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Spaceships and Jesus: What Do Trump, A Thief, And A Sex Doll Have In Common?
Spaceships and Jesus: What Do Trump, A Thief, And A Sex Doll Have In Common?
Spaceships and Jesus: What Do Trump, A Thief, And A Sex Doll Have In Common?
Ebook203 pages3 hours

Spaceships and Jesus: What Do Trump, A Thief, And A Sex Doll Have In Common?

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Confused and overwhelmed, unaware of the events leading up to this moment; I awake the only passenger on an unknown spaceship. When voices start telling you to save the world, by becoming the newest reluctant messenger: you can only ignore them for so long. Join me on this ridiculous mission, and decide for yourself. What do Trump, a thief, and a Sex Doll all have in common? Spaceships and Jesus. A new story must be told, and as you read these words, ask yourself, am I one of the Twelve?
Release dateAug 7, 2020
Spaceships and Jesus: What Do Trump, A Thief, And A Sex Doll Have In Common?

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    Spaceships and Jesus - Amy Beaumonte


    In the Beginning-Beresheet

    Somewhere on the edge of my imagination I could feel something, perceive something and it was something BIG, that night while I lay sleeping, I had the dream again. I’ve been having really weird dreams almost every night; beautiful, violent and sad. The creation of our universe, a shimmering and beautifully faceted dodecahedron shaped jewel. It’s insides contained brilliant webs of light stretching out as far as the eye could see, carrying packets of energy further along into the web of the cosmos. Light glistened off magnetic crystal globes, gliding, swirling moving through the cosmos in a spiral pattern into eternity. Galaxies began to appear spreading even wider as solar systems were being formed, all while riding on an invisible wave of sound.

    Out of the darkness a pair of stars find each other, swirling around each other testing the bonds of each other. Dark and light matter colliding in a shower storm of energy, the two bodies intertwining coming together and separating exchanging positive and negative charges. Each exchanging energy through these violent, beautiful and terrifying interactions. Each star determined in its simplicity of purpose, to emulsify and homogenize; to break each other down to be rebuilt together into something new and better. Binary-star systems orbiting each other, in a beautiful dance, one of the stars starts to swell in size, changing shape I watched as the star evolved becoming a red giant.

    The smaller star’s orbit protects the expectant Red Giant on it’s travel through the Galaxy until together they reach their destination, the orbit of the Red Giant carries the smaller star into its expanding atmosphere. The smaller of the stars gobbles up material left behind by the Red Giant, which settles into a disk around the star. The Red Giant is near term, the buildup of material reaches a tipping point and is eventually ejected as blobs of hot plasma, all along the star’s spinning axis into space, bringing life to a new solar system. This ejection process is repeated every eight and a half years, the time it takes for the orbiting star to make another pass through the bloated Red Giant’s envelope.  Finally, successful in their union they are divided to create a new solar system, light matter on one side dark matter on the other.

    I woke up startled, slowly the dream faded from my mind. I was left with this feeling I was forgetting something important. Like I had something to do but I forgot what it was, I rolled over and snuggled next to the broad shoulders of my husband and went back to sleep thinking to myself, I need to stop watching so many documentaries, I am starting to dream about them.

    When I heard about the world lottery the Gateway Foundation was holding the chance to win a four day trip to space, I couldn’t help myself. I had to try to win. The world’s affluent citizens, corporations and governments secured their passage to the station in low Earth orbit with substantial ticket prices. Those funds along with the Gateway Lottery provided the funds for the construction of The Station. I lay in bed still feeling the effects from the shock of the news, I was the winner of the Gateway Lottery, my family and I would be heading to space. I lay in the dark thinking about the fact that I still haven’t figured out how I was going to tell my husband, he was not going to be happy about this at all.

    Woke in Space

    Okay Bitches, let me see if I can catch you up. I woke to the sound of alarms; a wailing, ear splitting noise disturbing my peaceful hibernation. I laid there for a really long time, thinking I don’t want to go to school today, I was hoping someone else was going to turn the alarm off. Slowly as I came to, it dawned on me that It has been years since I was in school. I tried to open my eyes, as I blindly climbed out of what turned out to be a large white pod filled with some opaque wet substance. I was covered in said substance and nothing else. I was chilled, my shaking my body so stiff tears were starting to form in the corners of my eyes, I started opening cupboards and closet doors rummaging around for something dry. I needed something warm to wrap myself in settling for First Aid Bandages for the time being. My body was warming, so I stretched out on the floor to get my bearings. It felt like I had been asleep for 100 years. I could hardly pry open my eyes to see. My lids felt dry and heavy, the lights shining down from above felt like bolts of lightning racing across my retinas. I blinked a few times wishing I had a bottle of visine; the fiery ring slowly subsided as my natural tears began to flow again, that’s better I blinked a few times and looked around me. The alarms were still going off. I was hearing something annoying chirping in the distance, like a smoke detector that has used the last of it’s battery. A blue light began to flash across the room as a whooshing sound, not unlike a whoopee cushion was expelled making me jump. It was nothing but the last of the air escaping the pod as it finished depressurizing. I couldn’t help but giggle when I looked around to see if anyone thought that noise belonged to me, I was utterly alone.

    I found the alarm pad along the wall quickly turning off the blaring alarm. That’s better I said out loud. My voice sounded strange to me and out of place. A slight echo reminding me that I was the only conscious being awake on this floating tin can, as far as I could tell. I’m not even sure how it happened that any of us even ended up in these pods to begin with. I walked over to the pods looking inside at the people resting inside, as I neared the pod I had recently crawled out of, I found the rest of my family sound asleep, We were a pod family now. Great, I thought to myself this has got to be aliens for sure, or maybe it was just a secret government testing facility? Where we are sold to the aliens? My mind was going around in circles, like a carousel in crazy town, for sure. Where the hell was I? What was going on in this place? The reality of my situation was slowly starting to sink in, I was the only person awake, or at least no one had shown up to the sound of screaming alarms. Seeing things more clearly for the first time, I was realizing I might be in real trouble.

    I was thinking back, searching my hazy mind for anything that would give me a clue as to how I got myself stuck in a pod. I started to remember fragments from the day I decided to buy a lottery ticket to space, pieces of my memory started flooding in. Remembering myself sitting on a chair in my living room, the moment the final number was called out by the TV announcer. Without even looking down at the slip of paper, I knew I was holding the winning Space Lottery ticket in my trembling hands. Training at Spaceport New Mexico said nothing about being put in these containers and I was starting to lose my cool. I have never had the greatest memory, so I really was not as worried as let’s say some people may have been in a similar situation, I was used to this kind of thing. What I didn’t understand was what the pods were about, why I was awake and stranded on a ship full of Sleeping Beauties. I had examined the pods my family were contained in, as far as I could tell they were not going to open very easily.

    As long as the life-support systems were working properly on the pods, it looked like they were not going to open until they were unlocked somehow. Along the side of each pod there was a smooth black screen I assumed was a scanner of some sort, after realizing it was not a touch screen. As I examined the pods holding my family I kept thinking to myself with my hands as weak as they are after the bilateral carpal tunnel surgery I had a few months ago. I don’t think I could bust the pods open even if I tried. What if I damaged the life-support systems and couldn’t get them out in time, they could die. I sat down on the floor and pouted for about an hour, I still was not sure how I was going to get out of this room, let alone how I was going to find clothes and supplies to survive until I could figure this out. I pulled out the roll of self adhesive bandage tape I found while rummaging around in the drawer. I wrapped it around myself, like the girls on Survivor with their team colored buffs.

    With my husband and two sons asleep along with all the passengers of scientists, civilians and of course the people who made this all possible the Billionaires who purchased the Luxury Suites here in space, I pondered my situation and made up my mind to find a way out of the pod storage area and into the hub and the main areas of the Station.  As I sat there, I kept thinking to myself, my husband is going to be pissed off when he wakes up. He never wanted to go to space, he got mad every time I brought it up. He didn’t like the thought of me wanting to go somewhere that he had no desire to go. My husband was not up for this trip, I may have had to drug him to get him on board. I know that was probably not the best thing to do, but for those of you familiar with the A-Team, sometimes you have to drug the big guy, to get him to fly.

    My mind began taking inventory of the situation, I was in the civilian section of the Von Braun Station in Low orbit around the planet Earth. It took me a few minutes to get my bearings because I couldn’t remember why I was here and why I was the only one awake? So there I was naked, nothing but bandages wrapped around my breasts.  Hello. my voice echoed in the silence. Not expecting an answer, I was sure surprised when I heard a musical ethereal female voice in my head saying, I need your help.

    I don’t know about you, but I do not consider myself a helpful kind of person. Traditionally, I am not a volunteer for the good of others kind of person. Overall, I have been pretty much an every man for themselves kind of gal.

    I looked around the room knowing there was no one there. Oh no, I am not the one, you woke the wrong human. I yelled to the empty medical room. I stopped listening to the voices in my head telling me what to do, years ago, I am not following voices around an empty ship.

    Then there was nothing, no response, no voice, no sound. I seriously need to get it together, you’re losing your shit Amy. The deep sleep I was in must be playing tricks with my mind. I had imaginary friends Hermes (Hermie) and Gabuthelon (Gabflyn) growing up, being alone plays tricks on your mind, but I wasn’t about to revert to talking to imaginary voices because of a little stressful situation. I was an educated woman, I would not become some hysterical animal. I sat cross legged on the floor with my head on my arms and my back to the pod my husband lay sleeping in behind me. Slowly things started coming back to me. I won the global lottery and I was starting to remember how I got on this Space Station, now if I could figure out what it was that was going on here.

    I guess it was time to get out of this room, I had been sitting there feeling sorry for myself long enough. Since I’m a civilian on the station, I didn’t know how I was going to access anything. Luckily the doors open through sensors and I was able to enter the hallway without incident. I had a tour of the Station when we came on board and I felt like I knew which direction to go. I pondered my current situation and made up my mind to find a way out of the pod storage area and into the civilian area to find out what the food situation was. I needed to find clothing, water and something to eat, I was starving.

    I walked through the hallway that led to the common area where the dining module was located, most of the doors I encountered were locked. I knew from the briefing at Spaceport America that there was an emergency protocol in place to wake up the crew in the event that the ship needed attention. Since everything mechanical was in perfect working order the ship appeared to be functioning as it was programmed, I was pretty sure there had to be a crew member responsible for safety and maintenance checks, I didn’t think I would be alone forever?

    Don’t tell anyone but I was able to break into a few of the guest rooms. No one’s occupying them right now they’re all in their pods, but their belongings are in the Villas. I had no idea where my belongings were, I was never issued a room that I could recall. I did manage to find a room with more fur coats than most people would consider politically correct. I ran my hand across the soft luxurious fur, I wondered to myself what type of animals used to be wrapped in these beautiful pelts. The owners won’t mind if I use them while they are sleeping, I tried on two of the softest and decided to take them back to the room I was using. I chose a room near where my family was slumbering, I felt a little less alone.

    I am not connected to the internet up here, no need to pass out WIFI codes to pod people. Without Google I have no one to help me answer all my questions, then I remembered the AI Tech genius on board and I wondered what I could find in his stateroom. I wondered if I could find out which room he was assigned, I haven’t seen any type of roster or room assignments in my search so far, I might have to check them all. I got so excited, finally having something to do, I was betting he has his own hotspot. I looked for several hours with no luck, I was already planning how I would contact the people back at the base and they would tell me what to do. As a civilian on the station I did not have access to the employee sections and I was going to have to get creative if I was going to find help. I was limited to the guest areas, as these were areas I was able to break into on my own. I was going to be in so much trouble when people wake up, I have no regard for private property on a regular day, and this was a crisis situation. I was beat, after searching for the tech guys room all day, I headed back toward the stateroom I had decided to use; I laid out the beautiful white and grey furs on the bed and laid sprawled across them, I was dreaming within minutes.

    Bored in Space

    Mother, is that you? I called out into the darkness, I was dreaming again. The musical  voice I had heard earlier in the day spoke out to me from the darkness. In a soothing voice it said, I am not your Mother, you are not meant to be with me, just know that you are loved. I cried out, grief and loneliness weighed my body down, I love you, why can’t we be together? The soothing voice repeated her words, I love you, but I can not be with you, she would say no more. The feeling of loss and sadness felt overwhelming, I whispered, I do not understand.

    Suddenly the weight from my body was gone, I was lifted weightlessly up, up,

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