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2 (Unique) Gurls
2 (Unique) Gurls
2 (Unique) Gurls
Ebook127 pages2 hours

2 (Unique) Gurls

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About this ebook

This is the story of an age-gap friendship between 2 unique gurls, which is also a revenge story too, not only with what happened, but also with others who felt that they have the rights to interfere in the friendship
There is romance, if you can call it that, more like lots of physicality.

PublisherM A Seymour
Release dateJun 28, 2019
2 (Unique) Gurls

M A Seymour

Via eBook proceeds, I hope to purchase vacant properties, then offer 5 year leases to people needing secure housing, at a 25% discount for the 5 year period, with an option after 5 years to then use their rent money to repay us as an easy mortgage, with a possible annual admin fee charge of 5%. The mortgage principal would be the cost I paid, or current market value, whichever is lower. Annual rent increase will be 1%. Those who move to regional areas will receive a 50% rent reduction for the 5 year period, however, they can initially opt for a 1 year lease to commence. I wish to advise, all my titles, except Mel's Journey series are NOT suitable for under 18's due to adult content. I recommend you are broadminded and 18+ to purchase. Also, I write all the content, format and create the covers. I am not talented, however, have given writing a go. N.B. Transbians is no longer for sale, however, I am posting an edited (Censored) chapter weekly on Mel's Customised Candles blog, FREE. My goal is to establish a Free Counselling Foundation, initially funded via eBook proceeds. Thereafter, once my candle business is established, $1 per candle will be donated to the foundation. As a counsellor in training, once the foundation has been established, I will employ recent graduates for them to gain invaluable experience, all will be paid at the correct rate. Hopefully the foundation will be a registered tax deductible charity too. Please be advised, I do not receive the full purchase price of eBooks, I receive around 55% in net royalties. However, as I reside in Australia, I am still required to pay Income Tax and GST (Once $75,000 sales reached annually). Now The Totally Boring Part: Hatched in Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2️⃣8️⃣0️⃣5️⃣1️⃣9️⃣6️⃣5️⃣♊♊♊♊♊♊♊♊ Assigned Male at Birth. (Mark Warren Harrisons). For Security & Safety Reasons, my real Surname has not been disclosed. Monday, February 2nd, 1970, was the day my life changed. I met the amazing Claire Baire. At age 6-14, my childhood innocence was stolen, by an older relative. I only remembered this after "Chris" spread vicious lies about me in 2018. Assailant is revealed end of "Mark's Tragic Life," you will be surprised. I also reveal my theories about why CB broke up with me. Many people have made assumptions about me, just by looking at me, instead of getting to k...

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    Book preview

    2 (Unique) Gurls - M A Seymour

    2 (Unique) Gurls.

    by M A SEYMOUR

    © Seymour Publishing Group 2020

    Distributed by Smashwords.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Chapter: One, New Friends.

    Chapter: Two, Melbourne.

    Chapter: Three, Preparations.

    Chapter: Four, Move.

    Chapter: Five, Dramas.

    Chapter: Six, Bad News.

    Chapter: Seven, Sydney.

    Chapter: Eight, Back Home.

    Chapter: Nine, Regrets.

    Chapter: Ten, Signs.



    2020 Update: In 2018, Chris accused me of something very heinous, which is not true. I have written proof and have taken further Legally Binding steps to prove my innocence.

    2020 Update, Something very scary happened to me.

    Both are revealed towards the end of this novel.

    Contained in this Novel Are:

    Meeting a New Friend:

    Trusting Again:

    Judgements and Assumptions:

    Other Friendships Strained:

    Money For Sex Offered by Inappropriate Persons:

    Used and Abused:

    Universe Screaming:

    New Adventures:


    Revenge Plans STEaLI:

    Friendship Tiers:

    Please be advised that there is only 1 person on the cover, despite the author wanting a photo of Chris too, because of what happened between them, this is why there is only one person.

    I’ve written the above paragraph, due to negative comments on various websites.

    My revenge against Chris is to establish a STEEaLI Centre. All net royalties from this eBook, the erotic version and Mel’s Magical Transformation Adventures, will be used to fund this centre.

    This novel is a revenge story, which is about an Age-Gap Friendship, but as usual, others interfering and making assumptions. I include my theories.

    This is dedicated to the inspiration behind this novel, Chris, Not her real name, had she not treated me so badly, this novel would not be as harsh as it is.

    There is another story which is revenge too, owing to those people expecting me to live my life their way, but also because they felt that their opinion was more important.

    I intersperse this with other stories but do mention certain things about Chris.

    Please be advised that everything I have written is either from memory or what I was told by others, I can’t guarantee that what I was told by others is true and correct.

    I make no apologies for what I say at all, and even though I wanted to use real names and locations, have decided against embarrassing, or humiliating anybody, also for legal reasons.

    After the Epilogue, I include a special bonus, which is a brief overview of my dream business, including the benefits the Team Members will receive, and what I hope to do to help the LGBT community too, if I raise enough funds.

    All Net Proceeds will be set aside for this dream, I have my opening date in mind already.

    Those who buy a copy, will also receive a special invitation, but you need to email me to qualify.

    I hope you all enjoy reading, as much as I loved writing it.

    I am also dedicating this to everyone who has been ill-treated by Family/Friends and/or Significant Others", in my opinion, you have all endured way too much.

    You All Rock.


    Chapter: One, New Friendship.

    January 2015, I posted on a Social Media page, asking if anybody knew of any gender surgeons in Melbourne, Australia? A fellow member, Chris, liked the post. I commented and asked her if I could private message her? Chris said, Yes, of course. I said, Ok, thanks, then sent her a message. The message read, Hey, how are you? I’m Mel, I’m 49, almost 50, hope that doesn’t scare you away? Thanks. Whilst I was waiting for her to respond, I checked out her profile and found out more about her, more soon.

    Chris answered my message a few minutes later, it read, Hi, nice to meet you, Mel, I’m Chris, that’s fine, I do like older people as we can learn from each other. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year’s, and Summer too, so, where do you live? I answered, Thanks, Same here, yes, I did, very uneventful, I live in Sydney, but thinking about moving to Melbourne soon. I needed to use the bathroom, and switched my kettle on for a coffee, then went to do my business, once I was done, I washed and dried my hands, and went to make my coffee, when suddenly my phone flashed, it was a message from Chris. I finished making my coffee and went to sit down and read it.

    Chris’s message read, Awesome, I would love to go there one day, what do you do for a job? I read it and answered that I had recently lost mine due to a restructure, but got enough money to finally afford my surgery, which is why I asked about Melbourne Surgeons, if we meet, and everyone is happy and comfortable with me, and you coming to Melbourne, I would gladly show you around, I have started studying an online Nail Technician course.

    I went back to watching television, and of course checking my phone, but Chris did not answer for the rest of the day. I realized that it was still school holidays, and she was busy with her real friends. I just continued watching television and preparing my dinner.

    I checked my phone just before I switched everything off, but she had still not read the message and was offline. I switched everything off and went to sleep, but even though I had only just started talking to Chris, I felt there was something there. But I’m a hopeless romantic and put it down to that side of me. I did dream about her though.

    I woke up the following day extremely late, and for me it was, as I am usually up by 6am, but today, I woke up at 12.30pm, and immediately went to switch my kettle on, followed by the bathroom. Once I had made my coffee, I switched all my units back on, including my phone too. I couldn’t believe the number of messages that I had, there were 5 from Chris, 2 from another friend who lived on the East Coast of the US, and 3 from another in Adelaide.

    N.B., I care about the environment, therefore, I turn off any appliances not in use, to both save money and the environment, I also recycle as much as I can too, this includes plastic containers that some foods come in.

    I decided to check Chris’s first, and they were all nice, but a little cold, like she was trying to let me down gently, but her 5th really cheered me up, the first 4 had been sent late last night, but the 5th had only been sent around an hour before I woke up and was somewhat a shock to read, I have cleaned up what it said, as I am unable to fully remember what Chris messaged me, I have written this how I would, and is to the best of my memory, as accurate as possible, here goes:

    Mel, I hope you slept great, I sort of did, but it was weird, I dreamt about you, but it wasn’t a normal dream, it was, well, let’s just say, interesting, do you know why I would dream about you like that for? Wow, that would be awesome, hope you can practice on my nails if you want to.

    I pondered for almost an hour before I decided to answer, the only reason being was that yes, I was shocked that we both dreamt about each other, especially given that she likes boys and I like females.

    I haven’t given any background about Chris:

    She was Transgender, and 15, her Birthday was coming up several days after she returned to school, she lived in a very picturesque coastal town in New South Wales, Australia and was on summer school holidays (Vacation), she was starting year 10 (10th Grade) soon, she was required to stay in school until she had completed year 12, which was in 2017, she was single at the time, but did tell me several, very private things, that I will not reveal, she had 3 very close friends, named Taylor, Marcie, and Samantha, planned to be a Make-Up artist as her career, loved horror movies, her friends and shopping, she had an older sister, named Jenny, her mother owned a popular business in their town. I will mention more later in this novel.

    I answered Chris’s last message with: Wow, maybe we both have a psychic connection as I dreamt about you too, but I thought I was just being an old, ugly fool. I went to have my shower and get ready to go out, which for once, took me longer to get ready. I wondered why I was putting in extra effort for nobody special. Once I finished getting ready, I checked my phone.

    Chris had answered with Cool, but you are not an old, ugle (her Spelling) fool, so don’t you ever say that again, but what are we going to do about our dreams?.

    I answered Ok, sorry, done. I think our dreams might mean that we both like each other, but given not only our huge age gap, but with you being underage, we should not pursue anything more than being friends, for now, and I am especially weirded out, given that I do not usually like anyone with our common Birth Defect, and until they are gone, I feel we are better off just chatting, and when the time is right, we will meet.

    I grabbed my bag, water bottle and keys, locked up and left the flat, then walked to my car and drove to my friends’ place, and strangely changed my radio to a music station. I was surprised especially as I loved my talk back radio, but Chris’s messages today, made me feel alive and young again. I soon arrived at my friends’ place and went inside, she saw me and said, Wow, you must have slept great, I have never seen you like this before. I said, Thanks, then told her about Chris.

    Of course, my friend, Kate said, Stay away because she is so young, why don’t you find someone closer to your own age, or even go to a brothel to get laid. I said, I do not want a physical relationship with Chris, not unless she wants it too, and not until she has had her Birth Defect corrected, and she is of legal age. Kate still felt that I wanted a relationship with Chris, but of course, it was typical of most people, they have dirty minds, jealous, but most of all, make assumptions.

    N.B., I have said this before, but I am saying it again, I have never been involved with anybody under the age of 18, except for when I was, of course, and even if I was given the chance, WOULD NEVER, EVER GO THERE however, in my opinion, those under 18 are still children and therefore deserve to

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