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On the Rise
On the Rise
On the Rise
Ebook330 pages5 hours

On the Rise

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About this ebook

Sky Thompson has a normal life; a boyfriend, best friend, and parents she loves very much. She's happy. Until one day she finds her boyfriend in bed with another woman and her life careens out of control.

Now her parents are dead, torn apart by a creature out of a nightmare. Sky knows what it is, she saw it with her own eyes, and she won't rest until her parents' killer is dead. She wants revenge, and nothing will stand in her way.

But revenge is far from simple and the cost is higher than Sky ever dreamed it could be. Can she find the strength within herself to see this through? And will she be able to come to terms with the fact life isn't black and white, and that there is more at stake here than just revenge?

Pick up a copy of On the Rise today and find out.

Release dateOct 31, 2016
On the Rise

Rachel Tonks Hill

Rachel Tonks Hill always wanted to be either a doctor or writer when she grew up. Her first novel, On the Rise, was released in 2016, having been written alongside her doctoral thesis. While having a novel out fulfills the “writer” part of her dream, she hopes this doesn’t mean she has to grow up. Rachel lives in Nottingham with her partner and insufficient dogs.

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    Book preview

    On the Rise - Rachel Tonks Hill

    Chapter 1

    Of all the things Sky Thompson had been expecting when she got home, finding her boyfriend in bed with another woman wasn’t one of them.

    A cup of tea or a bouquet of flowers or even dinner on the table might have been nice but no. Instead of any of that she was greeted at the door by a trail of clothes leading up the stairs, several items of which she didn’t recognise. Following the trail of sexual detritus had led to the bedroom, where her alleged boyfriend of four years was mid act with a woman who was very definitely not her.

    She seemed to be having quite a nice time at least, judging by the noises that filled the air.

    As she watched Jason’s pale white bottom bouncing up and down in the air she couldn’t help but compare and contrast herself and the other woman. The lady her boyfriend currently had his dick in was thinner than Sky was, pale, porcelain and perfect. Not black, broad shouldered and broad hipped like Sky was. And she had a pair of beautifully full, round breasts instead of the large and slightly saggy pair of tits Sky boasted.

    She was a little jealous of the other woman, if she was honest.

    The betrayal of finding her boyfriend cheating somehow stung all the more because the woman he was cheating with was the exact opposite of Sky.

    Sky had always assumed that in this sort of situation she’d end up flying completely off the handle. She didn’t deal well with betrayal of any sort and could have quite a temper when she needed to, and often when she didn’t need to. It therefore came as a complete surprise to her that her actual reaction was to fold her arms over her chest and clear her throat loudly.

    Neither Jason nor his lady friend heard her the first time; they were both making far too much noise.

    She stepped closer to the bed and tried again. Jason still didn’t hear her but his partner opened her eyes and realised they weren’t alone. It was petty but Sky kind of enjoyed the frantic flapping the other woman did to get Jason’s attention and interrupt the coitus. When he finally noticed that he’d been caught in flagrante delicto Jason’s eyes widened with shock. He moved pretty quickly after that. Within a very short amount of time he was sat on the edge of the bed attempting to cover his shame while his partner hid under the covers.

    Having fun are we? Sky asked, her tone clipped and impersonal. She fixed him with the coldest glare she was capable of producing.

    Jason looked the most awkward she’d ever seen him. Sky, hi… He laughed nervously. You’re, uh, you’re home early aren’t you? I mean, uh, I can explain…

    I imagine you think you can. You seem to be able to talk your way out of most things when you put your mind to it. There was more warmth in an Arctic winter than there was in Sky’s voice right now.

    Jason winced, clearly feeling the chill in the air. Sky, love–

    No, don’t you dare ‘love’ me when you’ve just pulled your dick out of another woman! There was the anger she’d been expecting earlier. Apparently it wasn’t so much the actual cheating that riled her up as her boyfriend’s pitiful attempts to weasel his way out of trouble.

    He looked so pathetic though, sat there with no clothes on, that despite everything Sky found the anger bleeding out of her. Instead of the white hot rage she had been feeling she just felt tired and exasperated. She unfolded her arms and rubbed at her eyes instead. She didn’t really want to deal with any of this.

    I’m going downstairs to make myself a hot drink, she said, somehow keeping her voice civil. "By the time I’m done I expect her Sky jabbed a finger in the direction of the woman hiding under the covers to be gone and you to have some clothes on, understand?"

    Before Jason could answer Sky turned on her heel and marched out of the room. As she waited for the kettle to boil she texted her best friend, Frankie. Her hands shook as she tapped away on her phone.


    The reply was almost immediate: BASTARD! LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT ME TO DO A MURDER XXX

    Sky smiled as she poured the boiling water into the mug; no matter what, she could always count on Frankie to have her back. Just knowing that her friend was at her back made her feel a little better about the situation. She didn’t know what she’d do without her.


    Upstairs she could hear the sound of movement as Jason and his ‘friend’ scrambled to gather up their clothes and put them on. She could also hear the muffled sound of raised voices; it sounded like Jason had completely neglected to mention the fact he had a girlfriend when they’d been in the getting to know you phase. And apparently she’d been having too much fun to notice the evidence he didn’t live alone although it was scattered around the bedroom. From the sound of it, it had come as a complete shock to her when she’d opened her eyes and found someone else staring at them and she was blaming it all on Jason.

    Who, of course, was entirely to blame.

    Sky felt sorry for the other woman really. It wasn’t her fault Jason was a jerk. He didn’t used to be; once upon a time he’d been charming and thoughtful and funny and bloody good looking to boot; thin, muscled and tattooed with piercing blue eyes. All good reasons she’d fallen in love with him in the first place. But over the last few months he’d been off, distant, and for some reason Sky hadn’t tried to bridge the widening gulf between them.

    All it needed was a bit of communication, but she’d been afraid. Afraid that if she talked to him it might be the end of their relationship. For her sins she still loved the bastard, and after four years as a couple, almost half of which they’d lived together, it would be difficult and traumatic to disentangle their lives from one another. So she’d kept quiet, he’d kept his distance and they’d both wound up here, with another person caught in the cross-fire.

    Now that she’d caught him cheating, Sky couldn’t help but wonder if that was cause for Jason’s distance or the effect of it. Had he been seeing this woman for a while and Sky hadn’t noticed, or was she just the latest in a string of women he’d entertained? Had he finally taken the advice his racist uncle had given him about not dating black girls except as your bit on the side? She wouldn’t know until she sat down and talked to him.

    The problem was she didn’t really want to look at him right now, let alone have a conversation.

    Sky was just taking her first sip of tea when she heard the front door open and close again quietly. Whoever the other woman was at least she was courteous enough to attempt to sneak out without any further altercation. Sky sighed into her mug; it was just her and Jason alone in the house with their issues.

    Just the thought of that was enough to make her cry but she thought she’d better save that for later. Preferably over a cocktail or three with Frankie.

    To Jason’s credit, when he finally did emerge he looked very contrite. He had all the right body language and the most pathetic look on his face Sky had ever seen. He looked very sorry indeed with his t shirt on inside out and back to front. She couldn’t help but wonder whether he was sorry he’d cheated or just sorry he’d got caught.

    Listen, babe… Jason started, playing with the hair at the back of his head the way he always did when he’d fucked up. He trailed off, seeming unable to string his thoughts together into a decent apology or excuse.

    That was odd; he was usually so good at being charming. Maybe things were more serious between him and the other lady than she’d thought.

    Or maybe there was no excuse for what he’d done and he knew it.

    Sky sighed. Just the sound of his voice made her feel tired. She didn’t want to deal with this, with him. Preferably ever again. She rubbed at her eyes, pressing the heel of her hand into them until it hurt just a bit. It didn’t make her feel any better.

    Look, Jason. I’m sure if I give you enough time you’ll be able to come up with half a dozen excuses for what happened but if I’m honest I don’t want to hear them. Things have been crap between us for a bit and you obviously have a few issues you need to sort out.

    Jason opened his mouth to say something but shut it again almost immediately. He looked like a goldfish.

    Regardless of how strained things have been between us lately I caught you cheating, and that’s not something that’s going to go away any time soon. I think we both need some space to sort this out.

    He looked stricken and miserable, though not entirely surprised. What are you saying? Are you leaving me?

    Was she? Sky asked herself that question and found she didn’t have an answer. Dumping the asshole who’d been cheating on you was the most sensible course of action, but she wasn’t sure that was what she wanted. She needed time, distance and above all else she needed Frankie.

    I don’t know, she said truthfully. Right now I really don’t know.

    He sat down at the table opposite her, obvious tears in his eyes. I love you Sky. I’m sorry. I know it sounds trite given what you saw me doing less than ten minutes ago but I am. I really am.

    Sky couldn’t bring herself to agree with him out loud so she just nodded. She was sure that deep down he was sorry, but she was far from ready to forgive him.

    What happens now? he asked after a brief silence. His eyes darted all over the place and he was twisting his fingers around, clearly apprehensive.

    Sky blew out a long breath to steady her nerves and calm her pounding heart. I’ll go stay with my parents for a while. I think we could both use the space.

    It felt like the death knell for the relationship but she knew it was the right thing to do. If there was to be any hope of repairing the relationship they needed the time apart. Judging by the look on Jason’s face he also felt it was the beginning of the end for them. He didn’t say anything, he just nodded in agreement. A few tears slipped down Jason’s face but he wiped them away, sniffing hard.

    I can get out of your way for a bit if you want, he said, getting up from his chair. I’ll go to the pub for a while, let you get your stuff sorted in peace. Just… I really am sorry Sky. And I do love you.

    Jason made a retreat then. Sky remained sat at the table completely impassive until she was sure he’d gone. Then, and only then, did she finally allowed herself to cry.

    And cry she did. Great wracking sobs so powerful she thought her ribcage might collapse in on itself. All the tension she’d felt for months, all the horrific reality of betrayal and all the nasty thoughts of revenge came crashing out as she sobbed. Sky just sat and let herself cry it out, weathered the storm of her own emotions. Eventually the maelstrom subsided leaving her exhausted, but calm.

    Sky made herself another cup of tea as she called Frankie to come pick her up and take her to her parents’ house. Frankie announced her arrival by storming in the front door.

    Where is he? she asked angrily. Her hair was an untamed halo around her head; she looked like a lion. I’m gonna kill him! Judging by the look on her face it wasn’t an idle threat.

    Sky just threw her arms around Frankie and she sagged into her friend’s arms. Fresh tears surfaced against her will and she spent a good five minutes wailing into the crook of Frankie’s neck as she made soothing noises.

    When the latest wave of crying subsided she kept hold of Frankie, not wanting to let go of her rock.

    Where is he? asked Frankie sounding much less murderous than before.

    He’s not here, Sky said miserably. He went to the pub.

    Do you want me to go after him and start relieving him of body parts?

    Sky shook her head, wiping tears from her eyes. I don’t think that’ll do any good. Just… help me pack some stuff up and get me out of here. Please.

    Frankie just nodded and did as she was asked.

    As she packed a suitcase with her things Sky filled her friend in on what had happened. Frankie spent the whole story sat on the rumpled bed with her fists balled at her sides and a thunderous look on her face. Sky was glad Jason had scarpered before Frankie got here; if he’d still been here when she arrived then they’d never have found all the body parts.

    It took surprisingly little time to pack her life up and put it in Frankie’s car. It was heart-breaking really; four years of hard work to put together a life with someone and it had been irrevocably ruined in an afternoon. And in less than an hour all the important parts of that life were packed up in order to move on.

    The drive over to Sky’s parents’ house was done in near silence save for a few sad hiccups; the remnants of the heart-rending crying session she’d had. Frankie kept muttering threats and epithets under her breath but didn’t say anything louder than a stage whisper.

    Sky idly wondered just how drunk Jason was by now. Then she realised she didn’t really care. Rationally she knew she still loved him—it just wasn’t possible to turn off four years of emotion in less than a day—but an unsettling numbness had descended on her and it was difficult to actually feel anything. It was like being immersed in cold water. Every part of her body was oddly rubbery and felt like it belonged to someone else. It wasn’t a good feeling.

    Her parents weren’t in when they got there but Sky still had a key to the front door. She let herself in and between the two of them got her luggage up to her childhood bedroom. There were still posters of teenage-Sky’s favourite bands on the wall.

    God, everything had felt so much simpler back then.

    Frankie made Sky yet another cup of tea as they waited for her parents to get home. The topic of conversation inevitably strayed in the direction of Jason and his lying, cheating ass. Despite her best efforts Frankie didn’t quite keep her temper under control and the discussion of exactly what she wanted to do to him got a little violent and very explicit.

    Thankfully it wasn’t long before Sky’s parents, Bill and Lisa, returned home. They entered the living room while Frankie was describing the particularly vicious way she wanted to ensure Jason was never able to stray again.

    Oh dear, said Lisa, entering the room with a smile twitching at the corner of her mouth. "What did Jason do to deserve that?"

    Sky didn’t feel much like explaining, so she gestured vaguely at Frankie for help. They’d been friends for almost two decades and thankfully by now Frankie was fluent in Sky’s vague gestures. She took the baton and ran with it, explaining in as few words (and with as few swear words) as possible what exactly Jason Nesbitt had done this time.

    Bill Thompson stood there silently, a storm gathering on his face. A look like that on the face of a man almost six and a half feet tall was more than a little terrifying. Lisa on the other hand went straight into mothering mode and pulled her daughter into a hug. Sky couldn’t help it; she started crying again.

    Her mum pulled her closer and let her cry it out while Bill went and fetched something a little stronger than tea.

    Sky gratefully accepted the glass of brandy from her dad, though she was too red eyed and snotty to really say anything. Frankie pilfered a glass of brandy too and the four of them shared a silent toast to Jason Nesbitt’s imminent demise.

    So, what do you need me and your mum to do? Bill asked. "From the sounds of it Frankie has the retribution sorted out, but what do you need my darling?"

    She explained about the bags she’d left upstairs and asked if it was okay to stay here until she and Jason sorted what they were going to do in the long run.

    Of course it’s okay Sky, my love, said Lisa, giving her daughter a scandalised look. What kind of parents would we be if we turned you away at a time like this?

    Sky smiled, even though it made her eyes sting even more. The kind of parents who didn’t want me to start dating Jason in the first place?

    Oh shush, Lisa said, frowning a little. That was four years ago and we thought he’d turned into a fine young man who was taking care of you.

    Thought, said Bill darkly.

    Lisa ignored the implicit threat in her husband’s voice and turned to Frankie. Thank you for going and getting our Sky for us. We’re ever so grateful.

    No problem Mrs T, that’s what friends are for. Frankie gave Sky a reassuring smile, which she returned as best as she could. He’s just lucky he wasn’t still there when I got there or I’d have given him what for.

    Despite the horrendous ups and downs of the day, Sky felt much better for being around three of her favourite people. It could just be the brandy settling into her stomach though. She snuggled up against her mother’s shoulder and tried to pretend that she was a little girl again and her mum could make everything better with a kiss.

    Instead she was a grown adult who was going to have to get up and go to work tomorrow like nothing had happened.

    She put that thought away. That was a problem for future Sky to deal with. Right now she had her mum, dad and Frankie and she was as happy as she was going to get.

    For now.

    Chapter 2

    It was almost too easy for Sky to fall back into the routine of living with her parents. Two years in her own space hadn’t dampened the sheer delight of waking up to a cup of tea and a hearty breakfast every morning instead of grabbing some toast on the way out of the door. Having clean dishes on a regular basis was pretty great too, even if she did have to help with the washing up sometimes.

    And Sky’s dad was an absolutely amazing cook.

    Jason sensibly kept his distance (Sky suspected the fear of Frankie might be responsible for that) and she didn’t bother trying to get in touch with him. She knew she was treading water by ignoring the issue but she couldn’t seem to help it. Every time she sat down to try and write a message to him she got six words in before scrapping the lot. Attempting to call just resulted in her sitting and looking at her phone for hours getting increasingly angry with Jason and then ending up mad at herself.

    It occurred to her that there really might not be anything she had to say to him. It certainly felt like there was nothing they’d be able to do to salvage their relationship and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

    Sky had asked him once, about four months before the incident, if he’d ever thought of cheating on her. Things were dicey between them by that point but Jason had vehemently denied even contemplating being with someone else and vowed, hand on heart, that he never would. For some reason Sky had thought he’d be able to keep that promise.

    He’d fucked up, there was absolutely no doubt about that. What Sky wasn’t sure of was how badly she’d fucked up. Was there anything she could have done or said to change things? She didn’t know, and it was the not knowing that kept her going round in circles, unable to move forward in any meaningful way.

    Frankie was doing her best to keep her entertained; barely a night went by when she wasn’t around for dinner, though Sky suspected her dad’s amazing culinary skills might have had something to do with that. She appreciated having her friend around and was glad that neither Frankie nor her parents were pushing her to talk about things.

    She’d have to eventually. She couldn’t run from this forever.

    It was her mum that broke the silence in the end. Sky had been back at her parents a few weeks, during which time she’d been completely incommunicado with the person who was ostensibly still her boyfriend. She knew her mum was worried, so it didn’t exactly come as a surprise when she knocked on her daughter’s bedroom door just after she’d got ready for bed.

    Mind if I come in?

    Sky knew from long experience that she didn’t have much choice in the matter. She was a mum, and she was going to worry regardless; might as well get everything out in the open. She sat up on the bed and crossed her legs. Sure. What’s on your mind?

    Lisa sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned over to place a kiss on her daughter’s head. You, of course. I’m worried about you.

    I’m fine mum, said Sky. By now meaningless platitudes were a knee-jerk reaction to parental worry, and this was no different. The answer was out of her mouth before she’d had time to think and she knew it gave her away completely. Lisa gave her daughter one of her patented looks and Sky knew she’d been rumbled. Well, I’m not fine, she continued, trying to salvage the situation. But I’m okay. Really. You don’t have to worry.

    Raised eyebrows joined the look. Oh yeah, you’re doing just fine, hiding at your parents’ house instead of dealing with the issues between you and Jason. Lisa’s voice was sharp, a little too cutting, but Sky realised she probably needed it. She was moping a little and needed a bit of help to snap out of it.

    I guess I have been ignoring the situation, she conceded, grudgingly. If she was honest with herself she had been sulking. A little. But only a little.

    Look, I know you’re all grown up now and capable of fighting your own fights, but you’re still my little girl and I still worry. Maybe I can’t fight your battles for you any more but I can let you know when you’re running away from ones you should be fighting yourself. Lisa had a kind smile in her face and a look about her eyes that said she knew she was right.

    And she was. As usual.

    You’re so annoyingly reasonable, Sky said sulkily, acknowledging the fact her mum had a point but retreating a little further into her grump just for effect.

    I’m your mother; it’s my job. Lisa smiled and kissed the top of Sky’s head again, ignoring the petulant look on her daughter’s face. I’m not saying you should call Jason tomorrow and thrash everything out, but you’re going to have to talk to him sometime. You’re both in limbo right now and it’s not fair. It’s not fair on him and it’s not doing you any good.

    Sky knew her mum was right but she said nothing out loud; her mum already knew she was correct. Mums were often right about such things, much to their children’s annoyance.

    Your dad and I are more than happy to let you stay with us a while longer, but we’re not going to let you lick your wounds forever. Okay?

    Okay. Sky sighed a touch more dramatically than was strictly necessary. I guess I’ll talk to Jason sooner rather than later. She absolutely didn’t want to but that was the thing about adulthood, you had to do all sorts of things you didn’t want to do. If nothing else we need to sort out the lease on the house and decide what’s happening to the rest of my stuff.

    Disentangling yourself from an adult relationship was complicated, expensive and draining. Sky wished she was back at school and could just get Frankie to go tell Jason he was dumped.

    Good, said her mum. I knew you just needed a little nudge. Now, in the meantime we thought we could do something to cheer you up.

    You don’t have to mum.

    I know. But you’re the only child I’ve got, the word ‘now’ remained unsaid, as always, and if I want to spoil you, I will. Lisa paused for a moment and Sky knew she was thinking about Linden.

    Sky missed her little brother so much; she didn’t care how spoiled she’d been since he died, she’d rather have her brother back. She let her mum have her moment of mourning a lost child and after that moment it passed. Lisa’s face brightened up again, though Sky could see the effort it cost her. How about your favourite restaurant tomorrow night?

    Sky had resolved to respond enthusiastically to whatever suggestion her mum made, just to humour her, but she didn’t have to fake the way her face lit up with excitement,

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