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The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (II): 台灣產業聚落(II):蛻變與重生
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (II): 台灣產業聚落(II):蛻變與重生
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (II): 台灣產業聚落(II):蛻變與重生
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The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (II): 台灣產業聚落(II):蛻變與重生

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根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum) 公布的「2008-2009 年全球競爭力報告」,台灣蟬聯全球產業聚落發展指標之首位,其意義格外非凡。檢視台灣的產業結構可以發現,同業如果聚集在一起, 利用彼此競爭合作的關係,相互供應各項服務,加上產品及資訊的流通,將可降低交易和生產成本,發揮最高的經濟效益,從而展現出群聚的效應。因此,產業聚落絕對是台灣經濟發展的重要資產。


金融海嘯的襲擊下,維持台灣產業競爭力是政府及業者的共同努力目標。為使業者明瞭並善用台灣各項產業的發展優勢,同時透過有系統的介紹,使國外相關業者體會台灣特有的產業競爭力,以加強渠等來台投資意願,本會特別針對台灣主要產業聚落進行調查研究, 分析介紹其地區分布、當地資源及政

Release dateMay 1, 2013
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (II): 台灣產業聚落(II):蛻變與重生

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    The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (II) - TAITRA




    玻璃產業聚落Glass Industrial Cluster

    高雄遊艇產業聚落Kaohsiung Yacht Industrial Cluster

    台南汽車零配件產業聚落Tainan Automobile Parts and Accessories Cluster

    后里樂器產業聚落Houli Musical Instruments Industrial Cluster

    陶瓷產業聚落Ceramic Industrial Cluster

    食品工業產業聚落Food Industrial Cluster

    食品機械產業聚落Food Machinery Industrial Cluster

    台中健身器材產業聚落Taichung Fitness Equipment Industrial Cluster

    行動輔具產業聚落Mobility Assistive Devices Industrial Cluster

    主要廠商名址Key Players in the Clusters


    根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum) 公布的「2008-2009 年全球競爭力報告」,台灣蟬聯全球產業聚落發展指標之首位,其意義格外非凡。檢視台灣的產業結構可以發現,同業如果聚集在一起, 利用彼此競爭合作的關係,相互供應各項服務,加上產品及資訊的流通,將可降低交易和生產成本,發揮最高的經濟效益,從而展現出群聚的效應。因此,產業聚落絕對是台灣經濟發展的重要資產。

    金融海嘯的襲擊下,維持台灣產業競爭力是政府及業者的共同努力目標。為使業者明瞭並善用台灣各項產業的發展優勢,同時透過有系統的介紹,使國外相關業者體會台灣特有的產業競爭力,以加強渠等來台投資意願,本會特別針對台灣主要產業聚落進行調查研究, 分析介紹其地區分布、當地資源及政府輔導方向,並實地訪問相關廠商,記錄產業發展沿革和成功經營模式,以供各界參考。




    2010 年元月

    The World Economic Forum published the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 and acknowledged Taiwan's high level of efficiency, again ranking it first in the State of Cluster Development index among 134 economies. This honor is significant recognition of the country's industrial development, and industry clusters indeed play a crucial role. Companies in the clusters compete and cooperate with each other, stimulating a variety of supplier networks. Through the exchange of information, they can decrease their production costs and facilitate business efficiency. As a result, industry clusters are indispensable to Taiwan.

    Under the threat of the global financial crisis, the government and private enterprises share the goal of strengthening Taiwan's competitive capacity. To familiarize enterprises with the advantages enjoyed by various industries and to encourage foreign investment, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) has conducted a series of surveys on the traditional industry clusters in Taiwan, featuring their geographical distribution, regional resources and economic policies. Our staff writers paid visits to companies in different industrial sectors to discover business models that could serve as a reference for others.

    The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I) features seven of Taiwan's industrial clusters: machine tools, plumbing hardware, hosiery, towels, orchids, eyeglasses and fasteners. This sequel is divided into another nine pivotal domestic industrial clusters: glass, yachts, automobile parts and accessories, musical instruments, ceramics, food, food machinery, fitness equipment and mobility assistive devices. Other industries will be covered later to complete the picture of the cluster economy on the island. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the International Trade Information Center for its efforts, which made this book possible.

    Chih-Kang Wang, Ph. D.



    June 2009

    玻璃產業聚落Glass Industrial Cluster


    台灣的玻璃產業雖然起源於台北地區,之後卻在新竹發揚光大,迄今已有70 餘年歷史,這項移動的背後原因,是其來有自的。

    關鍵在於天然資源!原來,玻璃的生產原枓需要富含二氧化矽的矽砂,而在玻璃融煉的過程中,則需熱能資源,新竹地區很幸運同時擁有礦砂和天然氣這兩項豐資源。1925 年廖啟明創辦新竹第1家玻璃廠,帶動新竹形成台灣重要的玻璃產業聚落;而台明將在彰濱工業區的帶頭落腳,又開啟了台灣玻璃傢具聚落的另一個里程碑。

    From its humble beginnings more than a hundred years ago, glass manufacturing in Taiwan has grown into an industry with an annual production value of NT$50 billion. When Chen Liang-Cheng set up the first glassware factory in Taipei’s Wanhua region in 1887, he sowed the seeds for the burgeoning glass industry of today.

    Although the Taiwanese glass industry had its roots in the Taipei region, it only came into its full glory when it moved to Hsinchu more than 70 years ago, and there was a reason for such a move.

    The key was natural resources! The production of glass requires large amounts of silica sand, which contains the main ingredient, silicon dioxide; in addition, massive

    Hsinchu amounts of energy are needed to melt the glass for working. The Hsinchu area is blessed with an bundance of both silica sand and natural gas. When Liao Chi-Ming set up Hsinchu’s first glass factory in 1925, he paved the way for Taiwan’s most important s industrial cluster; likewise, another one for Taiwan’s glass furniture industrial r was set with Taiwan Mirror Glass ise (TMG) heralding glass production in the Changpin Industrial Park.


    Due to the location of raw materials such as natural gas and silica sand, Taiwan’s glass industrial cluster began to center in the Hsinchu and Miaoli region. The earliest cluster extended from Hsinchu’s Siangshan district all the way to Chudong, which produced mainly household glassware, glass decorations, and glass for lighting such as Christmas lights, fluorescent lights and other products for practical use.

    由進口替代 轉為出口外銷


    台灣玻璃產業歷經1925 年的萌芽期、1939 年的茁壯期,到1954 年新竹玻璃製造廠統工業一樣,為典型進口替代業,亦即成立台灣第一座平板玻璃製造工廠,當時約聘員工有1,000 多人,數年後增設工藝部門,也量達到相當數量時,乃開始由國內製造因此培訓出不少國內玻璃人才,像春池及立人供應;等到生產能量增加到相當程度,公司的兩位董事長都曾任職於該廠。

    到了1964 年,台灣玻璃工業公司(以下簡稱台玻)以新台幣1億5,000 萬元資本額成立,緊接著在1968 到1973 年間,厚生、大享及華夏等容器玻璃製造商相繼成立生產瓶子及杯子等玻璃製品;1979年,億和等玻璃製造商則開始汽車車燈的生產,從此奠定台灣玻璃工業發展的基礎。


    From Import Substitution to Export

    In its initial stages of development, Taiwan’s glass industry was an import substitution industry, just like other traditional industries. This meant that it started up relying on imports, with domestic manufacturers starting production once internal demand reached a certain level; when production levels rose so that supply exceeded demand, it switched to become a typical export-oriented industry.

    The Taiwanese glass industry started to blossom in 1925, and had become a steadily growing industry by 1939. In 1954, Hsinchu Glass Works, Inc. established Taiwan’s first plate glass factory with a workforce of more than 1,000 workers; a glass arts division was added several years later, which produced much of Taiwan’s glassworks talent: the chairmen of both Spring Pool Glass Industrial Co., Ltd. and Royal Liland Art Glass Co., Ltd. worked at the Hsinchu Glass Works factory before launching their own careers.

    In 1964, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. (TGI) was established with NT$150 million in capital, and between 1968 and 1973, the glassware manufacturers Formosan Glass Corporation, Ta Hsiang Containers, and Hwa Hsia Glass opened up factories in quick succession to produce glass bottles and cups. The Taiwanese glass industry gained even firmer ground in 1979, when Yue Ho Glass and other manufacturers began producing automobile headlights.

    The decade from 1960 to 1970 was the golden age of the Taiwanese glass industry: almost every single household in the Hsiangshan region of Hsinchu was involved in glassmaking, with the two most important export items being Christmas light bulbs and glass artwork.

    垂直供應鏈多 橫向配合廠少

    台灣區玻璃工業同業公會(以下簡稱玻璃公會)指出,玻璃產業多為上、中、下游的垂直型供應鏈體系。上游端是平板玻璃供應商(包括製造商及進口商), 中游是平板玻璃加工等相關製造商;下游則包括經銷商、貿易商及裝潢設計廠商等。


    More Vertical Supply Chains Than Horizontal Coordination

    According to the Taiwan Glass Industry Association, the glass industry is for the most part a vertical supply chain, with plate glass suppliers (including manufacturers and importers) located upstream, plate glass reworkers and other related manufacturers in the middle, and retailers, traders and decorators located downstream.

    Only glass furniture makers have a close horizontal supply chain with manufacturers of screws, metal frames, and other hardware components. Plate glass suppliers and automobile headlight manufacturers provide the automotive industry with windshields, windows, sunroofs and rearview mirrors.


    Glass from Taiwan gained prominence with the 2006 opening of the Taiwan Glass Gallery.


    根據玻璃公會資料顯示,目前國內平板玻璃雖然只有台玻一家生產廠商,但年產量高達60 萬噸,足夠供應國內市場所需;此外,台灣的平板玻璃加工業約40 多家、容器玻璃廠8家、食器玻璃廠7家、玻璃纖維廠7家、工藝玻璃廠則約有上百家。

    TGI 6th Largest Manufacturer of Plate Glass Worldwide

    According to statistics supplied by the Taiwan Glass Industry Association, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. is the only plate glass manufacturer in Taiwan, but its annual production of 600,000 tons is more than enough to satisfy domestic needs; in addition, Taiwan has around 40 plate glass rework companies, 8 manufacturers of glass containers, 7 manufacturers each of food-grade glassware and glass fibers, and more than a hundred glass artwork factories.

    目前台灣只有台玻生產平板玻璃,其國內年產量高達60 萬噸。■台玻提供

    TGI is the only Taiwanese manufacturer of plate glass, producing 600 thousand tons annually. ■Photo provided by Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp.

    台玻在成立的次(1965)年與日本旭硝子株式會社技術合作生產平板玻璃;1970 年與美國Wheaton Glass 技術合作生產容器玻璃;1974 年與英國Pilkington PLC 技術合作生產色板玻璃;1977 年則與德國Veba Glass AG 技術合作生產食器玻璃,1980 年再與英國Pilkington PLC 技術合作生產平板浮法玻璃。

    In 1965, the year after its establishment, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. began technical cooperation with the Japanese company Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. to produce plate glass; this led to technical cooperation with the US company Wheaton Glass in 1970 to produce glass containers, with the UK company Pilkington PLC in 1974 to produce tinted plate glass, with the German company Veba Glass AG in 1977 to produce food-grade glassware, and again with Pilkington PLC in 1980 to produce float


    40 年多來,台玻一路藉由與海外知名玻璃大廠合作,快速提升玻璃工業技術。從建築裝潢所使用的平板玻璃、日常生活所需的酒瓶、杯子、碗、香水瓶等各式玻璃容器,甚至太陽能光電所需的基板,台玻皆能大量生產供應。現今平板玻璃約占台玻集團營業額62%,玻布及玻纖約占28%,其他容食廚器玻璃及汽車玻璃則僅占10% 。

    For the past 40 years, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. has cooperated with major international glass manufacturers to dramatically improve its production techniques. The corporation’s current product line includes plate glass for indoor decor use, everyday objects like wine bottles, cups, bowls, and perfume containers, and even solar cell panels. Plate glass currently accounts for 62% of the company’s revenue, with glass fabric and fiberglass following at 28%, and other glassware and utomotive glass comprising 10%.

    台玻副總經理施人豪表示,由於經濟板塊移動及新興國家的崛起,為取得在國際上的優勢與市占率,台玻在1993 年前往對岸布局,近年相繼在中國大陸的青島、昆山、成都、廣東、天津及東海等地設立浮式平板玻璃工廠,與台灣地區年產量合計200 萬噸,可成為全球高品質平板玻璃第六大玻璃公司。

    According to Mr. J. H. Shih, vice president of Taiwan Glass Industry Corp., the shifting of global economics, along with the rise of new players in the international market, necessitated change to ensure the company maintains its edge and market share. Therefore, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. began venturing into China in 1993 by setting up a float glass factory; currently the Taiwan and China factories have an annual float glass production of two million tons, making it the sixth largest manufacturer of high-quality plate glass in the world.

    台玻擴建廠房 產太陽能原板

    除了台中原有的3座平板廠,台玻更在2006 年於彰濱工業區再投入新台幣28 億元,設立浮式平板玻璃鹿港廠,並於同年10 月底開始投入生產,為台灣玻璃加工業的提升,提供了有力的後盾。

    TGI Expands to Manufacture Solar Cell Panels

    In addition to its three existing plate glass factories, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp. established another float glass factory at Lugang in 2006, with production starting in October of the same year, further enhancing Taiwan’s glass reworking industry.



    Since plate glass

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