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The SHIFT NOW Master Fast: FEAST while you FAST
The SHIFT NOW Master Fast: FEAST while you FAST
The SHIFT NOW Master Fast: FEAST while you FAST
Ebook207 pages2 hours

The SHIFT NOW Master Fast: FEAST while you FAST

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Each phase of the moon carries with it very diverse waves of energy; waves that not only influence the rise and fall of the earth's oceans and seas, but waves that also influence the rise and fall of our body's "inner seas;" a rise and fall that has a subtle, yet profound influence on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual existence. By

Release dateAug 17, 2022
The SHIFT NOW Master Fast: FEAST while you FAST

Toni Toney

Toni Toney has traveled the world for over 33 years in search of truths long hidden; truths that eventually opened her eyes as to how the human body thrives and how it dies; truths that opened a very sacred doorway within her-a doorway that eventually led to a spiritual awakening that transformed her forever; a doorway that opened her up to her Authentic Self. From the Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, Switzerland to joining hands with Hippocrates, the father of medicine, on the island of Kos in Greece, Toni discovered the reason as to why she had almost died of a viral/bacterial infection, and why the medical establishment of our times had no cure for her. After discovering how Hippocrates healed the sick through food and fasting cures, she went on another quest to discover how we thrive and how we die, spiritually. From the historical wailing wall in Israel; to the sites of the seven churches of early Christianity; to the sacred heart of Rumi and the whirling dervishes in Turkey; to the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul; to the revelations of St. John on the island of Patmos, while meditating in the Cave of the Apocalypse, Toni discovered seven apocalyptic veils of spiritual untruths that had long been placed over the eyes of humanity-veils that could only be lifted during the time of the end-the time of the Great Awakening; that time is now!

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    The SHIFT NOW Master Fast - Toni Toney


    This book is powerful! The knowledge of fasting during the seven-day new moon phase is both unique and needed in today’s toxic world. Bless you, Toni Toney, for bringing back the lost knowledge of Luna, the moon of planet Earth, in this most amazing book!

    –Don Tolman, the Real Food Medicine Man

    This book is a thoughtful, scientifically researched, journey to improve one’s mind, body and spiritual health. It touches on cutting edge science of brain immunology with mindfulness and dietary techniques. There is positiveness in each page to enrich all aspects of the soul. This insightful journey with Toni Toney teaches how to change one’s life.

    –Dr. Lorne Label, Neurologist

    This book is not just about some new fad diet. It’s about our original diet as humans and what our diet should be now and in the future. It’s about you are what you eat and putting your personal health in the number one spot because without it, no matter what material wealth you have, you have nothing.

    –Smokey Robinson, Singer, Songwriter,

    Record Producer, and C-Founder of Motown

    Toni’s knowledge on health and the body is invaluable. I am forever grateful for meeting her and learning the ways for a healthier life in every way!

    –Jenna Tatum, America Actress, Former Model, and Dancer

    Toni’s unique message of sustainability for our bodies and our planet is literally required in today’s toxic environment. Toni guides us on an in-depth journey of how our physical bodies are interconnected with our world and how we are both suffering from an environmental crisis. Join us today in a revolutionary movement whose time has come!

    –David Avocado Wolfe, Author, alternative medicine and superfood spokesperson


    The sun and the moon are two great lights. They dance amongst the stars in the heavens, affecting us in ways mostly unknown to the conscious mind. They serve as signs to mark the seasons of change; the light and the dark, the dawn and the dusk, the sunrise and the sunset—the letting go of the old and the shifting into the new.

    Throughout time, the relationship between these two great lights has been dynamic, ever evolving the patterns of life on Earth and the great cycles of change. The only dynamic that has changed is our relationship with them. But we must now pay attention, for they serve as signs for the end of an age. Follow their rhythms and watch as the world within and around you shift.

    The time has come. The veil between heaven and earth is lifting! The sun is shining its illuminating rays upon the darkness of the world. All that is evil is being exposed. We must prepare ourselves. The SHIFT NOW Master Fast is how!




    Most of us are sensing an uneasiness, as though something big is about to take place. Apocalyptic rumors are preoccupying people’s minds on seemingly every continent. Some are calling the times we’re living in the Great Awakening, others are calling it the shift of the ages, while some are calling it the end of the world; but whatever it is, an event of biblical proportion is unfolding before our very eyes. A spiritual slumber that has lasted for millennia is coming to an end. A new world is about to be born.

    To prepare ourselves for whatever this shift is, it is imperative to understand how to become immune to almost everything; everything from the fear-driven contagious bugs in the air to the fear-driven contagious thoughts circling our globe.

    The revelation I received one full moon night was this:

    You must understand that your immune system is completely connected to the cycles of the moon.

    Im-mune means, I’m-moon.

    Like planet Earth, your physical body is made up of mostly water. Water ebbs and flows according to the waxing and waning of the moon, as does your immune system.

    For 21 days your immune system waxes (goes up) and for 7 days it wanes (goes down).

    It’s during the seven-day new moon waning phase that the viscosity of the blood thins, which allows the highest thoughts of who and what you are to crossover into the Promised Land of your heart.

    Fasting on an array of colorful plant foods, along with the lost art of forgiveness and prayer, for seven days during the new moon phase—three days before the new moon, the day of the new moon, and three days after the new moon—is the key to the freedom you seek.

    The veil between heaven and earth is lifting. The time has come to prepare your physical body for the shift of the ages—the shift from physical consciousness to spiritual consciousness!

    After receiving this earth-shattering revelation, my conscious awareness shifted forever. I began to study the lost art of fasting, forgiveness and prayer like never before. Over the next decade, I traveled the world in search of hidden answers. The more I searched, the more I realized how powerful fasting truly is.

    Throughout the ages, fasting has been used as a way to cleanse the body of toxic wastes and the mind of toxic beliefs and false perceptions that stand in the way between a seeker and the Divine. Ancient physicians and spiritual prophets from every walk of life were known to have fasted as long as 40 days and 40 nights in search of their connection with the Divine.

    What these devout seekers discovered is that when their appetites shifted from physical food to spiritual food, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds lifted, which opened the doorway to the Divine. Thus, as they communed at the table of the Most High, they were fed hidden manna; a bread they had previously not known of, for it was a food that nourished them to such a degree that their once insatiable appetites would come to an end. Their only hunger now was to eat the bread of God!

    Ancient Greek physicians, from Asclepius (8th century BCE) to Hippocrates (460–375 BCE), prescribed fasting as a way to heal the physically, mentally and emotionally sick. Devout seekers would pray and set a strong intention for the complete healing of the body and mind. They were then put into a dreamstate for days without food or water, only to awaken cured of diseases that the medical establishment of our times would have deemed incurable. It was in this type of deep, hypnotic dreamstate that their subconscious minds would be cleansed of any and all preconceived ideas or false programming that had veiled their oneness with the Divine; the veil that had covered the doorway into the secret place of the Most High where only the miraculous can occur.

    Ancient prophets, from Moses (c. 1400 BCE) to Daniel (620-538 BCE), also fasted as a way to connect with God. It has been said that Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights before he was able to come face-to-face with the great I AM THAT I AM on Mount Sinai. Daniel used a form of fasting that simply eliminated rich foods, such as fat and meat. The only foods Daniel ate were an array of colorful plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds—foods he called pulse—uncooked foods satiated with a living, pulsating life force. In essence, Daniel feasted while he fasted! Because Daniel’s diet was so clean and satiated with this living life force, the veil that had once blocked the world of Spirit within him must have become so thin that he was now able to interrupt dreams and see visions of an end-time event to come.

    And then, there was Jesus. The Bible records only one specific time that Jesus fasted during his walk on Earth. Just after his baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness where He fasted for forty days and forty nights to be tempted by ‘the evil one.’ The tempter approached Jesus when He was at his weakest point, and said, if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. Jesus answered, it is written that Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.

    Determined to glean a deeper understanding of the miraculous power of fasting, I traveled to the island of Kos in Greece to walk amongst the ancient ruins of some of the most revered healing sanctuaries in the world. The day after I arrived, I walked down to the ancient Tree of Hippocrates in the wee-early morning hours (even though it was a fenced-off no-no!) desiring to touch my Spirit with his. And that, I did. Moments later, I literally felt a visceral hunger growing stronger and stronger within me to better understand how to use food as medicine.

    A few hours later, I was introduced to a local botanist who had studied Hippocrates’s creeds and codes like no one else on the island. We walked together through the grounds where the hospital of Hippocrates once stood. Hippocrates‘s Spirit was still very much alive; you could even feel it around the various fruit trees and herb gardens that surrounded the hospital ruins. These medicinal plants were growing everywhere on this holy, healing ground I walked upon.

    As we walked, he expounded upon the fact that the physicians of Hippocrates’s time were unlike the physicians of our time. Hippocrates’s physicians were taught to simply assist the sick by teaching them how to heal themselves with fasting on an array of colorful plant foods and and the use of therapeutic remedies such herbs, sunlight, water, air, exercise, and treatments such as hot and cold baths and massage. The physician would simply stand by and observe as nature did its innate job... to heal the body and mind from the inside out.

    What really fascinated me was that Hippocrates discovered that nature produced its own plant inoculators—BERRIES—and if we would eat enough of them during their growing season, they would inoculate us against almost every virus or flu bug known. In essence, Hippocrates believed in the power of using food as medicine to not only heal the body once sick, but to shield it against any possible outside influence.

    The last words the botanist left me with was…

    "Always remember what Hippocrates taught…

    Drugs harm; as they always produce a negative side effect.

    Nature heals; as it always offers a cure.

    Natural immunity is the key to a long, healthy life.

    But you must work with nature, and not against it!"

    From there, I traveled to the Greek island of

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