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Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century
Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century
Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century
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Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century

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There are many aspects to healing—healing the body, healing the mind and the influence of your soul spirit. We can achieve good health with modern medicine and nutrition, surgery and public health measures, but what you keep in your mind will be decisive, for you can broadcast good health to all the living cells in your body. Healing is multidimensional and involves our different levels of human body and eternal soul spirit, resident in the unconscious levels of your mind. Healing the world too has become vital and this involves our thoughts.

In studying healing, we see who we are and what we are doing here in this life. We see healing of body mind with many techniques, medical, surgical, and healing of spirit through life. The spiritual healing processes involve planes of spirit within our levels of mind—conscious and unconscious. In the unconscious-mind we find our relationship to the Divine, the power of the universe, All That Is, called God. Belief is important. The combination of medicine, science and spiritual philosophy with mysteries held in trust by religions through time. In our overpopulated world the planet needs healing both by enhancing its regeneration and by refreshing it’s Spirit.

Enjoy the journey.
Release dateFeb 9, 2022
Healing: A Philosophy for the 21st Century

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    Healing - Dr Anthony J Emmett

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    Cover painting by Dr Anthony J Emmett

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-9293-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-9294-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  01/31/2022


    About the Author

    1.     Introduction to healing

    2.     Philosophy of Healing.

    3.     My Early Surgical Career

    4.     Medical Healing

    5.     Surgical Healing

    6.     Spiritual Healing

    7.     Consciousness

    8.     Our Conscious Mind, Everyday Level - The Self

    9.     The Subconscious

    10.   The Unconscious-Mind Our Higher Self - The Superconscious

    11.   The Sleep Phenomenon

    12.   The Path To Inner Peace

    13.   Hormones And Chemical Organisers

    14.   Exploring The Spiritual: Our Eternal Self

    15.   Thought Transfer, Telepathy, Extra Sensory Perception

    16.   Meditation And Mindfulness: Past Life Influences

    17.   Energy Structures Of The Body: Centres, Sheaths And Meridians

    18.   Healing Throughout Time

    19.   Spiritual Healers

    20.   Spiritual Guides, Teachers And Clairvoyants

    21.   Multidimensionality

    22.   Dowsing

    23.   Healing The World

    24.   Excretera And Recycling

    25.   Healing Role Of The Forest And Oceans


    References and Further Reading

    Books by the Author


    A deep interest in medical and spiritual healing led to the assembly of this book. The author studied disease effects on people and its history through time, becoming a reconstructive plastic surgeon and repairing deformities of many different kinds. His deep interest in effects of the mind on healing as conscious awareness and subconscious influence modifying the way health is achieved, led on to production of this book.

    Anthony J. Emmett MB. BS. FRCS. FRACS, was formerly Clinical Professor of Surgery, University of Queensland, Australia, and previously was Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon at Wellington Hospitals, New Zealand, Royal Children’s Hospital Brisbane, the Mater Adult and Children’s Hospitals, and the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. He was formerly member of the Editorial Board of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery.

    He retired from active surgery age 61 but continued to lecture and write. He then retrained as an artist and sculptor over a 5-year period, during which he became a student of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba studying deeper consciousness in spirit form, influencing life and death, and healing. As an active scholar of history, philosophy, spirituality, and mysticism, he lectured, wrote, and amassed a library.

    Currently Sculptor, Philosopher, Artist, Author and Patron of the Bowral District Art Society, New South Wales, Australia, and exhibits his art through the gallery and on web site



    W e each come into this life and world to experience the richness and beauty of planet earth, through our varied and often difficult life lessons. Healing is to save, purify, cleanse, and repair––to make whole. We look at Healing of the body in its many aspects, from the repair of wounds to the treatment of disease; and the way our spirit in the unconscious aspects of mind is involved with the process. As we travel through life our many injuries are healed in a variety of ways. Man is the last great unexplored mystery of planet earth––in all the wonderful complexity and beauty within body and mind.

    Healing involves the interaction of the human body with its Spiritual indweller, the Divinity of your eternal Self, and the way this spirit is essential in all aspects of healing. Holding positive thoughts will enhance healing as you become what you truly seek in your heart. Our life here can be a form of spiritual advancement for we the human soul entity comes to human life for the learning and healing, the love in all things.

    Modern medicine has created the means to good health, adequate nutrition, control of infectious disease, treatment of cancer and we look at all of these and more. We have enabled such massive human population numbers creating effects that now healing of the planet is needed.

    Yet behind it all is the interpretation of this our conscious life in the world of energy and matter, with the multidimensional invisible worlds around this one, interacting, healing, and fulfilling destiny for each. The progress we make in this human life lives on with us into our future in higher dimensions.

    The joy of Love is expressed in action and in the life play we each live out––those wonderful experiences we are gifted with. We heal as we go. Yet through it all the eternal Spirit you are is enhanced by the learning, the giving to others, and the beauty of friendships old and new. The Spirit Soul comes here for the healing, and to rectify past mistakes, learn new lessons, make friends, and progress.

    Love, that joy which can come to us swiftly and secretly is the spice of life and the greatest restorative on this earth. The hidden influence between our different levels of consciousness adds to the mystery of life and our healing. These relate into the multiple dimensions of energy around our planet Earth, from which we come and go.

    Currently our advanced civilisation is having the problems of world overpopulation and the pandemic of virus disease from the ancient bat populations, as our expanding populations seek more living space. Our widespread use of combustion for travel and comfort needs changing as we learn other ways, and seek to re-forest the planet.



    W e are restored to health of body and wellness of mind by the many aspects of healing and reconstruction. We see that healing is to make whole, to make well, and this involves a mixture of medical, surgical, and multidimensional forces, for not all is visible. The nonvisible energies powering this human body and this world are known to science. The spirit within is our most effective healing force and while there is much we are still unable to explain, it is real and we rely on it.

    As we have learned of the structure of the body and its function, we are better able to intervene and help bodily healing. Ambroise Paré (1510–1590), a great surgeon and healer of war injuries with illness, once said, I dressed the wound but God healed it. He was referring to the deeper mechanisms of cellular healing of which we now have better knowledge, and we can understand that we each have a spirit within our life force beyond the physical dimensionpart of the multidimensional persona we are. This is beyond the search of modern electronics, as with the electron scanning microscope and other modern scan techniques, like PET (positron emission tomography) cameras/computers in their many different energy levels.

    We have the power to influence our own healing with the thoughts we carry in our conscious minds while those in our subconscious are even more influential. We are constantly healing from birth to death. Beyond death of the body your spirit continues with other aspects of healing.

    Mankind is highest in this world’s animal kingdom, being possessed of divine spirit soul in our animal form, and both aspects are involved in the healing. Through life body tissues heal using cellular multiplication aided by our life spirit within each living cell.

    We all get sick and possess great resources for self-healing. A large volume of literature exists on the many medical surgical and spiritual healings used over millennia. The spirit soul life force acts in all healing. A considerable bulk of knowledge on the many aspects of healing has built up over the centuries. We look at medical healing in chapter 4, surgical healing in chapter 5, and spiritual healing in chapter 6.

    We are animal life forms with our bodies using the same design systems as the many other animals on this planet Earth, yet our features make us quite different. Our levels of conscious intelligence give us a capability to think beyond the ordinary, and our unconscious-mind levels reach to the highest in the multidimensional worlds around. The hand as a working creative implement has enabled our development of many structures now dominant on the planet. Mind and hand have lifted us to ascendency as consciousness has continued to rise and expand.

    Healing then concerns both body and spirit, and the body heals better when the spirit is in accord. Belief is important in the biology of healing, for what we carry in deeper mind is replicated in body. When you believe it will happen you invoke many unconscious forces aiding your recovery.

    Those beliefs taught in early childhood are filed in the subconscious and retain lifelong influences. Religious teaching in early life, programmed into the subconscious mind, retain a subtle influence on beliefs accepted throughout life.

    Ultimately within each of us whatever you call it, we connect spirit soul in our unconscious mind, and this shapes lifelong destiny.

    So we understand there are several levels at which we can intervene to promote healing––physical, medical, surgical, and spiritual. Spiritual healing is a reality but its interpretation is confused because it acts in many ways.


    As we learn more of body function, we see how the hormonal reaction to injury will mobilise cellular response to put damaged tissues back together. Hormonal response will bring in needed resources for bodily healing and promote metabolism for general healing reactions.

    But there is more we don’t understand and this is typified by the Norman Cousins story, healing a medically diagnosed incurable condition using the power of laughter. This is described in his book Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient. Cousins in hospital with his apparently terminal ailment then arranged to be shown a series of funny films, during which he would laugh for an hour or two. After each laughter session he was a little better as shown by ESR the blood sedimentation rate. Eventually he was healed and left hospital. This was well documented medically and as a journalist he was made honorary Professor of Medicine for his work showing this important effect— the laughter producing love and happiness effects on his healing metabolism. He gave happiness to his body cells which changed disease to health.


    At one stage in the 1960s I was involved in treating a young man with a 70 per cent full thickness skin burn, which was then considered a death sentence. We had done a 30 per cent primary excision of dead burnt skin and replaced it with skin grafts as autografts from him and homografts from our skin bank. Everything went well there was no infection, the wounds were healing cleanly however he was dying—it was all too much for him. We arranged for his mother to come into the next room in the burns ward and live there, near him giving love. He metabolically turned around and started to live, to recover. That love was the most powerful medicine. He recovered completely and left hospital for his long and difficult rehabilitation. Love had made the difference.

    I know of a case of a woman with disseminated malignancy from a lymphatic cancer cured by the love of a spiritual healing, which I describe later in the book, and she has remained cured over many years.

    There are records of many people who were in poor health and not expected to live long who changed their lifestyles and found happiness, going on to much longer lives. It is about love really—that strange powerful force described as the unifying field energy behind the universe.

    Immune System

    Throughout the body, the collections of germinative cells in bone marrow, the white blood cells and cells in lymph glands and lymphatic vessels, the spleen and thymus are the immune system, which controls cellular life and mediates response to invasion by foreign substances or viruses, bacteria, and fungi. I first studied this as a student and doctor, with the book by J. M. Yoffey and F. C. Courtice Lymphatics Lymph and the Lymphomyeloid Complex. The lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, and other tissue cells work together in this elaborately arranged system of body control and protection.

    When you catch a cold with viral and bacterial infection initially of the mucosa of throat and respiratory system, it is this immune mechanism mobilising defence. The periodic waves of respiratory infection sweeping through society will activate and exercise the system of immune response, especially important as we get older. The colds we catch are important, as they keep our systems active, responding against disease and malignant cells.

    With viral diseases such as measles, mumps, diphtheria, whooping cough, and chickenpox, courses of vaccination have prevented many fatalities around the world. Vaccination as a word was used initially when it was found by Edward Jenner in England that milkmaids who had been infected with cowpox did not get the more lethal smallpox. Cowpox was called vaccinia, so by inoculating with cowpox and protecting against smallpox they made the word vaccination and its practice in the centuries since. It has become standard medical practice to create vaccines against viral diseases to protect populations in all countries. The viral diseases resident in bats for thousands of years include Ebola in Africa, Hendra disease in Australia, SARS in China and its variants of Covid-19 currently in the 21st century. Making new vaccines for these newly emerging diseases is the way to control them.

    Our body cells multiply constantly so that we create renewed bodies every seven to nine years. Periodically a defective cell is produced with these mitoses, which if left to grow and multiply can go on to produce a cancer but these are normally eradicated earlier by the immune system. The defective cells then are broken up and their components recycled. This is happening all the time; cancers are produced and dealt with early by a normally active immune response. Your immune system will deal with the problem—but not if the system is reduced. Many factors reducing the immune system include poor nutrition, age and disability, toxins, chronic stress and retained upsets such as anger bitterness and hatred held in the subconscious level of mind. Holding these subconsciously will deplete the immune system, reducing the way the body controls diseases and cancers using mechanisms in the immune system.

    We recognise the subconscious as one of the powerful forces determining our mental and physical health. We now know of deeper mind levels also and see that from these levels of our unconscious mind the immune system is influenced and controlled. The immune system is a complex of several elements, hormonal as well as cellular, as with lymphocytes, monocytes, and lymph glands. Hormones are working as cellular organisers in harmonisation with body response—a coordinated response to disease and illness.

    Stress and anger in the subconscious mind can deplete the immune system and bring on diseases of many kinds. Stress held in the subconscious is recognised as a cause of arterial and heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Our mental attitude can bring on or cure diseases of many kinds. Diet is important and poor diet can promote arterial diseases affecting heart and mind, magnifying stress effects. The effects of love and happiness are beneficial.

    Consciousness with its levels is an energy field affecting cellular behaviour. Connected by nerves in the body, but radiating within the body and around it as projected thoughts and love with influence in wider space. We have the energy sheaths of the body and the seven energy centres, where the energy of spirit is transduced to the major hormonal and nervous centres of the body. The aura clairvoyants see is related to the state of the energy fields in the body and mind, and its colours relate to mood, accomplishments, and health.

    We may not be aware in our daily lives that each cell of our bodies is separately alive and responsive to mental attitudes we hold in our levels of mind, our daily conscious, the subconscious, and the deeper unconscious mind often called our Heart; they are all active with effects on different aspects body healing.

    In the treatment of disease a coordinated clearing out of subconscious negative attitudes is important as shown by Ian Gawler in his book You Can Conquer Cancer (Ref. 32) in which he draws on the experience of Ainslie Meares the psychiatrist, whose book The Wealth Within (Ref. 74) deals with the inner resources in our conscious levels. What you hold in mind influences all body responses. You have mental resources which are important for you to use in the treatment of cancer and of all disease. The most modern treatment of cancers involves the use of drugs which remove immune disguise used by cancer cells, thus exposing them to immune system cells to hold the cancer in check, and in some cases cure them.

    In our body our living cells are being replaced all the time as part of life and we see evidence of this with the microscopic phenomenon of apoptosis shows cells being recycled after their death. This is one reason some cancers heal themselves and was first described by my colleague in Brisbane Prof. David Weedon. He and I looked down joint microscopes on many occasions as we analysed cancer cell behaviour.

    David was one of the pathologists contributing to our book Malignant Skin Tumours which I produced after a chapter of that same name which I wrote for John Barron and Magdy Saad’s book Operative Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery which covered reconstructive surgical repair of the body promoted by modern reconstruction. We brought together reconstructive plastic surgeons, general surgeons, dermatologists, radiotherapists, and researchers, to make one book covering the latest treatments of skin cancers from Queensland where such cancers were common.

    Mobilising the Mind for Treatment of Disease

    There are some fundamental basics for the way you mobilise your body’s cellular responses, chief among these is what you carry in your mind, which science is increasingly aware of.

    • Always carry a positive outlook, be confident in the good outcome of your treatment, believe this and infuse your body with this. The disease or the cancer involves cells in your body.

    • Visualise a swarm of your immune cells attacking the disease and telling it to go. Do this frequently. This can be for treating a cold or an infection involving viruses or bacteria. Tell them to go, be confident.

    • Be Happy, this is projected to the all cells of your body, each separately alive, and promotes their health.

    • It was reported that school-age children in hospitals in USA were able to be cured of cancer in ten days with frequent movies of the body cells attacking the cancer cells and sending them off. By repeatedly showing this the mind accepted it and the body cellular response followed.

    • Have confidence in the outcome. Avoid persons with negative ideas. Belief in a cure helps mobilise body resources through the unconscious-mind.

    • Love is the strongest medicine. Pray and give love. Do this in whichever way is meaningful for you.

    Life Force

    We each are an eternal spirit soul in a human body as a person, and have a concurrent higher dimensional spirit life which influences our healing at cellular level. Religious belief organisations through time have organised for the benefit of their followers and these have tended to compete and war against each other over many centuries. This has confused the spiritual message which is a simple one really, for we each have within an Eternal Spirit or Soul which is the Life Force for this body we inhabit on earth and simultaneously connects us into the dimensions of heaven around. This interconnectedness of energy is seen in all of creation. It is fulfilled through Love as the Eternal Force holding matter in being as worlds and galaxies which go on expanding. When we pray to a God, we have the connection within our unconscious-mind (our Heart), and you can receive that Love and Joy in your Heart and your Mind, in the Desert if you like, or in a Church, or any place in your Life.

    We understand the body and its reactions much better in this 21st Century but understanding of the Eternal Spirit within is still restricted. Religions have controlled understanding and education of young people into spiritual beliefs; and each has its own flock with imposed limits of understanding, and competition for worldly power and wealth.

    Now science is seeing beyond with understanding of the construction of matter, and love as the Eternal Energy. Jesus Christ and Sai Baba both taught clearly of the Divinity within as the Eternal Spirit in each human, which is also understood in each of the religions around the globe in their own way—but now we can see it is all one, and we are all interconnected in spirit. Spirituality and science have grown together.

    Sai Baba

    You will find Sai Baba mentioned many times in this text, for as a prophet and teacher he came into human life in India in 1926, not to make another religion, but to expand on their teachings in this current time; and explain to ordinary people that they all tell of the same God which is the creative love which we each have within. I talk more of that teaching later, but after my medical and surgical education and experience, I still sought to know the origin of the life force. After retirement from surgery I re-educated as an artist, and seeking to prove to myself the reality of the spirit soul we each have, explored my own past lives with an honest clairvoyant who worked with Sai Baba in spirit in Australia. Sai Baba’s essential message to humanity was that we each have God within, and this is our divine life force, and also

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