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The Erotic Adventures of Paul
The Erotic Adventures of Paul
The Erotic Adventures of Paul
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The Erotic Adventures of Paul

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This fictional book covers the erotic adventures of a young man named Paul. It graphically outlines his sexual encounters with a variety of women over the course of his life.
Release dateJan 10, 2018
The Erotic Adventures of Paul

K. G. Jones

I wont say whether the author is a man or a woman, I will let you decide. The author is hoping to publish several books both of an erotic adult nature and perhaps some true stories as well. The author resides in Canada and is a Canadian through and through.

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    The Erotic Adventures of Paul - K. G. Jones

    Copyright © 2018 K. G. Jones.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3975-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3976-8 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 01/08/2018


    The Erotic Adventures Of Paul

    Beautiful Amber……….

    And What Of Lori……..

    And There Was Linda……….

    Paul’s Friend Mindy……….

    The More Mature Amanda……..

    Lori…But Not That Lori………


    The Total Stranger

    Julie’s Impregnation

    Paula And Making A Baby



    T here can be no doubt that Paul was a slut, sex was always on his mind, even fifteen minutes after an orgasm. Sometimes even he wondered if there might be something wrong as it was obsessed with sex and sexual conquests.

    As a boy he had what most would call a fairly normal childhood, loving parents and one older sister, older by just one year. Both as children and adolescents they always played well together and got along well. Paul’s sister Lori was his protector when they were children and as they moved into puberty they became more inquisitive about each other, Lori taking the lead, or at least to start with.

    Paul was tall, well built, kind of like the football captain look, if there is such a look. Lori was what most men and women would describe as just plain hot.

    Paul stood 6 foot 3 inches, dark brown hair that bleached out in the summer to a light brown. He was broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hips and a good looking boy. Lori stood about 5 foot 5 inches, very curvy, slim yet just enough meat on her bones to not be considered skinny. She had long blond hair, a very pretty face, narrow lips and long eye lashes.

    At thirteen Paul began to develop, during that year he turned from a boy to a young man and when he returned to school for grade nine he had every girl turning their heads. Lori, who was fourteen and a year older had passed that mark some time back, really developing fully when she was twelve.

    Puberty, a time when everyone seems to develop at different paces saw fast and pronounced development for both Paul and Lori, it’s just that Lori, being a girl, developed a little faster. During the two year period when Lori was clearly a young woman and Paul still a boy, they still got along exceptionally well with Lori taking the loving big sister role always. It was actually an unusual relationship as often siblings of that age quarrel easily. After the summer of grade 8 going into grade 9 though, things seem to change. They were still close but also very interested in each other’s development.

    Paul once recalled an evening when they were home alone and Lori came right out and asked him has your penis grown much since you started changing? Paul laughed and as he was not shocked at this statement from her he simply said, well I heard it was going to but I didn’t think it would change that much. Lori had seen Paul naked on several occasions and his penis was small like any little boy, perhaps even smaller than most. His balls were also very small and Lori always got a kick out of his little fellow but never teased him or anything like that. Paul had seen his sister too but never really paid too much attention except that he did notice the hair between her legs and she had boobies. He asked her about it when he was in grade 5 and she calmly explained that she was growing up and he would too but girls did it a little faster than boys. She was very good at explaining things and never held anything back.

    For some reason, during the two year period of, well let us call it difference they didn’t seem to have many occasion to see each other without clothes on but they could both see the changes from the outside and were curious yet something in them told them to not ask.

    It was not until Paul was about to turn 18 and Paul had no shortage of looks and flirts from girls either but neither of them dated, except for school dances and things of that nature.

    By now Paul was masturbating regularly and so was Lori, both in their own rooms, sometimes at the same time but they both kept their sex lives private. It was actually Lori who made the first daring move to show herself to her brother. She did it in a daring sneaky way, hoping he would see and look and she didn’t know what else but the idea excited her greatly.

    Their parents were out late most nights and liked to party and meet with friends and neighbors. They never had problems with their kids and there was never a reason to not trust them. They rarely had friends over or parties and when they did they were small and never a problem.

    On this one night the two were sitting beside each other watching a movie. It was raining like crazy out and it was a cool evening in the late fall. Lori got a blanket and covered herself and naturally moved to be closer to her brother to keep warm. Her brother in turn put his arm around her to help the process. As they watched Lori thought about what it would be like to have sex and wondered how big her brothers penis had grown. There is no doubt she was feeling bad about some of these thoughts but at the same time she was curious and getting very horny too.

    She wanted to make a move of some kind but had no idea what to do and certainly didn’t want to do anything that would upset her brother or their relationship, yet she was dying to know, dying to see and found herself getting very wet. As they watched the movie Lori’s thoughts were not even on the TV screen but how to do something, even give a little hint. After only a few moments she said she was cold and was going to go have a hot shower to warm up. Paul offered to pause the movie and she said, how can you be so sweet and kissed him on the side of his mouth. A rather full kiss too, one that certainly got Paul’s eyes opened but it was not on the actual mouth so he said nothing. Lori said I’ll have a quick shower, put my nitee on and be right back, giving him another quick, not so pronounced kiss on the cheek.

    The kiss did stir Paul, there was no doubt, after all he was a male. He thought it was a good thing he had a blanket covering him because his penis was at full erection and at that age a young boy can get one of those with even a thought, let alone a real kiss. As he watched his sister bounce up the stairs to her bedroom he watched her sexy ass climb the stairs and disappear into her bedroom.

    Lori’s bedroom was at the end of the hall and Paul’s at the start, with a bathroom in between. There were no doors from the actual bedrooms to the bathroom, you had to go out in the hall first. From the end of the couch he could just see the bathroom door and watched, not really knowing what he might see but he watched anyway.

    It seemed to take forever and he wondered what the hell is she doing she was supposed to be taking a hot shower. Just as he was about to give up he heard her door open and watched as she walked out totally naked and slowly walked into the bathroom. He thought Oh My God she was naked! Paul almost came in his pants as he had not seem his sister for a few years in that way and she was most definitely much hotter than he ever remembered.

    Now Lori was not innocent in this little walk to the bathroom. She planned this and was hoping he would be looking. As she walked she was running a brush through her long hair which were covering her breasts. As she was about to turn

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