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Succubusiness Part One Crash and Burn
Succubusiness Part One Crash and Burn
Succubusiness Part One Crash and Burn
Ebook36 pages32 minutes

Succubusiness Part One Crash and Burn

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Ashley used to have it all. She was 28, a career woman, and a high-powered executive assistant to the chief executives of a Fortune 500 multinational shipping company. Things for her were going pretty great.

But shortly after she dozed off mid flight, her chartered jet went down in the South China Sea, and when Ashley woke up, she was in Hell.

Now Ashley is dead and loving it. Recruited by the archdemon Azazel to be his Sexcretary, (not a spelling error) Ashley is damned to spend eternity helping manage the Succubusiness- Hell’s transdimensional call girl department that sends lust demons to Earth to satisfy the dark desires of kinky cultists.

Back when she was alive, Ashley would have resented being fetishized as a sexy secretary. But as a succubus, she can’t live without sex...

And her boss is a devilishly handsome hot older man...

And he’s really good in bed.

Now Ashley is getting laid better than she ever did when she was alive. Now this hard-working straight A mousy nerd girl is going to spend the rest of eternity making up for the lost time she never spent exploring her sexuality, and she even gets her own fancy desk!

So light your candles, dust off your Oiuja board, and skip church on Sunday, and get ready for an afterlife full of dad-joking demons, tongue-in-cheek takes on religion, and filthy fornications, because blasphemy is the best fetish fuel for all your dirty desires in the Succubusiness!

PublisherJacky Dienda
Release dateMar 15, 2022
Succubusiness Part One Crash and Burn

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    Book preview

    Succubusiness Part One Crash and Burn - Jacky Dienda

    Succubusiness Part One

    Crash and Burn

    Copyright 2022 Jacky Dienda

    Published by Jacky Dienda at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Dedications and Acknowledgements

    Succubusiness Part One: Crash and Burn

    Dedications and Acknowledgements

    Ashley was rendered by Yoingco34 on Fiverr, who did a lovely job.

    Ashley’s erotic eternal adventures are dedicated to mousey nerd girls, ugly duckings, and late bloomers everywhere. Because cheerleaders and prom queens don’t make the best lovers, shy girls do. Stay kinky darlings, your day of dicking will come.

    The denizens of Hell are purely fictional characters and any likeness to any real individual, living or damned, is purely coincidental. Except for Steve the ice demon, fuck that guy, he owes me fifty bucks.


    On this devilishly delicious day at work...

    Blowjobs, car sex, voyeurism, chastity devices, and of course, secretaries.




    Miss Ashley, are you there?

    Ashley felt the intense sensation of vertigo tipping her head back. She felt weightless, then falling, then she snapped back to reality. She sat up in the chair, her eyes flew open, and she looked around.

    She was in some C level douchebag’s executive suite. She didn’t need to know where she was to know what it was, if you had seen one, you had seen them all. C level executives universally didn’t have any taste, and they all had the same offices. There were politely comfortable black leather chairs, a giant slab mahogany desk, a needlessly overpowered and expensive gaming laptop that never did anything except check spreadsheets and emails, and...

    ...A devilishly handsome older gentleman with salt and pepper hair and a charming smile, staring at her, his eyes gray and soft, in a tailored black suit with red pinstripes. That was new. That was unfamiliar. Who was he?

    So nice of you to join us, Miss Ashley. You look... Confused. He said.

    He appeared slightly concerned, but majorly amused. He propped up his elbows on the desk and steepled his fingers, the way executives did. Ashley had never seen him in her life.

    Pardon me. She said, "I

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