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The Trust Casefiles: Trust Casefiles, #1
The Trust Casefiles: Trust Casefiles, #1
The Trust Casefiles: Trust Casefiles, #1
Ebook290 pages4 hours

The Trust Casefiles: Trust Casefiles, #1

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The Trust - A secret organisation comprising thousands of independant field units fighting an eternal war against demonic forces that prey on the innocent.

One such unit is led by Alexandra Glinyeu, a Voodoo Priestess.  Her top operatives are former vigilantes, Forrest King and Catherine Jordan - two people who have discovered that the demons they fight could be anyone - friend, lover or family.

This collection of their exploits include Catherine facing the prospect of lifelong happiness with a new love when she helps the administrator of a Trust library whose former girlfriend has returned as a blood sucking Nelapsi.

PublisherLee Cushing
Release dateAug 14, 2016
The Trust Casefiles: Trust Casefiles, #1

Lee Cushing

Lee Cushing is a paranormal thriller author and a lifelong fan of the occult. Having become obsessed with supernatural folklore and the world of horror from an early age, Lee has spent years studying tales of the occult and immersing himself in stories of otherworldly phenomenon. He’s also the owner of a number of vampire and horror-related groups in Facebook, where fellow fans of the supernatural come together to celebrate and discuss all things paranormal.  His debut novel, Voodoo Mambo, blends high-stakes action and shadowy agencies with a dark underworld of demonic creatures and their insidious plots to attack humanity. Lee draws his inspiration from classic horror movies – including Hammer and Universal – as well as beloved TV shows including Doctor Who, Supernatural, The Avengers, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer. 

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    The Trust Casefiles - Lee Cushing

    The Night Slayer

    The vampires smashed their way into the school gymnasium, a red headed Asian girl detaching herself from the pack.  Displaying her fangs, she started moving towards the man with the receding greyish brown hairline.

    Terrance Donald shouted to the three students that had been helping him with the research, Get the fuck out of here.

    Taking the lead in the retreat, Jimmy Holton was smashed to the floor by another group of vampires entering from the changing rooms.

    Both Holly Sharp and Emma Pelham screamed.

    Dressed in a long black leather coat, a lone vampire woman came in behind the others, her curling auburn hair dangling past her shoulders.  Get the lesbian bitches.  Leave the others.

    Watching her vampires begin dragging Holly and Emma towards the exit from the gymnasium, Abigail saw the Asian redhead moving to rip open Donald’s throat.

    She was next to him in an instant, pulling out a wooden stake from her coat pocket and slamming into the vampire’s chest.

    Ignoring the Asian girl turning to dust, she glanced at the others.  I said leave the others.  Her long fangs were revealed when she smiled, Someone has to tell the fucking Slayer where to find her friends.


    They just fucking came in and took them.  Donald looked up from the library desk at the girl with tinted auburn hair.

    Melissa Colwyn paced back and forth across the library carpet, Did you recognise the vamp in charge?

    There was a long drawn out pause before he gave his answer, It was your mother.

    Her pacing came to an abrupt stop, Fuck.

    Jimmy leaned forward, scratching the top of his ginger hair covered head.  I know she used to be your Mom, but that’s not her any more.  It’s a fucking vampire, just like all the others we’ve dusted.  So let’s get going and kill that fucking bitch.

    Melissa glanced down for a moment, shaking her head as she looked back at him.  Both of you are staying here.

    Standing up, Donald walked round the table and stopped.  It’s a fucking trap and you know it, you’re going to need all the help you can get.

    Of course I know it’s a fucking trap, that’s why you’re both staying out of it.  Melissa began walking for the library doors.

    Hurrying after her, Donald caught up to her by the double doors.  You can’t do this alone.

    She stopped and looked back at him, I won’t be alone.

    Fuck, you’re not serious.  You can’t trust him.  He grabbed her arm, intending to try to talk some sense into her.  He’s the bastard who turned your mother into a fucking vampire in the first place.

    Melissa yanked herself free, He’s better now, he’s got his soul back and everything.  And he’s the only one who’s isn’t likely to get himself killed or fucked and turned into a vampire.

    Donald fell silent as she pushed her way out through the library doors.


    Approaching the gates of the mansion, Melissa glanced at the man standing behind her, his dark hair appearing perfect in every way.

    A seemingly permanent brooding expression on his chalk white face, Damian refused to look straight at her.  I killed the people that lived here when I was...

    Taking his hand, Melissa tilted her head and looked up at his guilt ridden face.  It wasn’t you.  You didn’t have a soul when you did that.  She touched his cheek, her fingers caressing his cold dead skin.  I need you, I can’t face my Mom alone.

    Your Mom?  Her words did nothing to alleviate his remorse.

    She grabbed the gate and pulled it open, giving him one last look.  I go up there alone, I’m won’t be coming back, not alive anyway.  Are you going to help me or not?

    Watching him give her a solemn nod, she headed up the driveway.  She only made it halfway to the mansion, stopping when a pair of female vampires stepped out to block her advance, their cleavage threatening to burst out of the leather outfits they were wearing at any moment.

    The sound of Damian’s footsteps on the gravel behind her distracting the pair, she flung two stakes at them, their bodies turning to dust as the sharp wood ripped into their flesh.  So much for the welcoming committee.

    Reaching the mansion, Melissa walked between the middle two columns, stopping in front of the front doors.  Find another way in.  If things get a little fucked up, it’ll be nice to know you’ll be there to get me out of any trouble I end up in.

    His eyes betraying his reluctance to leave her, Damian backed away from her.  Be careful.

    Melissa watched him disappear around the side of the mansion, switching her attention to the doors in front of her.  Turning the handles, she swung them open and stepped into the large hall.

    Her focus was drawn to the top of the stairs where Holly and Emma were standing, each with a vampire ready to rip out their throats at the slightest of her taking action.

    Abigail walked along the length of the landing, the leather coat hanging open enough to show that she was otherwise unclothed.  She stopped when she reached the top of the stairs, gazing down at her daughter.  Seems like my little girl has a choice to make.  She descended the first few steps, You can have one of these bitches, but I get to play with the other.

    No deal.  The familiar voice made her look back towards the two hostages.

    Damian lunged out of the shadows at the top of the stairs.  Staking both vampires holding Holly and Emma, he pulled the two girls to safety as their captors became dust.

    Launching herself from the stairs, Abigail landed directly in front of her daughter.  She rose to her full height, You should have told me how wonderful it felt to have him inside you.

    Shut up.

    Her fangs showing when her daughter’s distress made her smile, Abigail took a few steps towards Melissa.  But he’s gone all goody goody again, hasn’t he?  Tell me, are the two of you going to fuck again?

    Melissa thrust the stake in her hand into Abigail’s breast.

    A look of utter surprise passing over her face, Abigail started to crumble to dust.  Fucking Bitch.

    The stake falling into the dust scattered across the floor, tears began to flow down Melissa’s cheek as she turned away and walked out through the open door.


    Heading up the path leading to her house, she unlocked the door and turned to look at Damian standing behind her.

    Want to come in?  She gave him a half smile, I don’t want to be alone.

    Following her inside, he closed the door as she looked at him.  He pushed her against the wall and began kissing her, his hand moving down to unbutton her jeans.

    Melissa pushed him away, I can’t do this, it’s stupid.  She looked across at the director, I know that HBO execs like all the swearing and the shagging, and you know I’ve never had a problem with the nudity.  Hell, my character shags a different nice guy vampire every few episodes, but come on really, it’s complete crap I’ll want to have sex with the one that turned my mother only last week.  She began storming towards the exit, Just give me a shout when you get this crap sorted out.

    Pushing open the sound stage door, Melissa stepped out into the night air with her personal assistant trying to keep up with her rapid pace.

    Stepping out of the shadows at the side of a nearby building, a man with a goatee began following her across the studio lot.

    Reaching her trailer, she opened the door and entered, her assistant following her inside as she collapsed onto a chair.  Maggie, go and keep an eye on things, let me know when the crap in that script has been dealt with.

    Maggie remained with her back to Melissa for a moment and then turned.  Her arm lashing out, she gripped Melissa by the throat and wrenched her up from the chair.  Showing a set of long fangs between her lips, she slammed Melissa against the side of the trailer and knelt, her head moving towards Melissa’s neck.

    Pulling the door open, the man ran inside.  Grabbing the back of Maggie’s blouse, he dragged her back.  Putting his knee on her chest to pin her down, he thrust a wooden stake into Maggie’s squirming body.

    Her body going limp, he smiled as he looked at Melissa.  Can I have your autograph?


    He continued grinning, I’m Forrest King.  I’d recommend coming with me if you want to see the morning sunrise.  There will be others.  Grabbing her hand, he began pulling her behind him.

    Reaching the trailer door, she broke free from his grasp, her gaze turning back towards Maggie’s corpse.  What about..?

    Forrest interrupted her, She isn’t the problem?

    She pulled her arm back when he tried grabbing her wrist again, What the hell is going on?

    Checking that outside of the trailer seemed clear, he paused by the door.  You’ve been pissing off the wrong kind of people with this TV show and they want you dead.  They hate the idea of themselves being viewed as kind and cuddly in all the things from the nice guy vampires in your show to the Twilight movies.  Believe me, the things they had planned for the cast of those movies, well it's probably not something you want to think about.

    Melissa took another look at Maggie’s body, But she..?  She raised her fingers to her mouth, She had fangs.

    Of course she did.  Forrest took hold of her wrist again.  She was a Strigoi, she was turned into one of them just to kill you.

    She still refused to move, Her body?

    You’re expecting her to turn to dust or something.

    Turning to look at him, she began to nod.  I guess.

    He took advantage of her indecision and caught her wrist, dragging her from her trailer.  This is the real world, they’re not biodegradable like the ones on your show.

    Forrest stopped when he saw a group standing ahead of them.  Pulling her by the arm, he headed for the nearest door and shoved her in ahead of him.  In there.

    Rushing through behind her, Forrest slammed the door shut and bolted it.  Turning to go after Melissa, he stopped when he saw the gates to the cemetery set in front of them.  Grabbing Melissa by the wrist again, he pushed his way through the gates, dragging her past two of the fake graves.

    Coming to a stop, Forrest saw Holly and Emma with their backs to him and Melissa.  I think the other way would be best.

    Turning at the sound of his voice, the two of them tore lumps of flesh from the sides of Donald and Jimmy’s throats.

    Forrest focused on the blood dripping from their mouths, the sharp fangs visible between their lips.

    The two Strigoi stood up and began to advance towards him and Melissa.

    A blond haired man stepped out from behind a fake crypt and an abrupt glare from him made Holly and Emma freeze in their tracks.

    Ushering Melissa behind his back for cover, Forrest grinned as he focused on the newcomer.  Allow me to introduce our new friend, he likes people to call him the Man in Black.

    He doesn’t look much like Will Smith?

    Forrest shook his head, giving her a quick glance.  More like Valentine Dyall.  He saw the blank expression she gave at the mention of the name, Thanks for making me feel old.  Anyway, it’s just to scare the crap out of people.  He’s a particularly nasty executioner for the Strigoi, he likes to tear the throats out of little children just for fun.  He took a step forward, You don’t mind if I just call you Mr Black.

    Reaching behind the crypt, the Man in Black dragged Abigail into view, placing a knife to the side of her throat.  Give me the woman or this one dies.

    Forrest took one more step towards him, You know who I am.

    The Man in Black nodded.

    Good, I hate lengthy introductions.  The grin returned to Forrest’s face, Then I’m sure you know what I did to a Pisachas disciple called Justine.  And what I’ll do to you if anyone else here gets hurt.  He glanced at Holly and Emma, Sorry, ladies, you’re the exception.

    Melissa tugged on the sleeve of his jacket, What did you do?

    He glanced back at her, Not much really.  He looked back towards the Man in Black, Just cut her into little pieces with a chainsaw.

    The Man in Black tugged on Abigail’s hair, pulling her head back to expose more of her throat.  Walk away.

    Mind if I say three little words first.  Forrest took a few more steps forward, Lights, camera, action.

    The dark set was engulfed in light with the overhead lights coming on and the tips of long wooden stakes burst out through Holly and Emma’s chests.

    Watching the Strigoi that used to be her friends fall, Melissa saw Damian and another man that she recognised as one of the stuntmen retrieving the stakes from the two corpses.

    Forrest looked back at her, Didn’t think I was foolish enough to be here on my own, did you?  My friends Damian and Charlie here have been keeping an eye on you ever since you started doing this show.

    Releasing Abigail, the Man in Black thrust her towards Forrest and began running for the exit.

    Smiling as he caught Abigail, he moved her to one side.  Excuse me.  He set running after the Man in Black.

    Slamming into him, Forrest pinned him against the fake grass, Damian and Charlie rushing forward to aim their stakes at the Man in Black’s heart.

    He looked back at Melissa, You’ve been playing a vampire slayer for the last couple of months, I think it’s about time to try a little method acting.

    Melissa took a slow step towards him, I don’t know.

    Taking the stake that Damian was holding, Forrest offered it to her.  Mr Black here turned your friends into things that wanted to kill you, think about it.

    Grasping the stake, she hesitantly positioned it over the Man in Black’s heart and gave Forrest one last look.  Raising the stake, she slammed it back down into his flesh.

    The Lover

    Closing the door to her office, Daphne McBride glanced at her watch and began heading for the exit from the building, passing the rows of bookshelves that made up the library.

    Looking up as the dark skinned woman walked past the desk where she was still working, Sarah Abrams gave her a quick smile.  Sure you don’t want to finish these reports yourself and let me go home early?

    Daphne turned back towards her blonde assistant, Lucy’s picking me up.  She took a step back towards the desk, And I know you don’t want to spoil her first weekend off in two months.

    Flashing an amused smile, Sarah closed the folder she was working on.  Have fun.

    Reaching the door, Daphne twisted her head round, a wide grin on her face.  We always do.

    Stepping through the library door, she went up the steps ahead of her and started along the passage until she reached a closed door.  Opening it, she emerged into a games arcade.

    She stopped by the cashier booth close to the exit, glancing at the red headed woman inside.  Night, Maggie.

    Goodnight, Miss McBride.

    Waiting for the woman’s answer, Daphne stepped out through the opening and took in the night air.

    Following the path to one of the exits from the amusement park, she approached the attractive, auburn haired woman standing by the white Vauxhall Astra in the car park.  Hi.

    Lucy Hartman leaned forward and kissed Daphne, lingering on her lips for several moments before pulling back.  Ready?

    Walking to the other side of the car, Daphne slid into the passenger seat, smiling as Lucy settled behind the wheel.


    Parking the van in the alley behind the nightclub, the man with the shaved head climbed out and approached the rear of the vehicle.

    Opening the doors, Adam Jackson nodded to the two men inside squatting on either side of a long crate.

    Watching them emerge, Jackson stepped back to give them enough space to pull out the crate.  Pushing open the gate leading into the walled up yard behind the club, he hurried to the rear entrance and unlocked it.

    Moving aside as the two men carried the heavy crate inside, Jackson followed them into a store room at the back of the club and approached the door leading down into the cellar.  This way.

    Reaching the concrete floor of the cellar, Jackson glanced at the sixteen year old redhead chained to the far wall.  Taking a few steps towards her, he watched her press herself against the brick wall, afraid of what he was going to do.

    Waiting until the two men placed the crate on the floor, he lifted the lid.  He stood there for a moment, looking down at the woman with long golden blond hair lying motionless inside.

    Turning to return upstairs to the store room, he began heading towards the concrete steps.


    He turned to see the woman climbing out of the crate.  Mistress?

    Emma Chansell glanced at the teenager chained to the wall.  The fear on Alanna Taylor’s face made her smile.  Pausing for a moment, she looked back towards Jackson, anger appearing on her face.  You’ve enjoyed her.

    The statement made Jackson shake his head, It wasn’t me.  One of the new lads must have, they’re the ones who were watching her.

    Find out who violated her, bring him to me.  The smile returned to Emma’s lips, He can have her again.  She took a few steps back to the crate.  I just want to watch.  Now go, leave us.

    Glancing back at the chained teenager as Jackson returned upstairs, Emma walked back to her and caressed the terrified girl’s face.

    She brushed a single finger across the soft skin, wiping away one of the tears streaming down Alanna’s cheek.

    Please, no more.  The girl’s voice was little more than a squeak.

    Emma remained silent, her lips parting with lustful anticipation.

    The teenager screamed when she saw the dozens of needle like teeth within Emma’s mouth.


    Lifting her feet onto the couch, Daphne glanced towards the hall door as Lucy returned from the kitchen with two glasses of wine.

    Taking one of the glasses as the credits of the film they were watching continued on the television in the corner of the lounge, Daphne moved her arm and let Lucy snuggle up next to her.  Another film?

    Lucy took a sip from her glass of wine, It’s getting a little late.  She reached out and started unbuttoning Daphne’s blouse.  And I have other ideas.

    Placing the glass on the small table in front of the couch, Lucy leaned back and began cuddling Daphne.

    Doing the same with her own glass, Daphne began kissing Lucy, the darkness of her skin contrasting against her lover’s complexion.

    Squirming around on the couch until she was stretched out beneath her girlfriend, Daphne felt Lucy’s lips moving down her skin to her breast.


    Entering through the main door of the club, the sandy haired teenager glanced at the other disciples playing cards at a table close to the bar.

    Stepping out from a door situated behind the bar, Adam waited until he had closed the main door.  The Mistress wants to see you.

    The thought of being able to impress her made Pete Morgan grin, Sure thing.

    Heading behind the bar, he made straight for the store room and hurried down into the cellar, he stopped when he saw Emma standing by the empty crate.

    As he approached her, her gaze turned towards the still chained Alanna.  Did you enjoy being inside her?

    I’m sorry, mistress, I thought.

    Emma glanced back at him, You can take her again if you like.  She moved round from behind the crate and reached him, letting the back of her fingers caress the side of his cheek.  I just want to watch.

    There was no longer any trace of

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