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Frequently Asked Questions: Cults & Cult Leaders Session 4
Frequently Asked Questions: Cults & Cult Leaders Session 4
Frequently Asked Questions: Cults & Cult Leaders Session 4
Ebook39 pages31 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions: Cults & Cult Leaders Session 4

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Jesus answers many questions that he and Mary are asked about money, donations, and financial affairs.
Document source filename: 20140612 FAQ - Cults S04.
This ebook is a collection of answers given by Jesus (AJ Miller) on the topic of cults and cult leaders. The answers were given in an interview with Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck), who posed frequently asked questions from members of the media and public, on 12th June 2014 in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia.

Release dateMar 15, 2016
Frequently Asked Questions: Cults & Cult Leaders Session 4

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    Book preview

    Frequently Asked Questions - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Cults & Cult Leaders


    Jesus (AJ Miller) &

    Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck)

    Session 4

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Divine Truth

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed. If you enjoyed this book, please return to to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    This ebook is a collection of answers given by Jesus (AJ Miller) on the topic of cults and cult leaders. The answers were given in an interview with Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck), who posed frequently asked questions from members of the media and public, on 12th June 2014 in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia. In this session Jesus answers many questions that he and Mary are asked about money, donations, and financial affairs.

    Reminder From Jesus & Mary

    Jesus and Mary would like to remind you that any document produced by Divine Truth containing any information from Jesus, Mary or any other person includes only a portion of God's Truth that they have personally discovered.

    It does not and cannot contain the entire of God's Truth since God's Truth is infinite and humankind will forever continue to discover more of God's Truth as we progress in receiving more of God's Love.

    Please remember that due to these limitations information contained within this document may need to be revised in the future.

    Many other ebooks have been published by Divine Truth, including ebooks translated into a variety of different languages.

    Please visit or for further information.

    Additional sessions on the subject in this book can be found on

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    Table of Contents

    0. Introductory Comments

    1. Do you ask for money from people?

    2. Do you charge for any services that you provide?

    3. Do you collect money at your seminars?

    4. Do you collect donations?

    5. What would you do if you did not receive enough donations to live?

    6. Are there any levels to what you teach that are related to money?

    7. Does anyone who listens to you have to pay any money?

    8. Do you believe people should pay for what you give them to appreciate what is given?

    9. How do you support yourself financially?

    10. Why do some people who have listened to you in the past now attack you?

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