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The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I): 台灣產業聚落(I):蛻變與重生
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I): 台灣產業聚落(I):蛻變與重生
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I): 台灣產業聚落(I):蛻變與重生
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The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I): 台灣產業聚落(I):蛻變與重生

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世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum) 最新公布的『2008-2009年全球競爭力報告』,台灣蟬聯全球產業聚落發展指標之首位,其意義格外非凡。檢視台灣的產業結構可以發現,同業如果聚集在一起,利用彼此競爭合作的關係,相互供應各項服務,加上產品及資訊的流通,將可降低交易和生產成本,發揮最高的經濟效益, 從而展現出群聚的效應。因此,產業聚落絕對是台灣經濟發展的重要資產。



Release dateMay 1, 2013
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I): 台灣產業聚落(I):蛻變與重生

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    The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I) - TAITRA






    I. Definition of Industrial Cluster


    II. Global Industrial Cluster Development


    III. Development of Taiwan’s Industrial Clusters

    工具機產業聚落Machine Tool Industry Cluster

    鹿港水五金產業聚落Lukang Plumbing Hardware Industry Cluster

    社頭織襪業產業聚落The Hosiery Industry Cluster in Shetou

    雲林毛巾產業聚落Yunlin County Towel-making Cluster

    台南縣蘭花聚落The Varieties of Orchids in the Orchid Cluster in Tainan

    台南眼鏡產業聚落Tainan Eyeglass Industry Cluster

    螺絲螺帽產業聚落Fastener Industry Cluster

    主要廠商名址Key Players in the Clusters


    世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum) 最新公布的『2008-2009年全球競爭力報告』,台灣蟬聯全球產業聚落發展指標之首位,其意義格外非凡。檢視台灣的產業結構可以發現,同業如果聚集在一起,利用彼此競爭合作的關係,相互供應各項服務,加上產品及資訊的流通,將可降低交易和生產成本,發揮最高的經濟效益, 從而展現出群聚的效應。因此,產業聚落絕對是台灣經濟發展的重要資產。


    本書先介紹工具機、水五金、織襪、毛巾、蘭花、眼鏡以及螺絲螺帽等七項台灣的重要產業聚落,未來將陸續報導其他重要的聚落,希望對促進我國經濟發展有所助益。由於本會資訊中心同仁的努力, 本書得以順利付梓,併此致謝。



    The World Economic Forum recently published the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 and acknowledged Taiwan’s high level of efficiency, again ranking it first in the State of Cluster Development index among 134 economies. This honor is significant recognition of the country’s industrial development, and industry clusters indeed play a crucial role. Companies in the clusters compete and cooperate with  each other, stimulating a variety of supplier networks. Through the exchange of information, they can decrease their production costs and facilitate business efficiency. As a result, industry clusters are indispensable to Taiwan.

    Under the threat of the global financial crisis, the government and private enterprises share the goal of strengthening Taiwan’s competitive capacity. To familiarize enterprises with the advantages enjoyed by various industries and to encourage foreign investment, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) has conducted a series of surveys on the traditional industry clusters in Taiwan, featuring their geographical distribution, regional resources and economic policies. Our staff writers paid visits to companies in different industrial sectors to discover business models that could serve as a reference for others.

    This book is divided into seven pivotal domestic industry clusters: machine tools, plumbing hardware, hosiery, towels, orchids, eyeglasses and fasteners. Other industries will be covered later to complete the picture of the cluster economy on the island. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the International Trade Information Center for its efforts, which made this book possible.

    Chih-Kang Wang



    June 2009

    根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum; WEF) 『2008-2009 年全球競爭力報告』中指出,台灣在產業聚落發展指標(State of Cluster Development)上,再度蟬聯世界第一, 領先國際。

    In the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Taiwan was again ranked first in the State of Cluster Development.




    當然,不是所有集中在某個區域的企業或產業都可稱為聚落,在Porter的定義中,產業聚落是指在特定領域中, 有地理上集中現象,同時群聚中的廠商彼此間不但具有競爭與合作的關係,又有交互關連性的專業化與服務供應商, 以及相關機構(如大學、制定標準化的機構、金融機構、產業公會等),它會形成產業在特定領域競爭的關鍵成功因素。 此外,由於產業間緊密連結在一起,透過產品或資訊流通,使得彼此的利益能夠互補。


    Taiwan is one of the largest IT technology production bases in the world and is known for its production capability. Though it only occupies an area of 36,000 square kilometers, there are more than 70 industrial clusters closely connected to each other to form a supply chain extending from upstream to downstream. Together with Taiwan’s excellent management efficiency and flexibility, Taiwan’s competitiveness of cluster development has come out on top for several years.

    In addition to Taiwan’s outstanding performance in high-tech industries, the integration of local traditional industries has proved their competitiveness through continuous innovation and efforts. For instance, the yacht industry in Kaohsiung, the fastener business in Gangshan, and the machinery industry in Taichung all have a great reputation.



    I. Definition of Industrial Cluster

    產業聚落一詞可追溯於城市發展(urban development)的概念,它代表一群經濟個體在地理位置相近,並且彼此建立關係,以追求經濟活動的最佳化。以競爭策略研究聞名的美國策略大師Michael E. Porter曾說過,產業群聚是國家經濟競爭優勢的重要來源。

    The term industrial cluster can be traced back to the concept of urban development, referring to a group of economic entities with similar geographic location having a relationship with each other in pursuit of the best utilization via economic activities. American competitive strategy researcher Michael E. Porter used to say that industrial clusters are an important source of a country’s competitive advantage.



    Certainly not all enterprises or industries clustered in a certain area can be called an industrial cluster. According to Porter’s definition, the term industrial cluster refers to enterprises in specific fields gathered in a geographic area and having both competitive and cooperative relationships among them. They share specialized service providers that interact with each other and related institutions like universities, standardization organizations, financial institutions, and industry associations that contribute to success in a certain field. Therefore, due to the close connections among industries through their products or the free flow of information, their interests are complementary.

    Simply speaking, the industrial cluster itself is a kind of middle economic system that can provide clustered enterprises economic and security functions. On the one hand, the economic function is mainly to bring down the business cost (transaction costs and production costs) and increase economic profits. That is to say, only when the interests exceed the anticipated cost can the cluster be formed.


    II. Global Industrial Cluster Development

    不論是十九世紀英國蘭開夏郡(Lancashire)的棉紡織業聚落,或是二十世紀義大利東北部的服飾、磁磚與製鞋等行業的聚落,乃至美國加州半導體、電腦與通訊產業聚集的矽谷,全球各國確實都充斥著各種不同的聚落現像。這些國家均希望以建立產業聚落,作為對內帶動經濟成長、擴大就業機會, 對外增加國際競爭力的重要策略。

    另一方面,安全功能則能為企業降低風險,並提高企業運行的穩定性。 尤其是中小企業在面對市場風險、道德風險、技術創新等風險時,往往顯得勢單力薄,若對於市場的風險不能做好控管,企業可能喪失許多交易活動的機會,以致減少了利潤。因此,能提高企業安全運行的制度正是企業,特別是中小企業所渴求的。

    產業聚落的形成方式可分為由上而下及由下而上兩種,前者主要是由政府依據政策所選定的優勢產業,進行優先扶植與推動下所形成的結果,例如科技園區、加工及工業專區等。相對於前者,後者則是為了消除市場失靈,廠商間自然形成的產業群聚現象,而這些聚集的過程,往往是如同克魯曼(Paul Krugman)等學者所言,是經由『歷史和偶然事件決定』。

    On the other hand, the security function can reduce the risk for enterprises and enhance the stability of operation, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. When they encounter market risk, ethical hazards, and technological innovation, they often seem weak. If they cannot do a good job of risk control, they might miss many business opportunities, resulting in lost profit. Thus, increasing the business security system is just what small and medium-sized enterprises are looking for.

    Industrial clusters can be divided into two categories: top-down and bottom-up. The former means that the government supports and promotes the prioritized industries by means of setting up industrial parks, processing areas and designated industrial areas. Meanwhile, the latter is naturally formed by manufacturers for the purpose of eliminating market failures. Similar to what Paul Krugman said, the clustering process is determined by history and occasionally by events.

    Whether it is the cluster of the cotton textile industry in Lancashire, England, in the 19th century or the clusters of clothes, tile and shoes in north-eastern Italy in the twentieth century, or the cluster of semiconductor, computer and telecommunication industries in Silicon Valley in the United States, the world is filled with clusters. These countries all want to establish industrial clusters to boost economic growth, expand employment opportunities, and enhance international competitiveness.

    針對特定產業的區域產業目標計畫,已經成為許多國家區域經濟發展的重要策略之一,主要目的就是想藉由發展、擴大產業聚集,以求創造出外部經濟、廠商生產分工網路或是公共建設的支援等,進而提升廠商的生產力、實現所得成長與創造就業。例如,英國在英格蘭中部推動運動馬達機產業,在布里斯托推動航空產業聚落,在英國東北發展工程相關產業聚落,在Thames Valley 推動資訊科技產業,在劍橋附近推動生化科技產業。

    McCormick (1999)¹利用六個個案來彰顯產業聚落如何幫助非洲企業克服成長與發展的限制。除此之外,不同地區也都有產業聚落成功的經驗,其中最有名且最成功的例子,即為美國加州的矽谷 (Silicon Valley)、麻州波士頓128 號公路(Route 128) 的現象。

    Industry-specific objectives or regional industrial plans have become an important regional economic strategy for many countries, and the main purpose is to create an external economy, division of production, and infrastructure support so that the productivity of enterprises can be improved and income and working opportunities can grow. For instance, the UK promotes the motor industry in central England, aviation in Bristol, construction in the North-east, the IT industry in the Thames Valley, and biotech near Cambridge.

    McCormick illustrates how industrial clusters can assist African enterprises to conquer growth and development restrictions with six examples. In addition, different areas have their own successful experience, among which Silicon Valley in California and Route 128 in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States are the most well-known cases.


    III. Development of Taiwan’s Industrial Clusters

    就台灣而言, 經濟發展過程中因地域關係集中所發展出來的產業聚落,多屬傳統產業或勞動密集的中小企業。Galenson(1979)²認為在充裕的勞力資源下,中小企業採用勞力密集的生產方式,不但較具有國際市場的競爭力,以此開發出口市場,更能帶動經濟成長的貢獻。而聯合國產業發展組織則認為,聚落是協助中小企業發展的重要基礎,促進彼此學習與模仿,讓企業專注於本身核心能耐外, 同時達到規模經濟的效益。

    近年來,政府不但成功將高科技廠商聚集在某一區域,以達成群聚效果, 另一方面,也開始積極推動整合在地文化、工藝及美學等已存在之傳統產業聚落,主要是希望能結合地方特色,讓逐漸凋零的傳統產業,重新找到生產利基與定位,帶動整體經濟成長。

    As far as Taiwan is concerned, industrial clusters developed due to geographic closeness in the process of economic development of the traditional and labor-intensive small-to-medium enterprises. Galenson thought that with abundant labor resources, the adoption by small-to-medium enterprises of a labor-intensive-production approach could not only strengthen their international competitiveness but also make a contribution to economic growth. From the perspective of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the clusters serve as the foundation for small-to-medium enterprises to learn from and imitate each other so that they can focus on their core competence

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