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Spanish Verbs, Simplified
Spanish Verbs, Simplified
Spanish Verbs, Simplified
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Spanish Verbs, Simplified

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About this ebook

The two parts composing the present work, i.e., the two points that I wish to develop are:

1) The composition and use of ONE SINGLE TABLE that can serve for the conjugation of all the Spanish verbs, both regular and irregular. With this TABLE a much easier, simpler way of learning how to conjugate any Spanish verb is attained.
2) The separate study of each class of irregularity, grouping the irregularities by tenses and in a minimum of classes. By this method a more logic, much easier and simpler way of learning all the irregular Spanish verbs is attained.
Release dateAug 18, 2018
Spanish Verbs, Simplified

Luis Toral Moreno

Psiclogo y filsofo dedicado a la motivacin de jvenes y al desarrollo del talento. Ha vivido en la Ciudad de Mxico, Miami, Roma y actualmente en Guadalajara. Escritor, conferencista, conductor de televisin, profesor universitario y asesor de deportistas de alto rendimiento. Fue vicepresidente de la Sociedad Internacional de Psicologa del Deporte y fundador de la mexicana. Conferencista en la Academia Olmpica Internacional La deteccin de talentos y el desarrollo de la inteligencia es el principal Inters de investigacin.

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    Spanish Verbs, Simplified - Luis Toral Moreno

    Copyright © 2018 por Guillermo Dellamary.

    Número de Control de la Biblioteca del Congreso de EE. UU.:   2018909593

    ISBN:               Tapa Dura                 978-1-5065-2637-9

                             Tapa Blanda               978-1-5065-2636-2

                              Libro Electrónico     978-1-5065-2635-5

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    Fecha de revisión: 16/08/2018


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    List of Abbreviations

    Pronunciation of vowels and diphtongs


    Written Accent

    PART 1 — ONE SINGLE TABLE for the Conjugation of ALL the Spanish Verbs



    A Complete Conjugation

    Usage of Tú and Usted, and of Vosotros and Ustedes

    Meaning and Usage of the Tenses

    Composition and use of the single TABLE

    Table 1

    Table 1

    Drills for getting acquainted with the TABLE

    PART 2 — A Separate Study of Each Irregularity


    Table 2

    Table 3

    Illustrative Examples for Table 3

    Changes in Spelling

    Irregularities in the Present

    GU Irregularity

    DI Irregularity

    VO irregularity

    YE irregularity

    Verbs with a double Irregularity in the Present

    Irregularities in the Past

    PI irregularity

    VO irregularity

    NI irregularity

    Irregularities in the Future

    FI irregularity

    Irregularities of the Tu Imp

    Irregularities of the Gerund

    Irregularities in the past participle

    Table 4

    Peculiar irregularities of the MO Verbs

    Table 5

    Verbs ending in iar and uar

    Defective verbs

    General List of Irregular Verbs


    From the faraway year of 1911, when I began to learn English and French, I became interested in a comparative examination of the different languages. And since then, and all along my life, I have always enjoyed, not as a serious study but as a pleasant hobby, to become aware of the peculiarities of whatever tongues I have been able to study.

    It is natural, then, that in the case of the Spanish verbs, my attention has been so attracted by the most remarkable simplicity and regularity of their conjugation as compared to the conjugation of the regular and irregular verbs of Latin, Greek, French and Italian; being mentioned only these four languages not to meddle into the complication of the Arabic and Hebrew verbs.

    Being the verb the most important part of speech, the essential element of every sentence, all grammarians have been much more preoccupied of the syntactic rather than of its purely physical aspects. In all the books I have read I have not yet found that the two points which are the principal basis of this work of mine have been specially developed. Far from me to think that my idea is original. All grammarians have handled these points, but no one has specially singled them out. No one has put distinctive emphasis on them.

    The two parts composing the present work, i.e., the two points that I wish to develop are:

    1) The composition and use of ONE SINGLE TABLE that can serve for the conjugation of all the Spanish verbs, both regular and irregular. With this TABLE a much easier, simpler way of learning how to conjugate any Spanish verb is attained.

    2) The separate study of each class of irregularity, grouping the irregularities by tenses and in a minimum of classes. By this method a more logic, much easier and simpler way of learning all the irregular Spanish verbs is attained.

    As I am not a scholar at all, I had never thought possible or worthwhile to put in writing, and still less to publish, my cogitations on this matter. But as I have always been in the habit of talking about these topics to my relatives and friends and even to anybody who showed some interest in the matter, there have been many people who, half jokingly, half seriously, have induced and encourage me to finally publish in Spanish this work.

    I have also ventured the thought that it could be useful to publish in English a short treatise based on those two points and in which the simplicity and regularity of the Spanish conjugation would be persistently shown. Although I do not intend or pretend to do an exhaustive study of the Spanish verbs, it might be almost useless, for an English speaking reader who is trying to learn Spanish, if this paper would be limited to develop those two points. I have endeavored to include, within the most possible shortness, the essential things of the conjugation, to wit, the meaning and usage of the tenses, so it could merit the title of

    Spanish Verbs, Simplified


    I insist in stating that it is entirely fundamental, for the understanding of this work, to get well acquainted with the list of abbreviations, this being obtained after just a few minutes studying it. I have found out that most of my readers, if acquainted with the abbreviations, have met their use to become advantageous, natural and easy. But if they do not know how to interpret and use my abbreviations, this work seems to them complicated and hard to understand. I tried to make all abbreviations easily pronounceable and obviously understandable.

    N.B. My abbreviations should of course be pronounced as if they were Spanish

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