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Walking With the Master: Answering the Divine's Call: 52 Transformational True Stories of Love, Trust, Courage and Life Purpose
Walking With the Master: Answering the Divine's Call: 52 Transformational True Stories of Love, Trust, Courage and Life Purpose
Walking With the Master: Answering the Divine's Call: 52 Transformational True Stories of Love, Trust, Courage and Life Purpose
Ebook423 pages5 hours

Walking With the Master: Answering the Divine's Call: 52 Transformational True Stories of Love, Trust, Courage and Life Purpose

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Walking with the Master: Answering the Divine's Call is a book of one man's love, trust, courage commitment, vision and life purpose. This book is about Master Umesh H. Nandwani, the founder of The Golden Space organization answering his Divine calling and receiving the vision to make this world a better, peaceful, loving, caring place for all its inhabitants and future generations.
He has been working tirelessly towards the vision he was given since the day he started his mission. When the Master is ready, the students appear and when the students are ready, the Master appears. His students came to him, one by one and the numbers have grown with time. Since then he has been working very hard to fulfill his Divine's call and helping his students to realize and actualize their calling too.
We have curated 52 inspiring and transformational stories for this book. All the contributors are the students of Master Umesh and the Golden Space organizations. This book's primary wish is to share, to inspire, to open hearts and minds, to be the catalyst of your transformation. To help you connect to something deep within you, to that longing that there is more to life than the one you are living now. To listen to your heart's calling but you are not sure what it is exactly. To have the courage to answer it and to take a step forward and start walking and living the life that is meant for you.

The Co-Authors are students of Master Umesh and The Golden Space Organization, a transformational healing and meditation center which was founded by Master Umesh H. Nandwani and Sushila Devi. They come from different walks of life and background. From entrepreneurs, doctors, homemakers, trainers, employees; these students are from as young as 17 years old, all the way to 79 years old. They have different religions, beliefs, nationality, from all the 5 continents. Some were at the peak of their lives but feeling empty; some were at the bottom of their lives, struggling from cancer, depression, divorce, business challenges and feeling that life is not worth living. In essence, it doesn't matter who you are; you can transform your life if you choose to.
Release dateJul 1, 2018
Walking With the Master: Answering the Divine's Call: 52 Transformational True Stories of Love, Trust, Courage and Life Purpose

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    Walking With the Master - Master Umesh H. Nandwani

    Master Sky Kho

    Managing Director

    The Golden Space® Malaysia


    There are instances when we embark on an endeavor which we believed was the right one. Along the way, we meet obstacles and challenges leading us to doubt our decision. This usually is our mind giving us excuses, allowing us to succumb to our fears and to avoid moving out of our comfort zone. Sky, is the very first Master, blessed, initiated and attuned as a Master and Managing Director of The Golden Space® Centre in Malaysia by Master Umesh H. Nandwani. Sky went through his challenges and here is his journey and his realizations of how to overcome them and how to stick to what truly matters to our hearts and not our heads.


    My journey of spirituality started as young as the age of 4. I grew up from a strict, staunch Buddhist upbringing but it was filled with love, positivity and kindness. Even at that age, I decided to join my father in turning vegetarian as I felt strongly that it is wrong to take another life.

    My parents taught me many lessons through their values and actions. My father, an artist, taught many students and always preached positivity. He ran his teaching center with a strict regiment ensuring that not only would it succeed but his students had to as well. Despite being a very firm teacher, he would still make necessary changes out of love for his family and artwork. He was someone who would go all the way to help someone out. My mother was also dedicated to serve her family, albeit through feeding us with love. She is kindness and generosity personified and to me, she represents purity and innocence. I was unconsciously being taught by her to have a pure heart, to give, to serve and be kind to all. I had a strong desire to search for the meaning of life and from as young as 5 years, I devoured books on spirituality, the Universe, about great inventors, and people who changed the world. My dream was to grow up to be either a Shaolin Monk or a scientist. I also realized that I had sharp intuition from age 7 through several mystifying experiences. This shaped my childhood.

    Years later, after graduating from college with an E&E Engineering degree, I got involved in a turbulent relationship which resulted in many deep, unresolved issues. Wanting to find a way out of this phase, I entered a Holistic New Age center and learnt Reiki to help my physical body and my emotions. As I progressed to the level of Reiki Master Teacher, I became more balanced and stable but couldn’t change the situation in my relationship. Then one day, my Reiki Master told me about a Spiritual Master who was coming to KL in August 2008. That was the turning point in my life.

    I attended the preview session but it felt like a marketing pitch as the Master would say, Come for the program with every other sentence. However, he carried the Master persona ie. long white hair, a typical Indian master but when he spoke, it was in an aggressive manner. I was expecting a personality with love and gentleness. This Master sold, spoke, pushed and appeared more like a typical motivational teacher! But I sat through till the end. I couldn’t understand it but I found a strong calling to just sign up for the program. From the first program onwards I was hooked. I continued and completed all the different levels of the program; from foundation till Master Levels, borrowing my way through it all.

    Master Umesh is akin to my father, my teacher, my backbone supporting me to continue on my path no matter what I go through. He is the kindest person in the world. He has the biggest heart, utterly selfless, always sharing love wherever he goes.

    His selling skills I now know, is not for himself, but for the family of mankind in his role as a father, husband, son and as a Master to the World. All that he makes financially goes back towards sustaining his family, the centers, the business and the calling of awakening all. He has been misunderstood by some as he uses a business model to conduct his mission.

    Shortly after the second program in Nepal, Master Umesh asked me to facilitate a meditation session in KL. I complied and set it up, trembling but finally overcoming my anxiety during the session itself. He then spoke to me about opening up a full fledge centre in KL and in July 2009 it became a reality. It was a struggle between choosing the material world or my inner calling and the latter won. I followed my heart to leave a successful business and chose to focus on a mission of running a healing center to bring peace to people. All based on trust and faith as Master said that one day I will come to know the star inside me!

    Initially I ran up huge debts from borrowing all that funds and couldn’t even make ends meet. There were days when I couldn’t make 3 meals in a day. This challenged my faith tremendously. I felt trapped, stressed with up to RM 1 million in debt. Master Umesh pushed me to move forward. I started working on my emotions. He reminded me that to change the world I must first change myself. This was another turning point. With help and encouragement from Master I kept my faith and continued my journey. But I developed doubts. I started questioning if I should trust Master and The Golden Space®. I asked God and during the Masters Retreat level of the program of Awaken ~ The Divine You® in Hawaii, I received my answer. I saw myself like him. And I understood clearly why Master Umesh behaves like he does, why he uses certain words to speak to us, why he does what he does. I realized that if he behaved like a perfect master, he would only encourage followers. Therefore he chose this role of being more human to fulfill his calling of producing many masters and not followers. He does not want followers. His ultimate aim is to produce Masters!

    His vision and ideas, the way he sees things come from beyond the human perspective. He has a different angle of doing things but he has been unfairly judged based on our normal human beliefs and expectations, thereby creating comparison and accusations of what a master should be.

    Along the journey, he set a huge lesson for me. In August 2013, after a meeting with Master he asked if I trusted him. I can still remember his questions. Do you want to grow? Do you really want to become yourself? Talk is Cheap. The assignment was to design a flyer, print 3900 copies and distribute it by midnight that day. I started from 7am and I did it with help from my students and friends. I was a nervous wreck but by 3pm it was delivered. I called Master and happily reported that I had succeeded. He then proceeded to give me a second assignment. 5000 copies of a new flyer but all on my own without any help. I couldn’t even have time to think. I just got it done. At 7pm I walked from mall to mall, sometimes chased away by guards. I finally gave out the last flyer by 11.30pm. With the last piece, I couldn’t even feel myself. I didn’t feel human anymore. Numb without any self judgment and no thinking. In this zone, the lesson finally struck me; that anything is possible. It gave me freedom of soul and utterly free from the limitations of my mind and ego. It changed how I did things forever! I understood the huge lesson that he had set for me to break through this issue of mine. He taught me that anything is possible if I stopped judging myself and stopped thinking when I take action.

    Today The Golden Space® Malaysia and our other The Golden Space® Centres in Singapore and Indonesia are homes to all, encouraging everyone to the space to feel good. It brings service to them, to feel at peace for people to discover themselves. I chose to serve my mission everyday through healing, consultation, workshops aimed at awakening humanity, providing hope to all. This is also where I share my journey with the world, as life is indeed meaningful and there is more to life than just money or problems, when you discover the real meaning of life.

    Spirituality is all about realizing yourself. The journey of finding your self and getting wisdom from these realizations and subsequently actualizing it by applying it in our daily life. Living your life with the right attitudes and truly being your real self. Living what you have realized.

    My message to you, dear reader is to take this journey with trust and faith. Grab it and leap with trust and faith. We live in fear normally, as we are unable to see the grander scheme of things, and therefore have no trust of life. Not realizing that the Grand Universe always supports us. Know that the angels, masters, Universe are there for us, always holding our hands. With this realization and trust when we faced with obstacles, miracles will only happen. Only then we are able to break free from the fears and achieve our dreams.

    If you know that the Divine is always holding your hands, fear will disappear. You will then dare to take the leap of faith. Realize that the Universe is designed to support us. Love is everywhere when you find the spark of God inside.

    Master Stephanie Hermawan

    Managing Director

    The Golden Space® Indonesia


    Stephanie started off being a highly successful entrepreneur but found a loftier mission and passion once connected to her heart, soul and inner self. She found true love, and went on to fulfill a life purpose of setting that dream free. Of bringing heaven on earth through the setting up of The Golden Space® Indonesia. A highly inspirational journey of being driven and focused for the greater good of humanity. Of overcoming our biggest saboteur, our Ego. Stephanie is a Master, blessed, initiated and attuned by Master Umesh H. Nandwani.


    The three words that describe my journey of walking with Master Umesh H. Nandwani are healing, transformational and empowering. From the day I met him four years ago, my life was healed, transformed and empowered. His words are always simple, full of love but deep and meaningful. He is not the ordinary Master that I had expected in my mind or how the world usually describes or expects a spiritual Master to be. He is authentic, fearless and unconventional, but yet he is compassionate and nurturing. Maybe that is why I can relate to him and see parts of myself in him and what I want to be in life.

    Let me describe how I met him. If I think back now, it is purely synchronicity as it is exactly what I asked my deepest soul for and the universe answered and sent me exactly the perfect Master. A Master for me to evolve in my spiritual journey since God knows that my soul have always wanted the best, effective, the fastest way of learning and doing things. My journey started when I fell into a sudden depression during an end of year holiday in Tokyo, Japan exactly on December 21st, 2012. I have never had depression in my life nor even anyone else in the history of my family.

    My life at that time was probably one of the highest peaks of my life if I go by the human definition of success. My business was doing really well and I had just received the Ernst & Young Winning Women Entrepreneur of the Year award a few months before. I should be feeling like I was on top of the world. But, suddenly on that particular day, I did not want to wake up, did not want to do anything, crying unstoppably and could not see the point of my life. My business partner, friends and I could not understand why I was like that and what was going on. I did not want to go into the office and I was crying all the time for the next few weeks and lost my willingness to live. It was probably the lowest point in my life and I did not know what to do and felt lost. Until one day about 3 weeks later, I met a friend, Sanjay Bhojwani, who told me that his Master was coming in a few weeks to teach in Jakarta and he said that his meditation class would really help me. I was not spiritual or religious at all. I was baptized a Catholic from 3 months of age, grew up in a Catholic family but I had never really gone to church or did much spiritual or religious activities. I was so low that I did not check what the program was about, who the Master was, but I just said yes to Sanjay and signed up for the class. I was just hoping to get myself out of that excruciating misery in my head, every second from the moment I opened my eyes.

    Not knowing what to expect, the second day of the class was the turning point for me. I finally understood why I had to be in that class, why I went through my brief depression and why he is the Master for me. On that day, I still clearly recall that he said the energy of the earth is awakening and changed on December 21st, 2012 and that we are about to bring and enter into a new golden era. When he mentioned that information, my whole body trembled and I knew why I had to go through that pain and understood why I was there. After finishing the 7 days of Awaken ~ The Divine You® Program, my life was transformed, my mind was positive, I knew who I really am, as if I had a new pair of eyes, which sees everything with love and sees only love. Master Umesh helped me connect with my heart, my soul and my inner self. He also has this unconventional way of destroying our ego that we hold so dearly through his non-traditional exercises. He taught me the true meaning of unconditional love, oneness and life. From then on, I never looked back, changed the way I lived, stopped drinking alcohol which was my crutch all along to suppress my negative emotions and committed myself to move forward with my true self and lead my life with love. I knew I had to leave my old way of life and to embrace my new self.

    A few months later, one fine day during regular meditation at home, I found my life purpose which was another biggest highlight for me. Finally after 32 years of my life I knew what my reason for being here and what I was supposed to be doing in my life. A few months later, even with no intention of selling, my company received an offer and was bought over by a private equity, which I would never have thought would happen in my entire life. I was free and equipped spiritually and materially to do my life purpose. I know first hand that by following my heart, choosing and doing my life purpose, abundance and happiness will come with it. Within one year my life changed drastically and transformed positively. Two simple words that Master Umesh always reminded us in class that I always remember, are trust and patience and I strive to embody that energy of trust and patience every single moment in my life.

    Master Umesh is a true Master because he is a Master who creates other Masters, not followers. He always empowers us to become a Master of our lives and emotions so that we can help ourselves and others. Whenever we ask him questions on what to do about our lives, he always has this reply, What does your inner self say? He would never tell us the answers, as he always wants to train us to use our most powerful weapon; our heart where our soul and our true self lies.

    As my journey continued with him going to the higher retreats, I got to know him more deeply and found how committed he is to his mission to bring heaven on earth. How passionate and loving he is in helping us one by one and to make sure that each of us in the class is healed and receives what we needed. I have never seen anyone so dedicated to his mission and that really inspires me to fuel myself to do my life purpose even when times are hard, and to breakthrough my own ego and fears. He inspires me to focus on my mission and see through the drama. He truly leads by example and always does what he says. He always speaks the truth, is transparent and shares everything about his life openly in class so that we can learn from his personal experience and trains us to see everything with unconditional love and with no judgment.

    Inspired by him, I was so focused on my own personal life purpose mission that I thought I was already flying on a high. Until our 2015 retreat in Peru, where he reminded us of our collective mission as a family of lightworkers to bring heaven on earth. When he asked me to help him set up The Golden Space® center in Indonesia, my first reaction was how I am going to do it all as I did not want my personal life purpose’s mission to be disturbed. But then, it clicked that the ultimate goal of both my personal and our collective mission are the same, i.e. which is raising the consciousness of the earth and bringing heaven on earth. That broke my ego. I was honored and understood that even though we are doing our own personal life mission, we still have to work together as a collective. He reminded me to work as a family to serve the family of humanity. A year later, with a few other students, we worked together and founded the center in Jakarta. I am eternally grateful of the opportunity to serve and it has been very rewarding every time I see people going out of the center healed emotionally and physically, as I understand now that heaven starts from inside each of us, one soul at a time.

    All in all, my journey walking with Master Umesh has been a celebration of love. Each moment ever since I stepped into his class has been a celebration because I learned how to embrace and celebrate not just my successes and my light, but also my pains and struggles because it is through them that I am empowered to heal and to breakthrough my darkness and ego. To see that every single moment in my life, whether it is good or bad is just an opportunity to practice mastery of unconditional love and Oneness. This is how we can all bring light and love to the world and the Universe i.e. through our own mastery, evolution and an ascension within us. He is truly a Master of Masters.

    Master Chris Chan

    Managing Director

    The Golden Space® Singapore


    Many of us get too caught up in moving up the career ladder and when we get there we sometimes discover that it isn’t all that it is made out to be. We become a hard shell, with a tough, polished exterior but empty inside as we have ignored our loved ones in our pursuit of providing the material wealth to them. What happens then when you reach there and your family has been able to live without you all these while as money ultimately does not equal a happy life? Chris shares what he went through and how he found the love back. Chris is a Master, blessed, initiated and attuned by Master Umesh H. Nandwani.


    Ilooked into the mirror and I did not recognize the man on the other side. As the years went by, my mirror image and I had grown older, roughened and toughened by the harsh realities of the working world. I reasoned that this was a dog-eats-dog, survival of the fittest game. To remain in the race, I had to harden my heart, work hard even if it meant neglecting my family. Growing up, I had always been an obedient son and student. In my late teens, I was the sweet boy in the church. Being merciless and hard were out of character with who I was. I disliked who I was turning into and I did not like this other man in the mirror. I did well and promoted to senior positions at a relatively young age. I thought I would like the view up there and I would enjoy my achievement, but I did not like this view and I gained no satisfaction in the wealth or power the job brought. All this while, my wife, Lih Woon, was dying inside. The compassionate man she had married had turned into a cold, unsympathetic partner.

    Then, I left my job and started a new business with two friends, but I soon left the business and eventually settled into a self-employed position. By then, my confidence was shaken as I was no longer doing well in my career, but my ego and arrogance were not tempered. I was also not one to ask about life, why we are here and who we really are. Lih Woon is different, she is inquisitive and questioned from a very young age if she had been living an illusion. We went through counseling to save our breaking marriage. I was becoming more withdrawn. She was slipping into depression. Things turned for the better, but something was still missing. Could life really be illusory?

    In April 2013, she attended the international Awaken ~ The Divine You® Program conducted by the internationally recognised personal mastery trainer, speaker and metaphysician, Master Umesh H. Nandwani of The Golden Space®, a non-religious spiritual transformational centre. She came back from the course a changed woman. She began doing the things that I had been telling her to do, cleaning up her desk, taking time off for herself (she is enslaved to our 2 girls) and handling the household calmly. I was astounded by the change. Not that she did not do all these before, she had, but this time she did so peaceably and cheerily. Fearing that she had been brainwashed (how fickle-minded is a man, who wished for something and when it came true, gave credit first to fraud), I insisted that she told me about the course. She told me enough to make my blood boil; she mentioned the esoteric content. My ego was triggered and I flew into a rage. I belittled and told Lih Woon off. I took Master Umesh as the other man, who had caused Lih Woon to lose her head. I was very certain that she had been duped. We fought for 2 weeks and at one point, I almost divorced her because I was sure that Master Umesh was a con man and she would be deceived. However, I was so spent by the fight, I gave in and decided to have a rational talk with Lih Woon. We did, and for once in this fight, I put down my ego and decided to meet Master Umesh. Somehow then, I had this mysterious feeling that something beautiful was going to happen. One week later, I was in the 6-day Awaken ~ The Divine You® Program, the same one that I fought with Lih Woon over.

    Awaken ~ The Divine You® is a series of non-religious, universal and experiential courses geared towards rediscovering the divinity in us. I say rediscover because we are divine from the beginning, but we have forgotten about that fact. Master Umesh carefully crafted Awaken ~ The Divine You® to address our egos, our first obstacle to realising our truest and greatest potentials. He is an unorthodox Master, he has no ashrams and he is nonchalant about his non-pious demeanor. Master Umesh is focused on delivering the fruits of the mission that he has been entrusted with, that is, to awaken this generation of people and bring heaven to earth. To this end, he has been traveling tirelessly, zipping across continents opening Golden Space Centres in Singapore, Malaysia, and training students in Indonesia, Australia, Dubai, London and New Hampshire. Till date, hundreds have sat under Master Umesh to experience first-hand the transformative nature of Awaken ~ The Divine You®. Many have gone on to share that love and light with loved ones, creating an international community of light workers connected by the common bond of awakening to our divinity. There are countless testimonials of how Awaken ~ The Divine You® have brought lasting changes and mended broken lives. Seeing how their lives have transformed, the courses brought joy and happiness to those who attended the courses.

    Master Umesh does not just stop at helping people pick up their lives. He goes further to assist students realize their life purpose. He is a truly international Master and mentor who has guided people across the various countries to actively lead directed lives.

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