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A Book: A Journey into Love
A Book: A Journey into Love
A Book: A Journey into Love
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A Book: A Journey into Love

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The work contained in a book: a journey into Love leaves few stones unturned on discussions about the self, self-interests and reaching out the helping hand to other's in turn. The dynamics are of unconditional love, letting go of obstacle's to its discovery, and the sense of gratitude which follows such an adventure. Many people's stories have been influential in this study.. namaste~ and thank you to all.
Release dateNov 23, 2011
A Book: A Journey into Love


Very much before I knew it, my life was shaping me to work in human studies. A lot of religion and related teachings were brought to my awareness. I have learned to employ working with the energies we are surrounded by through hands on experience, dreams and prayer then in turn. The hands on is putting studies into a practical application, this study is the experiences of many who have worked with me to this, a holistically balanced end. Thank you all. namaste~ A percent of the author's profits go to the various organizations to help to correct the human trafficing / sex slavery situation.

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    A Book - willewanka

    © 2011 by wm l cox. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 11/10/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3671-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3673-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3672-6 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011916706

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    see now The focus of this work is to heal any division that may be found within the belief systems of us all—then too help heal, or, to restore the mind again to Love… that is—to look on life without being critical. but to use experience as a means of growth—and areas where one can begin to heal one’s life… thanks to fozzie t. bear



    Overview of a book—

    a journey into Love


    Opening Dialogue

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three



    this writing is presented in such a way as to not be seen as a threat—and yet allow a format for mental healing—health. one will find some very relaxed discussions on topics that can—and will alter the lives of those open to Love—forever. thanks—please note a respect on the use of anonymity may bring the self a sense of healing. sometimes there is no other way to healing and wholeness… and oceans of Love 2-u!


    •   letter from editor1

    •   foundation permission

    •   permission p2

    this work is like nothing i’ve ever seen at times, i consider how this way of life—the intensities, the complexities—the conditioning and judgements here seemingly calls on one to live—could ever be. could these patterns be or not—i imagine then this is a work that could be called of fiction. i recall being told no one can tell anyone what is real…

    But i look toward a time we can look to one another and say this way was a dream that never was. Then this consideration is only after i decided i would do my best to let my thoughtforms go and allow the God i also know as Love—show me the Way—too maybe see His Love is in every Answer.

    Overview of a book—

    a journey into Love

    •   Intro • dedication • forward

    •   Part one

    okay—I learn to meditate. A dream of mine follows my asking for a dream…

    • I see what seems to happen is what I someway allow. • So in my not knowing fully—life is a setup—can I alter it now? • Coming to terms with the decision to awaken to Love/God.

    • Part two

          —waking up in the hospital

        am I being conjurred on here…

        • I make the decision more clearly to

    leave the dream. • The sorting process. • Does letting go mean loss.

    • The journey into this unknown is

        said to lead to healing/wholeness.

        • Mo$t everyone $eem$ to want to

          $tay with the big dream. ?

    • Part three

    the decision is made to stand by those who look instead to only Love—that is—too join…

    • The sorting process—expanded and


    • What of alternative healing?

    • And of alternative thought?

    • It is said there is enough Love to go


    • How can I help the environment?

    • The lesson continues on the power of

    thought energy.

    • Environmental communities

    • What of so called government cover-


    • Exploring how many areas this is

    said to extend into.

    • What of reported alien encounters?

    • The time machine reported in the

    Philadelphia experiment story?

    • Did you and i get to go for a ride

    • Focusing, or sub-personality work

    to integrate (focus) a way out of the

    dream that this is real—over to—that

    This is real—instead.

    • Part four

    the way to Love is said to be letting go of all else.

    • The way to Love remembered

    • World opinions taken to Love—for resolution and the assistance to let go of it then: There.

    • Sharing the message of correction/ healing/Love

    • Part five

    This could be looked upon as a work in resolving broken promises—double messages—and coming to terms with that experience. As I work with friends and clients (myself as well) resolution to new, happier endings arise from the ashes of such—as broken dreams supply. Working in a garden, the ruins of earlier endeavors make good material to empower one’s further growth. And to grow—to let go of what keeps us stunted—but to move closer to Love seems to be what it’s about…

    Someone told me of a broken promise that came to them to work through. Their significant other gave them a thing of value as a symbol of their growing love. The giver—through time then, wanted the thing back for another love. It was returned—and what was kept instead is the sense of what the thing stood for—the symbol of Love. This is What can be learned to look upon in any event—where It is wanted more what else could one desire but Love.

    With that, I want to thank my teacher’s—all of you…


    this is lovingly dedicated to all of you who help me to remember this experience is only to remember the forgotten song of Love

    Opening Dialogue

    the work that follows is based off of a setting which is recovery oriented. as such, it is a work using that same informality. this is typically how counseling sessions can run—issues just surface. and then need be processed into some state of resolve, or resolution. in these settings, it is not uncommon for an issue to resurface—to be resolved again—as is often the case with life choices and major decisions.

    in this writing then, as in life—the same will happen. this is not meant to be a distraction—events are hopefully, tastefully noted as shifting to another topic with a use of an asterisk placement as the issue shifts on to another topic. issues surface as they will—as they do in life. from changing hair styles to not changing stock brokers or to the automobile oil. events like these are stress inducing. another focus of this writing is to stress correction—it’s resolution… however—let’s begin a book—a journey into Love now.

    I am in a consistent space of having to understand. Using correction techniques I learned in a meditation class I recently finished, I programmed my mind to have the following dream. I want to come to an understanding of factors that contribute to my living the life I had up until then, so I could see how to go about correcting my life. The dream programming technique (I learned in basic Silva mind control—I touch on these studies further into this work) is for problem solving.

    In this dream, I was out for a drive in my ’54 Chevy (the car had a thing it did, fuel would stop flowing to the carburetor. I’d have to take the fuel line off the fuel pump and blow through the line until the fuel line cleared of trash. The way I knew it was open was by syphoning on the hose I learned to use, attached onto the fuel line first. This procedure cleared the blockage). This day, my car broke down in the left turn lane of an intersection on Grand Avenue, a busy street in Phoenix (I happened to live there at the time).

    I jumped out of the car and got my toolbox out of the trunk. I proceeded to open the hood and go through clearing the fuel line. This time the line cleared with an amazingly rapid speed (okay, this was a dream-state dream!). I jumped in the car and drove away from the light, leaving my toolbox on the curb. I was going to walk back to pick it up—thinking of the traffic waiting on the street behind me.

    I moved my car, returned for my tools, someone had stopped and picked them up as I was walking to get them

    •   before my eyes—while looking at me: laughing. Over their shoulder they called to me, while getting in their automobile

    •   If you want your tools, you’ll have to come get them.

    Their car, a station-wagon—was full of children, pointing at me, cavorting around in the back and laughing. I was saying to myself something about what a thing to show children—what kind of parent would do such a thing—to teach children this? The children pointed at me following, and then rolled around in the back of that station wagon, while they laughed. What a way to raise children.

    They drove—I followed on out of town, Grand Avenue ends by connecting with a freeway up north—a couple hundred miles away. I thought about turning around at least once—but something impulsed me to follow along.

    Eventually, as signs of town disappeared, the lead car got into the center lane with obvious signs of a left turn. The turn was made; I followed. We drove down a desert road, it was typical, dusty, rutted road—complete with a canal down one side. All the while, the children were pointing and laughing at me—occasionally they would stop and talk amongst themselves: then the children would go back to the same antics.

    As we drove, a multi-storied structure came into sight—the closer we got—it was obviously abandoned. There was a house near the building; that is where the man drove up to park. He got out and the children poured out of the car with him. I drove up behind them, coasting in a ways back from their home. I did not know what to expect this time. I was not too impressed with what had happened thus far.

    The children were jumping up and down, leaping into the air; turning backwards somersaults, clapping and squealing. They were heading into their home as the father turned toward my car, slowly rolling up behind them and said, I got what you really want inside. Follow me.

    I got out of the car hesitantly, watching these children leap—unusually up into the air. Now I noticed they were different, their teeth were not as human children’s teeth, they were misshapen—you could even say they were pointed. I cautiously walked on toward the house, following the man—there were dogs—just looking on. The children were running and jumping, up toward the house, jumping and twirling more, and back; to run around me. There were several of them.

    I walked on toward the door, the man disappeared inside the home. By this point, I noticed the children had feet that were not feet as I know children’s feet to be. Their feet were cloven hooves. The children had feet like goat’s. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I went into the home. The children were quieting somewhat, perhaps to learn what to do when company comes over.

    The father came toward me with a jewelry box he took down off the shelf and told me it contained a thing I’d need as I continued living. He came closer to me with the box, smiling. I noticed his teeth were discolored, although not the same shape as the children’s.

    He got directly in front of me, at a close proximity and held the box up before my eyes as he pretended to be opening it. I was transfixed to the spot, I could not move. There was some movement from the children, but they had basically settled down, our communication kept them mostly quiet, listening. Their talking was low—amongst themselves. As he moved his hand toward the top of the box, he drew in a breath.

    Suddenly, he expelled the breath and blew the dust off the top of the box into my eyes. I could not see. My eyes were burning. The children were up and jumping at this, squealing and having the time of their life. I turned, reeling from the burning pain in my eyes. Now I could only see—limitedly—out of my left eye. My right eye was burned closed.

    The children—jumping now knocked me down. I hit my head as I fell. Something was not right here. I was not able to make rational decisions. Through all the commotion I knew I had to leave; toolbox or no toolbox: the situation had become life or death.

    Someway, I found the ability to get off the floor and move toward the door. For some reason, they let me head on out of the house; when I’d gotten outside—it was nearly dark. The dogs were up, moving curiously toward me. I was staggering toward my car, when suddenly the man appeared at his door and called to me. He said, I got what you really want, here. I turned and looked, he was holding a most beautiful, scabbard sword.

    He said, If you come here and look through the emerald on the sword’s handle, you’ll see the key to the mysteries of life. He was standing there, smiling—sword in hand. I knew if I returned—he would use the sword to cut off my head. I turned for my car, without my toolbox. For some reason, I was not followed by him.

    As I got closer to my car, the dogs started whining and running around me. One of them started jumping beside me, like friendly dogs will do. The other dog began the same antics, even though I was in pain, I could see they were beautiful dogs. I was tripped by one of the dogs?

    The dogs came up to sniff my face. I thought, What precious creatures. I pet one, trying also to regain my once, former upright position. Suddenly one of the dogs began to nuzzle me, like it was trying to lick me. That was too much—I began to laugh. Then the dog seemingly buried it’s nose into my mouth. Then it began to suck the air out of my lungs. What kind of animal was this?

    I shook my face free of the creature and the other one was right there, trying the same antic—nuzzling me, then attempting to stick it’s nose into my mouth to draw out my breath. I could not believe it, yet in a way: I could—thinking of the house I just came out of and what had gone down there.

    I struggled to free myself and someway got up, continuing for the car. I made it, got the door open, and interestingly, one of the creatures got in too. I had the tools with me I held onto after the car stalled back in Phoenix. I used the ratchet wrench to cave in the dog’s head. Soon, it was not wiggling. I drove off with it laying beside me on the seat.

    I could hardly see, the burns on my face were really hurting then, I could barely see out of my left eye; and it was past sunset. I was driving away, relieved. I began to relax, I lived through this most unusual experience—I drove on. The dog beside me on the seat began to move, from the dashboard’s lights I could make out the dog’s broken skull was beginning to take it’s former shape. This creature was coming back to life.

    Not in my car. Not with what I’d just seen it attempt to do to me. I stopped driving the car and got out. I threw the dog into the canal. I saw it floating downstream in the car’s headlights. I got back in the car and drove on. As I continued to drive, the lights of a house appeared. I did not remember a house while I drove in, and I did drive in here under unusual circumstances.

    I was hurting, I decided I’d stop in and rest—maybe get some help, maybe even clean up a bit. I pulled into the driveway and got out. I could tell someone was home before I knocked, and when they answered the door, I was relieved. A woman answered, she was there with a man. They were normal. I wondered, how they seemed so calm with my unusual arrival, as if nothing was happening with me—even with my stopping at this time of day. Was there was no real trauma about me? I knew I had to look at me, even though they were not shaken by what they saw.

    I asked for a mirror. The young woman gave me a hand held mirror so I could see myself. I was beaten beyond my ability to recognize myself. These were fresh scars. I laid the mirror down, concerned for me. My hosts were acting too calm for my comfort. I asked for a drink of water. As I looked around, I noticed an unusually large pile of marijuana on the table; buds of the stuff as big as my arm. I was offered some to smoke.

    I knew if I stayed around here—just down the street from the man, those children and the dogs; this was no where for me. We spoke for a moment in small talk and I left.

    I got in my car and drove. I had to leave this scene behind me.

    Suddenly my alarm was buzzing, I had to get up to go to work. I began writing as soon as I had the clock turned off; I wrote the dream out in roughly an hour. I left for work. At some point, I realized the dream’s message, among other messages was that, the affect other’s have on me is as I allow.

    I am responsible for accepting my own role in me seeing my happiness.

    *       *       *

    The bureaucratic system through it’s insistence (resistance) on empirical data has found the historic, despised common-sense/witchcraft/creative-resolution system to border itself (which is what it set out to repress—so it’s unsure of what to do now.).

    What is of interest at this point is the direction toward the repressing information will be taken from here. This (the belief in the reality of it’s darkness) is at a point of needing healing now. The myriad, conclusive studies have so powerfully gone full circle—as to the affect of this type of thinking. I will touch on diverse studies as I work my way through this writing.

    We know what we know—the denial/repression of which can only be healed—into a loving acceptance—from here. An alternative will be a continuation on the path that’s already worn out. Left unhealed—the path will consume us as we have consumed in a mirror of ignorance.

    Thousands of repeated lessons/dreams/cycles/years/ circles/ have placed us where we are. Perhaps—to awaken from the repression will take a day or so. It is only a magic spell. Realize where it came from, at it’s birth it was truly conceived as a guiding act of love. Appreciate it for what it was meant to give—safety—for the noted realizations are what it has given us.

    The empirical data it has been searching for is it’s gift to us now. The Light within us is proven to have merit/reality.

    A portion of this reality shows the individual is in a process toward balancing the nurturing/aggressive aspects of self. The fully actualized person—as a real person—is a focus only of specific education. How many of us are learned in various skills, or studies? This creates a balance—only of the world agendas. This is as the system actually designed/desires the reality it created—it is no mistake.

    The act of repression—a given on the way to where we are—give rise to understanding the suspect area of natural healing. Healing comes through balanced living; thought, action, nutrition, and a lifestyle that contribute to homeostatic environments.

    The gift empirical corporate statistics data gathering has given to the human race, and even helps to clear the field of thoughts to fear association on much magic beings able to produce a way, such existences—showing this, balanced living as a workable reality for anyone. Providing one does not give up the search for inner Peace—in interaction with the fearful.

    Shared beliefs—through the thought systems I received my indoctrinations in; of experience we have on this planet—led me to experiences called accidents.

    *       *       *

    I feel I am waking. Life has such a wondrous, eye opening experience everyday; some call this passing through levels of clarity. I know the light of awareness is getting brighter in each of us. We truly are magnificent creatures of awareness—clarity that goes beyond my ability to comprehend. It’s easy to see how/why. In studies on ourselves, we have proved the self to us so well that perhaps—we also surrendered part of the self in our statistic searching. Think of that for a moment—now…

    The magnificence we possess is the truth of us. The corporate mind has proved it—what it has suspected about itself (?), held itself in suspense over itself—over a barrel—if you will. Going into light/love, a powerful step on the path. A stage in development shown to us through established corporate studies as a for real option—an applicable stage of our development. The knowing of taking an active route in this awakening process—that we can awaken from the(ir) dream of primitive association—we have been held back with—is possible…

    The fear of the past has shown itself to be over/resolved—as a developmental stage. An end is only a new beginning. Change can be looked on as a day ending—then a sleep cycle—the new day’s dawn: a new period after dreams end. I envision those who see themselves as a candidate for loss as I once had (the m.d.; the established government official in diverse positions, or countries), such change can bring. They, too can open up their vision, bring their situation to prayer (meditate/ponder/consider: if a term like prayer is too difficult to dwell on). A way of thinking can be looked upon from within, the safety of one’s mind—the inner-room, that none will miss on learning we can integrate/release a learned fear that can accompany the change process. Part of this writing will touch on my self integration work somewhat described here, too.

    The attitude cleansing considered in the early stage of this story can be done by anyone desiring a new way of living. The release of healing can go full circle through us and then back into the Mind of God.

    There is a healing energy in balance. This will flood the body with it’s healing, a healing type of chemical release. Those of you who read/hear this, allow these thoughts to also go into consideration. Do not do attempt this simply because it seems I write of making change. Much release from any situation may be easy, peaceful. That is love for me, you—any of us—that we may be free of the chain that seems to hold us back, in bondage to the past.

    I received an advertisement from an insurance company selling life insurance policies, that carried a message of accidents as the major cause of people—under the age of 44—being killed (I thought I had given up belief associations to death, due to the negative confirmation the term is designed to imply. There’s a realization of life continuation we’re conditioned to not see, or to ignore. Death, can be seen as a money making situation for the corporate mogul—although—perhaps not to all the mogul puppets.). What I ultimately got from the ad was a sense of my having a historic series of such, seemingly unavoidable incidents over the years. A behavior within me—I learned early through my studies—I was living the event termed self-destructive behavior. After my initial reading this—a realization period had to take some time in settling in my mind. I had to dig the advertisement out of the trash to look over what I’d read. At this point I consider, what role does being learned in primary education in looking for problems (to solve in life) to have the answer to play in having accidents…

    The government has seen fit to compile these studies. I consider this. Education—being as it is—could address this issue. We could use some change to correction here.

    Plants—I’ve noticed a tendency toward artificial plants in some public places. I wonder where are the case records on this arrangement tee-hee! I know some people seem to kill their plants. A study of not so long ago—filled with scientific data—covered theories of people’s behavior and their plant’s ability to live.

    The study was thorough enough to warrant people to see themselves as their plant could—then perhaps use that as the barometer to adjust their behavior to a balance that would allow their plant to thrive. With a thriving friend of an alleged lower species as a sort of assurance policy (indicator) in where one’s inter-personal/active abilities are, one could—perhaps—more readily see one’s own interaction abilities—within and of their life structure—and how this self-happiness input affects their reality.

    Change is an interesting, seemingly difficult event; due to our societal structure being a mirror to the bureaucratic/ corporate/religious interpretations of what a firm foundation is, as it should be. Someone once conceptualized on the necessity of having a firm foundation to ensure a solidly built base in reality—a concept showing great psychologic understanding—as far as having a secure base for interacting in reality goes. What we have is, again; the interpretation we see, and nothing else—more or less.

    So I suppose this point is good enough to address a sharing of thought once again, to clarity. These concepts—as emblems to Truth are forever with us, and have been a given as basic in much religions’, and as noted—currently verifiable in science. These perhaps may be a confirmation to some reader’s and new information for other’s, especially in that the corporate mind has—for so long—sought to disqualify the so called aerie-faire type remedy that alternative forms of healing can and do provide.

    Again, this writing introduces, then works to integrate diverse topics as it unfolds. Any topic could be repeated as a part of that thought bridging process.

    Investigations in thought potential, explorations into varied substances is an interesting, factual, measurable event. Information can be recorded in an experimental, experiential event. Thought waves actually energize substance/organisms and that energy goes on to produce a measurable recollection, or manifests change. The charge in turn can measurably alter a structure—opening—new horizons, and growth results. Why not even new self-awareness. More on this as the writing unfolds.

    Recall how an individual—from not so long ago—felt there was more to the planet than what the established flat earth society thought of the planet? The story goes, it took a while for that individual to find someone who could see/share their vision and finance the journey that changed the direction the then current mentality dictated as the unshakable reality. Talk about rockin’ the boat a round planet: indeed…

    *       *       *

    The m.d.’s told me on their initial release, after my first in-office appointment with them, I was to do anything/ everything I could: return to an as normal activity a.s.a.p.

    This was in a very short time after my requesting a release from this hospital, a fractured wrist as yet undiscovered—aside from other physiologic symptoms I felt going on—related to clearing up the aftermath of a concussion, and releasing the witchcraft/vibes of the hospital’s voo-doo medical team.

    That experience takes me into passages of parts from the movie Angel heart—except I was in a modern hospital…

    In looking to the positive as I did my best too then—I proceeded to manifest a normal activity, as per m.d. request. Even then, I had the basic, underlying knowledge everything is mental anyway; not yet fully realizing the implication of accidents run in my belief system—I have had my share.

    This recognition came to me in the recovery process. By this point in my growth cycle I never thought I’d the need of hurting myself to get what I want (when friends tell me these events were but to get me started writing—I find little comfort in this. Seems to be a pretty sick-o way to me now but who am I to judge? My job is only to forgive: until it is no longer needed by me).

    Through the event, I learned to be ambidextrous; my awareness of our non-verbal communication increased and I replaced a series of starter motor’s on the car I drove—while sporting a cast on my to be diagnosed fractured wrist. I was told to do as much as I could—and this is after all an illusion…

    During this time I signed a paper stating the patient (me) shall reside in the state where the injury happened (I’d already left the state on a trip with someone. I understand I created my traveling companion in another conscious state as part of my healing—which is another story—perhaps). I left the state before I signed the paper (it—life—was intense before I left the state—I wanted to be doing the things a normal student does to finish school: classwork. Seems I frequently take a different path).

    The charge of the m.d.; do as much as I could, seemed to give a sign of wisdom/respect/blessing to an adventure as this trip could be. I want to do as much as I could (I also see then I was starting to awaken to my breaking a self-conflicting, people pleasing pattern. Perhaps my still fading conditioned-darkness response, yet dissolving down around me more—my hunch now); the physician telling me to go do it, I felt a fine rapport with.

    Going for it seems to be the thing to do. The charge (energy) of their thought, to go and do, is equal to the energy exchange the doctor and I shared as I raised my arm over my head that had a cracked shoulder blade.

    I was impressed because that doctor was, and I thought leaving on a trip with someone I felt I was being asked to believe I could trust fit in the m.d.’s go and do charge. And after a minimal amount of preparation—off we go—out of state—me in a cast…

    *       *       *

    I had no conscious thought of limitation in my mind—I was with someone I thought wanted me there as equally as I thought I wanted too. It’s funny what people let you think in order to get what they want (I do not exclude my self with this addictive response in what I think I see means what. Oh those sub-personalities tee-hee! There will be more on this topic as this work unfolds). This is like, well,—is what you thought I was meaning Then it’s, shame on me for thinking that’s what you meant `—‘ is all that I meant (I use you to get what I want). For now, it is okay that these sentences may not seem clear. A pointer to the meanings hopefully appears as this work continues to unfold…

    How many bureaucratic/corporate/religious leaders does one have to go through to see where this pattern came from, to trickle down onto and entwine into society? Intoxicating, eh? I understand I created this for my healing. Well, I accept being healed, too.

    Now the concept of limiting activity surfaces—I wonder, in an oh well fashion, I did it—do-dah do-dah!

    And ces’t la vie.

    One thing I wonder is—I’ve heard the m.d. and the insurance adjuster/company and the pharmaceutical company are bedfellow’s so to speak. With this, the lawyer avoidance of me I experienced in my attempt to meet with one related to this seeming abrupt treatment—how do they fit in—and into which category (am I just now introducing the lawyer avoidance factor? One thing I’ve come to see is that one monkey’s way does not the entire system become? That is good.)?

    That there is a license proceeding on each group—aside from the governmentally sanctioned—have to use to be licensed: to get the key to practice in a state—in order to set up a legitimate practice is well known. If I create too many waves, I may not be issued another license is a thought designed to keep the average boatrocker in their seat. Only the truth is, it is themselves they keep suppressed (and we’re to be repressed in the fear-based inactions. I think about the young chinese who—perhaps—anticipated some larger peacekeeping intervention on/into/for their plight. The spotty newscoverage showed there was some type of tribulation going on—yet their government’s official story was vastly different than what I saw on my television. How—different—was the experience than what went down with the newscoverage of the figures in contragate—will we ever know?). I’ve gotten more clarity, or awareness than I could’ve earlier imagined receiving through my actions, miracles galore…

    *       *       *

    The feeling in my once numbed eye region is continually returning. I’d never realized there was so much healing power one could possess. The Love of God I feel flowing into me in ways/waves that really expand all my prior bureaucratic/corporate/religious learning experience; may this continue (an affirmation. Since I’ve begun this writing, the practices of some insurance companies has come under professional investigation—beginning a breaking up [?] of long held practices. That’s a major taboo—investigating them. It will be addressed more in this writing).

    At any rate this is a story of shared consciousness… I was praying one day for balance with the individual’s at the state offices the initial writing went to. My termination reply note. Prayer is a regular type of event for me—I am in prayer over one thing or another through my day. This one prayer period will long stand out as significant—I see people I pray for—and this period was like other periods.

    This time—I saw angry people saying I couldn’t do as I’d done with my letter. One soul stood out, I pray for and those you hang-out with. Now I know to put this type of scene/situation into the Love of God rather than let it go from my mind without correction.

    The energy of people—although I could pray about it

    •   radiates out from the self: first returning a like thought energy to the sender. And goes on to who it is sent to: in whatever form it is sent. It has not been that long since the take ‘em to the desert, sedate, humiliate and asphyxiate ‘em (do not worry about the bruises—but don’t leave any wrist burns) modus operandi has been used on their (the bureaucrat/corporate/religious individuals) part now

    •   we’re seeming to become a little more civil/spiritually

    oriented. I certainly release all this for healing into the Mind of God.

    The Greek philosopher, Aristotle 384-322 b.c. was quoted to have said, No democracy (a major governing force/power) can exist unless each of its citizens is as capable of outrage at injustice to another as he is of outrage at injustice to himself.

    That individual lived thousands of years ago, and expressed this view of reality. I think it’s time we consider the vision of the individual. However, deep concern over outrage I feel is a little more appropriate…

    The thought energy of someone has an interesting study that’s been documented. Energy from an individual—although it can be guarded against—can find like energy in the individual a thought is sent to; aside from producing whatever it produces in the mind of the sender. There are two explorations I’d like to take on that from here, so be aware. This will get involved—but in a way to Simplicity tee-hee.

    An action created in this way has a less than different influence on the receiver than the physiologic response of an abscess forming around a foreign particle in the body. The job of an abscess is to expel that particle from the system (pearls are made this way). A series on mental energy was recorded to introduce and help someone work with this phenomenon. It states in part, the individual who invades another’s space may not be surprised if the individual shows up someday and punches the mind invader in the nose: that’s how real this energy is. Another aspect of mind’s abilities/energy shows how thought energy can actually increase the scientifically measurable volume of a substance.

    *       *       *

    Here I am, doing the best I can with myself (and those sub-personalities of mine). I realize the bureaucratic/ corporate/religious education I’ve been spoonfed is having to be restructured in my mind. It is not in my best interests to think entirely the way I’ve been lead too. The other day, an m.d. was on a television news segment they do, saying

    •   basically—shame on us—so conditioned to think people

    •   for thinking a physician can heal. Like, they may only know how to treat a symptom, no one said they could heal tee-hee! One need not look too far/long in any direction to know how that misinformation started. However, this is about the new, now.

    I had to laugh. The old, dumb way this dude talks used to be applied to themselves like a crown. They were now all about shame on—YOU—(anyone) for thinking that way.

    Shame is an old, vastly enforced way of changing someone’s behavior. Shame only produces resentment—which eventually leads to anger among other dynamics in that circle. I keep plugging back into the thought—at any particular moment—we are doing the best we are able—even the once holy m.d.—who also finds themselves victim in an ever unfolding world.

    Now, giving this total application, and communication being as it is; we are united in this—our communication lines do cross with one another. There are physiologic changes accompanying mental energy/thought transference. Each of us continues to affect the other at some level. A Course in Miracles enables it’s student to see—none of us will enter Heaven while any of us are still here ((1)).

    *       *       *

    There is a feeling that is similar to a past event where I attempted to bring balance to a totally erroneous, yet believable situation. What I am attempting now—the purpose of this writing too, is to bring out a thought about balance here. Surely this can be a balanced situation. These areas for healing are rather like a fairy tale, and I am weary of kissing that toad. My lips are chapped—this thing is still as toadly as ever and who knows how long it’s been jumping and bumping it’s honey? It’s gotta be tired, too.

    Environmentalists tell us we are well into the beginnings of the next iceage. The toad’s so sore it can not (or does not want too) even hear what’s going on. It has to be tired of the same old motions, the repression has been to no avail—although at first it was effective kinda. Finally the toad proved what it wanted disproved—for so long—through it’s own studies. The awareness has grown around the toad; knowledge.

    *       *       *

    Let’s allow us to move a step ahead together. I can recall hearing—during church activities—so called revelation: man would never walk on the moon. Due to some wickedness, we’d destroy the planet. I’d heard other bureaucratic/ corporate/religiously schooled leaders say (prophetically) Arizona would be out of water in fifteen years: (that’s been 20+ years ago).

    Some of the above items accentuate the lower patterns of a un-, or subconscious desire for destruction—in a powerful way: mass/group hypnosis—which is based in pagan ritual—and in turn the ritual reinforces lower patterns (the desire for destruction: because of a perceived self-concept. The learned, unworthiness/badness): a bondage in and of itself (shades of a self-imposed spanish inquisition? teehee!!). The individual who organized religion as a means of controlling the masses—some messages of the bible were chosen (yes, even created) on their mentally binding merit. The organizing individual was looking for a more affective means of control. A device that offered just the right amount of freedom and establishes the just right condition for sucking out of minds the knowledge that we are holy and worthy of the right to express that power from our Birthright.

    This freeing knowledge would be a detriment to anyone who wanted to usurp the power of God. The spiritually blind can not see what to fight anyway. The planet we share has people on it who curse the darkness and people who curse the light. People curse the damnation of being sick. I dreamed for a while there are those who curse me for sharing with them the prospect of discovering the innate ability of being able to heal the self—a fact the toad chose to try to hide from us: that we have any decision in our own health/healing process…

    Some of these folk have wanted to drag me to their toad leader’s church so I could get investigated/what’s-comingto-me (burned at the stake like a witch I must be.). I’ve gone along with it—before—and that was then. I was afraid of waking once, and that’s okay. Remember—we burn’d witches in this most recent decade—did we not?

    Whew. I can let the darkness go…

    *       *       *

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall—who’s the biggest witch of all? Witch’s are us, tee-hee-hee—wake up! It’s all in how we did not learn to use the energy.

    *       *       *

    As I mention—now—there are m.d.’s who blame naughty people for even thinking—let alone dream the m.d. can cure them. Okay, so the ironclad rules turned to playdough; based on what we know about ourself. Anyone can change their mind—or get lost in the past we thought would always be the future now.

    Heaven forbid someone would rock the boat. We sure do not like the way we got (we love it), and cannot change it/us no how. This existence believed/worshiped could send anyone into anger on a continual basis.

    Child/relationship/spouse/drug abuser’s have their root’s herein. I know people—who say they don’t ‘(do not)’ use drugs—who are unable to recall their childhood. This is usually associated with the family dysfunction in which a child was raised. One I know says the only way they know—for sure—they’d been a child—is due to the pictures of them as a child…

    A thing I associate with thought-transference/energypattern impressing is simply, someway a parallel of what another’s choice/action/desire is before it’s spoken or acted out. This gift is a spawn of an age old christian/pagan teaching/process parallel like that of giving a blessing/ curse. In a similar process, a scientific container of simple household water is known to increase in volume solely on thought energizing alone—measurably. The phenomenon is known to exist in some areas of science. It looks like it’s time to play with water…

    Our physiologic structure is of this composition—mostly water. The subliminal communication link between carrier and fetus has been given study in recent history.

    It is well-accepted anyone’s decision is toward what will bring happiness/love into the awareness of the seeker. This process may only be on the unconscious levels of some people…

    The moon is known to effect the ocean. Psychology and medical workers as well as law enforcement officials know the moon has some affect on we the people. Consider the thought/prayer sent by one, considering what they think they see/perceive in another; although an impression is felt at some level by the recipient of the projected thought: the energy has it’s affect wherever there is an opening to the thought.

    Sometimes thought creates a scene for who it is sent to—even when the receiver is open but unsuspecting as to what a sent thought’s source is. I do not want to get too way out here, but perhaps even to thinking they thought it up initially. Only it was sent to the receiver just the same…

    I used to be too open—this is bureaucratic/corporate/ religious mind conditioning to the max. But one is even a good ol’ boy if they go along with it: shame on you if you don’t. The double edged aspect of this game is those who object to being done this way are in cases ostracized/ held up for public humiliation. The only thing is: there is a growing number of those who are involved in this way of life.

    People see a correlation between their thinking and the reality of light (health)/dark (disease) they may unwittingly create for the self. As some scripture teaches—the meek (considered here as children of the wilderness, or those seeking to find the new—or reaching beyond the veil of dreams of what is said to be, to get to the Way It is and will always Be) shall inherit the earth…

    My chosen studies show, a thought recipient may know vibes go down at some level and may go on to produce behaviors that bring to their space more of the mentioned funky vibes—as recipient of the sent vibes. There are protective steps one can take to release the thought of the well-meaning, doing as they were taught. I touch on release techniques later. There is a way out of this addictive process, of aeons involved in causing havoc for people in a shared space. This learning stems from the vibe sender’s family of origin and their dysfunction/teaching—as do the condemning thought of the original funky thought sender.

    The reversal (healing) is also noted as a measurable phenomenon. An important item to realize—the object of healing, or psychotherapy—is a now step can occur. This is an ability to say no to this ancient affirmation/blessing of/to dysfunction. Remember—once this weapon has been laid aside: it can be left (in the past).

    *       *       *

    Conditioning is an amazing creature to watch fade away. One way I know an old behavior may be returning is how my descriptive voice carries as I relay a former experience. On realizing where I am coming from: I—simply/firmly and lovingly—shift over to a path I am wanting to direct myself into.

    Louise Hay suggests using a phrase I am willing to release the pattern in me that created this condition when addressing any inner change process. I use the phrase frequently.

    These pattern’s are confirmed on many levels—the not quite up to standard’s—not good enough message. Pick up a newspaper/magazine—turn on a radio/television—listen to the advertisements. The frequent plot of a story—it is one of measuring up to some (one else’s) standard(s)—and what to do about that if the grade is not quite met.

    Bureaucratic/corporate/religious corrective measures are as simple as an underarm spray application—to—ripping off someone’s arm to beat them into submission to the standard/s the boatrocker is overlooking. The consciousness of a be like me mentality, complete with the blinder’s of co-dependent dogma is quaint—and has served it’s purpose.

    *       *       *

    This stuff and all that it is has initially been used for, to shield our identity from ourselves—has gone full circle—proving what we are underneath all the mindless stuff. Our current identity also happens to be the combining of an egg and sperm: capable of a balance that is hidden from our conscious knowledge until we refuse to look the mindless way that is laid out for us to follow—capable of balance/ homeostasis/love.

    The stuff of the witch’s design is a covering over ourselves—a shield from our own true awareness. The awareness of our Divinity: suppressed/hidden from us because the power of this knowing holds would simply set us free to Love.

    Those in power then—trickle down to us fears—by throwing a few of our forefather and mother’s to a pit for lion food—drowning a few other’s—for being out of line. And bombing still yet other’s—not to forget the, what became overt smuggling of drugs during a covert operation of giving arms to those who would use them as in the aforementioned suppression. A cause for us to dream the bureaucratic/corporate/religious dream of lack/darkness. Nor anything as aberrant as this…

    Historically, this has been done to keep the recognition of our capabilities suppressed and hidden from our mind. Anything like it has been overtly called occult/evil/wicked to insure it’s avoidance by the masses—who could be kept in check by those who the power clique’s could trust/payoff. A move thereby keeping everyone dependant to the system—in some semblance of normalcy. That normalcy accorded by the few—to living as they will allow us to.

    Do not rock the boat—you can live—be like us. Have a religion x y z (bureaucratic/corporate/religious man’s way)—you can live, get a lover, have a boat: etc., etc. The mentality that created this felt it needed a loving way to hold all of us to what it decides is safe—in a line with the plan it has for us. The behavior this mentality has created uses itself into a point of uselessness. It is falling apart (into apathy/disease/lack) currently.

    *       *       *

    Adaptations to a simpler way of life are called for now—perhaps a return to the constitution as it was originally outlined with higher minded additions to it as it appropriately allows: as opposed to the covert. The openness in governing processes it calls for seems to have been lost in the present calculations. I hear there are covert plans to do away with the document entirely: as well as more covert plans for producing hidden weapons/soldiers—who are not so hidden anymore. Done to direct us to the new constitution (of the new world order or whatever fantasy this group has in mind. Much gets weaved into this studying. Do recall, it’s all thought to be for our good). An overt move back to the original workings of this country now would simply take the introduction of legislation to restore our constitution to it’s once—fully enabling us freedom status—from the current double message status we experience/share.

    Gorbachev has done a lot—perhaps—to free our brother/sister’s in their country. We certainly deserve to give ourselves the same gift of freedom.

    The sickness of our current situation is outlined/ manifested through behavior’s societally widespread as gang warfare, sex/other conditioned addiction, the ongoing hatred found in discrimination—which is currently attempting another level of healing. This is only a mirror of the system/controlling-power’s and only can be evaluated as such.

    Many aspects of the life circle are crying out only to know it is okay (both within an individual and outside of the self). This is pursuant to healing the corporate mind’s strategically enforced darkness—and worthy of the love it is (we are learned to) hiding.

    We are the one’s who have it to give (accept). My healing can only come from my recognition of my healed self. It is time to see the planet healed (and forgive/release the darkness of the ancient, well-meaning teachers) as well as ourselves. We have to learn to give first to the self the approval we think we look for in each other. And from that power point of knowing I’m okay take on to my reflection.

    As I continue to make the ancient choices I am conditioned to—I will have what I learned to perpetuate. An attack upon self someone started long ago—while hoping resolution would come someday…

    I remember some of my elementary schoolteacher’s taught us resolution would have to be invited in someday by someone. The difficulties in society had simply been started and passed along—in hopes of someone someday correcting them. How much longer the messages of the inner and outward environmentalist can be denied/ignored I know not. Much distress is a good enough indicator for me.

    A group sings how can you sleep—while your beds are burning. Social unrest—created by the b/c/r attempts to keep the Holy Child of God (Who We Really are) entangled in the darkness—it perpetuates—and asks us to believe real. With the symptom’s of dysfunction that surface pretty regularly—an individual interested in solving/releasing their life experience frequently allows input from some outer source to enable resolution/simplification in their life (the noted tune addresses correction of the situation, for what it’s worth.).

    The dogma of the structure we could become consumed by chooses to give itself another series of complex legislative maneuvers that are intoxicating to even look upon. Then we are told we are the reason there are problems, and by all means, say no to drugs as a fairy tale solution/response it does give, if we even question what is going on. Nevermind who supplies the drug. The realization there is an inherent ability in me to transcend parallels the look I see on a baby’s face as they begin to realize they are able to pull the self up—unassisted—and look at life this way. Either way—one definitely gains a perspective on how they see the world around them.

    As we continue to make choices that keep us away from self healing/approval: this is what we will have, because we learned it. This is a learned emptiness we feel/fill—it’s been created and passed along. Together we can disconnect from emptiness in harmony, a loving legacy left to those who follow along behind us. We deserve this as a gift to give ourselves.

    I accept it for me, and extend it—to other’s—who accept it as they are able to. And then—choose—to share that what to sacrifice alone is lack. And share that glad message, that there is only Love—with those they contact/love; which could include—or differentiate between: a parent; an individual on the sidewalk or child/friend/lover/spouse.

    *       *       *

    I was given a cross, as a gift from a friend. To me, this has become a gift which keeps on giving. I realize Christ allowed that which occurred to Him with the events of the cross. I see now this was allowed by Him to show, no matter what we think someone does to me—I can, as He has—be able to continually maintain my identity as a Child of God. And what else is there to maintain?

    He rose above the meager symbol of the worst thing one could do to another and helped to dissolve the belief in death. Plus offer us our freedom. I find from time to time, the cross has slipped around behind me onto my back. Initially this irritated me—I then realized—how cool: it symbolized God’s Love and support of me during the time the b/c/r witches’ would give me their magic potion’s to cease my boat rocking. That, only if I would cooperate with them…

    This was especially interesting with some of my family member’s expressing I should heed the witch. The activities of the cross around my neck were especially a blessing in this time, for this I am grateful.

    A thing to note here is/are some empirical scientific datum the b/c/r mind says it’s in search of—perhaps—in the area of physiologic balance first surfaced several decades ago—and was pigeonholed. That this type healing—as a natural occurrence—as a possible reality for the individual, covered; the word pigeonhole connotes this type darkness, ya know?

    To have been hid (?) in anyway is pitiful, although a lot of money has been spent (by us) giving an encompassing medical group even more power to lead the scientific community away from using this knowing to it’s fullest extent. This is brought to us by a dimension of the group giving us contragate; the four basic food groups—to be consumed in a meal (which incidentally—if followed—places the unwitting participant in the high risk group for a disease of their choice/karma/belief-system. That healing stand is gaining powerful recognition—to correction; and is being pulled away from still), puppet political figures/ situations around the globe—social unrest could only be a natural outcome of a situation like this (and like anything that is repressed, unresolved continues to surface.).

    All this was done for the good of the people—based on someone making the decision of what is good—for the people. A trip to the library can produce volumes in some unusual stories on self healing. I strongly recommend the journey—in that these documented healing’s—that go beyond logic—as we are taught this to be—will contribute to the building of one’s faith.

    It is possible to recover from catastrophic illness. Medical trends/predictions/treatments are no thing more than the words—prediction/treatments/trends. A spell is not a sentence unless it is believed in—and accepted…

    *       *       *

    People who predict/forecast/foresee have historically filled many healing positions; the prophet, weather anchorperson for the news, insurance adjuster, clergy, prostitute, bureaucrat, pusher, mechanic, physician, chiropractor, psychic/medical doctor, bookies, and etc., (each of these are physicians in that they work with symptoms). Each have diagnostic abilities and are professional healer’s.

    These professions have a solid base of study consistent with these varied realities. What is tried and found to be proven becomes established as the proper way to provide a specific treatment. Follower’s of an individual path typically stick to a course their path dictates…

    Some individuals attempt to blend their path onto/with another path with great success. An instructor of business management I know indicated to me in conversation—it would be less than impossible to find a bureaucratic witch (one who predicts in maybes) in any of the aforementioned professions. People—on a regular basis—will turn one another into a toad (and more/less) using their pulpit/ stethoscope/creeper-seat simply with a thought pattern (and then to have recurring shame, or guilt over it is noted again and again.).

    Fables teach: a kiss (as a release, or giving of loving/ healing energies; a show of love in the face of an ill-thought) will turn a toad into their former self. An act of love to correction after a witch has done their deed to darkness. That with our thought we’re learned to hold our own self—back is clear; and similar affect we hold on each other must surely be seen as valid. The skull and crossbones flag symbol has indicated something is going on to folk over the years. Like is with the symbol of the medical doctor, once thought to extend—wholeheartedly—health and wellness. That was then, $omeway it changed and this is now. Has there ever been a symbol for the occult, this one is at a point of recognition of being such a symbol. Were someone in my face—convincing me I am about to exit my body—and they—armed with a degree in medicine; I’d have one of two choices: do as they wished me to (I learned to be a people pleaser), or find a physician who could help me figure out what it is I do that could help me correct my path.

    Some m.d.’s (interestingly choose to remain ignorant, with their head stuck in the b/c/r sand of the a.m.a./ pharmaceutical company—consequently—forfeit their gift of healing. Their only offering is of magic potions (pills/liquids) and wands (probes/scalpels). Joyfully, I acknowledge this can now be the path of a past era. The healer of today is a full-circle, holistic care-giver.

    *       *       *

    We have and will continue to progress societally, this through our advances in technology—which can bless us in our abilities to interact; balanced within our environment. That there have been those who continue to hold onto a perceived simpler way of life is reflected in

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