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Spring the Trap: Escaping the Wiles of the Enemy
Spring the Trap: Escaping the Wiles of the Enemy
Spring the Trap: Escaping the Wiles of the Enemy
Ebook431 pages6 hours

Spring the Trap: Escaping the Wiles of the Enemy

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"Satan is an enemy to be respected and understood," write Glen and Marge Williams. But Spring the Trap will do more than help you understand him. It will give you the tools to defeat him.Spring the Trap is written in a simple, conversational style. Glen and Marge Williams take a profoundly complex subject and represent it in a manner that will be embraced by all. Compare and contrast the role of Jesus the Rescuer and His angels with that of Satan and his demonic forces, find out just who is Lord of your desires and motives, and learn how to realign your life with God and His purposes. Any reader who embraces the wisdom of Spring the Trap stands on the threshold of one of the most exciting experiences of his life. About the author: Self-described as “ordinary people,” Glen and Marge Williams met Jesus in 1972 and made a commitment to“do what Jesus called them to do, whatever it was.” Since then, God has used them in a powerful ministry of deliverance, healing, and signs and wonders. They were ordained in 1990. The Williams base their ministry in Fresno, California, where they attend The Peoples Church.
Release dateAug 7, 2012
Spring the Trap: Escaping the Wiles of the Enemy

Glenn Williams

I grew in Fort Worth,Texas,in a very religious Pentecostal background,from an very early age.It was almost my whole life.Then i fail in love with tennis,and went to Grambling State University on a full athletic tennis scholalship.I played professional tennis,and my highest world ranked was 669.Was a songwriter,keyboard player,and now author.

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    Spring the Trap - Glenn Williams




    Glen and Marge Williams


    By Glen and Marge Williams

    Published by Creation House Press

    A Charisma Media Company

    600 Rinehart Road

    Lake Mary, Florida 32746

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations marked NLT are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All rights reserved.

    Cover design by Terry Clifton

    Copyright © 2004 by Glen and Marge Williams

    All rights reserved

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2004101430

    International Standard Book Number: 978-1-59185-556-9

    E-book International Standard Book Number: 978-1-61638-974-1

    To my precious wife, Marge, who stood by my side through all the trials and tribulations while writing this book. After being together over thirty-five years, I still delight in picking you a fresh flower every morning. You have guided me through the good and the hard times, but we made it and I love you more than ever.

    To my Pastor, the Rev. G. L. Johnson, who has trust and faith in our ministry and has encouraged us every step of the way. You treated us as though we were special from the first moment we met. You set an example of excellence in all things for us to follow, and we tried our best. You taught us to keep our eyes on the Lord and not worry about little things that come along. We treasure the many hours we have spent sitting at your feet being taught the Word of God and you showed by example how to live it out. We will be eternally grateful for your teaching and leadership and love. Thank you and may God bless you with many more years of great health and happiness.

    To my friend Pastor Ray Castro, you taught me to find humor in some of the hard times I was going through these past several years. You stopped by our home even when I could not talk very well from the medicine I was taking and we laughed together as I mixed up my words, some of them hilarious combinations. Thank you for making me look good when we went to Mexico. I still do not know what you said, but it was a very successful and memorable week.


    To our friend Teresa Daniels: special thanks for your thoughtfulness and help in putting our material together; your contribution was invaluable.

    To Pastor Roger Halvorson who has been a dear friend to me almost from the very beginning of our ministry: you always invited us to minister in your church whenever possible and then even held our ordination ceremony there in 1990. Blessings on you, my friend. To Rev. LeRoy Mikels with Triune Biblical University: thank you for accepting Marge and I to be ordained as ministers and for all the help and encouragement you have given us to write this book.

    To Drs. Thurnace and Ethelyn York: you opened your heart and home to us when we first met Jesus. You invited us to home gatherings of Christians in Concert where we met top recording artists and learned the beauty of praising God in small settings, and watched as the Holy Spirit touched people’s lives. You shared wisdom gained through travel around the world and we listened and learned. Special thanks to Ethelyn for your suggestions in finalizing this endeavor of ours. We love both of you very much and are grateful for all you have contributed to our lives. God bless you.

    Thank you to the many people that have covered us in prayer through the years and still call our names before the Lord every morning. You will never know how much of an impact that had on our lives and ministry until you get to heaven. You shared in this ministry as much as we did because without you we could not have done what we felt God called us to do. May God richly reward you with abundant blessings from above.

    Last but not least, our sons have been wonderful and helpful in many ways throughout our ministry. All three have been involved with me in demonic deliverance. Rick and Jeff ran the sound and cameras for services and they and Bruce stood by my side as a team member when needed. Special thanks to Bruce for his expertise in putting this book together and guiding us through the end process. What a job! So many things we knew nothing about, but he said, It is a piece of cake.





    Part I: Freedom or Captivity—The Spirit Realm

    Two Worlds: The Nature of the Spirit World

    How the Spirit World Is Ordered

    The Nature of the Players

    Jesus the Rescuer—Remember Who He Is

    The Role of Angels

    Jesus’ Mission

    Satan, the Trapper

    Satan’s Existence and Where He Came From

    Satan’s Kingdom and Authority

    The Role of Demons

    Satan’s Mission

    Satan’s Fate

    Identity/Classification of Demons

    Characteristics of Demons

    Demonic Methods

    Assignments/Work of Demons

    Demonic Curses

    Generational Curses

    Manifestations of Demons

    The Power of Demons Over the Human Body

    Disembodied Spirits

    Spiritualism and the Occult

    Final Judgment of Demons

    God’s Use of Demons

    Part II: The Holy Spirit

    How the Holy Spirit Moves

    Spiritual Gifts: Preparation for Ministry

    Who Gives Spiritual Gifts

    Who Receives Spiritual Gifts

    The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Part III: Springing the Trap: Spiritual Warfare

    Our Weapons of Warfare

    Know What You Are Dealing With When You Minister

    Is It a Past Hurt or Demonic Activity?

    Healing of Past Hurts Is the Renewing of Your Mind

    The Interview

    Our Protection (The Snake Bite Kit)

    Ministering to Past Hurts

    Indicators of Demonic Involvement

    Setting the Captives Free

    A Quick Review of What We Have Covered

    Some Final Things to Keep in Mind

    Can a Christian Have a Demon?

    Demonic Stronghold Entrance Points

    How to Avoid Demonization

    Some Surprises

    Prayer for Healing

    Follow-up: Staying Free

    Ready for Service


    When we met Jesus for the first time in 1972 we decided that if we were going to be Christians, we would be Christians all the way. We would do what Jesus called us to do, whatever it was. We began to read the Bible and to put into practice the admonition to His followers, Share the good news of salvation, heal the sick, and cast out demons. We assumed every Christian was doing this because the Bible said to. Then we discovered that few were actually doing these things, particularly the heal the sick and cast out demons commands. People advised us not to get too involved in that stuff, but it was too late. We had already seen lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and, like words in an old song, for us it was, No turning back, no turning back.

    It all began when my wife and I were invited to attend an Easter service at the People’s Church in Fresno, California. I knew my wife, Marge, would love to go, so I reluctantly agreed and the whole family would attend together. She was so excited. I could not break her heart by backing out, but I showed my displeasure every moment I could. I dug in my heels and she dragged me every step of the way, reminding me that I was the one that had agreed to go. She expected to hold me to my word no matter how much I protested.

    I even tried to talk the kids into not going by offering them a trip to the lake. Marge overpowered all of us.

    If I was forced to go to church, I was going to look my best. I put on my red blazer, yellow pants, and shined my cowboy boots. Nothing was going to stop me from looking good. After all, this was the outfit I wore when we went out to dinner and dancing, and everyone would tell me how sharp I looked. I felt great!

    This was my first experience attending church. During the service, the pastor asked visitors to stand and tell where they were from. Some came from many miles around and when we said, Fresno, he said, Fresno! Where have you been so long? We are so glad you are here. We hope you will come again. We are delighted you joined us today.

    My wife was radiant, and it showed. She poked me and exclaimed, He really means that. You can tell by his voice. Her dreams had come true; we were all in church. She was happy and I was miserable. I was afraid that some of our friends would recognize me. My only thought at the moment was to sneak out, but I knew I would not be able to.

    As soon as that church service was over, I was going to find that woman who invited us and give her a royal piece of my mind. No person should have to go through this misery. She was definitely on my hit list. This was some woman Marge had met at a piano class at night school and we did not even really know her, anyway. Weekends were for parties, boating, and camping, not hanging around with a bunch of strange people saying, Praise the Lord with every breath. This was definitely not a healthy situation!

    I did not hear much of what the preacher said that morning until the end of the service when, to my surprise, I wanted to cry. I began to feel embarrassed and wanted desperately to get out. I can only remember crying once in my entire life, when I was a young man in military service. I learned real fast that men did not cry for any reason. I could not wait to get out of there. I hustled the family along and we left in a hurry. While it was not far, it was a very long trip home. The kids were excited and wanted to know if we could go again. I said, We will see, meaning Never in a million years.

    During the following week, I fell while working around the house. Every time I tried to get up I would almost pass out. I asked my wife to call the man from that church and find out what he had done to me. I thought he had put some kind of hex on me. It was late and no one was at the church, so Marge promised to call the next morning. Four hours later, I was at the hospital emergency room breathing into a paper bag, trying to undo my hyperventilation. Boy! Did I feel stupid!

    On the following Tuesday, Marge and I went to the People’s Church and we met the Rev. G. L. Johnson, the senior pastor. He was a friendly man with a warm smile, but not a man that I felt I could trust; he was one of those Christian people.

    I was nervous as I sat there, becoming more agitated by the moment. I rushed ahead to tell him that I did not like him or his church, that his congregation was filled with hypocrites, and I did not want to be a part of it. I knew some of the people who attended this church and they did things that I did not think was necessarily right. I wanted the hex removed and I wanted it removed now!

    Pastor Johnson told me about the drawing of the Holy Spirit and read Scripture, explaining that God was calling me to Himself, and Jesus loved me. Well, I told him in no uncertain terms that I did not believe him, and not only that, I did not believe in God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. There was a tense exchange of words, with me protesting about the hypocrites in the church because they would drink with us on Saturday night and listen to dirty jokes, and then go to church on Sunday. I felt that was wrong. The Pastor said we should pray, and then it would be time for us to leave. My wife’s hopes of becoming a family that attended church were dashed. The pastor did encourage us to come back the next week to see if what he told us was true. Try it one more time and maybe you could help me with the hypocrites, he said. Despite everything I said, he seemed very gentle and kind.

    At 4:00 a.m. the following Sunday, I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I got out of bed and when Marge asked why, I told her I did not know exactly, but something was wrong. I had always been my own protector and did not need or want anyone to tell me what to do. All the same, I was very troubled and uneasy. Questions I did not have answers for kept running through my mind.

    I needed to find out why I still wanted to cry, and if the Pastor was right that God really loved me. I wanted to maybe feel something, anything, so I would really know. When finally it was time to get ready for church, with mixed feelings I put on my only suit. It was old and worn out, but it was a suit, and the best I had. It was a brown leisure suit and I was color-coordinated clear to my new cowboy boots.

    Arriving at the People’s Church for the Sunday morning service, I became very defensive. I was embarrassed that one of my friends might see me. I was sorry I had come. If there was a God, where was He? I had always said, If there is a God, tell Him to knock on my door and I will invite Him in for a drink. But in the church, people around me were so friendly and happy, and smiled a lot. There was just something different about this place. At the end of what seemed like forever, the service began to conclude. The pastor asked for people who wanted to accept Jesus as Savior to come forward.

    The congregation started singing Just As I Am and I bolted for the door. Instead of ending up outside, I found myself at the altar, crying my eyes out. Men do cry! I experienced that feeling I was hoping for as God’s love washed over me for the very first time.

    My born-again encounter with the Lord was truly life-changing. What happened at that moment was a release of years of suppressed emotions that came to the surface like a volcano! I tell people I lost 400 pounds that morning—at least, that is what it felt like. When I walked out into the sunlight that April afternoon, some of those 400 pounds came from my filthy language that had been a part of my life for so many years. I could not even speak without using it. Now it was gone, forever!

    The very moment I accepted the Lord into my heart, I instantly knew about the spirit world. I knew things I had never had any knowledge of and had never even heard of or read about. Within six months, I saw demons and they would often manifest in my presence. I did not understand what was going on, but I just accepted it naturally as part of this new strange world I had come to know. And boy—was this stuff ever exciting!

    During this time, my wife received a visit from Pastor Austin Morgan, an associate pastor at the People’s Church, together with two lovely ladies who presented the gospel to her. Pastor Morgan had just received Evangelism Explosion training in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and he wanted to try it out for the first time with someone who had visited the church. They shared with Marge what the Bible says about eternal life. Marge had always believed in God and had even been baptized when she was twenty-five. This was because she was going to have major surgery and she thought she needed to be baptized so that in case she died, she could go to heaven. She had everything covered!

    Marge thought what she heard from her visitors made sense, even though it was quite different from what she thought to be true. However, she would not allow them to pray with her, and said if she ever did something like that, it would have to be in church to be meaningful to her, not at home. Before leaving, Pastor Morgan asked Marge to think about a scripture from the book of Revelation that says: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and sup with him and he with me. He explained that the voice meant the door was a human heart and if she would invite Him in, He would come to be with her in this world and she would go to be with Him in the next. Marge told them she would think about it, but still did not believe she needed to do anything special. She was, however, thrilled that they had come.

    When I got home from work and she told me about the visit, I asked her if she prayed and asked Jesus into her heart. When she said, No, I laughed and said, Ha, ha. I can go to heaven, but you can’t. The next three days were not wonderful as she pondered her life against the Word of God. Actually, she was awful to all of us. Nothing was right.

    The following Sunday morning Marge got up early and put on her only good dress. This was the same dress she wore at our wedding seven years before—off white with matching gloves and shoes. When I began to kid her about going forward to receive Christ as her Savior she again told me she did not have to do that because she was already OK.

    When we arrived at the church that morning the place was already almost full. We had to sit way in the back. When the invitation to accept Jesus was given, Marge gripped the rail on the pew in front of us and held on tightly. I asked her if she wanted me to walk the aisle with her and she said, No, I am not going. The pastor said we needed to sing the invitation song again because there was someone there who still needed to respond to the call of the Lord. All of a sudden Marge pushed me aside and down the aisle she went on a run. She has been running for the Lord ever since!

    Marge told me later that something extremely interesting was taking place while she was standing, before she answered the call. She said that when the invitation was first given, she felt hot—very, very hot. It was as if there were flames at her feet, she said, and they were getting higher and higher. She just knew if she did not respond to the Lord at that time she would be totally consumed by the fire.

    When she reached the front of the church and knelt to pray, Pastor Austin Morgan, who had made the home visit, said, You finally made it. Marge said it was as if a cool mist covered her at that time. Five long weeks had gone by since our first visit to the church, and now even the kids had made decisions to follow the Lord. What joy filled our home!

    We had always had a very well stocked bar in our home with lots of friends over on weekends. But with the new life we had entered, the old life began to slip away. We turned our bar into a library and soon found that few of our former friends wanted to hang around anymore. They were not there to read. Immediately we found the Lord giving us friends that would last for eternity. Actually, I found out with our Christian friends we could get higher than a kite just talking about Jesus. We could have so much fun laughing, sharing, and eating. Christians always eat, and we ate as often as we ever did at the bar, but without booze, foul language—or a hangover the next day!

    We decided that if we were going to be Christians, we would be Christians all the way! No turning back, no turning back!


    In these days there seems to be an unusual amount of concern among many Christians of all denominations regarding the handling of and dealing with evil spirits. Unfortunately, there is too little known of these areas of spiritual warfare. Glen and Marge Williams have been deeply involved in this type of ministry for a number of years, and I believe this book will answer many questions.

    I have known Glen and Marge for approximately thirty years. I saw them come to Christ and grow spiritually through the years. They have diligently applied themselves to study the Word and have wisely practiced the things they have learned. They have stayed spiritually strong during times of severe testing.

    They have been a great blessing throughout Fresno, and I believe you will profit greatly from the following pages. May God make it a blessing to your heart.





    Having decided that if we were going to be Christians, we would be Christians all the way, we hit the ground running. Evangelism Explosion, or E.E. as it was called, was a lay witnessing program just beginning in our church, so we joined. We needed to know how to tell others what had taken place in our lives and what we were so excited about.

    My very first E.E. in-home visit was with a man whose name was Mr. Jones. He had a deep, gruff voice. I was filled with fear; I shook like a leaf and I could hardly speak. But God was merciful and helped me share what I knew was true—that God had provided eternal life and forgiveness of sin through His Son, Jesus Christ. I asked Mr. Jones if he wanted to receive the gift of eternal life. I waited for what seemed like hours, although probably it was only minutes or even seconds for him to respond. Then he smiled and said, I would like that. We prayed and cried together. I do not know which of us was more thrilled. It was wonderful! Soon I learned that God’s timing is always perfect. A month or so later I heard my new friend had passed away.

    Actually, I have to tell you, since I was so new a Christian I did not know anything about sharing God’s word, so I put all the answers I felt I needed on a piece of paper and shoved it in my cowboy boots. Whenever that man took his eyes off me, even for a second, I pulled the paper out and read the next thing I had written.

    Marge and I stayed in E.E. for many years, leading hundreds of people to the Lord, but we always knew in our hearts there was much more for us to do. We knew God was leading us into something exciting. We did not know what, but we wanted to be available for whatever it was. We had begun to devour the Bible and to observe that the disciples did great things in the name of Jesus. We were taught to believe in the whole Bible and not to pick and choose which parts seemed to be true, and which did not—according to our own understanding or the situation at the time. We believed the Bible to be as true today as when it was written. If so, then in the name of Jesus we could and should do the same things the disciples did—heal the sick, and cast out demons.

    When I went out on E.E. calls I prayed with people for salvation, but increasingly I found I was praying for the sick as well. I went to talk to some pastors on staff in another church and to a friend of mine, and told them something strange was going on in my life. I sought answers. They said it was OK to pray for the sick, but it was not really necessary. I thanked them, but I knew in my heart I had to do what the Lord was telling me to do, even if others did not point me in that direction.

    We were living at this time on a small ranch on the outskirts of town where we raised baby calves and where the kids had a pony we called Tony, the pony. I prayed over those calves and that pony for anything and everything connected with them and their well-being. As it turned out, we had the healthiest animals around those parts. Our kids believed that if we had any kind of problem with any of our animals, all we had to do was pray over them and they would be well.

    We prayed for a newborn puppy one time. It was paralyzed in the back and could not walk. The father of the family owning the puppy wanted to put the pup to sleep, but agreed to wait until after church to take it to the vet. The kids asked us if we would pray, and when they got home from Sunday school the pup met them at the front door, walking on all fours.

    We moved into town to be closer to the church because we were spending so much time running back and forth in everything we were involved in.

    I continued to pray for the sick, and the Lord continued to lead me. There would be times the Lord would tell me where to go to minister. Sometimes I would be sent some place where I had never been, to somebody I did not know—only to discover that they had been praying that God would send someone to them.

    Marge and I were walking down the street one night and I told her we had to stop at a certain house. She asked me if I knew who lived there and I said, No, but I have to go there, because... She said OK and we went. When we knocked on the door the lady came and was thrilled we were there because she said she had been sitting in the window waiting for us to come. God had already told her we would be there to pray for her. This was not a onetime experience for us. It happens over and over again. We have not been able to explain it to many people because, apart from following God, there is no logical explanation for some of the things we have been led to do.

    About this time, Marge found a lump in her breast. She had it diagnosed by a specialist who said it did not look good and we should prepare to have the breast removed. Marge told him he was going to hurt her, so she was just going to pray it away. He said, Go ahead and pray and I will see you here on Thursday morning at ten o’clock. Naturally, we were both quite upset with the news.

    At ten o’clock the following morning, while I was at work, I felt the Lord prompt me to go home and lay my hands on Marge. I had an assurance that if I did, He would heal her. I took off work and when I arrived home she was in the middle of a Bible study group. They were all surprised to see me. My wife turned around and said, Glen, what in the world are you doing home? Oh, honey, what is wrong?

    I told her what I thought the Lord was saying and everyone gathered around to pray. I told them I was to lay hands on her and God would heal her. As I began to pray, she began to shake and then she gently collapsed under the power of the Holy Spirit. After a little time, Marge got up and said she felt like she was sun burned and that feeling stayed with her all that day and evening. When she woke up the following morning, the lump was gone.

    Marge returned to the doctor, who was very skeptical. He told her to prepare for surgery. However, he did call for another examination first. No trace could be found of the lump. She had been completely healed by the power of God. Only then did the doctor tell her he was also a believer and was more than thrilled for her. When word of her healing got out, people began to come to the house for prayer. Supernatural things began to happen at our home whenever we had any kind of gathering.

    One evening there were about twenty people in our home, and when I entered the living room I felt I was to raise my arms upward and pray. When I did, everyone in the room gently fell to the floor under the power of the Lord. I remember saying, Wow! That is great! The Lord was confirming His leading by displaying His power and blessing.

    I truly believe that is when God revealed to me the beginning of our ministry and what form it would take. We would, however, have many more strange experiences and lessons to learn before God would officially establish a healing and deliverance ministry through us. Even though I had salvation, I knew some things were just not quite right in my life. I had a problem that had been with me as long as I could remember, but I thought it was just natural and that everyone felt the same way. Deep down I realized now I had a demonic stronghold that had a powerful grip on my life, but I did not do anything about it. I just ignored it and did not let it surface.

    We were invited to attend a conference in the Los Angeles area on Signs, Wonders, and Church Growth. It was to be a Fuller Seminary course taught by John Wimber and Peter Wagner. During the second day of teaching, a young lady walked by me and quietly said, You have a demonic problem that needs attention. With that she confirmed to me what I had long known. She asked me a few questions and asked if she could pray with me to break the stronghold. I gave my permission and within a short time I was free after years of bondage. The difference was like night and day. I must be honest and tell you though it took four large men to hold me down when the power of God came upon me, and they showed me how to surrender to His touch. It was over in a moment. Satan’s power was broken and Jesus was supreme.

    That is when the healing ministry was officially established in our lives. We had become obedient to the call of God Almighty. We were overwhelmed, to say the least, with what God was doing in our lives. We were surprised at the great number of people who arrived at our house at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes as many as fifty would show up. The neighbors were not thrilled with all the commotion, so we put the word out, Friday night only.

    A couple we met at church were new Christians and they heard about what was going on at our home. They wanted to see and hear for themselves. They loved to worship, and one of them, Jake, could play a hot accordion. We invited them to come over. Before long they were there every week with Jake doing the music and Starr, his wife, would serve hot cinnamon rolls. The crowds got bigger and bigger. A young minister stopped by our home one Friday night saying he wanted to deliver God’s word to the people. So Rev. Bill and his wife, Sharon, became a part of our group. Jake played worship, Bill delivered the Word, and Glen ministered in healing. People told us to start a church because we had enough people to already be a small congregation. But we told them, No, God did not call us to pastor a church. He called us to minister healing.

    One evening very late, after most of the people had already left, a twenty-five year old man came in and said he had a problem he could not control and that he would not leave until he was set free. It was already eleven o’clock and everyone was tired. Some said they did not want to mess with it, and that he should come back another time. He said, No. Do it now, please! I need help. I am being tormented by this thing.

    Marge said, I will do it. I am not sure if I can, but I will try. She began to pray and nothing happened. The man was very restless and moved from time to time. Finally Marge said, I will take authority over this thing and you say, ‘I willingly release you,’ and see what happens.

    As she began to pray and take authority over any unclean spirit, commanding it to leave in Jesus’ name, a puff of air flew over our heads and hit the covered parakeet cage against the back wall. The bird shrieked and screamed, the cage rocked, and the feathers flew.

    There was absolute quiet in our home instantly and nobody moved. We were not at all sure what happened or what to do next. The young man we were praying for was thrilled and said he could tell the difference the moment the stronghold was broken. Then he said, Thank you and left. He did not seem to be amazed, but we sure were. We looked at each other and no one said anything for a minute or two.

    Jake crawled on his hands and knees over to the cage, lifted the cover and peaked inside. None of us knew what to expect, maybe a monster looking at us with

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