuming that none of the witnesses are lying, then there is an underlying true chain of events which can deconflict those apparent inconsistencies.

    The true version of what actually happened is true regardless of how it was perceived by people who were present.

    It’s the misdirection of perception that enables magicians to do their tricks. Invariably the facts we perceive are not what magicians are really doing. And it’s this apparent confusion of facts that makes the procedural crime drama such an enduringly popular form of entertainment.

    But the facts we see with our faulty perceptions don’t change what is true. Truth trumps facts.

    Easier Answer

    One of the reasons people latch onto the idea of truth being relative, what’s true for you may not be true for me, is that it’s easier than believing that truth is absolute.

    When we believe that truth is relative then we can be lazy and just believe whatever comes in our mind without making the effort to discern whether it is, in fact, true.

    The understanding that truth is relative also gives some people license to hold onto ideas that are patently false and present them on the same level, with the same authority, as ideas that are actually true.

    Not only that, but the false concept of relative truth is often perceived as nicer because it removes potential conflict between ideas. Rather than people taking a stand on truth they can simply dismiss the conflict all together. Well that’s true for you, but not for me.

    But it’s a load of nonsense.

    Looking Inward

    That whole line of relative-truth thought stems from a narcissistic inward searching for answers. The trouble is we’re fundamentally flawed. So looking inward ultimately doesn’t work.

    One of the things I learned in all my navigation training (both in merchant ships and military jets) is that in order to figure out exactly where you are you need to look to external fixed reference points. There are two parts to that.

    First, your navigation reference points have to be external.

    When people look inward for answers they end up relying wholly on their own mind, will and emotions. Trying to correct your course to get where you want to go based on an internal reference point is like trying to figure out your ship’s position by looking at the foremast. I’m doing good. The mast is still in the front part of the ship.

    It doesn’t work because the front part of the ship may very well be headed towards the rocks.

    The second thing needed to navigate successfully is to be sure the reference points you are using are fixed and not moving.

    If you tried to take a bearing off of something that isn’t where you think it is then you’ll fix your position wrong on the chart. That means you will apply the wrong course to get where you want to go, with potentially very bad results.

    That’s why lighthouses blink in specific patterns – so you can tell them apart, know for sure which one you see, and be sure of it’s actual position to use as a reference.

    Truth Simply Is

    It’s also why the whole concept of relative truth is nonsense. Truth simply is. Anything that isn’t true, by definition is false.

    Just like no one can be be sorta pregnant, things can’t be sorta true.

    Sure a statement can have bits and pieces of truth mixed in with untruths. That is where things get especially dangerous because the untruths contaminate everything they come in contact with. Jesus and Paul compared that blending of truth with untruth to yeast. A little bit affects the entire batch of dough.

    Whatever doesn’t line up with truth is, by definition not truth. It’s a binary thing.

    Truth is true whether I believe it or not.

    Truth is true before I come to believe it.

    Truth is true even if I refuse to agree with it or acknowledge it.

    Truth is true even though I didn’t vote on it.

    Truth doesn’t need me to make it true.

    Truth is so much bigger than I thought or imagined.

    The trouble comes in when people try to draw conclusions with incomplete information. Because it can be challenging at times

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