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Spiritual Ways To Self-Improvement
Spiritual Ways To Self-Improvement
Spiritual Ways To Self-Improvement
Ebook297 pages3 hours

Spiritual Ways To Self-Improvement

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You can use spiritual practices to purify, strengthen, and elevate your body, mind, and spirit. All three are connected. For example, your practices to purify and strengthen your body also support the increased flows of energy that come from your mental and spirit-based practices.

Practices for your body: These practices include yoga postures, breathing exercises, and energy balancing — all for the purpose of making your "temple of God" (that is, your body) a worthy vessel to contain and carry the great energy of Holy Spirit.

Practices for your mind: These practices include meditation, contemplation, repetition of mantras, study of spiritual teachings, and affirmations — all of which polish the mirror of your mind so it can reflect divine light more clearly and brightly.

Practices for your spirit: These practices include reverential rituals, prayer, chanting and singing of hymns, and other devotional efforts that invigorate your love, willpower, surrender, and faith.

Release dateAug 26, 2022
Spiritual Ways To Self-Improvement

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    Spiritual Ways To Self-Improvement - Dorothy Mitchell

    We all have our dreams...

    We kept praying and praying..

    Sometimes we loss our hope..But You shouldnt.


    because God still loves You!

    He will never leave you.

    nor sake you from anything

    He is just waiting for you to come to him,..

    Yes,, He is always waiting for you.

    God never get tired of you!

    Or Forget you....

    Self Development and Improvement

    God love us so much that  but we  need  to take care of ourself also. But how?

    How can we start loving others, if we dont love ourself first?

    We need to know ourself more and develop things that makes us more happier and bring out the best with us. We take good care of others so much rather loving ourself more. Loving ourself its not the easiest thing to do.It needs dedication and self motivation.You cannot ask love from your parents, husband , boyfriend or friend  because loving yourself starts from you. You should learn how to make yourself more valuable to yourself.

    Sometimes people dont know when or how to start. I can give you some details how to develop yourself also to stay positive as well:

    1.Think positive.

    Start your day, your week, your month or your year on a positive note. Think of all the things you can accomplish. Dare to dream. Every new milestone is a beginning: take stock and give yourself a pat on the back for what you've accomplished so far.

    2. Finish what you start.

    Read a book: finish a chapter a day. It could be a subject you've always been interested in but has nothing to do with your work or your daily information-gathering. Attempt a home project - something you can do over the weekend - that will clearly improve your home. Complete your shopping and chores early, and get instant gratification for a job well done.

    3. Leave the comfort zone. Face your fear.

    Confronting a fear is one way of challenging yourself. Doing something that you are afraid of every day is a way of pushing yourself to grow. It doesn't have to be dangerous (like skydiving) but it has to be something you know will be hard for you to do, but will also be good for you (like public speaking).

    4. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

    You've heard about the benefits. Now it's time to experience them. Exercising will not only make you healthier and stronger, it will make you look good, and you will also feel good.

    5. Meditate

    Exercise your mind. Meditation helps you tackle your inner demons as well as readies you to face the world. If you want to battle depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, and personality issues, meditation is one effective remedy.

    6. Quit a bad habit.

    You know that there are some activities you engage in that are bad for you (such as smoking or binge-drinking), and that there are some people who bring out the worst in you (toxic frenemies, the gossip girl, the enabler buddy) - now is the time to let go of them. Surround yourself with people who bring out the good in you, or who, like you, are seeking to improve themselves via healthful action.

    7. Find your passion. Fall in love.

    A surefire way to be happy is to fall in love and be passionate about something - or somebody. Give yourself license to be in love. There are only so many years in a lifetime, and it would be nice to spend some of it with people or a significant person whom you love. There are only so many waking hours of the day, so do something that you love and that makes you happy.

    8. Make someone else happy.

    This can be a daily recurrence, or a big-time once-in-a-blue-moon deal. Either way, making

    someone happy is the surest way to feel good about yourself, to feel you've made a difference. It could be as simple as finding a way to compliment someone every day, or doing someone a favor for the week, or orchestrating something major that you know you can do, with some effort, and you know will be most appreciated.

    9. Save a life.

    Some of us - first responders such as firemen, cops, and medical personnel - are in a unique position to save another person's life. But it should be noted that even those in unlikely positions are also given the opportunity to save a life - the passerby who pulled a youngster out of harm's way, or the friend who refused to let her drunken companion drive, or the kid who adopted a stray cat or dog. When it's your turn, step up and do your part.

    10. Be grateful.

    It's so easy to forget that there are so many reasons to be grateful to be alive. At the end of each day, look back, and say thanks. End on a positive, life-affirming note.

    11. Write Self Affirmation- You can write your own self affirmation everyday. Read it at least spend five minutes or whatever  time you are free. You need to love yourself  so that everything will follow. Always do your soul favor and just love yourself right now, because as you do more love will come to you in ways you may never realized or knew.

    All things will work if you start changing what you are thinking. Meditation will give you insights and help you to be stronger and  more courageous. Fear has no space where happiness and opportunity lives.

    It is possible to have a better outlook in life.Positive thinking is not just about thinking good thoughts and say positive words. You should be well healthy in mind where in emotional and spiritual are involved.

    Sometimes we think, to think positively is enough to achieve everything but we dont know that we need to act. Act on our thinking and equipped ourselves more.

    We can describe it as act according to your prayer. All of us are praying , praying for our wishes and dream to be fulfilled. But if we cannot act or do some actions on it we cannot achieve anything.God will answer all our prayers in his time not in our time but act on it is the most important thing to do.

    Theirs is bible verses that" Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.

    We keep planning for ourselves and sometimes worrying too much about our future and our life.

    We can define that worrying is worrying about things you cant control, worried about financial, husband , lovelife and carreer etc.This are all anxities that will stress us and became distant from the blessing of God around us!

    Stop worrying! You cannot control all the things in your life! Your just a human! Let God control your lives and surrender everything to him now.You can never control everything in your hands.

    To maintain the positivity you need to work on it. Not just through words but also with actions and belief.

    Being a positive in all areas are not easy because sometimes you think positive and yet the outcome is negative, Sounds familiar right?,

    But how can you overcome, or how can you maintain the positive version of you?.

    Keep going and going , keep the positive mindset in your heart that no matter what the circumstances is, you still keep going! keep dreaming on what is your dream. Do not dwell on your problems .Always look on your purpose, when you realize that your heart and mind is in your purpose you didnt realize that your problems are already dissolve. Praying and having faith is the most effective way to maintain the positivity in your heart and mind.

    Think, that if you dont have faith for anything dont you think you can have it? If sometimes you just want things in your life and yet your lazy in achieving it?, Or sometimes we are impatiently waiting for the answer to our prayer, But sometimes we dont know the answer we keep on praying and praying.But we didnt know the answer is in front of us , that GOD answer is to


    Wait for his time for the better plans he has for you. Not only on your plan, God knows what s best alIt is possible to have a better outlook in life.

    We cannot force anyone to love us or change for us because we have love them.But one thing will never change.The love of the Lord for us.

    It doesnt change or became  lesser if we do mistakes..Sometimes God want us to  do mistakes all over, because it makes us grow and it is part of lives  without this mistakes we can never improve ourselves and to do even better.

    Always meet God in second chances no matter how  bad your mistakes is, you can  still be forgiven. And it doesnt end in second chances, theirs  3rd,4th ,5th,... an so on... until you fully know him  and improve yourself more.

    See god never stops in giving chances for us. He will never stop giving you the chance to live a life of happiness and abundance.Dont give up! You always have a  brighter future!  A future that is brighter  than your past.Keep movin! Trust in the lord for he knows the best thing for you.Only him.

    So many of us has a movie in our  mind.A movie that continue to play in our mind whatever we are doing, it comes in our thought continously  flowing and has it own character.

    Did you know that  we can choose the movies that we can play in our minds?  But sometimes we frequently  chose to have the inner  movies make us dissapointed and hopeless we  play  our fears in our life the things we dont want to happen?. Our worries, our doubts and burdens.

    We kept playing those things in our mind, And this movies will affects our lives and destiny. We cannot change the status of our life if we cant change the way we are thinking! Change your  thoughts so you can change your actions. 

    What we think we attract! So be aware what you are thinking and dreaming because you can create your own future.God will help you always but  help yourself to  grow! Change your inner movies and keep thinking all things that inspires you!

    Your thoughts became things. Imagine that this world is a  big  restaurant, what you ordered will serve and deliver to you!

    Focus on your words, your thoughts and actions.It will determine your future.So always play the  right and good version of your  own movie in your life.Think all your dreams, Not a small dreams .But all the big desires you have in your life, because one day all the things youve ask will be deliver to you completely and well prepared. Thats how God loves us always.

    Believe in God  and faith  is easy to say for each of us.But how can we assure that we all have the  faith and belief in the lord, How do we know? Do you know how big your faith is?  Can you measure your faith?

    Now, .. here God never measure  our faith or belief  on him..He never said that Ohh.. you only have  a small faith  now i dont want to hear you  better luck next time. I will hear your prayer soon. NO! ..

    God never do this to anyone else.As long as we have know him and we believe in him even our faith just like a mustard seed God still love us always and so much!

    Did you know  what GOD weakness is? Is it true that God has  a weakness?  Yes...

    Prayer is the weakness of GOD, when we pray to him deeply and keep wanting him more in our life.He still listen to us and answered all our prayer.But you might  say Im praying for such a long time and God didnt answer anything in my prayer.

    Here my friend,.  we cant force god for all the speed  answer  to all prayer we have.  Everything has time,..

    We need to understand that he has a better plan for you! If you have a beautiful plan in your  life, and i dont care how precious it to you.

    God still  knows the very best! As in the BEST for all the plans you have plan"

    We cannot question him, nor blame him for what is happening to us right now.  He still our father who creates us and  save us from our sins. We should wait for him and seek in him ALWAYS.

    We have so many prayers in our life that if its not going to happen  or come we can never be happy, like...

    if i dont have this car i dont be happy,

    if i dont have this house  i dont be happy and

    if i dont have this marriage i dont be happy!

    My friend, Dont make your life miserable in just having all this things !

    Dont you realized you have a super blessed life!

    You have a blessed life? YES, you are ..sometimes you are  asking for more but the small things around you, arent  you appreciate it? 

    God doesnt want us to be sad  and desperate,God want us to be happy but  if  you keep complaining for all the things you dont have, how can you be truly happy right? ... You have a blessed life no matter what it is,  you dont sometimes realize it.You need to be grateful for everything you have, for you to appreciate all the things  that you have in your life  start on the small things to appreciate it.

    When you wake up in the morning, Say thank you to my breath , Wow! Im alive, and when you move your body.Oh! I have a perfect body! Thank you.  And when you step , I have my house and  family who loves me.See... small things start on  you if you appreciate everything around you.If you continue to be grateful and appreciate  all things  around you.Even  if you dont ask it will come to you!God will reward you, specially if you do something good.So keep your faith stronger and feel better everyday.Be happy! As you do  more good things will come to you! I promise you.You will not regret it! Follow God in his word and you have an eternal life and peace on him!

    We been having lot of struggles and burdens sometimes in our lives. We are questioning God why we are the one who is suffering this kind of stuff? , we keep asking that God why me? Did i make things so sinful so i deserve this kind of suffering. My Friend, whatever you feel right now, whatever you experience, Is all Gods way of molding you to be better. Yes , we can say he can remove all those problems with just one snap.But god will not make it for us.He can never remove all those problems but he is  always their to help you to face all the battles in your life. Do you think if their will be no problem on this earth. Do we search for God?. Do we need to ask for him anyway.It might sounds crazy but its true.We cant really believe in him, if we have nothing to worry about sometimes.But the truth is we can relay  everything to God.If we fully surrender ours

    elves to him.

    Everything happens for a reason, ..Did you sometimes heard about this phrase.We all known that all of us has different  experiences in life, problems, sufferings and burdens.We can experience things unexpectedly, sometimes even we want to run out,  but we cant... Feeling trapped is the most difficult things that we can ever had, trapped into something that we cant resists or ignore ,the only way to solve it is to face the reality. We are asking ourselves for the obstacles and other hurdles we may have.But dont you think, its God way of  punishing you? No, God never wants anyone to be punished or suffered.God never want us  the worst thing to happe to us. But why do you think things are kept happening in our lives.., and sometimes we are wondering.,,the answer is God never plan all the worst  or the embarrass things to happen to us, but sometimes he let those things to happen for a reason, maybe this is the most exciting part to know,. about our lives.We cant blame God for all the things that is happening because for all we know God always have a better plan,.Sometimes we are little bit patient and rush to make all things happen., but no matter how we try we cant go or we cant have things we want, or the things we ask never happen..Its not always our time to be follow., its God time that we needs to wait until it came through.

    Everything happens for a reason, ..Did you sometimes heard about this phrase.We all known that all of us has different  experiences in life, problems, sufferings and burdens.We can experience things unexpectedly, sometimes even we want to run out,  but we cant... Feeling trapped is the most difficult things that we can ever had, trapped into something that we cant resists or ignore ,the only way to solve it is to face the reality. We are asking ourselves for the obstacles and other hurdles we may have.But dont you think, its God way of  punishing you? No, God never wants anyone to be punished or suffered.God never want us  the worst thing to happe to us. But why do you think things are kept happening in our lives.., and sometimes we are wondering.,,the answer is God never plan all the worst  or the embarrass things to happen to us, but sometimes he let those things to happen for a reason, maybe this is the most exciting part to know,. about our lives.We cant blame God for all the things that is happening because for all we know God always have a better plan,.Sometimes we are little bit patient and rush to make all things happen., but no matter how we try we cant go or we cant have things we want, or the things we ask never happen..Its not always our time to be follow., its God time that we needs to wait until it came through.

    Do you feel bored?,, nothing to do., or you lost your eagerness in life?.

    My friend,.

    This has nothing to do with you always, you dont need to act in a certain way that you might feel exhausted about everything but sometimes it came to everyone else.

    We became overwhelmed by everything happening around us and it results to our driven to lost to pursue our purpose in life.

    The reason why people get bored, is that one thing has taken them away.. You know whats that?.. its their lifes purpose ..., Do you really know whats your purpose in your everyday lives..why you are alive.., Do you exactly know the things you wanna do to serve GOD in your way while living in this life?

    We can always know our purpose if we will open ourselves for the things we should do.But people still dont know what to do,. they dont know

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