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Testimonials of a Biblical Christian: A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible
Testimonials of a Biblical Christian: A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible
Testimonials of a Biblical Christian: A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible
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Testimonials of a Biblical Christian: A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible

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In the beginning there was no religion. Noah had no religion, no Bible, no Ten Commandments, no church, yet he was the only righteous man on earth before God flooded the world. At the end of days of linear time, in the new heaven and new earth of eternity, there is no religion, no Bible, no temple. God and Jesus are the temple of eternity and only the righteous will dwell with them.

Between the Great Flood and the future coming of the new heaven and new earth, man has created thousands of religions and sects in the vain attempt to appease God.

Much of what is preached in church today is a far cry from the true meaning of scripture. Attending church has become an entertaining social gathering rather than the original intention, edification of the word of God his Holy Bible.

This book ties together scripture for a common sense understanding of Gods words in the Holy Bible. Exposing false interpretations of religion verse manipulated dogma. Supportive verses from the King James Holy Bible are inclusive for verification.

Here is some of what you will learn;

-The exact day of the Rapture.

-Peter was not the first Pope.

-Jesus eight woes against religion.

-The book of Revelation demystified.

-Easter is an ancient pagan holiday.

-Do you really need water baptism?

-The exact date of the crucifixion of Jesus.

-Righteous judgment of your neighbor.

-The final prophet, Jesus.

-Dead saints and Christians are not in heaven.

-Saints do not perform miracles.

-7 essential Christian requirements.

-What is the book of life? Is your name on the roster?

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 18, 2012
Testimonials of a Biblical Christian: A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible

Daniel Farey

Daniel Farey has studied the Holy Bible intensely. He is not a member of any school of theology or religion but relies on the Lord for guidance and insight. Diligent study and prayer produced this book.

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    Testimonials of a Biblical Christian - Daniel Farey

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    Chapter 1   Truth, Perception And Reality

    Chapter 2   Religion Versus The Bible

    Chapter 3   Saved By Grace

    Chapter 4   The True Church

    Chapter 5   First To Righteous

    Chapter 6   Righteousness

    Chapter 7   Righteous Judgment

    Chapter 8   Jesus – The Final Prophet

    Chapter 9   Saints

    Chapter 10 7 Essential Christian Requisites

    Chapter 11 Baptism

    Chapter 12 Good Wednesday

    Chapter 13 The Third Woe

    Chapter 14 The Everlasting

    To my father and mother, Ray and Pat for their unceasing love, support and guidance every day of my life of which I would not be the man I am today. I thank God for choosing the parents that I have of which they have nurtured my soul to be the best that I can be and to lead a righteous life to the best of my ability. May my father rest in peace until we are reunited in the everlasting and Mom thanks for the advice and continual support during the compilation of this book. God bless you both.

    To my five sons, Daniel, Brandon, Joshua, Benjamin and Gabriel. You have all brought me much joy and love and have challenged me immensely which is to be expected of parenthood. This book in conjunction with the Holy Bible will be your guides on your walk in life with God.


    This book is a series of opinions by a Nonreligious Biblical Christian, a Biblicist, about lessons from the Holy Bible. I am a Bible fundamentalist, not affiliated with any religion, ordained or organized, nor claim to be a religious person. I believe Jesus Christ is my savior and path of salvation for eternity. I have a personal relationship with my maker. I know that might seem strange to some that I can be a believer in Jesus and the Bible and still be saved and not be a religious person. It is a relationship, not a religion that I have with Jesus. This book will outline a perspective of the Bible from someone who has not been indoctrinated with religious dogma. Thereby giving the reader a purest viewpoint of scripture untainted by religious prejudices.

    No one person knows everything about the Holy Bible because it is a never ending source of information. I have read the Bible completely many times and each time God has given me new insight into His truth. It is not my intention for you to read what I have to say and take it verbatim. I want you to listen to what I have to say with an open mind and search the scriptures to verify if what I have said is true or not. Make up your own mind if where I point you to in the Bible is the truth.

    The reference source for the commentary in this book is the King James Holy Bible. Every word therein is the inerrant word of God. The King James Holy Bible is the source of relevance of morality. If this premise is contradictory to your outlook on life then this book will be nothing more than an exercise for your eyes. If you read without bias and prejudice you just might open your mind to the source relevance of truth. An open mind will be free to learn. A prejudiced mind is a slave to the past.

    Of course if you do not believe the King James Holy Bible is the word of God, then everything you read in this book will have no meaning for you.

    This book is going to be a challenge to the religious person. Religion is full of reinterpretations of Holy Scripture or as I like to phrase religious dogma as verse manipulation. The Holy Bible was meant to be read by the individual to have a one on one direct conversation with God. God means what he says and says what he means. Scripture was not meant to be reinterpreted by religions.

    To the believer, religious or nonreligious, you just might find new insights. Not mine but God’s directly from scripture. To the unbeliever I ask that you read with openness of mind, put your prejudice aside and you might be surprised.

    The only certain barrier to truth is the

    presumption you already have it.

    Included in this second edition are four new chapters; Saints, Baptism, Good Wednesday and The Third Woe.

    In Saints I detail with scripture who the saints really are, denouncing religion’s political election process for miracle workers.

    In Baptism I reveal what this important exercise really means and reveal that some make it to paradise without it.

    In Good Wednesday I perform a thorough examination of the passion narrative documenting the exact date and time of Jesus’ crucifixion, decrying religion’s Good Friday false dogma, and reveal that the crucifixion of Jesus is relational to the Jewish Passover and not the Gentile pagan observance of Easter.

    In The Third Woe I detail the events in the book of Revelation of the hereafter, the future, and unravel the mystery of the book from a common sense perspective and reveal the exact day of the Rapture.


    Truth, Perception And Reality

    This book will utilize the King James Holy Bible as the primary reference source for our discovery of what is truth versus our perceptions of truth. Further reference to the King James Bible in this book will be denoted as KJV. The KJV is the author’s undeniable source of all truth and is the inerrant word of God. I don’t expect the reader to accept this premise upfront. Read what I have to say and then check the references for yourself in the KJV and come to your own conclusion. Do not take what I have to say on face value but do your own homework to determine if what I have to say has merit with the KJV as my reference source.

    No one person knows everything about the Bible or for that matter all truth. You can spend a lifetime of study in the Bible and never know it all. It is an inexhaustible source of information. Anyone that thinks he knows everything in the Bible is blasphemous to God for only He is omniscient. All humans fall short of the glory of God as noted in Romans;

    Every human being falls short of the glory of God and all have sinned. This is a declaration from God that humans are imperfect by design and subject to failure by default of that design. Therefore no one human being can know everything about the Bible because the Bible was written by God who is perfect. My goal is to reiterate that which has already been written and point you in the direction of verses to discover truth. God’s words not mine. I am a messenger for the author to you.

    Everything has a source of relevant truth. First of all what is truth? The dictionary defines truth as; verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like.

    What is perception? The dictionary defines perception as; the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.

    And what is reality? The dictionary defines reality as: the state or quality of being real.

    From these definitions we can conclude that truth is an indisputable fact. In other words truth cannot be refuted or rebutted as there is no other evidence to prove the contrary. Truth is what it is without contradictory opposing information. Perception is how our sensory organs input data to the brain with touch, hear, smell, taste and most importantly vision. Reality is a state of mind of being real or tangible from what our perceptions have taught us.

    Perception is the act of human sensors gathering information for the mind to ingest and compute to resolve whether something exists in our human three dimensional universe. Is it true or false? Perception is based upon our senses, sight, hearing, smelling, feeling and taste, giving the mind information to process at any given instance in time.

    We perceive something is real based on our human senses inputting data to program our brains that something exists and is real. Perception is not always reality, nor always the truth. Our perception with our senses is what the brain is programmed with in our physical universe. So we base reality upon the human condition and our perceptions sensors and our reality is of the physical universe and is void of the Spiritual. The Spiritual is a belief in the existence of God.

    Humans are a combination of the physical and the spiritual. When we rely totally on the physical world perceptions for truth we have prejudiced ourselves to only one component of our makeup and we have prejudiced and biased ourselves by our worldly life experiences. When we deny that God exists, we lose half of our total being. We become earth dwellers only and the earth dwellers are subjected to a final judgment of the lake of fire which is promised in the book of Revelation.

    We are both physical and spiritual in our creation. You have the free will to decide for yourself if God exists or not. Free will is based in love. Love can only be given and accepted freely. God does not force you to believe in Him. But relying totally on your physical senses and past perceptions from life experiences as your only source of truth will place you in a prejudicial bias of your reality only and deny you the ability to open your mind to real truth.

    Here is an example of one perception from my past. When I was a child it was customary to attend Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparent’s house. My grandmother was an excellent cook and a great baker of pies and she used to make homemade pies for desert. I can’t remember the first time I smelled one of her pies, but smell was the first sensor of a sweet aroma emitting from the kitchen oven.

    My nose was telling me that something good was in there, even though I hadn’t actually seen the pie. When my eyes saw the delicacy and my mouth enjoyed the sweet taste, my brain was thus programmed that pies smelled, looked and tasted great. These three perception sensors programmed that first experience into my brain’s memory banks to be used in the future as a point of relevance for me that when that smell was detected by my nose I could then assume that someone close by was baking a pie.

    Using the real world pie example, let us postulate the following. Let’s say I was walking down a street and detected the pie smell, I knew someone close by was baking a pie from my past experience at Grandma’s house because in my brain my pie memory bank was opened up from my nose sensor and my brain computed and reasoned that there was a pie close by.

    Even though I couldn’t actually see the pie, I knew it existed from one sensory input and the storage of the other sensors, sight and taste, in my brain. So I envisioned in my mind the actual reality of a pie with the use of one sensor input, my nose. I knew it existed even though I didn’t verify with sight and taste.

    This was all based upon my past experience at my grandmother’s house at Thanksgiving. So my past experienced programmed my brain for future recognition of that smell which when processed in the brain told me there is a pie even though I never saw, touch and tasted the actual pie as I was walking down the street. The pie exists in the reality inside my brain without the other sensors involved and me actually seeing it or eating it.

    I never saw the actual pie. I only envisioned it existed in my brain. But was the pie really there or was someone playing a trick on mind with some sort of pie smell in a spray can or whatever? My past experience told me that the smell was a pie and I assumed that there was a pie close by but I never actually performed the final verification that the pie actually existed by the use of my eyes or mouth.

    The pie was real only in my brain through the use of one perception sensor the nose and smell. Have you ever seen an advertisement in a magazine where they have those scratch and sniff stickers attached to the page? You scratch the sticker, put your nose up to the page and amazingly there is a scent of whatever they are trying to sell, usually some cologne or aftershave. They can do the same with food too.

    Let us say you scratch a scratch and sniff sticker that has the smell of a banana. Your nose is telling your brain from a little sticker that a banana exists. But in reality it is only a sticker with banana smell extracted by some chemist from the Periodic Table of Elements. There is no banana in sight, touch or taste. Your past experience of the first time you saw, touch, smelled and tasted a banana led you to believe the scratch and sniff sticker is a banana but in reality it fooled your brain that the banana was actually there. It is a smell illusion that fooled you into believing a banana was there.

    The only way it can fool you is if you had an actual real experience of eating a real banana from your past. If you have never eaten a banana you can scratch and sniff all you want, your brain tries to process the smell but cannot envision what it is. You have no programmed memory bank in your brain to process the incoming smell from the sticker to reason what it might be or if it something exists.

    Magicians are masters of illusion and use the primary perception of sight to fool our brains into thinking something is actually happening when in reality it is not. It is all illusory. They can’t make a building disappear and then reappear before our eyes. They are using tricks to fool our brains. We can assume they are but they are only human without the power of God. Only God can perform such reality as he created all things and by Him all things consist. From Colossians;

    The aforementioned verses from Paul in the book of Colossians declare that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. ALL things, not just some things but everything, were created in heaven and earth by Him both visible and invisible. And by Him, Jesus, all things consist or are held together. Without Him holding things together, all things visible and invisible would disintegrate. Most importantly is the declaration of the other half of a human being which is the invisible.

    We are a combination of the visible and the invisible. Relying totally on perception, as we have defined perception being our five human sensory inputs as being realities, then we abrogate the existence of the invisible of which there is an invisible dimensional universe of the Spirit as declared by Paul in Colossians 1:15-16.

    Our perceptions are based upon what life has taught us from human sensory inputs. There is an old saying, you are now what you were when. I am right now, my cognitive mental and physical state, what happened to me when, experiences from my life’s past. My life experiences have molded my mind and my body to what I am today. Putting it another way my past shaped me to the person I am today and how I will react to future events in my life.

    One of my first jobs was a lifeguard and swim instructor at the local YMCA for one summer in my youth. As a swim instructor I was given the challenge of a young boy, he was about eleven years old, who was deathly afraid of the water. He had a near drowning experience when his father threw him into a pool at a very early age and told him to swim without the father ever being in the pool or teaching him how to swim. His father was teaching to stay alive by sheer will and the boy nearly drowned from this past experience. When this boy would come near the indoor pool he would begin shaking almost convulsively. His fear of the water was programmed into his psyche from that one past experience of nearly dying.

    He was now what his father did to him when. He was programmed to fear water as a death threat from his near death drowning experience. I had the daunting task to alleviate his fear of the water. I started by sitting next to him poolside with just our feet in the water. That took a week of lessons. After that I put swim fins on him and made him hold onto a paddle float.

    The float kept his upper body out of the water and the fins allowed him to move fast enough in the water so that he could keep his head above the water line and additionally I was with him in the shallow end next to him at all times. At the end of the summer that is as far as we got with the fins and paddle float. But he gained enough faith in himself that he didn’t need me next to him at all times. He would go around the pool confident with the fins and paddle float that he would not drown and knowing that the lifeguard was close by should something happen.

    This task took much patience. For any positive result for this boy I could not force him, as his father literally forced him by throwing him in the water. He had to make a decision based on faith in me alone that I would save his life should anything happen if he elected to go into the pool. He had to make the first move through trust in me. For every action there is an equal reaction in kind. Force produces force. Patience produces patience.

    Once the bond of trust was established then we could work on getting over his fear of the water. He had to have faith in me without even knowing who I am as a person. After time, his belief in faith in me turned into a bond a real world trust and friendship. The invisible, faith that I wouldn’t let him drown, turned into the visible. He could actually swim around the pool with the aid of the paddle and flippers on his own.

    These are two examples of real world experiences that have molded our psyche on how we perceive the world. The first is a sensory smell programming and the next a horrible act that nearly caused a drowning. We are now what we were when. Experiences from our past shape our characters to who we are today. We have all gone through many different events in our lives that have prejudiced us to believe what is real and truthful.

    Our life experiences from our past molded us to who we are today physically, psychologically and spiritually. Perception deals mostly with the physical world. Truth deals mostly with the spiritual world of faith. Is your perception of reality really truth? Our moral outlook on life is shaped from learned past experiences. What one person perceives as truth another perceives as false.

    Both use their past life experiences and what they have been taught to arrive at a true or false judgmental conclusion when confronted with new experiences. Is the glass half full or half empty? The answer to this question determines if you are an optimist, half full, or a pessimist, half empty. One might be an optimist if his past experiences have always proved fruitful and positive and on the other hand one might be a pessimist if his past experiences have proved negative. You are now what you were when.

    Our moral perception on life has been molded in us primarily from our parental guidance and from our life experiences. We have preconceived values based upon these fundamental factors. Let me state that again, preconceived or our own concept of what we have determined is morality. Our morality defines who we are, our character and our outlook on life. The relevance of our moral values has prejudiced each one of us to our view of our preconceived notion of truth.

    But is what we have been taught in the past true truth or did we just accept without questioning what happened to us and what we learned as being truth? Is what my father and mother taught me the truth? How do I really know what is true and what is false? What is the source of all truth?

    What is the relevance of truth? Where do we find the source of all truth and how can we trust that source? If you are searching for truth and you hold onto the prejudices of your past, you are now what you were when, and that past has been molded in a belief that seeing is believing, then spiritually you will never find truth. If you require your personal perception and need to actually see something to validate its existence then you will never be able to see truth from God by the prejudice you hold.

    As mentioned earlier God is the invisible reality. Truth is not always perception of the human physical senses. Truth is a belief that something exists that you feel in your heart and soul. It is a reality of the spirit of your soul and not a reality of the human physical senses.

    As an example, I know that the nation of Israel exists even though I have never been there. I have seen pictures of it in my Bible, on maps, television, the Internet and magazines. To confirm in my mind the reality that there exists a physical place called Israel I have met Jews from Israel visiting here in the United States. That meeting confirmed to me that their homeland exists. I shook their hands and conversed with them and I believe on faith alone from talking to them and trust their word is true that they indeed live in Israel and it is a real tangible place. Even though I have never set foot on Israeli soil, I believed without seeing because I trusted them that they were telling me the truth. On faith alone and not by an actual visit to Israel.

    Truth is; believing without seeing or using the perception of your physical senses. Truth comes from the soul.

    How often has someone said to you seeing is believing? Because our souls are temporarily placed in a human body that lives in a four dimensional universe we assume that we need to use our five senses, see, hear, touch, smell and taste, to validate the existence of whatever. Believing in something without having to use your five senses comes from the spirit of your soul.

    After Christ’s crucifixion, the eleven apostles were gathered together in a room with the doors and windows completely shut and Thomas said the following;

    You see Thomas was not about to believe until he had physical proof. Listen to what happens next.

    John 20:29, Jesus tells us what we need to do for his blessing. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. That is what true love is all about. You feel it in your heart without the requirement of a test of the five senses.

    This is the story of what happened after Jesus rose from being dead on the third day. Jesus did not want to be known for doing miracles. He performed them but that is not what he wants his legacy to be known for. He did not want to be known as a sorcerer or magician. He wants you to see from your heart and soul what truth is and how much he loves you. Read the following from the Gospel of Matthew:

    You see what Jesus says in Matthew 8:4 see thou tell no man, Matthew 9:30, See that no man know it. Jesus didn’t want to be known for his miracles, but they didn’t heed his word as noted in Matthew 9:31. Those that seek external justification through signs, wonders and miracles, that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, know Him not from the heart but need signs, wonders and miracles to justify to them that it is indeed him. Perception is external and of the physical world and Truth is internal of the invisible world of the heart and soul.

    For me the source of all truth is God and his son Jesus’ words. God’s word is every word in the Holy Bible and specifically the KJV. The KJV is the direct English translation from the Greek Septuagint version and is the most correct translation for the English speaking world. It is the instruction set for humanity from God on how we are to behave.

    Our prejudices are our barriers to truth. Most prejudices have come from our past life experiences. If you listen without openness of mind and live in your prejudices you will not grow in the Spirit and be a slave to your were when past. No one wants to admit fault to anything. But that is why we are here living in a finite human body. We are here in our life to admit our faults, to repent our sins and do our best not to repeat them.

    But if we accept Romans 3:23 that we all come short of the Glory of God, then it is easy to admit to ourselves that God is the source of truth. That every human is a fallible fallen creature. And that includes me! None of us are perfect but Jesus exhorts us to be:

    Our goal is to be perfect, to the best of our abilities, like the Father, God, as Jesus states in Matthew 5:48. No one knows everything. Only God is omniscient. We must admit that we humans are designed to make mistakes because only God is perfect. It is how we come through to the other side of our mistakes that defines our character. Did we choose the path of righteousness or perdition?

    Truth can only be obtained by shelving our prejudicial past which holds us in a state of denial. Your past might have taught you the truth. But what was the source of relevance of your truth? What do you base your truth upon? Can your truth source be validated repeatedly? Real truth can be validated repeatedly. You can try to prove truth wrong but when your efforts become futile then you know you have found it. Absolute truth cannot be refuted as there is no evidence to contradict it.

    Who do you believe is the source of absolute truth? The word truth is in 224 verses in the Bible. Jesus declares He is the source of all truth as defined here;

    The relevant absolute source of all truth is Jesus Christ.

    In order for you to accept this declaration you must believe without seeing, the invisible of Colossians 1:16. Jesus is in heaven right now sitting at the right hand of the Father. Heaven is the invisible. If you don’t believe Jesus exists then what is your absolute relevance of truth? Without an absolute relevance of truth everything is relative unto itself. Perception then rules. We all become selfish to our own set of rules and morality. Eventually this selfishness will result in anarchy, decay of the soul and, as we will find out in later chapters in this book, everlasting doom for the earth dwellers.

    The Word is a title of Jesus as noted in John 1:1-2. Whenever the first letter of a word is capitalized you know this is a name or title. Note Word has the first letter capitalized denoting this as one of many official titles of Jesus throughout the Bible. Jesus was with God in the beginning and the Word was made flesh and in John 1:14 the Word was full of grace and truth. Truth was in Jesus in the beginning before the foundation of the world. Ordained by the Father to the Son. The law was instigated by God through Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ as noted in John 1:17. These verses amplify that Jesus Christ IS the absolute source of absolute truth.

    This is what we seek in our lives the prime source of all truth and is so declared by this one verse John 14:6. Before the foundation of the world was truth manifest in Jesus. No other declaration of the source of truth exists, defining who the source of truth is, in any other verse in the Bible.

    If you accept the premise that Jesus is the source of all truth, how then can you be certain that the Bible is His word? He tells us in these verses;

    The volume of the book is written of Jesus. He is the source of all truth. These verses from the Old Testament and the New Testament are just that, tangible testaments that the volume of the Holy Bible is written of Jesus. The Bible is the reference manual of truth from God the Father and the Father gave us Jesus. And finally this declaration;

    The volume of the book is written of Jesus and all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Note this; that ALL scripture is profitable to all those that accept these verses and gives us instruction in righteousness to rebuke and correct false truths. Jesus is the core absolute source of all truth. If you believe that that every word in the Holy Bible is from God as declared in 2 Timothy 3:16, then you can find truth. But if you believe not in the Holy Bible as the source of truth then what is your frame of reference to truth?

    You can believe whatever you want as your source of truth. If you deny the Bible then you can dismiss it as the source of truth and thus dismiss Jesus. If you believe in the Bible then the aforementioned verses are a declaration that Jesus is the source of all truth, that the volume of the Bible is written of Him and that all scripture is given by inspiration of God.

    The Bible is a singular relative source for truth for the faithful. It is the believer’s reference point of God’s instructions for our moral foundation. It is the source of how to behave and conduct our affairs. It is our source of inspiration. It has specificity and an everlasting permanent foundation. It is salvation for everlasting life unto all who believe in Jesus.

    If your source of truth has no relevance other than what you perceive in your own mind, then there is no specificity and the outcome is subjective rather than objective. I cannot imagine a world where each individual relies on their own perception of truth. There are over seven billion people on this planet and if we all hold fast to our own individual truth then the outcome would be total anarchy. In other words anything goes and chaos ensues. What a world that would be!

    That is exactly what the world was before the Great Flood and Noah and his family were saved from that judgment. The Bible is totally objective filled with specificity and fulfilled prophecy. The foundation of scripture is the creation in Genesis, the redemption of sin and the final outcome of humanity in Revelation. At the center of it all is Jesus conducting, through skillful engineering, his loving plan for our everlasting souls.

    Jesus makes this promise to the Jews and available to all:

    To know absolute truth is to accept Jesus as the truth bearer and the truth bearer can set you free. Your perception of truth based on your personal relevance of your own foundational beliefs will leave you open to any methodology of amorality and this will lead to barriers of salvation for your soul. Your soul is eternal whether you believe it is or not. Your soul temporarily resides in your body but is an everlasting spirit.

    The decision is up to you. I am not forcing you to make a decision for Jesus. I am highlighting His words from the Bible for you to read for yourself and decide if He is speaking the truth or not. You have the free will to make up your own mind. I am merely a messenger for the author.

    God makes the following offer as a free will gesture without force, without prejudice and without respect of persons;

    A gift of love to anyone from God for whosoever believes in Jesus with the promise of everlasting life. Truth for me is Jesus and God and all the words they have written in the Holy Bible. That is what I believe. The foundation is love, freedom and joy. I know where to look for answers on life and the challenges given me. He provides hope, peace and protection for my soul.

    Jesus is my truth. I believe in Him not through my personal perception, but by faith alone. Perception is manifest with our senses. Faith is manifest through our souls in belief alone. The just shall live by faith, not by perception;

    I have made clear in this chapter from direct verses in the Holy Bible that Jesus is the source of all truth. That the volume of the Holy Bible is written of him and thus all words contained therein are the source of truth. All scripture is given by inspiration

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