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Life Is Simple
Life Is Simple
Life Is Simple
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Life Is Simple

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Is it possible to find peace in your life? If so, where and how is that sense of peace found? Are we missing out on finding true peace because it is much simpler than we imagine it to be?

In Life is Simple author Ken Freschi continues to share the channeled messages he has received since 2009. Life is Simple is a continuation of his first two books, Our Walk to Eternity and Time to Listen, bringing clarity and a new perspective concerning events in everyone’s life.

Life is Simple will guide us to the realization that contained in each and every event in our life, a message, a Divine message, is contained for our soul to grasp on to in order to find our purpose. Our presence here and all our experiences are not random. Instead, a Divinely choreographed set of circumstances are placed before us to give us the experience our soul has sought. To find the simplicity of life, we are challenged to look beyond our three dimensional existence, and we must explore deeply who and what we truly are.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 21, 2020
Life Is Simple

Ken Freschi

Ken Freschi spent thirty-seven years as an automotive technician, co-owning an automotive franchise for twenty-five years. In 2009 Ken was gifted with receiving Divinely-inspired messages. As time progressed, a sense of disconnect was felt between himself and his chosen career. With a faith in Divine timing and God’s guidance, Ken sold his business in 2014 to pursue a more spiritually-centered journey. With an amazing new perspective on life, Ken published his first two books, Our Walk to Eternity and Time to Listen in 2013 and 2015. The messages in Ken’s books are placed in chronological order only to show what was occurring at the time the messages were received. He is quick to add that the messages within the books have been spiritually gifted, a gift he must share. Ken received training as a certified Spiritual Counselor at the Psyche Institute for Higher Learning at the Healing in Harmony Center in Connecticut. He furthered his spiritual development at the Robbat Center for the Advancement of Energy Healing in Massachusetts. Ken now walks forward on his path with a renewed sense of peace and faith that all is as it should be, and has given up control to God and His guidance. His new path includes being an author, spiritual counselor, an Akashic Record Reader and a Reiki Master Teacher.

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    Book preview

    Life Is Simple - Ken Freschi

    Chapter One

    When I began to leave my life of spiritual cluelessness behind and embarked on a path of spiritual awakening, I have stumbled, and will most assuredly continue to stumble for some time to come. Tripping me up is my own prism through which I view right and wrong, acceptable and not acceptable. Of course, my view of the world and its workings has changed drastically over the past few years. However, the impact of societal views I have been exposed to for fifty some odd years has gained such a foothold that the transformation, of which many of the messages I receive allude to, is going to be quite a task. Coupled with that is the concept that getting to this place of peace in our lives is really quite simple. It is this simplicity that makes us, in our human state, overanalyze and question how it is possible to find peace with all that is going on around us.

    The following message brings to light that the things which we seek from others, forgiveness, understanding, and happiness, will not originate from them. Instead, it must originate in us first. I realize many of us understand this concept, yet time and time again we find ourselves in that judgment mindset. Be it another’s actions or an event in our lives that we experience, we create a good or bad label for everything.

    As many of the messages mentioned in my prior books, the reality of any one event is questionable at best with regards to your true spiritual existence. We must view everything as an opportunity to gain insight, on a soul level, and use this insight to evolve to a higher state of awareness.


    Seek not in others that which you cannot find within yourself. Already contained within is the seed of all you desire. Peace, joy, and love must grow within yourself before you will be receptive to the peace, joy and love from others. Only accessible through the light of forgiveness, allow this light to nourish that which your soul has carried in its journey on earth.

    Events of this life are not the reality of what you perceive. Step back from the part you play on this earthly walk and embrace the spiritual essence that you are. Hold no one accountable for creating the reality you think exists, either through words or actions. Each one of you walks this path for the evolvement of all.

    Time is not of issue, for your awakening can and will take place only when you allow the Divine knowledge you possess to take hold regardless of the illusionary experience you are partaking in on earth. You have had opportunities in the past and will have many more opportunities manifest themselves repeatedly until you grasp the concept.

    Are you finally at the lifetime you choose to fully awaken? Do you accept that which is mandatory to find the peace, joy, and love that you desperately need? The same peace, joy, and love found in the spiritual realm are yours on your earthly walk when you open your heart and soul to unconditional forgiveness, first to yourself, then to others. This forgiveness is a gift that cannot be fully received until it is unconditionally dispensed. All who walk this earthly walk have been up against this challenge throughout their lifetimes, yet many still fail to see the simplicity of what must be mastered due to the illusionary world of hurt, pain, and grief. This world is a world created explicitly to challenge each of you with events to practice unconditional forgiveness, and as you succeed, you will be given opportunities that allow you to master, for the act of forgiveness is not something to be thought about. It is something that should occur just as naturally as you breathe.

    You will find it within yourself to master forgiveness, and then you will experience the peace, joy, and love that are of another dimension. What you find in yourself you will then gift to others, and you will be the catalyst for the change you want to see on your planet.

    Nothing of this world is truly real and nothing of this world is meant to stifle the Divine love that God has asked you to share. Many times before, in many different ways, We have said the same thing. Be cautious of deafness to what you hear and blindness to what you have read, for the importance of this one act is paramount to your gaining what you seek. What you seek is held within, and what is held within is for all to receive.

    I have concluded that forgiveness cannot be underestimated because repeatedly over the past few years, messages have been channeled that bring the aspect of forgiveness to light. Many believe forgiveness granted to another is giving that person a pass, a get out of jail free card so to speak, and we are not willing to let someone get away with this or that. In addition, we have the most difficult time forgiving ourselves for what we feel were our imperfect choices. Instead, we must look at the situation much differently and put our societal conditioning on the back burner.

    At the risk of being repetitive, forgiveness granted to another is a gift you give to yourself. Forgiveness does not mean there was no pain or heartache involved, nor does it mean that all is forgotten. Instead, it means you no longer carry that burden of holding one accountable in some way, shape or form. Herein lies the acceptance aspect of events in your life, and the inescapable awareness that will come from such a mindset. Whether an event is held in a positive light or a negative light, there is light in every event. The underlying message of this book is starting to develop; events occur, we must remain in a place of acceptance, and then we will find peace. This is life and it appears quite simple if we adopt a mindset of acceptance for each and every event in our lives.

    The acceptance that is spoken of is not, nor am I insinuating that it is, we sit back and just let things happen. Instead, acceptance here refers to the timing of events, as much as it refers to the event itself. Ultimately, with a mindset of acceptance we can also embrace the bigger message contained in an event.

    We all have heard the saying nothing happens to you; it happens for you. What we are being exposed to through these messages is insight as to how most of our issues in life come with an underlying benefit. My interpretation of any of the messages serves to help me grasp this concept, and in no way am I implying that my interpretation is the only interpretation. I struggle with my own path, lessons, and sense of purpose, and by no means am I going to tell anyone what their path, lesson, or purpose is.

    The following message was received after my wife and I were discussing a variety of topics concerning things she was experiencing. Cathy, my wife, has allowed me to use this message because she realizes that it may speak to many people. Acceptance in the timing of events, as well as the events themselves, is what this message alludes to.

    12-9-14 Cathy

    The flow in the river of life has been obstructed for awhile. Is it because the flow of the waters are too slow, or is it that more than is necessary has been set afloat upon its current? Are you allowing the currents to push you along, or are you attempting to push the currents? It does not matter because healing waters will carry away that which no longer serves you on the river’s timetable, not yours.

    You may think you have reached a log jam, a point at which the bend in the river has caused a blockage, a slowing of flow. This may be true, but it is not an insurmountable task to remove. The speed at which the water flows has not slowed, but has merely changed direction. Without seeing this bend in the river, you seem surprised, confused and weary of another twist in your path. All that you have been releasing has built up at this point and the log jam you find yourself in has been placed here for a specific purpose.

    Like a real log jam, removing the few logs holding back the flow will allow everything to continue down the river. The trick is to choose which logs to remove. You are the only one who can make this choice. There is no right or wrong choice, only the choice that can speed things up a bit.

    You view the years of working on yourself as a lifetime, but We view it as mere seconds. You view the lifetimes working out your challenges as an eternity, but We view it as mere minutes. In a life that is eternal, time has no purpose; now remove that one log from the jam and see if the flow starts again.

    This is an opportunity you have been given and you have created, to look at all that has flowed from your existence, and to separate that which blocks the flow from that which allows the flow. This must be viewed as a good thing and not as something that creates an impenetrable blockage in the flow that brings all of us to our evolvement.

    You have been given the vision to see what needs to occur. You have been given the strength needed to persevere. You have been given the awareness to accept the lessons contained within the challenges, so go forth and view your life not through the window of time. Instead, view this life as a panoramic vista of healing.

    Climb upon the log jam that has been created by your hand and that of the Divine and cast your eyes upon how far downstream you have come. Relax in this spot and imagine a serene sea just around the bend beckoning you to make the choices necessary to continue your journey to its healing waters.

    Still relax, this is not a race and your path may be obstructed, but it has not been severed. Selectively, and with patience, remove each of the logs that are the cause of this blockage and one by one you will feel the eternal flow, which is your life, move forward with ease.

    Many of us on a spiritual path have come to the determination that we have a lot to work on with regards to our thought processes, spiritual perspectives, and the energetic blocks we feel when navigating the physical world. The aspects of such can create a sense of stagnation and may even manifest themselves in physical issues. We are reminded in the last message to view every aspect of our daily lives as perfectly timed and perfectly placed. This is not a race and an opening to move forward will present itself when we have the perspective to see it, and the courage to step forward.

    The peace we seek can only be found in the acceptance that we embrace as spiritual beings in unison with our ego. We cannot separate the two completely while we walk this human journey. Instead, we must find common ground for both the ego and our spirit. What this may entail is going to be different for each of us, and we must remember that the physical issues we deal with are merely the manifestations of this ego/spirit battle being waged. We must make peace with our ego by removing judgement and resistance to the events that cross our paths. Furthermore, this spiritual quest we are on is not a race, it is an experience and it is something that must be savored. By comparing one’s place on this earthly walk to another’s is to succumb to judgment once again, and when we use judgment on ourselves, we are the harshest of critics.

    Chapter Two

    I am beginning to enjoy being shown the symbolism in many aspects of life. My guides, spirit, Divine beings, and whoever else is choosing to speak to me, have painted symbolism into almost everything in my life. I can remember many years ago in English class reading a novel in which we had to find the symbolism in the storyline and thinking to myself that we were putting way too much thought into this book. In my eyes, the author wrote a story and the story is what I read, and there you go. I found it quite painful to delve into the symbolism of novels, yet here I am receiving messages containing nothing but symbolism pertaining to life and its meaning. Were my high school years an appetizer for what was to come, or was it merely resistance on my part to accept into my psyche the other side trying to get through to me? Either way I have become a convert and can even see the symbolism of a bird soiling my newly washed car. The following message continues with the symbolic eloquence I resisted so long ago.


    Once again you have been given a unique day to receive a unique message. The calendar says December, yet you find yourself gaining an opportunity to sit outside with the sun warming your face in temperatures nearing 60 degrees.

    In the distance, you hear the whistle of a train, the call of a blue jay hidden in the woods, and the cry of the resident hawk circling above, unseen in the brightness of the sun. These examples are merely a representation of the Divine world around you separated by the thinnest of veils.

    Although unseen, all the sounds you heard were examples of something actually occurring. The train straining to pull its cargo, the blue jay, although unseen, was in the woods calling out to whoever would listen, and the hawk circled above, only to be kept invisible by the brightness of the sun in your eyes.

    Your guides, loved ones, and angels of protection call out to you, also unseen behind the veil that separates our two worlds. Their voices will not be heard with physical ears, but with an open heart and receiving soul. The thoughts of love, healing and protection reach to us from beyond the veil and will comfort those who are aware.

    Unseen by most and like the examples provided, your guides and loved ones go about their Divine tasks and clearly speak to all on a daily basis. Step out of the conditional world you live in and adjust your perception to embrace that which is real. December does not always mean cold and those unseen spiritual helpers exist. If you cannot hear something, does that mean it made no sound? If you cannot see something, does that mean it does not exist?

    The answer to those two questions will be found on your path, and when the answer is apparent, a world of greater understanding and peace will lie before you.

    You have crossed a valley, and now you acknowledge and accept what you hear without seeing. Go forward and climb the pinnacle of enlightenment that lies before you and look out over the horizon and see what you’ve been listening to. Call back to those who follow and encourage them to see the beauty of a world that few get to see in their physical state. Continue to pass on all that you receive, for you are not a chosen one, but you are one who has made a choice.

    I am not the chosen one, but we all have chosen to walk our path on earth. With this choice, we have opened ourselves up to a variety of experiences that will assess how far we have evolved spiritually. How we view and embrace these experiences are also choices we must make. Life is a smorgasbord of choices and we must make each choice carefully to receive what is best for our evolvement.

    Anger, hatred, resentment, or peace, love, and forgiveness are just a few of the choices that will present themselves on our path. Not to oversimplify that which will confront us, but ultimately life is merely a collection of events, and how we choose to react in any particular situation is entirely up to us.

    Do not conclude that how we react will come effortlessly; that’s quite the contrary. Our reaction may require a change in perspective, a release of old patterns, and placing ourselves in a position of acceptance. Although our spiritual evolvement is as simple as making a choice, the choice, in the beginning, can be quite difficult. Suffice it to say, it gets much easier to make the choice that is best for your evolvement as time goes on and you remain open to this new thought process.

    Societal views, past experiences and conditioning, words spoken about you, and the big one, worthiness, will all affect your thought process as you decide how to react in a situation. Fear not, for the messages received in the past and the ones contained within these pages, will open you up to healing of sorts, and allow you to step forward with confidence no matter what shows up on your path. Making a conscious effort to be aware of the control that you actually have with regards to choosing how you will react, is monumental in finding peace in your life.

    Chapter Three

    My daughters have played an integral part in the spiritual development of both my wife and myself. Without their presence, the path we were led to through alternative medicine may have never manifested itself. Alternative therapies led to alternative healers and a whole new perspective for us. Our daughters, in many ways, are our greatest teachers. With that being said, I know their egos will not be inflated; quite contrary to that, they are probably embarrassed to read what I just wrote. Embarrassing your children, is this not one of our jobs as parents?

    My oldest daughter and I have much in common and it was quite evident that there was a different type of connection between the two of us. I am a dreamer and Lindsay is very much a dreamer as well. I used to joke that she’s been circling for years and needs to come in for a landing, yet I too have spent a lot of time with my head in the clouds. My youngest daughter is more in sync with my wife. My wife, Cathy, and Elyse are more practical and grounded. Still, our children have a strong connection with both of us which has definitely been Divinely enhanced over the last few years.

    When messages come through for my daughters, these messages are typically meant for Lindsay. She has a strong connection with animals and would not survive happily without them in her life. As this book progresses you will see that her connection with animals is much more than just having a pet; the animals in her life bring forth deep meaningful messages.

    I have come to believe that our guides will present themselves in a form that we will be comfortable with, and this includes animals. If a loved one should present themselves to you, you would see them as they were in life, or pick up a scent that reminded you of them. Of course, if it would scare the heck out of you, or your belief system prevents you from acknowledging spirits, then their presence will be made known in other ways. Songs, signs in nature, or special events in your life all can contain a message from loved ones or your guides. This is where our Divine awareness must be developed.

    The following message came through when my daughter was going through a particularly rough stretch, and subsequent messages will further clarify the animal connection in her life. Once again, we must look outside the box, look beyond the perceived reality we think this world offers us, and find the awareness and signs that spirit works with us every day.


    Lindsay – you have reached a point of desperation, a point at which you see no other options. You do not see the purpose of what you view as challenges, and you react from a place of fear as opposed to faith. How many before you have done the same? How many more will continue in such a way? How many more challenges will you react to in the same manner?

    Over and over obstacles present themselves on our paths and just as many times, we see no hope or no solution. Viewing these obstacles as such prevents us from embracing that which God and your soul wants you to pursue. By not viewing these obstacles as gifts from the Divine to redirect your steps, you will always feel the sense of lack.

    You have created your walk with the blessing of God and have been given the tools needed to succeed. Do not look at the material world as the source for your success. Instead, seek the answers you need from within by strengthening your connection to the Divine.

    Already that which you have dreamed of has been presented, and with it, perceived as impossible to cross, hurdles have been placed before you. Do not view these hurdles as obstacles on your path. Instead, see them for what they are. Like the sharp edges of a chisel used to carve works of art, God is making you into whom and what you will become.

    Do you speak to Him? Do you seek guidance before you react? Do you accept where God has placed you with the faith and knowing that it is for the best? Seek not the solution to your perceived problems in this world, but instead find them in the world you do not openly embrace at this moment.

    Gifts have been bestowed upon you - the gifts of energy healing, communication, peace, understanding, compassion, and exuberance, yet you do not always use them in the world in which you reside. Most assuredly though, you use them in the world you are merely a visitor in, the animal world. So, you can reside in two places at once, and why would you not use the gifts bestowed upon you in both worlds?

    We all come here with a tendency to gravitate toward the existence that brings us peace. Still, we must realize that the world that brings us peace is also the world from which we draw our strength. Forget not the words written between the lines. You see in one world the peace, the love, and the harmony that you seek in the other world, and all of this is found in reading energy. You will receive that which you put out. Life will push back just as hard as you resist, and you will not overpower it. Use the gifts you have been given to live in the animal world in your own walk as a human being. These gifts granted by God are universal and must not be withheld for just particular spirits. The gifts you possess must be dispensed freely and graciously along your walk.

    The peace and tranquility you find upon your horse can be found in the silence of your mind. Remove the distractions of your daily life and as you become one with your horse, become one with yourself. Open yourself up to the Divine plan that envelops you. Easily and effortlessly step

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