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This is the story of Cherry Valley Farm’s Spiritual Healing Retreat
From its founding in the 1840’s to its current use to-day.
The ancestors are quite excited about their stories being told and have been making appearances to the clients in the Workshops to add a touch of mystery and surprise to the highly energetic atmosphere there. The families love of this land and the house is palpable. Many feel this from some distance away and all when they enter the yard. The place has been labelled sacred, and indeed it does feel so.

Release dateOct 5, 2014

Nancy Fletcher Huber

Remote Viewing absent healing with Archangel Raphael, Reiki Master, Akashic Record Readings,Munay Ki Rites gifter,Past Life Regressions. Medical Intuitive.Proprietor Cherry Valley Retreat in Ontario with Certification Courses in Animal Communications and Reiki, with many Workshops on Healing with crystal, flower essences, vibrational essences, colour. Wokshops on learning to communicate with your Angels, guides, Animal Totems.Cherry Valley farm has a labyrinth and many Healing Portals and a Fairie portal to experience.

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    Book preview

    Synchronicities - Nancy Fletcher Huber









    The History of Cherry Valley Farm

    The Second Generation

    The Third Generation

    The Fourth Generation

    The Fifth Generation

    Brian’s Death and My Spiritual Journey

    Spirit Guides Protecting the Farm

    The Labyrinth at Cherry Valley

    Modalities and Other Interesting Things

    Everything Happens for a Reason

    The Workshops

    The Practitioners


    About the Author


    I dedicate this book to my beloved brother Brian and mother Florence who have beenwith me and taught me so much since they passed. To Archangel Raphael and my children Virginia, Trisha and Ken for their continuing love and support, as well as my cousin Lucille Crighton who collaborated on much of the history.

    A special thanks to my daughter-in-law Yvette, and Sheila Trecartin for their efforts in getting the Cherry Valley Retreat project off the ground and running, and Cate Crow for editing this book.


    Faith sees the invisible,

    Believes the incredible,

    And receives the impossible

    My first visit to Cherry Valley Farm Spiritual Healing Retreat in 2009 changed my life. I was on a sick leave from work suffering from chronic fatigue with anxiety and depression, my six year old son had been diagnosed with diabetes type one and I was in the middle of a bitter and painful separation/divorce. It had all left me emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically drained and exhausted.

    For many years, I had also been experiencing a number of frequent and overwhelming spiritual dreams, nightmares and visions that left me frightened and confused. I saw religious figures like Jesus, Mary and Archangel Michael but I also saw dark spirits who were terrifying to me. I was aware these were more than just dreams but I had no idea what was happening to me or why. I also didn't know who to turn to for help.

    I found out about Cherry Valley from the Bell, Book and Candle bookstore in Barrie. I was drawn to one class in which medium Agnes Fehlau was the guest speaker. I went looking for answers. I wanted to know what was happening to me and I wanted to be reassured that my life was going to get better.

    I fell in love with Cherry Valley farm the moment I stepped onto the property. The gigantic Carolina Poplars towered over the modest white farmhouse and I felt such a powerful, positive, peaceful and uplifting energy coming from the land and the house itself. As soon as I walked through the door, I felt like I had come home. I was greeted by the owner Nancy who made me a cup of tea and I immediately sensed a connection with a kindred spirit. She was such a warm, friendly and gracious person. I felt completely comfortable, safe and welcome in her home.

    At one Workshop when I went to leave the bathroom, someone tried to push open the door. I pushed back. I thought I must have startled the poor person who was obviously desperate to use the washroom and didn't know I was in there. When I opened the door to apologize, no one was there. Everyone was still downstairs listening to Karen. Nancy had told me there were spirits of her ancestors in her home, especially on the second floor, and I realized I had just encountered one of them!

    I signed up for the Munay Ki Rites with Nancy. I was looking for healing and protection from all I had been through and the Rites appealed to me. I remember when Nancy put her hands over mine to gift the Rites I could feel intense heat penetrating into my hands from her hands. The energy was that strong. I watched in awe as I saw other people literally shake and tremble in the room from the energy Nancy was giving them. I could tell she had a very powerful gift.

    I started to have dreams of protection and healing after being gifted the Rites so I knew something significant had happened after I received them. Just prior to having the Rites, I went to the Bell Book and Candle bookstore for a cup of tea and a chat with the owner, Maureen. Maureen had a Reverend in the store who read tea leaves. This woman looked at my cup of tea and said she saw a hummingbird, a big cat and an eagle. When Nancy gifted the third rite the following day, my jaw dropped open when she began describing the hummingbird, the jaguar and the eagle that comes to you with the third rite.

    I told Nancy at that time that I had a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. It was an injury I had sustained a year before while tobogganing with my son down a very steep hill. My arm hit the side of a snow bank as we were whipping down the hill and I felt a distinct rip in my shoulder. I was in quite a bit of pain because of it, especially at night when I tried to sleep. I tried physiotherapy and it didn’t work. I was scheduled to see a surgeon. Nancy wrote to me and told me she was going to be doing remote viewing absent healing work on my arm with Archangel Raphael. I was only able to lift my arm part way. After the work Nancy did on my shoulder, I was able to lift my arm above my head and the pain went away. When I saw the surgeon, he told me my injury was healing nicely and I would not require surgery. I told him I owed it all to a woman who worked with an Archangel. He looked completely puzzled and confused!

    I saw that Sheila Trecartin did workshops at the farm but I had not met her or gone to one of her workshops. I went to see a popular medium in Toronto who told me her guides were telling her that they wanted me to see Sheila. She asked if I knew who that was. I said I had an Aunt Sheila in England and she said it was not her. I remembered Sheila Trecartin then and told her about this woman. She nodded and said, Yes, she will help you greatly with your healing.

    I looked up Sheila's business, Ultimate Healing Concepts, on the web and I couldn't believe it when I saw what building she worked out of in Cookstown. A friend of mine had a military store at that exact location and he had just moved out of it and Sheila moved in. That was no coincidence and I took it as a sign that I was to see Sheila. I actually had a dream with Sheila in it and she told me, I am here to heal you in that dream.

    I told Sheila about all the dark entity dreams I had which had traumatized me so greatly. Sheila said something to me that gave me great comfort and ease. A Shaman had told her that when we are going to be walking a spiritual path, negative spirits are sometimes sent to test us to see if we will be strong enough and ready for that path. It is their job she told me. For once in my life, I looked at the situation in a different light and I actually relaxed with that information. She told me the dreams were also multi-layered in meaning. I had been murdered in a past life and I planted the seed in this life to deal with the situation and heal the trauma and cell memory. She also suggested I read the book, The Little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsch.

    Sheila saw a past life where I was a devout nun and another life in the 1800’s where I was a repressed and bored Victorian housewife. She also said she saw me as a pioneer woman with fair blonde hair and skin wearing a light blue dress and apron. She saw me screaming and crying out the names, Franklin and Samuel over and over again while I watched my cabin burn to the ground with my family in it. She told me I was so distraught, I hung myself in a tree. It made sense to me. Not only did I do historical research work for Black Creek Pioneer Village and felt drawn to the period, I've always had a neck problem too. A chiropractor told me I had C7 facet neck disorder. I remember literally trying to click my neck back into place when it went off. I use to think to myself that I was probably hung in a past life and the pain carried over with me to this one. I also found it comforting to know that people who are in so much pain that they commit suicide are guided on the other side and they come back to experience another life.

    I have taken several courses with Sheila now including crystal healing, psychometry, creative visualization, vibrational frequency and an animal totems workshop. Sheila did a crystal healing on me at her workshop. I went home quite tired from the day and went to bed early. In the middle of the night I woke up literally buzzing with energy from head to toe. I have never experienced anything like that before. Crystals actually work and I had to call Sheila the next day to tell her!

    In Sheila's Animal Totem workshop at the farm, I was surprised when she called the Totems in and you could feel energy zip by you. Cupboards were banging and there were several thumps on doors throughout the house. I loved being surrounded by so many animals.

    I went out and bought Ted Andrews, Animal Speak Pocket Guide book. I carry it with me everywhere. I am well aware animals come to me now to give messages in my dreams and in reality. When I was trying to sell my house, I kept seeing a rabbit in my back garden. After I drove home from a house I was going to put a conditional offer on, a rabbit jumped out right in front of my car. The message the rabbit brings is to wait. I didn't put in an offer on that house and it was a good thing because my house didn’t sell and I would have lost money on the home inspection I was required to get for the other dwelling. When I was walking the labyrinth at the farm for the first time, a hawk continued to circle above me. The message the hawk brings is spirit vision and guardianship surround you.

    I started to go on the labyrinth and portal walks with shaman Nora WalksInSpirit. I could feel strong energy at different places on Nancy's farm. At one place in the woods overlooking the field I could literally feel native energy. Both Nancy and Nora confirmed that the Ojibwa had lived and travelled in the area. Several mediums, and shamans including Nora have confirmed where the different portals and vortexes are on the property and explained the purpose of the many healing portals. I have heard many times that the energy at the farm matches several sacred sites around the planet. Since I could feel the energy at each portal, Nancy asked me if I would like to start giving labyrinth and portal tours at the farm. I was honored to be asked and I felt it was my way of giving back to a place that had given me so much love, comfort and healing over the last several years. With the Labyrinth, the Crystal Medicine Wheel on the property, the Gaia Chalice, the fairy portal and the largest portal in Canada behind the barn, the spiritual energy at the farm is truly incredible and powerful.

    Nancy asked me to help her at her booth at the Body, Soul and Spirit Expo at the Toronto International Center in May 2012. That is where I met her daughter-in-law, Yvette. I felt as comfortable and at ease around Yvette as I did with Nancy. When I was talking to Yvette, she suddenly stopped and said, You are not quite here. Would you like me to ground you? I often feel spacey, as if my energy is half way out of my body and it is frustrating to me when I can't seem to bring it back. I was grateful she saw my anxiety and she performed a Reiki treatment on me. I have never felt anything so powerful. Not only did she ground me for that day so that I felt totally balanced and centered, but the feeling lasted for 3 months.

    When I felt Yvette’s power, I decided I wanted to take Reiki Level One with Yvette at the farm. I took the course with another woman who was native and I could feel she had strong energy too. Yvette told us when she gives us an attunement a spiritual guide comes in and works with you for life whenever you do a healing on someone. Reiki is energy from God. It is the laying on of hands. Yvette told me the spirit guide who came in for me was Jesus himself. I smiled. Not only could I see him in his white robe, I felt his energy come through me when I put my hands on the native woman.

    I remember the angels said, Miracles will happen on this land. I know that to be true. I have witnessed them time and time again and I have also experienced my own fair share of miracles at the farm. This is truly a magical place where incredibly gifted individuals gather to teach and to heal others. It is my hope that you come and experience the wonders of this special place for yourself. You will be amazed at the spiritual energy you find and the difference it makes in your life.

    Recently, Nancy asked me if I would edit the book she was working on. She wanted to share the history of the farm and how she turned it into a spiritual healing center. It was my pleasure to accept.

    This is Nancy's story...


    You know you are on your path when...

    We are all here for a purpose, and although most of us strive to find out what that is, we don’t often appear to get the opportunity. When you start down the path you came here to walk, the synchronicities that occur are solid proof that it is the right path.

    For years my hobby was gathering with friends to do remote viewing and absent healing for others. When you do a remote viewing absent healing,

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