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Dying to Be Born
Dying to Be Born
Dying to Be Born
Ebook224 pages2 hours

Dying to Be Born

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Mother Earth continually demonstrates the harmony between life and death. The cycle of life is also the cycle of death, and each is as important as the other. In Dying to be Born, author Sue Lintern explores the differences between life and death, offering a new way of viewing them. She tells how it’s a privilege to be gifted a body so you can experience the sacred journey home to liberation.

In living, it’s time to realize how magnificent you are. Sue connects and assists you in remembering your significance. She defines who and what the significant self is and provides tools for the birthing of your significance. Dying to be Born discusses the six elements and seven truths of life and describes where they resonate in the body.

The symbolism of the elements and truths will assist you through the cycles of life from birthing to transitioning. This guide supports you in remembering that the mastery of life is the balance and connection to everything. It opens the doorway to what it means to be a multidimensional human.
Release dateJul 22, 2022
Dying to Be Born

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    Dying to Be Born - Sue Lintern

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    Balboa Press rev. date:  07/21/2022


    To the Masters of Truth who are continually whispering messages from Mother Earth and beyond.



    Part 1: The Essence of Being Significant

    Chapter 1:    The Insignificant Self

    Chapter 2:    The Significant Self

    Chapter 3:    Generosity of Spirit

    Chapter 4:    Abundance of Life

    Chapter 5:    Intuition of Spirit

    Chapter 6:    The Compassionate Heart

    Chapter 7:    The Matter of Manifesting

    Part 2: The Six Elements

    Chapter 8:    The Six Elements and the Chakra Points of the Body

    Chapter 9:    Earth

    Chapter 10:  Water

    Chapter 11:  Fire

    Chapter 12:  Air

    Chapter 13:  God’s Breath

    Chapter 14:  I Am that I am

    Chapter 15:  The Whole Self

    Part 3: Remembering Your True Self

    Chapter 16:  Working with the Elements

    Chapter 17:  Working with the Earth Element

    Chapter 18:  Working with the Water Element

    Chapter 19:  Working With the Fire Element

    Chapter 20:  Working with the Air Element

    Chapter 21:  Working with the Element of God’s Breath

    Chapter 22:  Working with the Element of I Am That I Am

    Part 4: Dying to Be Born

    Chapter 23:  The Seven Symbols of Truth and the Six Elements

    Chapter 24:  The Connections

    Chapter 25:  Transitioning or Ending a Cycle

    Chapter 26:  Birthing or Beginning a New Cycle

    Chapter 27:  Being the Master


    In this extraordinarily rich and many-layered book, we are gifted with a stream of consciousness flowing like a mighty river taking us into a reflective journey of insights, practices, reflections, guidance, and inspiration channelled by Sue as she opens windows into subjects such as remembering the Significant Self, the transitioning and birthing of life, working with symbols and elements connected to the body and nature, and the awakening of our full consciousness.

    Dying to Be Born is a courageous offering woven of Sue’s personal stories, ancient teachings, inspirational quotes, channelled insights, and revelations and practices that can guide your exploration of everything she so generously shares through this work.

    It’s a book to take your time with. Allow it to release its essence as if you are walking through an enchanted garden filled with many fragrances.

    —Zenta Zebergs

    Author of Lioness Light oracle deck – guidance for

    returning to the radiant heart

    of our inner sovereignty


    Welcome with love and light to all who reside upon this planet. Mother Earth is your bedrock. She grounds you and welcomes your body home when you transition from here.

    The word death portrays an image of the end as the physical body weaves its way back to Mother Earth. The vehicle—the body—we are so familiar with begins to not work and respond the way it should. Our medical system provides practitioners who are like mechanics, constantly working out ways to keep us—the vehicles—going. The connection and attachment to your body is so strong that, when it is time to exit the vehicle, you do not want to go. The fear of death is a topic that many would love to ignore. We have forgotten what a wonderful doorway it is to home.

    The title of this book was gifted to me when I was present for the transition of my mother. When I arrived at her bedside, the fear in her eyes overwhelmed me. The message I received was that I must cocoon and hold her. My mother was exiting from the physical and going back to formlessness—her true self. She was entering the birth canal of liberation. Once I held her head and gently massaged her temples, a feeling of peace descended for a little while. Her body seemed to be constantly moving as the energy of her light was released from each part. There are many books on the birthing of a baby into this physical world, which we call life. But there is not much information about this final transition and what that involves in relation to our bodies.

    The exiting of the body is a wonderful time when we connect back to the oneness of life. Death does not exist; it’s an illusion in which the separation of life and death are defined by time. You’re an eternal being constantly moving from one cycle to the next. The creations that are birthed in each moment reflect our thoughts and emotions. We are the masters and are responsible for all our experiences.

    This life is about connecting back to the oneness of life. The Tibetan Buddhists call it the view in which duality does not exist. Each day is an opportunity to experience your true nature—absolute consciousness. It is your constant view and is patiently waiting for you to experience and be present to the truth.

    Death is a doorway to absolute consciousness. The more you allow yourself to experience this consciousness in physical form, the easier may be your exiting from the body. Once you realise you are not your body and impermanence is the constant of this physical world, you birth your remembering of who you are. The challenge of life is to allow yourself to become absolute consciousness and experience the oneness of life. This is life and death in harmony.

    Mother Earth is constantly showing you the harmony between life and death. The cycle of life is also the cycle of death, and each is as important as the other. Stop ignoring death. Embrace it because you are going to exit from here, and the certainty of that is absolute. You cannot hide from death. It is the one constant we all face here in physical form. To be life, you have to be death, and this is the oneness of life. Change the word death to transition and visualise your exit from the body. View your body as a vehicle and allow yourself to exit the vehicle and experience the oneness of life.

    Within this book, we will explore the differences between life and death. Dying to Be Born is a new way of viewing death and life. The six elements of life create form, and your body is made up of these elements. You’ll explore all the elements and learn where they sit within the body and beyond. These elements are constantly moving energetically and changing form as the cycle of birth and death spiral in and out. Each element is as important as the other because, without one, the others do not exist. Mother Earth and your body are made up of these elements. The six elements of life and death are earth, water, fire, air, God’s breath, and I am that I am. The cycle of form to formlessness is the constant of Mother Earth. When you immerse yourself in Mother Earth, you can experience and view the circle of life and death with ease. No conditions are attached; whether good or bad, it is what it is.

    Mother Earth’s display of impermanence is amazing to watch. She has so much to teach us. Every day I go for a walk in nature, and as I tune in, much is revealed. One day I noticed a small bush with a bright orange seedpod full of red berries. I was transfixed when their bright colour caught my eye. Each day I stopped to observe the pod. The orange pod was gradually turning to face the earth. Some of the red berries were falling onto the leaf below and then continuing on to the ground. A couple of the berries were blocked from reaching the ground as a small vine was in the way. The message I received was that the pod represents our body, and as we learn to let go of the body and connect back to the earth, the oneness of life resonates everywhere. The fruit of knowledge represented by the red berries merges with Mother Earth.

    To embrace this, you have to clear the weeds represented by the vine—your small self—so you can remember absolute consciousness. Observing the seedpod everyday connected me to the messages that Mother Earth is constantly sending. Not many of the red berries were released, and only a few managed to reach the earth. The fear of letting go of body stops us from being life as we hide in the confines of our vehicle with the emotions and thoughts that keep us there. The final message that came from the seedpod was that it was taken for food by a bird or an animal, or taken afar by the wind. It was totally gone. The seedpod’s form had disappeared just like our bodies do when we exit from this physical world. I was surprised at how suddenly the scene had changed and how what had held my attention for so long had disappeared.

    May this book enable you to remember the importance of life and death and how much can be revealed in each moment. When you feel the words of this book, absolute consciousness will be birthed, and you will know that the experience of dying is a sacred time. You have forgotten how important the process of exiting and entering a body are. It is a privilege to be gifted a body so you can experience the sacred journey home to liberation. Many experiences you have chosen will help you remember.

    Yes, enjoy life but also prepare yourself for the experience of exiting the body. The wants and desires of this three-dimensional space are meaningless. Allow yourself to experience absolute consciousness while you are present in physical form. This is what life is about. You can experience the doorway to formlessness when you are in physical form or when you exit the body. Absolute love is birthed in this moment. Each day you are given the opportunity to practise absolute love, which connects you to absolute consciousness. Be present to life and death as one. Your multidimensional self is connected to all the lifetimes and the different roles you have undertaken. All these parts make up the whole you, which you can connect into when different attributes are required for each lifetime.

    To the Magnificent You

    I love your shadow and light. The strength you have to keep going and tread the path least travelled. You have unravelled the thread and are now spinning into the oneness of life. Under and over the thread has woven, and the cloth of oneness is being revealed.

    You are following the divine path as you feel again and connect to the energy of Mother Earth. Golden are you dancing with the symbols as you stand in your truth. You have felt the shadows of loss, grief, and pain, and you have released them into the space from whence they came. The celebration of birth and death as one is connected by peace, joy, and tears.

    You have embraced and balanced the masculine and feminine within you. You have given gratitude to the ancestors and the path that has been woven over and over again. You have faced and felt the play of the emotions of anger, jealousy, and fear. Now the magnificent you is discovering the significant, multidimensional self. You are returning home and remembering how you are connected to everything.

    Your Insignificant Self is fading into the background with its lies and deceptions of separation and disconnection. The six elements of form and formlessness and the seven truths reverberate within you. Form and formlessness resonate as you. You are the creator, magnificent and absolute in love and consciousness. Oh, the magnificent you, shimmering in gold.

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