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Cures and Prevention of Common Ailments
Cures and Prevention of Common Ailments
Cures and Prevention of Common Ailments
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Cures and Prevention of Common Ailments

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Today's dietary habits leave a "lot to be desired" as far as nutrition is concerned. Diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and many more are directly linked to dietary patterns. To learn and practice good eating habits is a proven way to reverse poor health and also to prevent disease. The cost is much lower than doctor care and pharmaceuticals, and there are no side effects. Get wise now and learn the proper eating habits which have kept practitioners of such sage eating habits not only healtyy, but has afforded them longevity in good health as well.

Release dateOct 17, 2015
Cures and Prevention of Common Ailments

David J. Pleau

David J. Pleau was born and raised in Waterville, Maine, USA. He currently resides in Bybee, Tn., near the Great Smoky Mountains and the Cherokee National Forest. David graduated from Kaplan University in April of 2014 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutritional Sciences. He is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree from Purdue University in Health Education (Nutrition, Lifestyle, Environmental Hazards, Social Influence, Demographic Influence, etc. . .). He has been a student of nutrition since the age of 19, when he bought a book from a fellow student entitled "Diet For A Small Planet" which advocated the sensibility of a vegetarian diet. Even though David Pleau hasn't been in poor health either then or now, the book made sense and he has since studied different eating customs in lands around the earth and the resultant health issues including disease occurrence based on food consumed and longevity directly influenced by foods chosen and eaten. With these degrees, credentials are established to the end of educating all who can see and desire to learn the link between eating patterns and good health/longevity. It is a scientific fact that many common diseases today such as cancer, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and a host of others are directly linked to poor dietary habits. I have many books available on the website: "Smashwords". These are published and each book has an appropriate ISBN number. Most of them are listed at $1.99 and one, "Cures for Common Diseases and Ailments" is an encyclopedia listing the contents of the others. This one is available at $4.99. Obviously I am not out to economically gouge anyone at those prices. . I have over 40 years of Nutritional Studies in my background, and am current on global eating patterns and results.David J.

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    Cures and Prevention of Common Ailments - David J. Pleau

    David J. Pleau

    Bachelor of Science Nutritional Sciences

    Master of Health Education

    Kaplan University

    VOLTAIRE: Medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1-Alcoholism Recovery

    Chapter 2-Beat Cancer Naturally

    Chapter 3-Cardiovascular Disease and the Antioxidant Vitamin E

    Chapter 4-Conquering Diabetes Naturally and Effectively

    Chapter 5-Treat Hypertension Naturally

    Chapter 6-Conquering Obesity Naturally

    Chapter 7-Ezekiel Bread Recipe

    Chapter 8-Nutritious Bread Recipe

    Chapter 9-Processed Foods: Foodzilla: What the Consumer Needs to Know

    Chapter 10-Hunza Bread Recipe

    Chapter 11-Juicing For Life

    Chapter 12-Longevity via Nutrition

    Chapter 13-Nutritional Science to Strengthen the Immune System

    Chapter 14-Obesity and Future Life Expectancy

    Chapter 15-Statistics on Longevity

    Chapter 16-Super Foods

    Chapter 17-The Treasure Trove of Nutritional Food

    Chapter 18-Liver Flush Recipe


    Chapter 1:

    Alcoholism presents itself as a chronic condition and is defined as a chronic dependence on ethyl alcohol. The issue begins as a psychological dependence, and then progresses (or regresses) to a combination of psychological and physical dependence. Ten percent of Americans who imbibe of alcoholic beverages statistically develop an alcohol consumption problem (dependence/addiction). Alcoholism statistically affects four men for every one women, yet issues concerning alcohol consumption problems are on the increase among women. Children, adolescents and college students, who typically strive to get drunk and participate in binge drinking are on the rise in the statistical overconsumption of alcohol. If this becomes a regular habit, it often progresses all the way to full blown alcoholism, complete with physical dependence and the host of social failures that also accompanies it. People usually initially partake of alcoholic beverages in a social setting, which produces excitement. The initial effects vary, from getting intoxicated on one drink, to being able to consume many with little effect at first. The progression of alcoholism is such that it is used as a crutch for many moods; to calm down, to make one chipper, at celebrations, and the old standby; to drown one’s sorrows, becoming an elixir for any event, thus becoming an addiction. Over a course of time, resistance diminishes, resulting in a loss of control, drinking at inappropriate occasions (hence the self perceived elixir effect) and increasing consumption to the point of deterioration of one’s health.

    Chapter 2: Alcoholism’s Subtle Progression

    The progression leading to alcoholism is subtle, but in time the alcoholic will lose self esteem, feeling ashamed and angry due to the loss of control due to it being used as a crutch, resulting into a further regression into lack of self esteem, which in itself increases the dependence on alcohol (a resultant vicious cycle). A wheel used as a model on the course of an alcoholic starts at the 7 o’clock position with the person first experiencing the effects in a positive way, and the parties and revelries continue to build through 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12 o’clock where the grip of alcohol on the person becomes strong. On the way down the circle from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, is the repercussions such as loss of family, job, home, homelessness, disease (declining health), & lack of self respect, with 6 being either death by accident, disease, or suicide.

    The slide into chronic alcoholism is different for each individual in that some can drink moderately for years before becoming dependent, while for some from the time that they take their first drink they become rapidly compulsive in consumption as is observed in that young ones rapidly becoming bar flys. The statistical results are that alcohol can and does reduce one’s lifespan by between 10-15 years. The liver breaks down alcohol, and with abuse comes inhibition of the liver’s digestive enzymes (overtaxed liver) which in turn hinders the absorption of proteins, fats, and fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, & K) and the B-complex vitamins. Because alcohol is a diuretic (increasing urine output, a host of vitamins and minerals are lost (washed out in urine), continuing the cascade of the body’s nutrients, resulting in ill health. In time, fatty liver develops, followed by hepatitis, which is followed (if consumption continues by cirrhosis, which results in inflammation, hardening and scarring of the liver. With the decrease of the normal passage of blood through the liver comes an inability of the organ to filter out toxins and any foreign entity. Cirrhosis is a final stage, usually leading to death by liver failure.

    Chapter 3: The Versatile but Sensitive Liver

    The liver is a very versatile organ and can regenerate up to 25% of itself when a portion is damaged or removed, but alcohol abuse is extremely toxic to the liver and in time with chronic abuse, the liver can’t continue to be regenerated. The peripheral nervous system is damaged in alcoholics, resulting in initially a loss of sensation in the hands or feet, with an accompanying difficulty in walking (loss of ambulatory function). Inflammation of the pancreas is another negative issue concerned with chronic drinking which hampers the body's ability to digest fats and other nutrients. It can also lead to diabetes there is an increased risk of mouth and throat cancer, which is due to the direct the direct (the pattern of addiction resulting in a predictable conclusion) toxicity of alcohol. The results may be high blood pressure, reduced testosterone production, visible dilation of blood vessels, just beneath the skins surface in the face, and pathological enlargement of the heart that can progress to congestive heart failure. There are negative social consequences tied with alcoholism as well. Alcohol abuse yields a large toll on society via consequences such as traffic and other accidents, negative job performance, and emotional damage to entire families, mostly due to the burden that the alcoholic places on the family.


    For women who choose to partake of alcohol during pregnancy, the results are that consuming alcohol during pregnancy can result in birth defects and increase the chance of miscarriage. Alcohol travels through the mother's placenta and into fetal circulation which is very dangerous because the embryo is still in the developmental stage. The baby’s central nervous system is depressed as a result of undue and improper alcohol consumption. Further, the fetal liver must try to metabolize the alcohol, yet being that the fetus’s liver is not fully developed the alcohol remains in the fetal circulation. This results in giving birth to babies with lower birth weights. Their growth may be either retarded or stunted; their brains may be smaller, and the risk is high of the ensuing child being mentally retarded. Limbs, joints, fingers, and facial features may be deformed, and defects of the heart and kidney could also be factored in. From the time a woman discovers that she is pregnant, every drink increases her child's risk of being born with fetal alcohol syndrome ( a strong indicator against alcoholic consumption on the part of the educated mother to be), and also increases her chances of miscarriage. Even moderate amounts of alcohol may be harmful, particularly within the first 3 to 4 months of pregnancy (a call for extreme self control).

    Chapter 5: Caution Needs Be Exercised For the Recovering Alcoholic

    The alcoholic who ceases to drink may go through withdrawal symptoms, particularly within the first week or so up on their abstaining. Insomnia, visual and auditory hallucinations, convulsions, acute anxiety, a rapid pulse, profuse perspiration, and fever are also likely symptoms to occur (which for the perceptive and cognizant person are indicators as to how damaging alcohol abuse is to the overall system). In time, with proper supervision (by caregivers and intervention personnel) and vitamin and mineral intake (to replenish those lost through alcoholic syndrome), these symptoms do pass and the recovering alcoholic is set free from the addiction to begin the lifelong task of recovering from his plight. Recovering leads to broad new vistas which otherwise wouldn’t even be evident. The due caution is necessary because previously, the alcoholic, using alcohol as a crutch, found it to be the elixir for every situation, resulting in an ever increasing tendency toward addiction and the ensuing health/social related problems.

    Chapter 6:



    "Supplement: Free – form amino acid complex. Necessary& effective dosage: 500 MG three times daily. This aids in smoother withdrawal and effective resolution to become free from the addiction. It is needed for brain and liver function to lean toward normal. It is necessary for regeneration of liver cells, which is necessary for the healing process to occur.

    L – cysteine: Start with 500 MG daily and slowly increase to 1000 MG daily, as a mode of rejuvenation.

    N-acetylcysteine: 1000 MG daily is recommended as a progression in order to replace the regression.

    GAMA –Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Aim to ingest 750 mg. once or twice daily. This ingredient serves to calm the individual, preventing a state of over anxiety.

    Inositol and niacinamide: 500 MG once or twice daily. This replenishes nutrients which were lost due to abuse of alcohol, resulting in a return to good health.

    Glutathione: ingest 3000 MG daily, on an empty stomach. This nutrient protects the liver and reduces cravings for alcohol, further reducing the stress resulting from abstinence. Don’t attempt to substitute glutamic acid for glutathione, as it is glutathione which is the recommended product for its medicinal value.

    L-methionine: Seek to ingest 1000 MG daily. Take with water or juice. Be sure to not take with milk, as absorption would be hindered. Be sure to take with 25 MG vitamins B6 and 100 MG vitamin C for better absorption, as the mutual intake of these nutrients is symbiotic.

    Pantothenic acid:

    The suggested dosage of this vitamin is 100 mg three times daily. The effect on the system is to aid the body in alcohol detoxification, which is better served as soon as possible. It also counteracts stress, which will insure that the transference from consumption to non-consumption is more readily achieved.

    Vitamin B complex injections:

    Follow directions as described by physician in the event that one can afford a physician’s intervention. If not, oral ingestion accompanied by complete protein would suffice. The purpose is to correct deficiencies.

    Vitamin B12: 25 MG three times daily. If injections are not available or affordable, use a sublingual (beneath the tongue) form.

    Vitamin B-1 (thiamine): Seek to ingest 200 MG three times daily. Alcoholics are often deficient in B vitamins, especially B-1 and thus, the oral ingestion accompanied by whole protein (containing all necessary amino acids) will provide necessary absorption.

    Chapter 7:


    Very Important:

    Multi enzyme complex plus: Ingest as directed on label. Take with meals which contain complete protein so as to properly digest, the purpose which is to aid digestion.

    Proteolytic enzymes: Ingest as directed on label. Take between meals, so as not to nullify the benefits from consuming on a full stomach. This is essential for assimilation of protein. Assimilation of protein is necessary for chemical balance and homeostasis of the body. Caution: do not give these supplements to a child.

    Calcium: Aim to ingest 2000 mg daily, at bedtime.

    Magnesium: Aim to ingest 1000 mg daily, at bedtime.

    Primrose oil: Partake of 1000 mg three times daily, with meals. This nutrient is used successfully in Europe, this supplement is a good source of essential fatty acids.

    Vitamin C- bioflavonoids:

    3000 – 10,000 mg daily, in divided doses. Acts as a however antioxidant with healing potential, and promotes production of interferon, which helps the body resist infection, to which alcoholics are generally more susceptible.

    Supplement important: Lecithin granules or capsules to be ingested as 1 tablespoon three times daily, appropriately before meals. This is good for brain function. It also helps correct fatty liver degeneration. This nutrient may aid in protection against cirrhosis of the liver.

    Multivitamin and mineral complex with manganese and selenium: Ingest as directed on label. This is needed to correct malabsorption problems, and so will result in homeostasis if partaken of properly.

    Manganese and selenium:

    Ingest 200 micrograms daily. Take separately from calcium, as this will result in proper assimilation. These are important trace minerals that enhance immune function, and a strong immune system is vital for good health and homeostasis.

    Chapter 8:



    Acidophilus or Bifido Factor from Natren: Ingest as directed on label. Take this nutrient on an empty stomach as this will result in proper ingestion. These nutrients are needed for proper digestion. This product helps the damaged liver to recuperate and rejuvenate. These also help prevent candidiasis (yeast issues) from developing.

    Choline complex or acetylcholine complex or phosphatidyl choline:

    Use these nutrients as directed on the label.


    Partake of 125 mg three times daily. These nutrients carry oxygen to the cells.

    Lithium: Imbibe as prescribed by a physician. This product is a trace mineral that may help depression. This product is available by prescription only.

    Raw liver extract: Ingest as directed on the label. This is a rich source of vitamins and mineral which aid in repairing the liver and in preventing anemia, thus resulting in vitality when properly assimilated.

    Vitamin A:

    Partake of 25,000 IU daily. Pregnant woman necessarily should not exceed 10,000 IU daily. This vitamin is used to counteract and reverse deficiencies. These vitamins are poorly absorbed if the liver is damaged, yet by ingesting them, the odds of assimilation are greatly increased. Use emulsion forms of this product for easier assimilation and greater safety when consumed at higher doses.

    Vitamin E:

    Consume 400 – 1200 IU daily. Avoid capsule or tablet forms, choosing food sources and liquid concentrate.


    Ingest 50 mg daily. Do not exceed a total of 100 mg daily from all supplements. A deficiency of this mineral can cause pathological changes in the stomach.

    Herbs that are: Good source of needed minerals:

    Burdock root:

    This readily available herb cleanses the bloodstream.

    Red clover:

    This readily available herb cleanses the bloodstream.

    Dandelion root:

    This readily available herb helps repair liver damage.

    Valerian root:

    This readily available herb has a calming effect. It is best taken at bedtime.


    • It is essential to avoid all alcohol. Total abstinence is an absolute requirement for regaining control over one's life and health, and one who wishes to recover must meditate on this goal consistently. Even after years of sobriety, one cannot begin drinking again with impunity, as it leads to repeated descent into toxicicity. As little as one sip of something containing alcohol can renew the drinking pattern.

    •Consulting a nutritionist is recommended, as nutrition is the key to good health.

    •A 10 day live juice and cleansing fast serves to remove toxins from the body quickly, and is a proper source of natural and potent nutrition.

    •Eat a nutrition dense diet of whole food, organically grown if possible. Primary

    foods should be raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, which if habitually partaken of result in a propensity toward good health and longevity.

    •Avoid saturated fats and fried foods, which put stress on the liver. For essential fatty acids, use Primrose oil supplements plus small amounts of code – pressed organic vegetable oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and canola oil.

    •Do not consume refined sugar or anything that contains it. Alcoholics often have disorders of sugar metabolism, and refined sugars cause spikes and crashes in blood glucose levels, often resulting in diabetes.

    • Get plenty of rest, especially in the early weeks of recovery, to allow your body to cleanse and repair itself.

    • Avoid people, things, and places that are associated with drinking and thus eliminate the temptation. Make new friendships with people who do not drink, thereby discovering whole new arenas of potential happiness. Take up a hobby, become involved in sports, and thereby busy oneself in alternative pursuits, resulting in promoting self – esteem and providing a productive outlet for energy.

    • As much as possible, avoid stress. Cultivate patience; this will be needed for the long, slow road to recovery.

    • Do not take any drugs except for those prescribed by your physician, being recreational drugs which are also used as a crutch by some and result in addiction.

    • If someone you know is abusing alcohol, encourage the person to seek professional care, which will not only be an attempt to assist the individual but also serve to keep one focused on the futility of such a course."


    Balch, P. (1997). Prescription for nutritional healing. Garden city park, N.Y. Avery.

    Kloss, J. (1999). Back to eden. Twin lakes, Wi. Lotus.


    The definition of science is "knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ancient physicians drew medical conclusions based on decades and centuries of observation of the results of various procedures and their enduring results. The following reading consists of the results of some of these observations and the procedures involved, as well as practical observations and effective practices of some modern day nutritionists.

    The definition of cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells. Cancer is particularly prevalent today in the Western World or wherever the Western dietary patterns are practiced. Through chronic auto intoxication, constipation, and the inactivity of the organs of elimination – lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, and bowels – the system becomes poisoned and the poisons accumulate around the weakest organs or where the body has been injured by a blow, fall, or bruise. Poisoning of the body is caused by the use of improper foods, tea, coffee, soft drinks, liquor, tobacco in all forms, meat of all kinds, especially pork, cane sugar and cane sugar products, white flour products, white rice, and denatured foods, which cause waste matter in the system. Cancer would be rare if the devitalized foods and meats were not eaten and all unhealthy living habits were eliminated. The life – giving properties and minerals are removed from much of the food that is eaten (processed food). These properties (found in raw, unprocessed produce and fruits) keep the bloodstream pure, and cancer will not develop readily where there is a pure bloodstream.

    Symptoms: skin cancers are most frequently the result of exposure to the sun over a long period of time. These cancers often begin on the face close to the nose, sometimes in the middle of the cheek, behind or below the ear, and sometimes on other parts of the face or

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