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Short Stories in Farsi for Upper-Intermediate Level
Short Stories in Farsi for Upper-Intermediate Level
Short Stories in Farsi for Upper-Intermediate Level
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Short Stories in Farsi for Upper-Intermediate Level

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About this ebook

This book is the second volume of the series of Short Stories in Farsi. Complementary to the first volume which was specifically written for intermediate level, the second volume is intended for learners of upper-intermediate level and beyond. Both volumes are primarily designed to provide learners with high quality reading materials. All the stories are carefully written to firstly, enhance learners’ reading comprehension of Farsi and secondly, to advance their understanding of the difference between formal and informal Farsi. To this end, fluency notes with numerous authentic examples are given in parts titled “فارسیِ گُفتاری.” Students are expected to achieve an in-depth and practical understanding of the “spoken” Farsi besides mastering new vocabulary and expanding their idiomatic lexicon.

This book includes sixteen short stories. Each unit begins with a story followed by vocabulary list, comprehension questions, and fluency notes. To avoid spoon-feeding the learner, English equivalents are not given. Instead, several synonyms are offered for each entry and the reader is tasked to choose the one which makes most sense in the context. A glossary of all the important words and phrases is also presented at the end of the book.

PublisherAli Borhan
Release dateMay 15, 2021
Short Stories in Farsi for Upper-Intermediate Level

Ali Borhan

Abbasali Borhan is an Iranian author and university lecturer. He holds a Ph.D. in English literature and has been teaching Farsi to international students since 2016.

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    Short Stories in Farsi for Upper-Intermediate Level - Ali Borhan


    This book is the second volume of the series of Short Stories in Farsi. Complementary to the first volume which was specifically written for intermediate level, the second volume is intended for learners of upper-intermediate level and beyond. Both volumes are primarily designed to provide learners with high quality reading materials. All the stories are carefully written to firstly, enhance learners’ reading comprehension of Farsi and secondly, to advance their understanding of the difference between formal and informal Farsi. To this end, fluency notes with numerous authentic examples are given in parts titled Farsi-e goftari. Students are expected to achieve an in-depth and practical understanding of the spoken Farsi besides mastering new vocabulary and expanding their idiomatic lexicon.

    Similar to the first volume, the stories in this volume are adapted from a variety of sources and mediums, ranging from contemporary writings by unknown writers to classical masterpieces such as Rumi’s Masnavi and Sadi’s Golestan. Stories are carefully crafted and tailored for upper-intermediate and, to some extent, advance levels. 

    This book includes sixteen short stories. Each unit begins with a story followed by vocabulary list, comprehension questions, and fluency notes. To avoid spoon-feeding the learner, English equivalents are not given. Instead, several synonyms are offered for each entry and the reader is tasked to choose the one which makes most sense in the context. A glossary of all the important words and phrases is also presented at the end of the book.

    This book is not suited for pre-intermediate level as the basic fluency notes listed in the first volume are not repeated in this volume. Thus, for pre-intermediate and intermediate students, it is highly recommended that they start with the first book of the series.

    If my teaching experience is anything to go by, I am sure that Farsi learners of all levels can take benfit from both volumes of Short Stories in Farsi. Besides improving their reading skill, students will find most of their issues with informal registers of Farsi addressed and clearly explained in both context (stories) and out of context (authentic examples). Thus, it gives them a big chance to polish their speaking skill as well and sound like more native.

    Abbas A. Borhan, Ph. D.

    Esfahan, 2021


    داستانِ اَوَّل: قَرَنطینه

    خانُم: چَند روزه اَز خونه نَرَفتیم بیرون.

    آقا: می دونَم. تواَم مِثلِ مَن حوصِلَت پاک سَر رَفته، نَه؟

    خانُم: خِیلی. می تونیم اِمشَب بِریم یه جایی؟

    آقا: مَگه اَخبارو نَخوندی؟ این روزا رَفتَن به جاهایِ شُلوغ خَطَر داره. خِیلی اَز جاها مِثلِ سینَما چَند هَفته هَست که بَسته اَن.

    خانُم: دُرُسته. اَما نِمی تونیم که واسه هَمیشه تویِ خونه بِمونیم. بِریم یه جاهایی که شُلوغ نیست.

    آقا: مَثَلاً کُجا؟

    خانُم: مَثَلاً، بِریم خونه یِ پِدَرَم. اونام با دیدَنِ ما خوشحال می شَن.

    آقا: مُوافِقَم وَلی اَگه یه دَرصَد ویروس داشته باشیم، چی؟ اِمکان داره ویروسو بِهِشون اِنتِقال بِدیم. به خُصوص بَرا اونا خِیلی خَطَرناکه چون بیشتَر اَز شَصت سالِشونه.

    خانُم: کی گُفته که ما ویروس داریم؟ ما که ویروس نَداریم.

    آقا: خِیلی مُطمَئِن نَباش چون دُکتُرا می گَن این ویروس خِیلی موذیه. می تونه تا دو هَفته تویِ بَدَن پِنهون شه. شایَد هَمین اَلانَم تو بَدَنِ ما پِنهون شُده و ما بی خَبَریم.

    خانُم: نَه ایشالا. خونه یِ بَرادَرِت چِطور؟ یَعنی اونجا هَم نِمی تونیم بِریم؟ اون فَقَط سی سالِشه. تازه، خانُمِشَم که پِزِشکه. اونا که دیگه نَباید ویروس داشته باشَن.

    آقا: خودِت داری می گی که خانُمِش پِزِشکه. این روزا دُکتُرا بیشتَر اَز هَمه با بیمارا دَر تَماسَن. اِحتِمالِش زیاده که اون خودِش بیمار باشه و هَنوز نِمی دونه. شایَدَم تا اَلان فَهمیده باشه که بیماره. 

    خانُم: وَلی تو هَمین دیشَب با بَرادَرِت تِلِفُنی حَرف زَدی. اون گُفت که بیمار نیستَن و حالِشون خوبه.

    آقا: دُرُسته وَلی وَقتی داشت حَرف می زَد، چَند بار سُرفه کَرد. اِحتِمال داره بَرادَرَم، طِفلی، این ویروسو اَز خانُمِش گِرِفته باشه. بایَد یه کَم وَقت دیگه بِهِش زَنگ بِزَنَم و سُراغِشو بِگیرَم.

    خانُم: پَس می گی نَبایَد هیچ جا بِریم؟

    آقا: نَه. بِهتَره که چَند هَفته ای تویِ خونه بِمونیم تا بِبینیم چی پیش می آد (سُرفه می کُنَد.)

    خانُم: چِرا سُرفه می کُنی؟ چِتِه؟ حالِت بَده؟

    آقا: نَکُنه مَنَم این ویروسو اَز بَرادَرَم گِرِفتَم؟

    خانُم: بَرادَرِت؟ تو بَرادَرِتو کُجا دیدی؟

    آقا: گُفتَم که دیشب با اِسکایپ با هَم حَرف زَدیم.

    خانُم: راست می گی. حالِت خِیلی خوب نیست. بایَد بِریم دُکتُر. وَلی نَه بَرا سُرفَت، واسه تَرسِت. 

    واژه هایِ مُهِم:

    قَرَنطینه: خانه نِشینی

    پاک: تَمیز؛ کامِل

    حوصِله سَر رَفتَن: کِسِل شُدَن

    یِک دَرصَد: اِحتِمالِ خِیلی کَم

    به خُصوص: به ویژه، مَخصوصاً

    اِنتِقال دادَنِ (چیزی به کَسی): مُنتَقِل کَردَن؛ جابِجا

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