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The Egyptian Jackal Princess
The Egyptian Jackal Princess
The Egyptian Jackal Princess
Ebook76 pages54 minutes

The Egyptian Jackal Princess

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In the land of Ancient Egypt, ruled by anthro animals, there was a palace, which lived the anthro jackal Pharaoh named Anuven. He ruled the land with his anthro jackal queen named Kila. Pharaoh Anuvens wife, Kila, is pregnant and about to give birth to a baby jackal cub. What follows is a wonderful tale of intrigue and adventure.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 14, 2014
The Egyptian Jackal Princess

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    The Egyptian Jackal Princess - Xlibris US

    Copyright © 2014 by Tyler Davis.

    ISBN:          Softcover          978-1-4990-6023-2

           eBook          978-1-4990-6005-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

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    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

    product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance

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    Rev. date: 08/13/2014

    Xlibris LLC




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15


    dedicate this book to my family and friends for all their love, support and for urging me to write.

    I thank my teachers and therapists for never giving up.


    In the land of Ancient Egypt, ruled by anthro animals, there was a palace, which lived the anthro jackal Pharaoh named Anuven. He ruled the land with his anthro jackal queen named Kila. Pharaoh Anuven’s wife, Kila, is pregnant and about to give birth to a baby jackal cub. Pharaoh Anuven says, My queen, soon our child will be born. Queen Kila responds, Yes, it will be very soon. They both watch the sunset. By tomorrow I will have an heir to my kingdom. Pharaoh Anuven said.

    The next day, Kila feels the baby kicking. Pharaoh Anuven orders his servants to get her water, cloths, and the fox priest. After the servants get the priest and the items that Pharaoh Anuven asks for, Pharaoh Anuven waits outside of his room. A short time later the fox priest comes out of the room and says, It is a girl. Pharaoh Anuven rushes into the room and sees Kila holding a female baby jackal cub. The female jackal cub is beautiful. Pharaoh Anuven says, I am happy that my heir is born. Pharaoh Anuven holds the newborn female jackal cub to his chest and hugs her. Pharaoh Anuven asks, What should we name her? Queen Kila, who has found a perfect name for the female jackal cub, answers, We should name her Star Patra. Pharaoh Anuven accepts the name of the newborn jackal princess Star Patra.


    A month passes after the birth of Star Patra. Pharaoh Anuven talks to his servants about his heir. The cat servant says, So you decided to have your daughter rule Egypt, when you leave to go to the afterlife. Pharaoh Anuven responds, Yes, my daughter will someday be the ruler of Egypt. The servants nod their head accepting Pharaoh Anuven’s answer.

    The next month, Princess Star Patra is with her mother at the Nile River. She sees the beauty of the sun. Star Patra watches the Egyptian ships go by. She sees other Egyptians farming. After a day of watching the beauty of Egypt, Star Patra goes to bed. Her mother and father tuck her in, gives her kisses and say good night. Star Patra goes to sleep.


    While sleeping, Star Patra dreams she is seventeen years old and sees a male wolf that is a prince the same age as her. Star Patra stares at him and finds that he is handsome. In her dreams she starts dancing with him. Just then, Star Patra sees the Egyptian gods Anubis and his cousin Horus. Anubis says, This will be your future. Then Horus says, When you reach the age of seventeen, you will meet your love and marry him. Star Patra is confused. The wolf prince will be your Pharaoh and you will be his queen, said Anubis. Horus says, A time will come where you will be the new ruler. Suddenly there is a white flash and the dream ends. Star Patra wakes up from her dream. She looks around and finds she is in her bed in her room.

    The next day, Star Patra is in her playroom with her playmates. Star Patra is having fun with her new friends. Pharaoh Anuven watches his daughter. He thinks that Star Patra should have friends. Friends

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