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The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart: A Novel of Transformation
The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart: A Novel of Transformation
The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart: A Novel of Transformation
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The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart: A Novel of Transformation

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What is it that keeps us from living a happy existence? Can we truly heal our bodies from any illness? Are we able to find harmony in our lives by accessing our souls divine blueprint? These are just a few of the profound questions that are the focus of The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart.

When a serious health crisis suddenly forces Timothy to reevaluate the meaning of life, he embarks on a journey of spiritual awakening and is thrust into the magical world of the beautiful Satyana, an enigmatic and powerful intuitive.

With Satyanas help, Timothy begins to learn about the mystical realm of the Akashic Records, the etheric database for all of creation and the place that holds the soul plan for every being. There he discovers a series of twelve ancient truths that reveal how to live a healthy and happy life, all the while being confronted with the possibility of his own death. Together, Timothy and Satyana race to uncover the story of his destiny as well as the identity of a powerful woman who has been tied to his soul since the beginning of time and may hold the key to his ultimate enlightenment.

A journey that spans lifetimes, dimensions and the higher planes of consciousness, The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart is at once a monumental adventure story and thoughtful essay on how we can all actively pursue our own enlightenment by journeying inward to the deepest levels of who we are.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 19, 2013
The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart: A Novel of Transformation

Timothy Moran

Timothy Moran is a lifelong spiritual seeker, an entrepreneur, a certified Reiki master/teacher, and an Akashic Records consultant. He is also the owner of The Heart of Shamballa, a small business focused on promoting healing and self-awareness. When not travelling or teaching workshops, Timothy can be found in his native province of Ontario, Canada. For more information on Timothy, please visit

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    The Twelve Messages of the Spiritual Heart - Timothy Moran



    of the

    Spiritual Heart



    Timothy Moran


    Copyright © 2013 Timothy Moran.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7787-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013912449

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/27/2013



    Book One       Death

    Prologue       The Dream of the Earth

    Chapter One       A Visitor

    Chapter Two       Illness

    Chapter Three       The Stones Appear

    Chapter Four       Wisdom from the Sages

    Chapter Five       The First Stone

    Chapter Six       The Akashic Records

    Chapter Seven       The Second Stone

    Chapter Eight       A Miracle

    Chapter Nine       The Third Stone

    Chapter Ten       Entering a Larger World

    Chapter Eleven       The Fourth Stone

    Chapter Twelve       A Closer Look at the Self

    Chapter Thirteen       Stones Five and Six

    Chapter Fourteen       A Turning Point

    Chapter Fifteen       The Seventh Stone

    Chapter Sixteen       Path to the Desert

    Chapter Seventeen       The Eight Stone

    Chapter Eighteen       A Parting of Ways

    Chapter Nineteen       The Ninth Stone

    Chapter Twenty       The Science of Faith

    Chapter Twenty-One       The Tenth Stone

    Chapter Twenty-Two       One Last Stop

    Chapter Twenty-Three       Jeff of All Trades

    Chapter Twenty-Four       The Eleventh Stone

    Book Two       Rebirth

    Chapter Twenty-Five       Awake

    Epilogue       The Dream of Man

    Author's Note

    About the Author

    For my father, who was one of my greatest trials and one of my greatest blessings.


    While the world waited to see what changes the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21st 2012 would bring them, it was the year of 2011 that was one of great transformation and profound insight for me. For the previous ten years I had been marching through life predominantly aware of only myself, and the goals I was hoping to attain. As a young teen I had hooked on to the idea of success being attained solely within the material world and more specifically, within the alluring hills of Hollywood. Blindly I trudged onwards in pursuit of a career, writing and directing for the silver screen, until one day everything came to a crashing halt. Like a spring storm appearing unexpectedly on an apparently calm afternoon, I was blindsided by the winds of change and as a result my entire life was turned upside down.

    As I see it now, all of the events described in this novel were things that through cause and effect were destined to happen to me. All of my previous choices and actions had set in motion the collapse of my life and it was my willingness to explore unconventional and sometimes unknown avenues of healing in order to rebuild it.

    I feel that most, if not all of us who are walking the path of waking up to acknowledge the true potential of who we are as humans, have or will experience similar events as I did somewhere along the way. The only thing that will differ from person to person will be how hard they will need to be shaken out of their state of thought-based waking dream. For me I believed that I was fairly aware of myself, my reality and my place within the world, but as it turns out that couldn’t have been further from the truth. As the seeds of awakening began to flower within me I was given a wider perspective of who I was and how I could change for the better in order to heal not just the physical dis-ease that I was experiencing, but the areas of my life that had long been overlooked as well. From this place of higher awareness I received twelve essays that came to me one sunny morning in June of 2011 on how this could be accomplished practically. Two years later those essays have now grown into the book you are holding.

    Though the events surrounding my spiritual awakening and the period afterwards are true, this does remain a work of fiction. I ask you to please note that liberties have been taken with some of the dialogues and the sequences involving my dreams/visions have also been expanded in better order to emphasize certain points of the overall story. The people who appear in this story are real as well, though I have changed some names in order to honor their privacy.

    For generations we have used storytelling as a tool to pass on life lessons, morals and divinely given messages in ways that both inspire and entertain. It is my sincere hope that by reading this story you find a little wisdom, feel a new sense of inspiration and are transported into a piece of the magical world which I have experienced.

    The call of death is a call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation.

    —Hermann Hesse

    For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

    —Psalm 91:11

    Book One



    The Dream of the Earth

    Dreams are the language of creation, spoke The Earth, and The Master sat and listened. His Spiritual Heart opened wide allowing the love to flow freely, merging with the Earth below and the stars above. Being a Master, ancient learner and sage of a thousand sages, he had long ago acquired the gift of speaking to the land, listening to its heart song and rejoicing in its stories. Being able to converse with Gaia was not a talent that he alone possessed, as it is true that any devotee can acquire this gift. But rare are those who choose to open up and discover how great their true potential really is. That is what gave The Master the ability to manifest miracles that would ripple across the ocean of time and start his journey inward, his journey home.

    The Earth wished dearly to tell him a story and quietly The Master sat beneath an old twisted fig tree, awaiting each word to arise from his beloved land. So it is, The Earth continued, that all these long years I have dreamt of knowing God. As I rose slowly out of the oceans ever did He occupy my mind. As the trees and flowers grew in endless dazzling displays upon my body, so did His presence bloom within my heart with even more glory than the physical wonders you see around you now. As the birds, animals and insects came to call me home and loved me dearly, never did my dreams remove themselves from the thought of Him.

    In those dreams He is always hiding, ever moving as He wills, leaving all that is created in his wake. Each time I get close to glimpsing His magnificence, too quick will He disappear, always keeping His great mystery ever alive and burning inside the recesses of my mind. Oh how my heart has longed to see Him and His perfection! In my dreams I have chased Him across the corners of time, still only able to hear the echoes of His footsteps, still only ever able to view the drying strokes of paint upon the canvas yet alas, never the painter.

    One night in sorrow, I cried out unto the heavens ‘How will I ever know you and all of your glory if you never reveal yourself to me?’ A bright flash tore across the sky and in an instant a new star appeared in the heavens above me, shinning brighter than all others. As the sun rose the next morning, the first man to set foot on my soil arrived and beheld my long isolated wonders.

    In his mind I could see that man dreamt of growing his soul and expanding to become divine, like God Himself. I realized that my dream of knowing God had brought man to my shores so our separate dreams could merge into one. Together we would further each other’s dreams and aspirations, creating the most splendid experience of existence and through perceiving each other’s beauty, come to know the God alive inside of us. The Master thoughts drifted to the woman who had long ago left these shores and now nightly danced in his dreams. She had been the one to show him what true beauty really was, for in union their souls merged and danced across the cosmos, experiencing bliss like no other. Her final words to him still lingered in his ear, In the fabric of all existence, across the ethers of time you will find the guide posts that will lead you back to me. Forget me this night, but as every new dawn rises, find me once again in the memory of your soul.

    The Earth continued, Look around you and witness the perfection of man’s dream of ascension! Such spiritual and communal achievements of the God realized men and women who grace my land are a true testament to the power of dreams manifested into the physical.

    Yet even though we have soared to great heights together, I now feel a change quietly creeping up from the darker parts of man’s consciousness. There is a new dream rising within them, a dream of duality that I feel will move us all further away from the One I love, from He who has given us all life. And while I have decided to no longer share in man’s new dream, I still bear much love for mankind and do not wish for all that we have accomplished together to be lost.

    A little ways beyond where The Master was sitting was a small lake ringed by a grove of mango trees. Ten thousand stars, as well as one much brighter than all the rest, were mirrored in the waters twinkling and shimmering, a treasure trove of inaccessible jewels hinting at a vast and expansive existence that could only ever be explored deep within the mind. The calm waters that loving reflected back the image of the night sky back to itself started to change. The Master stood up and looked upon the lake. A glowing light softly arose from the waters, quickly distorting the reflection of the stars

    Walk over to the water’s edge, dear one asked The Earth. The Master acquiesced and stepped delicately through the grass, feeling the magnetic hum of land beneath his bare-feet, the resonance and vibration that keeps every man, woman and child in tune with nature. Once at the shore of the lake The Master peered out into the water, as the light continued to radiate its gentle hues towards heavens. Long have you walked these lands and lovingly gave thanks for my existence. Long have you given all to your fellow man and asked for nothing in return. Your selfless actions have shown me that some are now ready to understand the secrets of co-creating a reality of bliss while living here upon my body. So now I wish to give you all that I have learned, so that my dream of knowing God may continue in your heart and be shared with all those who long to know Him as deeply as I do now.

    In the depths of this seemingly ordinary lake is a chamber that has remained untouched by any human. This chamber has always been there, waiting for someone to enter yet no one has dared to venture into this sacred space. Sometimes the greatest treasures lying within go wholly unnoticed. If you choose to do so, I bid you to enter the Spiritual Heart of my land and learn the ancient secrets of unleashing the God Consciousness that lies dormant inside of you. The Master stood at the water’s edge feeling the cool night air caress his skin, breathing in the sweet scent of the mangoes ripening on the tree and contemplating the proposition placed before him. The dream of The Earth stirred inside The Master as he spoke.

    Beloved Earth, my oldest and dearest friend, if dreams are truly the language of creation, I am honored to now share this new dream with you. A dream that looks to a time when man will journey deep inside to create a heavenly existence on the outside. And with that, The Master strode into the lake and towards his destiny. In the skies above, the brightest of the stars went out.

    Chapter One

    A Visitor

    G enesis, meaning origin or in the beginning is an interesting idea to think about from a wider perspective. It has often been said that the beginning of something is simply just the end of another and even science has proven that we humans are energy, which is something that can neither be created nor destroyed. We are all a part of one transitioning moment that goes on forever. A sunset for someone is a sunrise for another, as one hemisphere moves into winter the other turns to summer and death is just a doorway to another arena of existence that is patiently waiting for us all to cross its threshold. And this moment was the genesis of the journey that would lead me to my death.

    My Grandmother stood before me. It had been a long time since I had last seen her. A month from now would mark the seventh anniversary of her death. But tonight she stood before me looking younger than I ever remember seeing her, and wearing a flowing dark blue robe. You need to make a choice. She spoke with a lovingly firm tone.

    I said nothing.

    The reason you find yourself now at a standstill in your life is because you need to look at the two paths placed before you. Your desired career will take you far and you will be successful. Your spiritual path will take you far and you will be successful. But you can’t have both. You must choose between one or the other.

    Even as she was speaking those words, I knew which path it had to be no matter how scary the choice would be. Though I was passionate about my career in filmmaking, I had always been interested in spirituality and had a deep longing to cultivate that part of myself in the hopes of ascending into a higher place of living unconditional love.

    I often returned to a traumatic, yet very important moment that took place around the age of four: I saw my lives, both past and present as an indifferent observer, taking place continuously within the cycles of life, death and rebirth. I remember sitting in the bathroom crying, telling myself over and over I don’t want to come back, I don’t want to come back. I recalled feeling like I somehow needed to complete my time here on Earth in my present life, even if I did not fully understand what that meant in that moment. I knew that there was a process to living here, and like a student forever stuck in high school I now wanted to move on to a bigger and possibly better world of learning. I was ready to graduate even if that meant leaving behind all that I knew.

    Yes, I wanted to be a filmmaker and had spent many years chasing that goal. But the pursuit of that dream never brought me as much fulfillment as what I felt during times of being in nature, being lost in meditation or pondering the great mysteries of the cosmos. So I made my choice and told my Grandmother that from now on my path would be dedicated to my spirituality. The moment that I made the decision, another visitor suddenly appeared beside her. A young doctor now stood before me. He carried a medical chart that he was studying intently. I watched as he carefully looked over the papers on his clipboard. After a moment he glanced up at me, his expression completely neutral. I’m sorry, he said, but by February 2012, you will be dead. That was March 2011. One month later I would be in the hospital, my body displaying all the symptoms of HIV infection.

    Chapter Two


    I remember the emergency room being cold, colder than any other room I could think of at the time. My fever had reached above 40 degrees Centigrade and I could not stop myself from shaking. My jaw constantly chattered away and I felt as though I was completely loosing control of my body. Fearful thoughts invaded my mind as I tried to make some sense of what was happening to me.

    At the very least a part of me was grateful that I had managed to get to the hospital at all, as my fever made it difficult to focus on even doing the simplest of tasks and it was only ten minutes after I walked through the doors of St. Michael’s hospital that the shaking began.

    A nurse walked over and placed yet another heated blanket on top of me, the pile growing ever larger, as the doctor entered. This was not an encouraging sign. I had only been in the emergency room for around fifteen minutes. As a child I was severely asthmatic and spent many nights being rushed to E.R as I struggled to breathe. During those years I noticed how the more serious the case was the quicker the doctors came to you. On the nights where I was in really bad shape I would get treated fairly shortly after arriving. When I could stand to wait for my treatment, they would let me do so and tend to those who were worse off than I was.

    From the early test results that we have seen so far, the doctor started straight away into business. No small talk that was another troubling sign. —and due to the nature of your symptoms, we are thinking at this moment it could be either one of two things. The first, and what I am hoping for being Lymphoma, I was shocked to hear the word Lymphoma and even more dismayed that we should be hoping for it as the better of two options. But I did not have time to even think about it much as the doctor continued speaking and the second, and more serious possibility that we are considering right now is that you have contracted HIV/AIDs. We’re going to need to have you sign a couple of forms before we proceed with any further tests…

    The doctor’s words rang out cold and hard inside of my ears. It was as if they had no life force to them at all as they fell dead, deep within my body, echoing like two stones tumbling into a bottomless canyon. The hollowness that I felt in that moment is something I will never forget and I know that only those who have faced similar situations can fully understand. It is as though you are instantly thrust into a place of emptiness and isolation where even if someone was reaching out to you, it was from a place of extreme pity. I could feel it already coming from the man standing before me who was proclaiming my medical fate.

    I knew what he was saying, but at the same time there was nothing that was connecting his words to something that was possibly happening inside of my body. I knew what those diseases were, how they could affect the body and I knew that millions of people each year across this planet were diagnosed with them. Some survived. Some did not. I need to ask you a few questions. The doctor now looked away from his clipboard and directly at me. Sure. I said, my voice still unstable in my trembling body. Do you use street drugs?

    No. I never have and never will. I had long been searching for a higher form of conscious and discovering meditation at the age of eighteen had decided that this was the only high that truly made sense to pursue.

    Have you recently acquired any new sexual partners?

    No. After going through a tremendous heartbreak five years earlier I had made the choice to remain single until my life connected me with my soul mate. I realize that this may seem a silly concept but I have seen the painful results of relationships and marriages hastily entered into and not to mention the fact that I have always been a hopeless

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