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Passion to Thrive: Reclaim Your Life's Potential, Purpose, Passion and Power
Passion to Thrive: Reclaim Your Life's Potential, Purpose, Passion and Power
Passion to Thrive: Reclaim Your Life's Potential, Purpose, Passion and Power
Ebook267 pages3 hours

Passion to Thrive: Reclaim Your Life's Potential, Purpose, Passion and Power

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It's time to thrive!
The Divine Feminine has been suppressed in the Western world for centuries. As a result of our disregard for her and Mother Earth, we now live in a time of impending global catastrophe. Business-as-usual is no longer an option.
How can we respond to this situation?
How can women reclaim the breadth and depth of our worth? How can we reclaim our unique way of being, experiencing, feeling and acting in the world, when until recently we’ve been restricted and constrained?
In her book, Iris examines the archetypes that can guide us through difficult situations and circumstances back to our own magnificent selves and to the Divine Feminine. Each unique archetype has qualities to inspire you to approach old, gnarly problems and situations in new ways. Each archetype guides and empowers you to explore the different sides of your Self. Each one allows you to realise your strengths, talents and skills and what gives your life meaning, passion and purpose. Realise how to live the most fulfilling life imaginable. Offer up your unique gifts to the world, ones you may not realise you have!
YOU matter! By living your life to its fullest potential, you can join the communal effort to better the world with ease and grace.
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama
Release dateDec 16, 2020
Passion to Thrive: Reclaim Your Life's Potential, Purpose, Passion and Power

Iris Angellys

Iris Angellys is an author, artist, mentor, healer, workshop facilitator, chiropractor and applied kinesiologist. Your Body Is the Portal to Your Soul is based on a combination of her own lived experience and insights Iris has gained from seeing over twenty-five thousand patients after nearly thirty years of practice. Iris has a deep passion to empower people to thrive in their lives and bodies, so they can offer the world the gift of their unique soul frequency. Within the pages of her first book Passion to Thrive (Balboa Press), Iris introduces different archetypes that guide us through difficult situations and circumstances back to our own magnificent selves and to the divine feminine. Iris lives with her husband and beautiful dog Jasper on the North Coast of NSW, Australia.

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    Passion to Thrive - Iris Angellys







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    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/15/2020


    To all the women in this world who follow their hearts and let their lights shine.

    To my husband, in particular, and to all the men in this world who follow their hearts and support their women to shine.



    How to Use This Book

    The Purpose of This Book


    Women’s stories: Elyse on travelling in Columbia.

    Women’s stories: On Abusive Relationships

    Patriarchy Hurts Men, Too

    What are Archetypes?

    The Archetype Shadows

    Male and Female Archetypes

    Women’s stories: What do you like about being a woman?

    Women’s stories: What do you find difficult about being a woman?

    The Earth Mother

    Women’s stories: What are your thoughts on motherhood?

    The Wild Woman, The Witch

    Women’s stories: Isla on exploring sex and feeling divided about it

    Women’s stories: What gives you pleasure?

    Poem: The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

    The Warrior Woman

    Women’s stories: What are you passionate about?

    The Healer

    Women’s stories: What makes your heart sing? What fills your well? What makes you sparkle?

    Poem: The Future I See by Iris Angellys

    The Storyteller

    Women’s stories: Shantelle on the power of words

    Women’s stories: What would you like young women to know?

    The Seer

    Women’s stories: What are your creations?

    The High Priestess, The Mystic

    Women’s stories: Barbara on a Mystic experience

    Women’s stories: How do you express your spirituality?

    Poem by Rumi

    Archetypes by Life’s Stages: The Maiden, the Mother, the Crone

    Women’s stories:

    Shantelle: Do you feel overlooked on account of your age or looks?

    Women’s stories: Which era of your life have you enjoyed the most?

    How to Value Women

    Women’s stories: What makes you feel worthy as a woman?

    Women’s Circles: The Magic of Connecting

    Women’s stories: Do you feel supported by other women?

    My Own Journey Through the Archetypes

    The Women’s Stories

    Elyse’s story

    Elyse’s Poem

    Amy’s story

    Isla’s story

    Louise’s story

    Annie’s story

    Shantelle’s story

    Barbara’s story






    By Dr Darren Weissman

    It has been said, in the moment of complete darkness is the beginning of light. We know from history that unless we’re challenged, human nature has a fear-based tendency to settle for the status quo. Thus, the energy in motion stays in motion. But the gnawing dissatisfaction and contempt of basic human rights along with the gap between the haves and the have-nots, of victims and perpetrators, has risen to the surface, vulnerably exposed for all the world to see. These reactive patterns of thinking and behavior can no longer be ignored. If we desire change, we can no longer sweep things under the rug, pretending everything’s ok. We must stay open enough to hear the cry for help and even more, be brave enough to view pain, fear, and stress as a portal to the next greatest version of ourselves. How much more abuse, trauma, neglect, oppression, domination, and suffering do we need to wake up our passion to thrive?

    On 27 September, 2009, at the Vancouver Peace Summit, the Dalai Lama made a bold statement sending a ripple of truth throughout the world. Those that were conscious enough to receive the message heard him say, The world will be saved by the western woman.

    Take a deep breath . . . the time is now.

    You were born to be courageous and the simple, but not always so easy, truth is once you know, you know. There’s no turning back. The real power in life is not what happened or is happening to us, but rather how we respond to the circumstances we face... a choice of love or fear.

    Dr. Iris Angellys’ book Ignite your Passion to Thrive: Reclaim your Life’s Potential, Purpose, Passion and Power is a heartfelt dive and bridge between the historical patterns and future possibilities of the Divine Feminine. It is both a personal and collective view of the mindset and archetypes that perpetuate a struggling and suffering life or one that inspires a new and fresh breath of hope, dignity, and oneness. Imagine, like the Dalai Lama, being able to envision beyond what’s currently being seen, listen beyond what’s currently being said, and choose beyond the catastrophic consequences that we as humankind are individually and globally facing. Passion to Thrive is a loving and compassionate look in the mirror.

    As people who share the spiritual and economic resources of our water, sky, air, and land, we have reached a critical stage in our history: we must decide what kind of future to make for ourselves. Will it be a future derived from our values of fear, pessimism, greed, hunger, poverty, and war, or will it be formed from the liberating values of love, optimism, service, sustainability, abundance, and peace? It may seem like an obvious choice; however, where to begin? Even more, you may be asking yourself, What could I possibly do to make a difference?

    Let’s begin with a question.

    If you were given the opportunity to create your life, a day or even a single moment in time, would you choose to create it feeling helpless and hopeless? Would you choose statistics like these?

    • 56% of 10- to 14-year old girls engage in self-mutilation.

    • 41 to 50 percent of all first marriages end in divorce.

    • Around 27-28% of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted.

    • Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.

    • Less than one percent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000, and yet it didn’t happen.

    • Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.

    • Suicide was the tenth leading cause of death in 2010.

    Would you choose this? If you had the ability to leave a legacy for our children’s children, would this be the outcome you’d hope to come true? Of course not!

    I’d like to propose a new perspective. What we know is this: what isn’t a choice or an action is a reaction. In a state of reaction, we lack rational thinking, strategic planning, compassion, empathy, and creativity. When in a reactive state, the beliefs of the subconscious mind go on autopilot and take over the way we perceive ourselves and the world, and even more, act as a magnetic attractor field bringing forward further circumstances that match the frequency of our beliefs. We do not perceive truth in life, rather we perceive what we believe.

    Beliefs are learned, and not everything we learn is true; or what may have been true or relevant at one point in time may not be relevant in today’s world. Questioning our beliefs and the status quo is necessary to create a portal for evolutionary change. If left unquestioned, the reactive energy and emotion that’s in motion will stay in motion until met by another force.

    Will that force be you?

    Within your heart lies a truth that love is the only answer to fear. What does your heart of love choose to feel? What does your heart of love choose to create? My hope in writing the foreword to this epic book is to empower you with knowing you can make a difference. The creative, nurturing, discerning, and feeling heart of the Divine Feminine is emerging within both men and women in our world today. Choose love.

    When we place judgments on those who are the victims of limiting beliefs, as well as stressful generational and cultural patterns, it only further cements a reactive lens of separation and helplessness. Now is the time to act from your Divine Feminine heart and courageously embrace what’s possible. Acknowledging the immeasurable value of a single person as a reflection of the whole is a positive step for manifesting world peace through inner peace.

    We cannot erase our ugly history nor would it be beneficial. Our mission, and vision, is to awaken the next greatest version of ourselves. It’s important to remember, the strongest trees live in the strongest winds. You are here to shine your beautiful, worthy, and very capable light. Your life has purpose and life’s suffering has meaning. The emergence of a worldwide conscious movement of positive focus and evolutionary change for humankind to be kind humans has begun.

    Dr. Iris Angellys is a dear friend, brilliant doctor, and beacon of light in our world. I’m so honored for the opportunity to write the foreword of this consciousness awakening book. Even further, I’m grateful Iris has created a platform for critical and conscious dialogue based upon her own life’s journey, travels, and passion to make a positive impact in the world. May her vision of the Divine Feminine inspire you to take an empathic look at the mindset of the suffering state of our current world so we can learn, heal, and evolve to be the authentic and integrity based expression of love and light we are intended and destined to be. As the cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead is noted as saying, A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. In this beautifully written and compelling book, the inner-connective patterns of the Divine Feminine are woven together to reveal a Passion to Thrive.

    Keep shining bright!

    With Infinite Love & Gratitude,

    Dr. Darren Weissman

    Best Selling Author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude and Developer of The LifeLine Technique®

    How to Use This Book

    After exploring the key themes of each major section, you have access to anecdotes from seven women of different ages who were interviewed for this book. They are all extraordinary women who have overcome incredible challenges in their lives to shine their lights bright in the world. Their full life stories are included at the end of the book. You may choose to read their stories first, so you know their backgrounds before you read their responses dispersed among the chapters.

    This book also offers you the opportunity to explore the concepts in your own life, with questions offered for self-reflection, space for you to make notes and some suggestions about how to experience or nurture that part of yourself, including how you express each archetype.

    Play with it. Remember, there is no right or wrong, only what makes your light dimmer or brighter, and what makes you feel constricted or tinglingly alive.

    The Purpose of This Book


    "The old ones say that the women will lead

    the healing among the tribes. Inside them

    are the powers of love and strength given

    to them by the moon and the earth..."

    Native American Wisdom

    The purpose of this book is to realise you have a choice in how and who and why you are in the world.

    No one will ever experience the world like you do, feel like you do, love the way you do. You are a unique, one-off, amazing person. Even if you showed up in a different body, it would not be the same. If you had an identical twin, it would not be the same.

    Your unique set of skills, talents, gifts, insights, passions and intuitions, is irreproducible and irreplaceable. You are an exceptional and awesome gift to the world, and the world needs you to share it. Whether it’s cooking a nourishing meal for someone hungry and weary, or telling an inspirational or instructive story, or listening to a person from the heart and allowing them to discover themselves in a whole new way, or creating an amazing new artwork, or taking up the good fight, or raising children… Whatever makes your heart sing and gives your life meaning, passion and purpose so you overflow is what the world needs you to contribute.

    And your unique gift may be something you haven’t given any thought to before.

    Humans are well on their way to destroying this glorious, fragile spaceship we call Earth in many creative and different ways. This is fuelled by greed for power and riches, with no consideration for the consequences to people, environment or the sustainability of life on the planet.

    We need a change in awareness, fast. The good news is that women, at least in Western society, are more empowered than ever before. It’s not perfect by any means. But we are now at the point where it’s time for us women to stop acting like men and to reclaim the breadth and depth of our worth and our unique way of being, experiencing, feeling and acting in the world. It is time to value the feminine strengths of patience, resting, allowing, receiving, flowing, appreciating and just being.

    It is time to enter a partnership with the emerging men who acknowledge their feminine sides and treat women as equals with respect and authenticity, so we can have balance in the world and in decision-making, while valuing and utilising the strengths of both women and men equally. Because, let’s face it, if we don’t, spaceship Earth is heading for a crash.

    If you are ready to own your power and be a force for positive change in the world, and would like a perspective on how to proceed, this book is for you. Read the words and listen to your heart. If they ring true, own them; if they don’t, ask your heart what it feels is true, and follow its promptings. Talk to other women, especially the ones that inspire you, about their perceptions and experiences. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, and we probably don’t have time for that. Women are good at talking to each other, holding space for each other and supporting each other, so let’s make it happen.

    This book offers an opening to the conversation, a window into the potential and power of women.

    We are ready to reclaim our inherent feminine power. It’s time to live our lives to the fullest and let our unique lights shine!



    "A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to

    his soul, so as to reunite him with the Source.

    A man’s highest calling is to protect woman,

    so she can walk the earth unharmed."

    Cherokee proverb

    All sunshine makes a desert. Arab proverb

    The quick summary:

    Initially, women were adored, valued and worshipped; or at least we presume so, seeing as some of the oldest human artefacts found are statuettes of voluptuous female forms and Indigenous tribes still have special reverence for women. What sets women apart is their ability to create new life, which is as much of a mystery now as ever. We know the mechanics of it, but we don’t know the mystery of it. The men’s job was to make sure the women were safe, and many men today still have a strong urge to provide and protect.

    I reckon when humans worked out that men were part of the creation of a new life, things started to change: the concept of my child arose. My can denote belonging with; but is only a short slide into belonging to. Once it is important the child be mine, the woman bearing that child also becomes mine. Now protecting her is motivated by the woman’s relative physical weakness rather than her preciousness. In this way, women became the lesser citizens and, along with children, fell into the realm of property. This was still current not that long ago!

    With that came the idea that sex is something to be taken or bought from a woman, rather than her choice to bestow upon someone she loves and desires, let alone a sacred union of oneness between two people deeply connected in love.

    A male God and Eve, who tempted Adam with the apple (note: Adam had the option of not eating the apple...), further cemented women into the lesser, even evil, role. It became normal to burn witches, or women in their power, at the stake.

    Some of this still goes on, but in the Western world, women in recent history put their collective foot down and made their voices heard.

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