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Into the Light
Into the Light
Into the Light
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Into the Light

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Dede and her charges stumble on the way home when they meet a strange cat with an agenda all his own. But luckily for Dede a new friend and a ship full of long-lost ghosts step in to guide her back onto her true path. Now, if they could only get home before the next stinky diaper change, everyone would be happy.

Release dateJun 14, 2020
Into the Light

Robert Wright, Jr

Robert is the author of multiple young adult fantasy and sci-fi stories populated with strong female heroes and intriguing creatures pulled from his imagination. His characters are based on drawings and doodles that he has worked on since he could pick up a pencil.Robert has traveled the world and met many interesting people but now lives in Bellingham, Washington with his wife and youngest child. Bellingham and the surrounding areas are often the settings for his many novels. For more information on these enjoyable books please visit or stop by the Witch Way Books page on Facebook.

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    Into the Light - Robert Wright, Jr

    My eyes watered as they rapidly blinked in the glare of the new world we had entered. Everywhere I looked through the tears, I could see bright lights glittering off the surfaces around us. Wraog stepped up next to me. Mistress, I think I liked it better in the cave we left. It is not so—so bright.

    I blinked a few more times as my eyes adjusted to the brilliance when the pressing heat made its presence known. With sweat dripping off the tip of my nose, my clothes clung to every inch of my body. They felt weighed down from the moisture in the air. Maybe the little guy had a point. That cave we had just left may have been flooding with water, but at least it was cooler and was less sunny than where we were.

    Then I remembered the last couple of days. Huge dragons with nine heads, the master of a dark realm, and his shadow guards intruded on my mind. You know I think I’ll take a little light and heat over where we came from any day. It may be hot and bright, but at least we don’t have any enemies here. I glanced at the tiny orc and saw he wasn’t too sure I had my priorities in order.

    If you say so, Mistress. I still think a nice dark hole would be better than this world. Even if it was starting to get a little damp.

    A little damp. Right. As always, the little orc had understated the problem in the cave when he insisted that the flooding cave we had just left was a ‘little damp.’ Since my eyes were finally adjusted to the light, I gave our new world a more detailed scan. We stood at the top of a small mountain. A mountain centered on an island. All around us, the light sparkled off the water like tiny diamonds. In the distance, I could see the hazy outline of what looked like another island.

    I didn’t know there could be so many colors in a world. Sarah’s hushed voice stopped me from checking out the horizon as I turned my attention to what lay below us.

    A solid canopy of green started just below the ledge where we stood and stretched to a light brown strip of sand before dropping into the blue water. Flowers of all colors poked out through the treetops. The only thing that broke up the forest below was a thin strip of blue about halfway down the hill, which I hoped was a stream of fresh water and the path that started at the end of the ledge.

    Yes, it’s pretty, isn’t it, but I don’t think we can keep standing here admiring the view.

    Sarah looked around the small clearing with puzzled eyes holding a hint of fright in them. Why? I don’t see any danger here. In fact, I don’t see any creatures at all.

    I shook the empty bottles attached to my belt. In this heat, we’ll need to find some water, or we’re going to get awful thirsty dreadfully quick.

    Constance’s tiny voice floated up from the backpack as she reached her little hands toward the bottles. Frisfy.

    Hey, Mistress, the little one talked. Did you know that she could talk, Mistress?

    I gave my niece a quick kiss on the top of her head. So, she did, Wraog, so she did.

    Sarah wiped a sheen of sweat from her forehead. I guess you’re right, Dede. I’m thirsty too, but maybe we can rest for just a couple of minutes before we start down the hill?

    I glanced back at the window to the dark realm. I’d rather not take a chance of being here if something decides to follow us through the portal into this world.

    Sarah went pale as Wraog threw a few frightened glances of his own back at the portal. I think you’re right, Mistress. That cave may have flooded behind us, but it won’t stay that way forever.

    How long do you think we have, Wraog?

    The orc stood with one hand on his chin and the other on his waist as I could see him figuring out the problem I had given him. Finally, he shook his head. Well, Mistress, since I’m not sure of the volume of the cave since we orcs didn’t dig it out, and how fast the surface water in that world seeps into the ground. Then there is—

    You should never get an orc going on any problem that has to do with caves, or digging of caves. They may be slow in most things, but when it came to this subject, they could go for hours like hiking a long winding road. Best guess, Wraog. Best guess. I’m not going to hold you responsible if you’re off by a minute or so.

    Oh. Right. Sorry about that. I would say we have about two to three hours before something will be able to come through the cave and into this world. That is, if anything would even be able to find the portal in the dark realm. Remember, I found this one by accident.

    I thought about those shadow guardians that had been waiting in the woods for us. I gave a glanced back at the portal. I think if any of those shadow creatures survived that dragon, they’ll be coming after us. They seemed to want something we have. Even when their main boss was squished like a bug on a rug, they were still after us.

    That brought a giggle from Sarah and Constance, but a frown from Wraog as he looked over at the little girl we had saved from the dark realm dungeons. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a great idea to stay here, but where are we going to go if this is the only portal in this world?

    I grabbed Constance out of the pack Sarah was carrying. I started down the hill. I guess we’ll worry about that once we find some water and scope out this island a bit. If we’re lucky, there will be another way off this world. Come on, guys, let’s head down the path and get some water.

    Behind me, I could hear Wraog’s whiny voice as the other two started down. Yes, as long as we have time to check out this new world and nothing on it decides to have us for its lunch. Or maybe even its dinner.

    As soon as we were under the trees, the heat retreated as shade from the broad leaves blocked out the sunlight. For a few minutes, we moved quickly down a path almost as smooth as glass before I heard Wraog’s voice behind me. Mistress, I think we need to stop and think about this place.

    Stopping, I turned toward the orc. I caught Sarah frowning and looking around at the trees like a rabbit caught in a light. Okay, what is it you two?

    Uh, don’t you feel it, Mistress?

    Feel wh— I stopped talking as I looked up and down the path. There was a particular something in the air since we had reached the trees. Something that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Like something not nice was watching us.

    Wraog’s eyes darted around, searching the trees. There. See? You feel it too. It is like we are being watched…and the path, how could this path be this clear if no one is here? And then there is the quiet. It is way too quiet, Mistress.

    Rechecking the trail, I realized the orc had a point. Hello. Hello. Is anyone there? Sarah stared at me, her eyes wide in fright as Wraog waved his arms in the air and vigorously shook his head.

    Mistress, maybe that isn’t such a good idea. Whoever is watching us may not like us being on their world. Or may think orcs would make good snacks. Maybe we shouldn’t be calling their attention to us.

    Well, since no one growled or barked at us, I’m going down this hill and getting something to drink. You two can stand here and wait to see if someone doesn’t like us being on their world or come with me. I turned and headed down the hill and the water I could hear gurgling ahead.

    It was quiet behind me for a second until I heard two sets of feet stumbling on the path behind me. I’m not as worried about something growling as I am about something biting, the orc muttered under his breath before yelling, WAIT, MISTRESS. WE’RE COMING. NO NEED TO RUSH TO OUR DEATHS.

    Half an hour later, we broke out into a thin clearing. A stream of water was angling across it before it dropped down off a small ledge into a blue pool of water. Groaning, I waded into the cool water with my little bundle and dipped down so we were submerged almost to my shoulders.

    Turning at the splash beside me, I saw Sarah’s head come out of the water. She spurted water at us, making Constance giggle. Looking around for Wraog, I saw the orc standing toe deep at the edge of the pool. Come on in, Wraog. The water is nice and refreshing.

    The orc sniffed at each of his underarms. Uh, that’s alright, Mistress. If you remember, I just had a bath the other day in that cave.

    I remember, but it wouldn’t hurt you to have another one. We have been running around in old dusty caves for days now, and you know we all could use a wash.

    I stopped talking at the shocked look on the orc’s face trying my hardest not to laugh as he stuttered. But, Mistress. How could you? Two baths in… He stopped as he sniffed the air. Why I hardly smell as bad as that child does when she does whatever it does in its clothes.

    I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the orc and his indignation when a familiar odor started to drift from the little one in my arms. Speaking of messes in clothes, I guess it is that time again. The laughter died as I climbed out of the water and started to go through the pack looking for a clean diaper.

    I think the one she is wearing the last clean one, Dede, Sarah said as she climbed out of the water behind us.

    I gave the little one to Sarah as I grabbed up the bundle of stinky rags from a side pocket of the pack. Fine, you strip her out of that and get her cleaned up while I wash these, please?

    Sarah nodded as she laid Constance at the edge of the pool while I walked over to a group of rocks at the far end. As I bent down to start washing, I couldn’t help but smile as I heard Wraog grumbling, And she was saying I stink and needed a bath. An orc could go a whole year without a bath and not smell as bad as that child does when— until his voice faded as he headed toward the other side of the pool.

    It didn’t take long for me to get the rags the shadow guards had provided in the dungeon cleaned and Constance back into one of them. The water bottles were filled, and I was thinking we should get a move on when the little orc came running over to me, his hands full of fruit.

    Wraog, where have you been?

    He ignored my question he dumped his pile of newfound treasures in front of me. Dancing a little jig, his eyes lit up at his prize. LOOK, MISTRESS. LOOK WHAT I FOUND.

    I eyed the small pile of food while I heard Sarah’s and the baby’s stomach let out a low rumble of hunger. That’s good, Wraog, but can we eat this stuff?

    Well—uh—of course, we can Wraog looked at the fruit and back at me. I guess we can, can’t we, Mistress?

    I looked at the fruit as my stomach let it be known it was as empty as the others. I don’t know. This is a different world. It may have food that we can’t eat. It could make us sick or even kill us, even if it does look good enough to eat, and I don’t know any way to check it out without one of us taking those chances.

    The orc reached for one of the small round fruits. Maybe if I took a tiny, teeny, weeny bite of—

    WRAOG! NO!

    The orc’s arm shot back from the fruit as though I had burned him. A hurt look plying his face when a voice from the edge of the trees sang out. Oh, let him try. It will be fun to see if he lives or dies. So much fun indeed. You’re such a party pooper, little girl.

    Chapter 2

    Ceri walked into the throne room, weariness seeping through her body. She nodded to the female lion shifter slumped on the throne. Good morning, Kit.

    The shifter started to get up from her seat, Good morning, my queen. She gratefully sank back down with a low groan as Ceri waved her back.

    Sit. Just sit and rest, Kit. We are both too tired to stand on formality after last night. Ceri crossed the room and slowly lowered herself onto the steps below the throne.

    It was quiet for a few minutes as each woman was lost in their own thoughts and deeply felt fatigue. Kit watched the young queen stretch and shift her position for a few seconds before asking, How far along are you, my queen? Ceri’s head spun around, staring at the shifter before glancing at her armored cover body. No, you’re not showing, but another mother can see the signs, Kit said, amused.

    Ceri’s hand gently rubbed her stomach. Four months or so.

    I remember my last one, Denna, my queen.

    My name is Ceri. I think after going to battle with me against those dark realm creatures last night, we can dispense with all the ‘my queen’ crap.

    Kit stared fondly at the young woman. Okay, Ceri it is. Like I was saying, I remember my last. How it felt having a life growing inside of you. It is something the gods have granted only to us females. For only we could understand the miracle growing within us. Ceri shared Kit’s look. It was a look only mothers could understand.

    The peace was broken by two strident voices floating ahead of the trolls marching into the lion shifter’s throne room. You lost her, Scom. It’s your fault we were not watching the queen. What will Ro say when he finds out?

    Me? I lost her? And just where were you when she slipped away from us?


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