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The Wisdom of Vim
The Wisdom of Vim
The Wisdom of Vim
Ebook117 pages1 hour

The Wisdom of Vim

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Have you ever noticed how spiritually disconnected humanity is from the Universe and our planet the Earth. People blindly follow religion's which are nothing more than runaway trains that keep running until they run out off track or until everybody jumps off which is basically the same thing. I've created a small novel which seeks to press a reset button. And bizarrely crazy as it will come across to most there's no doubt in my mind that the Wisdom of Vim is real despite being presented to you through the medium of a fictional novel. Before you weigh up whether to buy the book or not buy the book please read the following. On the 17th of May 2015 I was with my family on a day trip. It was, that I can remember a nice day and like most people with a mobile phone that takes photos I took my fair share. Some six weeks passed from that day when out of sheer boredom I started sifting through those photographs. Instantly something caught my eye and that something is on the cover of this book and its a gift from the Universe, but not a chance accident this situation was ment to happen. I know the quality of the photo could be better but please remember that the rider and its mount combined are about the size of a hummingbird so it's been enlarged and digitally enhanced to meet the new minimum pixel requirements for a cover of an eBook. My advice is get out your magnifying glass and take a very, very long look and before long you will be ahead of NASA and their millions of dollars in the search for extra terrestrial life forms, congratulations ! As for the meaning behind it, read the book.

PublisherOld Soul
Release dateDec 18, 2021
The Wisdom of Vim

Old Soul

I was born in 1969 to Welsh parents. I say Welsh but in terms of blood lines I'm a bit of a mixed bag with Welsh, English, French and Dutch-Flemish descendance. The early years of my life were very enjoyable up until my father became mentally ill, being diagnosed with schizophrenia. This was a terrible time and as a family we were hit by the mother of all storms as a consequence of his state of mind. Living through something like that is hell in the purest sense of the word, coming to terms with it as time moves on was equally painful. But as they say time heals and it heals quicker if you have a positive outlook in other words your glass is half full not half empty. From my teens into my early 40's I drifted through various sales jobs while occasionally looking to re-enter education but lacking the stickability to see things through to completion, an issue which dogged me for long time. Infact it was this issue that allowed less talented people get ahead of me simply because they stuck to a task and didn't give up. But I found that through having and bringing up children you don't want them to make the same mistakes as yourself, and it would be hypocritical of me to say to them, don't do this when in actual fact I was guilty myself. So I guess what I'm saying is that I owe allot to my children, most of all they have made me more honest with myself and no longer lacking stickability. Pain and love have moulded me and made me whom I am, obviously you don't go looking for pain in your life but as a result of my experiences I prefer to person I am today to the person I once was, so I wouldn't change anything in the past.On my mothers side there has always been strong psychic sense and ability, and this is very strong in me, it makes me very perceptive. My father had an absolute love of nature as do I, but because of my perception I can see and feel things in nature that others can not. The Universe connects with me directly by way of waves of energy that are strong and getting stronger. As a result of my connection, the Universe shows me things that I have decided to write about.

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    The Wisdom of Vim - Old Soul


    OF VIM

    Old Soul

    The sun breathed life over the horizon as Nanny Geeta lit a fire in the kitchen to boil water for an early morning cup of tea. Just at that very moment the cockrell crew and morning had arrived on the Purbaa tea estate in the central mountainous region on the Island of Prakirti Kee Aavaaz. Shortly after Nan was joined by her grandson Sam and his mother Bodhi.

    Good morning Nan, good morning Geeta, they both said.

    Sam’s dad Avi was away at port organising the sale of his crop of tea leaves, while his wife Bodhi, mother Geeta and son Sam stayed at home to run the Purbaa tea estate. Geeta’s husband Vim had passed away seven years ago.

    Toast and tea anyone, asked Nan.

    Just as Bodhi was about to say yes please, there was a knock at the front door.

    "Who can that be this early in the morning?'' wondered Nan.

    I’ll get it, mentioned Sam as he walked towards the front door.

    Sam opened the front door and stood in his uniform was the Railway Station Master.

    Good morning, are your Mum and Nan in Sam?

    Yes, please come in.

    The Station Master followed Sam into the kitchen where Geeta and Bodhi were waiting.

    Now I know our tea is good, but I can’t believe that you’ve come out here at this early hour to try it or have you, asked Nan.

    The Station Master gave Nan a courteous smile and replied, I have some potentially disastrous news the train derailed on the way to port last night.

    Oh no, said Bodhi holding her hands up to her face in shock.

    How bad is it, asked Geeta.

    Four to five days minimum, the Station Master replied with a sorry look on his face.

    Was anyone hurt, questioned Bodhi.

    Luckily no, came the reply.

    Bodhi looked directly at Geeta and asked, what are we going to do, we have to get the tea to port for the sailing tomorrow morning.

    Nan, who had been thinking how to overcome this situation, said to Bodhi, first things first, sit down and relax, pregnancy and worry are a bad combination. Sam.

    Yes Nan.

    Go and get Coffee Snake, tell him to come over straight away.

    Okay, replied Sam.

    Coffee Snake was the tea estates forman and got his name because he always drank coffee instead of tea and he also practiced snake charming with his pet Cobra. Other than that Coffee Snake’s real name was Gunter Schweitzer, and he was from Switzerland. He was working his way around the island trying to locate his father who he hadn’t seen for some years.

    Just as Coffee Snake and Sam arrived back at the Purbaa home. The station master turned around to Geeta and Bodhi and said, if the situation improves I will let you know, but I must now return to the station.

    Off course station master thanks for letting us know so promptly, replied Bodhi as a deep in thought Geeta acknowledged him silently. The Station Master left Sam and Coffee arrived and Sam closed the door behind him and then went back to the kitchen to join everyone.

    Good morning Coffee sorry for dragging you out but the train due to be taking our tea to port has derailed, ok everyone, we have a situation that we need to solve, and I have an idea, said Nan.

    Go on, added Bodhi.

    S T, replied Nan holding her hands in the air in a way to state the obviousness of her idea.

    S T, queried Bodhi with a confused look to her.

    Yes S T, Sile Thowveay our narrow gauge steam railway engine, Nan enthusiastically said.

    Bodhi looked perplexed and mentioned, it’s been in the back of the shed for years, do we even know if it still works?

    Nan looked in the direction of the shed, well there’s only one way to find out, let's go.

    Everyone walked out of the back door and crossed the yard to the railway shed. Sam and Coffee Snake opened the large shed doors and everyone walked in. The shed was full of lots of different objects but at the very rear of the shed cloaked in several white sheets was Sile Thowveay, S T for short. It stood there like some great bear in deep hibernation.

    There she is! exclaimed Nan.

    Coffee and Sam pulled off the white sheets.

    Wow it looks amazing! said Sam.

    Yes she does, Coffee fill up her water tank, Sam find an oil can and lubricate the wheels. I will build a fire, mentioned Nan.

    Okay, I will oil your tea carriages, said Bodhi as she made her way to the siding that ran along the other side of S T’s shed where all her tea carriages were lined up.

    Everyone was getting S T and her carriages ready. Coffee was filling the water tank and a few seconds later a fire was lit, and smoke was starting to emerge from S T’s chimney.

    Sam, called Nan.

    Yes Nan.

    Come in here please.

    Sam climbed up into the driver’s cabin.

    Ok Sam this is the pressure gauge that monitors the steam pressure. Now it's going to take quite a while but when it reaches this point on the gauge come and tell me. I’m going to help Mum with oiling the carriages.

    As Nan was leaving the shed she said to Coffee Snake, we're going to need as much fuel as we can carry, when you’ve finished with the water can you fill up S T’s fuel bunker with whatever you can find please.

    Okay Mrs Purbaa, replied Coffee.

    Meanwhile Sam was beaming with excitement as he looked at the dials and levers inside the driver’s cabin. This is amazing he thought to himself. Over on the siding Geeta was helping Bodhi oil the wheels on the tea carriages when Bodhi turned around to Geeta and asked, assuming S T actually still works are you sure you’re up for this, I mean it's been a long time since you’ve done anything like this right.

    Yes it has and if I'm honest Vim and Akash did most of the driving but I can do it Bodhi. In any case I think the Station Master was being a little bit over optimistic with his time estimate for return to standard service. The last time this happened it took three weeks to fix. So it's give it a go or lose money and we are running at full production right now so doing nothing isn’t an option.

    Well in that case I want you to take Sam, remarked Bodhi.

    Geeta looked at Bodhi and replied, are you sure, Sam works hard around the estate, maybe he should stay.

    Geeta listen, you will need his help on this trip the baby isn’t due for four weeks and with Coffee’s help I can run the estate until the three of you get back, in any case would you want to tell an eleven year old boy he can’t go on what for him would be the most exciting adventure ever.

    Geeta looked at Bodhi thoughtfully, your right I’m not the spring chicken I think I am.

    Bodhi shook her head and said, your positively stubborn and you're as fit as a fiddle and what’s more I love you to bits now let’s get these carriages oiled and ready for action.



    You're starting to sound like me!

    They both shared the humour of the situation and carried on with their work. Meanwhile their focus on the job had seen time move on and as a result the fire in S T’s engine was starting to boil the water. Sam did what he was told and kept a watchful eye on the steam pressure gauge, and it steadily climbed to the point that Nan had told him about.

    Hey Coffee, the arm on the gauge is close to where Nan said it needs to be, I’m going to tell her.

    Just pull the whistle chain, advised Coffee.

    Where’s that? Sam said looking around the cabin.

    Up there, Coffee pointed.

    Sam reached up and grabbed the chain and pulled down releasing a sudden blast of steam that rocketed through a whistle creating a shrill blast.

    Geeta and Bodhi instantly looked up, sounds like it’s approaching test run time. I never thought I would be doing this again, remarked Geeta.

    Bodhi smiled and looked down at what was left to be oiled and noticed one more axle.

    You go, I'll finish up here, mentioned Bodhi.

    In the meantime, S T’s whistle had caught the attention of the tea estate workers who had started arriving for their day's work and out of curiosity they were collecting outside S T’s shed. They could hear steam hissing and see and smell the smoke pluming out of the vents in the shed roof.

    Nan had already made her way over and was inside S T’s driver cabin familiarising herself with all the controls and then extending her attention to the steam pressure gauge, we need more heat, stand back Sam I'm going to add some fuel to the fire.

    Nan opened the fire door and shoveled coal into S T’s fire box, ok let’s give it a few more minutes to allow the pressure to build and then we will give it a run.

    Bodhi turned up and helped Coffee who was greasing down anything that looked like it might move. She noticed S T making hissing noises and found it quite surreal, something that had been lying dormant for years and years was coming back to life with the help of fire, air, water, earth fuel which combined to produce engineered spirit.

    "Ok stand by everyone,

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