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Jackson-Big Sky County Book 11
Jackson-Big Sky County Book 11
Jackson-Big Sky County Book 11
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Jackson-Big Sky County Book 11

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The saga continues with book eleven of the Big Sky County series...

Jackson Mckinney had no idea he was a father until someone planted a baby in his truck with a note saying he’s the daddy. Assuming the baby is three months old, and counting back nine months, he soon remembers he had a one night stand with Tory Monroe.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the Mckinneys and Monroes hadn’t been feuding for over 100 years. He knows he’s in deep trouble when Branndon Sr. finds out he’s been sleeping with the enemy.

Tory Monroe kept the identity of her baby’s father a secret and for good reason. Should her father ever find out she slept with a Mckinney, they’d be hell to pay.
Secrets can’t be kept forever and when both families discover that Jackson and Tory got together one night, nothing in Riker’s Creek is ever going to be the same.

Can long standing feuds be forgotten for the sake of a baby and a couple who seemed destined to be lovers?

Release dateMay 5, 2016
Jackson-Big Sky County Book 11

Vanessa Devereaux

Vanessa Devereaux is the bestselling author of erotic romances and erotica including Cater to Me, The Rake, Who's the Boss, and The Pleasure Room. She's also pens three ongoing series, Perfect Pairing, Big Sky County and Kalispell Shifters.

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    Jackson-Big Sky County Book 11 - Vanessa Devereaux


    Big Sky County

    Vanessa Devereaux

    Published by Coldstream Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Vanessa Devereaux

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes.

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

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    Chapter 1

    Would this little guy ever stop crying? And what was that sudden bad smell? Jackson looked at the soles of his cowboy boots. No, he hadn’t stepped in horse shit. He put his nose in the air and leaned over toward the baby. He didn’t know much about them, but he guessed this one needed his diaper changed.

    This couldn’t possibly be happening. This could not be his child.

    I think you might want to put a new diaper on him, said Branndon Jr., pushing up the brim on his cowboy hat. He could tell by the grin on his brother’s face that he was finding this whole thing highly amusing.

    They’d come to the Wagon Wheel for some beers to celebrate Branndon Jr.’s engagement and then bam, they’d left, walked toward the truck where Jackson had found a baby in a car seat on the passenger seat.

    Looks like there are a few diapers in this bag, said Brody.

    Do either of you guys know how to change a baby’s diaper? asked Jackson.

    Hey, don’t look at us, he’s your son, said Branndon Jr.

    Just because the note says he is, doesn’t mean he actually is, Jackson corrected him.

    But you said you had sex with Tori Monroe about year ago, said Branndon Jr.

    I did, but that doesn’t mean it was me who did the deed.

    He does look a lot like you. Even like Branndon Sr. too, said Brody.

    Their father. If this was indeed Jackson’s son and he’d united Mckinney genes with a Monroe, then his dad was going to kill him. A cold sweat broke out on Jackson’s forehead. No one in the family, either family, knew about the two of them getting together that night.

    I think you should put a clean diaper on him, said Brody. He pulled one out of the bag and pushed it into Jackson’s chest.

    I don’t know how to, Jackson said.

    It will all come natural to you. Your daddy genes will kick in, said Branndon Jr.

    How about Susanne? She should do this because she’s a nurse. Or Maddie, she’s a teacher and around kids all day, pleaded Jackson.

    Not ones who are this small, Brody corrected him.

    He could see his two brothers weren’t going to be much help. He set the baby on the seat of the truck and began to undo the bottom of the onesie he was dressed in. The little guy screamed louder, getting redder in the face as he did so.

    I think he might have pooped again, said Brody. Getting a flushed look like he has is a sure sign.

    I thought you said you didn’t know about these things? asked Jackson.

    I don’t but I’m assuming it’s either that or he has gas.

    Jackson gingerly peeled the diaper off the baby. He almost wanted to throw up. How could this small of a person produce that much waste?

    He quickly folded it up. What do I do with it? he asked.

    There’s a bin over there, said Branndon Jr.

    You want to take it for me while I watch him? asked Jackson.

    How about we watch the baby while you go dump it? suggested Branndon Jr.

    Jackson held it at arm’s length and quickly made his way over to the bin. He’d never been so glad to get rid of something in all his life. Jackson walked back to the truck where both Branndon Jr. and Brody were pulling silly faces at the baby. He wanted to get this over and done with as soon as he could. He was about to put the clean diaper on the baby when Brody stopped him and held his forearm.

    I think you need to wipe and clean his bottom with these before you put another diaper on him, he said, handing him the baby wipes. For a guy who claimed to know nada about babies, he suddenly was somewhat of an expert.

    No way am I doing that, said Jackson.

    Not even for your own son? asked Branndon Jr.

    Now he knew for sure both the guys were messing with him and, without doubt, loving every second of his agony.

    Look we don’t know for sure he is mine, said Jackson.

    Don’t keep repeating yourself. Just wipe his little ass and let’s get home, said Branndon Jr.

    Jackson pulled out one of the wipes and did his best to clean the little guy. He knew once he got home, he was going to throw up. He’d had one hell of a night with Tori. Best sex of his life, but if this was the result, then he was going to get a vasectomy ASAP.

    Brody handed him the diaper. I think you can hold their legs together and slide it under their butts, he said.

    So you do know how to do this? asked Jackson.

    I watched it on TV… once, said Brody.

    Yeah, newly acquired brother Brody was going to fit in perfectly with the Mckinney’s who always enjoyed a good laugh at someone else’s expense.

    There. He’s clean, doesn’t stink, not crying, now what am I going to do with him? asked Jackson.

    Take him home but I think you need to go shopping for baby items first, said Branndon Jr.

    I think getting a DNA test and finding Tori Monroe should also be on my to-do list, said Jackson.


    A tear slid down Tori’s face. She missed Kyle so much, but she’d thought it was a great idea to hand him over to his father for a while. Her father had started asking questions so it was inevitable that one day soon the truth about her baby’s father would come to light, and she wanted Jackson to be prepared. She knew it had been a cowardly act, just dropping the baby off like she had, but these were desperate times.

    If I was of a suspicious mind, I’d say that baby looks like a Mckinney, he’d said at breakfast two mornings ago.

    You really won’t let your hatred of that family rest will you, honey? her mother had told him. You’re seeing Mckinneys even where they don’t exist. As if your own daughter would betray you and have a baby with one of those boys.

    She’d hoped neither of her parents had seen her turn red and avert her eyes to focus on the toast she’d been buttering.

    Are you ever going to tell us who fathered that baby? her father had asked. I promise you, honey bee, that I will not be angry in any way. We all have our little indiscretions now and then.

    If he knew the identity of the father, then he definitely wouldn’t call it a little indiscretion. Not that it was entirely her fault, who could resist a Mckinney? No girl in her right mind would say no to one night with the sort-of cowboy.

    I’d rather not say, she’d finally announced.

    I’m not going to hurt him, her father had continued.

    If her father ever knew who she’d slept with a year ago, then oh yes he would. He’d probably kill him and the rest of his family.

    And speaking of those bastard Mckinneys, would you look at this, her father had said, throwing down the morning newspaper onto the table. The press is still going on about Branndon Jr. giving up his kidney to his half-brother. How many more times do we have to read this shit and have it thrown down our throats?

    I think it was a very brave thing to do. I mean the boy didn’t even know he had a half-brother until he came begging for that organ, her mother had said, putting more pancakes onto her father’s plate. She knew just as Tori did that sometimes the only way to calm him down was to keep his stomach full.

    Brave my ass. That family loves attention. I mean it’s not as if he doesn’t have another kidney. Now if he’d donated his heart, then that would have been brave.

    That’s stupid talk, Glen. The boy would have had to have died to donate his heart, her mother had responded.

    One less Mckinney, her father had shot back.

    Tori had stood, being unable to tolerate any more of this hateful talk about a family that her son, his grandson, now had ties to whether he liked it or not. She’d scooped up Kyle, knowing at that very moment she had to give him to Jackson. She sensed his father couldn’t be quite as mad as her own. She’d planned to go see Jackson with the baby and tell him all, but then she’d chickened out at the last minute. After all, she’d never told him he’d gotten her pregnant, and she’d imagine finding out he had a son, especially after just a one-night stand, would be quite the shock. She’d had nine months to

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