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All The Innocent Blood:: Shed by Israel
All The Innocent Blood:: Shed by Israel
All The Innocent Blood:: Shed by Israel
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All The Innocent Blood:: Shed by Israel

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WHERE CURRENT EVENTS, HISTORY, AND THE BIBLE COME TOGETHER The Death of Abel is the first murder to occur in the Bible. Why did Cain kill his brother? After centuries of progress, why does the need to kill still exist? With advances in medical science, from vaccines to heart transplants, why can't we solve the most basic destructive human condit

Release dateAug 31, 2021
All The Innocent Blood:: Shed by Israel

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    All The Innocent Blood: - S.J. Allen



    et us consider, Matthew 23: verse 36 in the New King James Version of the Bible. Jesus begins this verse with the English word assuredly. The Greek word for assuredly is the word άμην.¹ Phonetically spelled (am-ane), it is used as an emphasis marker. An emphasis marker is used to introduce a statement of pivotal importance.² This means it is essential that you understand the meaning of the word so you can interpret and understand the overall passage. In this case, the word assuredly is used to mark the importance of the words that precede it in verse 35 and the words that follow in verses 36, 37, and 38. The word assuredly means truly, certainty, not left to chance; it means there is absolutely no possibility that what was said in verse 35 and the following verses can fail to occur!

    If we consider this from a statistical probability point of view, it would look like this: zero percent probability it will not happen, and one hundred percent probability it will happen. With odds like that in our favor, we could all go to Las Vegas and leave very, very rich!

    However, this is not about going to Las Vegas and becoming very rich; it is about paying a debt that is owed, and the payment is now coming due. It will be this generation of Jews from whom Jehovah God is going to require their blood as payment for all the innocent blood that has been shed; every ounce, every drop will be paid! No forgiveness, no exceptions, only pain and suffering, exceeding anything they can possibly imagine, for a past that did not have to be. Assuredly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation (Matthew 23:36 NKJV).

    From this passage, Jesus indicates to those with him, as well as those future generations who would read this scripture, that God has kept track of every drop of innocent blood.

    It is these haunting words that he speaks, about the past and the not-too-distant future of his generation, that causes me to wonder if America's future could be similar to Israel's past? Could all the innocent blood that has been shed by our country now be required of this generation of Americans? Let us look at the prophecy and the innocent blood shed by Israel to understand what happened and how we can avoid the same mistakes.

    Now, God requires this generation of Jews to pay the debt with their blood! For us living today, let there be no mistake, every sin and every drop of innocent blood will either be paid for by the blood of Jesus the Christ or by those individuals who have not accepted him.

    By knowing that Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8 KJV) and …God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34 KJV), we should be able to honestly decide what may lie ahead for us as a nation by knowing what happened to Israel.

    It is the single intent of this book to demonstrate that unless a great, spiritual, awakening occurs in our nation, our nation will suffer as no other nation in the entire history of the world has suffered! It is also the intent of this book to demonstrate that it can be avoided if people repent and turn back to God. Even if God did not want to, he is bound by his word and his promises to restore us when we ask and turn from our sins to honor and obey him. It is up to you whether you will receive his blessings or his curse.

    A snowflake is a soft, fragile manifestation of beauty that occurs during the bleakest season of all—winter. Singularly, it can do little; yet united together with other snowflakes, it can shut down a city, a state, and even a nation. May God unite us to do his will and change our city, our state, and our nation—here and now before it becomes too late!

    Whether we receive his blessing or curse is contingent on what we do from this moment forward. Why would we not want to repent and be spared the approaching holocaust? I do not want to see anyone suffer, especially at the hand of God, when it is not necessary. Therefore, I have written this book in hopes that you will choose to join me, and together we can make a difference in the lives of those who know him not. Let us lead them, by our example, to the Father who is awaiting the return of all people. God has promised, when you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). Are you willing to take that next step?


    The Fall

    The single worst decision in all of history.

    — S.J. Allen, The Fall


    rior to the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, a war in heaven occurred (Revelation 12:7-9). Lucifer and a third of the angels rebelled against God. Lucifer wanted to be in control; therefore, he attempted a coup d’état, an overthrow of God. Lucifer thought he could set up a new heavenly order. Men and Satan may propose and attempt such changes, but it is God who disposes of them. Lucifer's desire for a new heavenly order was disposed of, and this current new world order will experience the same thing. Satan and his followers are going to be defeated, and hell is the only thing awaiting them in their future. There is only one new world order coming, and it is Jesus Christ returning with his saints, setting up his kingdom, and reigning for a thousand years. After the thousand-year reign, Satan will be allowed to be loosed upon the earth for one final time; after that, he and his followers will be confined to hell forever, no more reprieves, nothing but torment without end.

    As a result of the war in heaven, Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven and sent to the earth. Now they watch, listen, and plot their revenge against the Most-High. Satan thinks winning is still possible, what he failed to achieve with his not-so-heavenly host, he now thinks is possible with the crown of God's creation.

    Most everyone knows the events that happened in the Garden of Eden that caused the separation between God, Adam, and Eve. Prior to the separation, God would come to the garden in the cool of the day to spend time with his creation. God had created Adam and Eve to have fellowship with him. While Adam and Eve obeyed God's command and did not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, life with God was good.

    We do not know how long after the creation of Adam and Eve they were able to have this intimate fellowship with their creator. We do know that when Satan, the serpent, appeared to Eve, disaster strikes. Satan misrepresents the reason God gave Adam and Eve why they were not to eat of the forbidden fruit. Lucifer lies and tells Eve that she will not die and will become like God when she acquires the knowledge of evil. Notice, Satan appeals to her pride, the same thing that caused Satan to lose his relationship with God.

    Eve may have thought that a knowledge of evil was the only thing holding her back from becoming a god. The temptation suggests that knowing the difference means you can keep them compartmentalized, that you can keep them separated. However, it is not that simple with mankind. You cannot keep the knowledge of evil from affecting the knowledge of what is good, pure, and holy. There is a vast difference between having knowledge about something versus actually experiencing it. People can have a knowledge of leprosy without contracting it. However, the experience of having leprosy and its effect can ruin a healthy life. Satan has tricked Eve into, not just having a knowledge of evil, but also experiencing evil by disobeying God. Now, Eve has become more like Satan than God, as she was before her sin. The way to overcome temptation is to stay faithful to what God says! Satan's purpose is to get Eve and Adam exposed to evil; it's like you getting exposed to a virus from another person. Evil will enter Eve and cause her to become infected with sin. No longer will she be pure and innocent. No longer can good be separated from evil any more than you can separate the chocolate syrup from the white milk after they have been blended together. Now the good can never be as pure as it was. Perhaps this is why Isaiah 64:6 states all our righteousness are as filthy rags (KJV). It will be like a person with severe cataracts trying to see clearly.

    Eve eats of the forbidden fruit and tempts Adam to do the same. It appears that the knowledge of evil caused changes to occur within them. Prior to their disobedience, in their state of purity and innocence, there was nothing impure; however, after receiving the knowledge of evil; it altered their ability to think like before. After experiencing evil and armed with the knowledge of evil, their behavior begins to show a dramatic change. Instead of looking forward to seeing and being with God, they fear him and hide. Instead of being comfortable in God's presence without clothes; they realize their nakedness, and that causes shame. It is this change of behavior that is worrisome. Did the ability to choose what is good instead of evil suffer? Could this knowledge of evil have caused them to not be able to distinguish between the two? Would this knowledge now cause a moral blindness to distance them from the knowledge of what is good, pure, and holy? Will they now find themselves in bondage to a new master, the master of disaster?¹

    These are interesting questions to contemplate, and whether you agree or disagree, the scripture is clear about each. Because of the fall, the ability to choose that which is good became impaired; evil became dominant. It becomes the modus operandi, their new way of living. Eve, Adam, and all those who would come after them would do likewise. As many parents can testify, you do not have to teach a child to lie; you must teach them to tell the truth. As David acknowledged, Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me (Psalm 51:5 KJV).

    The original condition of Adam and Eve was good. It was their nature; it is what they did automatically and naturally. After the fall, their original state was suppressed, and evil became their natural state. Had they chosen to keep their original state of innocence, evil would not have become part of the human experience. All human suffering could have been avoided. Think back to the event in your life that caused you the most grief; it could have been avoided if Eve and Adam had practiced obedience. Whenever you consider all the evil things that have happened, the decision to yield to Satan's temptation and disobey God had to be the single worst decision in all of history.

    God told Adam and Eve, For in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (Genesis 2:17 KJV). As I mentioned before, often in scripture there is more than one meaning. There is the obvious for this moment meaning, and there is also a meaning that only comes to light or understanding as we progress from the present to the future.

    An example of this would be when Jesus told them destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:19 KJV).

    Immediately, they responded about how long it took to build the temple and scoffed at Jesus as a false, delusional prophet. After he was dead, they realized the temple he was referring to was his body.

    They asked Pilate to place guards at the tomb to prevent the disciples from stealing his body. This is progressive revelation,² understanding they did not have initially but acquired later.

    After Eve and Adam sinned, their anatomy and physiology changed from immortal to mortal. Not only did their anatomy and physiology change, but their ability to see and do what is right has now been blinded. Instead of one death that day, perhaps there were two: the immediate death of innocence and later their mortal bodies! It would be the words of Isaiah that would serve to illustrate what happened to Adam and Eve spiritually and to their human genome. Isaiah 9:2 explains that people walk in darkness; the darkness occurred after Adam and Eve's sin, not before.

    There is a plethora of articles on how our DNA explains why certain behaviors of aggression and violent crime occur. One study looked at the so-called warrior genes that were overrepresented among violent criminals. Criminal defense attorneys were excited by this finding because it offered a new defense strategy for violent offenders, namely that they were not fully responsible for their actions because their genes made them do it.³

    Now defense attorneys argue that owing to the genetic makeup of their clients, the clients are victims of their DNA, and are therefore not responsible for the crimes they have committed. It has even renewed the debate between determinism and free will. Are we victims of our actions because of our DNA, or are we responsible for our actions because of free will? How can God hold us accountable for our decisions, if DNA controls our ability to choose? My personal belief is that God gave us free will when he created us and made sure that it was still intact after the fall. It will be our free will that will allow us to resist the devil and thereby return to our Father!

    From the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane, it has been and will always be about the temptations of Satan versus the free will of mankind. Satan is trying to destroy God's redemptive plan by getting mankind to believe that he has no choice in the matter of whom he will serve. There is no other gift that Satan desires to steal from us than the gift of free will that comes from a loving God.

    This demonic fallen angel will spare nothing to enslave mankind to him. Satan uses his wiles and his subtleness to try and deceive, if it were possible, the children of God.

    The word wile is an archaic term and is not used much today; however, its meaning is significant. It means to employ devious stratagems to get someone to do what the other person wants.⁴ The word subtle means so delicate or precise that it is difficult to detect or describe.⁵ Satan comes without a person's knowledge or awareness that he has come. This is why everyone needs the Holy Spirit of God within them, standing guard and protecting them.

    The morning star is referenced in Isaiah 14:12, and it does not refer to Jesus. How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations (New International Version)! And in Revelation 22:16, (NIV) I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. There is a reason why Lucifer is called the most subtle beast of the field (Genesis 3:1). Even in scripture, without these words that explain the term Morning Star, it would be difficult to distinguish who is being referenced.

    Satan used both techniques very effectively in the Garden of Eden; however, they were ineffective when he used them in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew, like us, Christ had free will, and to defeat him, Satan must get Christ to relinquish his will to him.

    After the battle in the Garden of Gethsemane, after the cross, after his resurrection, after his ascension, and after Pentecost, mankind would no longer be in bondage to Satan. Mankind can exercise free will, receive power, and choose to serve Christ.

    Remember how Dr. M. L. King Jr. used to thrill all of us who heard him say, Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I am free at last.⁶ It is because all of us have someone we need to be free of, and all of us know that freedom is never free. We also know who tries to keep us in bondage. We who believe, thank the Father for the Son, who has purchased us, so that he, unlike Satan, could set us free, and he that is free is free indeed (John 8:36).

    Now the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled. The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: They that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined (Isaiah 9:2 KJV). No longer do they have to walk in darkness. Isaiah knew that darkness cannot eradicate darkness; it takes light to do that.

    There was coming a day when people would no longer have to remain in darkness! There would be a great light sent from God; he would be called the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk-in darkness but shall have the light of life (John 8:12 KJV). People would be able to choose the light or remain in the darkness. From the cross, Jesus asked his Father to forgive them; for they know not what they are doing (Luke 23:34 KJV). When referring to these words of Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr. so succinctly pointed out that blindness was their trouble; enlightenment was their need.⁷ The only logical conclusion that makes sense is the Deceiver has caused us to be blinded to the truth of God. However, this is not the only thing he has blinded us to. He has also blinded us to his ways of controlling us and manipulating us for his purposes.

    Satan's temptations are always filled with allurement, desire, and the belief that fulfilling these desires is the only thing that will bring you satisfaction. As Solomon shared, he sought to experience everything life

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