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Tracey's Way
Tracey's Way
Tracey's Way
Ebook144 pages2 hours

Tracey's Way

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About this ebook

Tracey Eckert had a miscarriage. Her and her husband Joe aren't a romantic as usual. Joe's friend Brian has always longed for Tracey and he wants her bad. Joe is all in he wants it too. Tracey's secretly longs for Brian but never told Joe though he can see it in her eyes when she looks at Brian. This Menagerie of hardcore Love and lust will have you at the cusp at all times. A amazing sexual adventure.

PublisherR.H. Dickey
Release dateSep 11, 2014
Tracey's Way

R.H. Dickey

R.H.Dickey Was born in Ontario Canada. He started writing at the age of 14. He has won many awards for his writings he is considered a hybrid writer. Writing in all genres possible. He usually writes under miscellaneous pen names never revealing the mystery that is him.

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    Tracey's Way - R.H. Dickey




    Copyright© 2012

    *Authors note* All Characters depicted are over 18yrs old.


    Joe Eckert and Brian Browne sat on the patio of the Spring View Country Club watching the rain fall from the sky in sheets. It rolled off the roof in torrents, splattering noisily onto the exposed section of the cement patio. The sound almost drowned out the grumbling golfers who were crying into their beers. The two friends had barely gotten in five holes when the heavens opened. Now, they waited, hoping that somehow the weather would clear in the next few minutes. Saturday was their golf day and their one morning to relax. Both men were avid golfers. Brian, who was big and strong, could hit the ball a mile. Joe couldn't hit it near as far; however, he was much better around the greens. Consequently, they were pretty much equal when they calculated their handicaps. That made them very competitive, but always in a friendly sort of way.

    The relationship between the two men began in college. They had met at a fraternity party, and though they were very different, their friendship had lasted for more than 12 years. Joe majored in engineering and Brian, girls and sports. Brian was a star running back for the football team, setting several school records. While he was no dummy, his size and athletic ability had provided him a means to obtain an education; one that he couldn't have otherwise afforded. He was tall, at six-three with two hundred and twenty pounds of sheer muscle. The combination of his strength and intelligence gave him a competitive edge in sports as well as other aspects of his personal life. After college, the two friends split up. However, several years later, fate brought them back together when Brian took a job in the city where Joe had settled.

    Brian went to work for a firm that worked out multi-million dollar contracts for professional athletes with advertising firms. He had been quite successful and had become a full partner in just a few years. The fact that Brian was black and had come from a poor family never stood in his way. In fact, it motivated him. He had made it in a cutthroat world that wasn't always fair. However, his strength was that he carried no chip on his shoulder. He accepted life as it was and felt that if you were the best at what you do, it would be recognized and rewarded. Besides being a successful businessman, Brian had used his success to help others; he was on several charitable boards that supported underprivileged kids and fed the hungry. He was as passionate about his charitable work as he was his golf game. Joe was nonetheless successful, having made his mark in aeronautical engineering. While he was smaller than Brian in stature, at 5'11" and 170 pounds, he could compete physically with almost anyone. He had become an expert in martial arts and worked hard to keep his body in shape. He occasionally thought that if he and Brian ever got into a fight, it would be a good match-his skill against Brian's size and strength.

    The friendship between the two was forged in mutual respect. Joe admired Brian; he knew that he had come from the school of hard knocks and grown stronger for his experiences. On the other hand, Brian liked Joe's easygoing attitude and the fact that they could be friends as well as fierce competitors. The two men had gone through a lot together. When Brian had married and then subsequently divorced, Joe had been there for him. When Joe's wife Tracey had a miscarriage, Brian was there, spending the entire night in the hospital and taking vacation to stay with them when she came home. Though their skin color and background were different, they were more like brothers than friends. However, their relationship was about to change in a way that neither could have possibly imagined.

    Chapter 1

    Damn, this rain doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, Joe said as he took a drink of his third beer. Yeah, and I was whipping your butt, Brian joked. Sure, one stroke ahead after five holes. If that's what you call 'whipping' my butt then I guess I annihilated you last week. We won't talk about that, Brian said. They both laughed. The warmth they felt for each other was apparent in their good-natured ribbing. So how's my sexy girl? Brian asked, referring to Tracey. Brian was fond of Tracey. Okay, maybe a little more than fond. He had a special feeling for Tracey since the first day Joe had introduced them. She was sexy and pretty, with fair skin, blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair. She's okay, Joe answered, his face turning serious. What's the matter? Brian asked when he saw the look on Joe's face. Oh nothing. Come on man. What's going on? Brian knew Joe's emotions as well as he knew his own and he could tell something was bothering him. Joe sat silent for a minute, absently staring into his beer.

    Finally, he looked up with a pained expression on his face. Oh, I don't know Brian. Ever since the miscarriage, things haven't been the same between Tracey and I. I understand the reasons, but Tracey's been depressed for far too long now. She acts okay on the outside but anytime I try to get a little 'close', if you know what I mean, she freezes up. Ah, she just needs a little time. Losing a baby is pretty traumatic. I know, it was my baby too, Joe said, a little too harshly. Sorry man, I don't mean to unload on you. But, it's been almost a year and I don't see much improvement. I understand. I thought she went to see a doctor? Yeah, but he hasn't been able to help. Maybe she just needs a little tender loving care from somebody like me, Brian joked, trying to change Joe's now morose mood. He knew he could get away with the comment as they often jabbed each other about sports, women, and sex. Sometimes, like now, it was very personal.

    Not even you could break through the ice block, Joe answered, looking at his fiend with a sardonic smile. Joe knew that Brian liked Tracey. They had talked about it plenty of times. As far as Joe knew, Tracey was not aware of Brian's fascination with her or at least she showed no sign that she was aware. Fortunately, Joe wasn't the jealous type, especially where Brian was concerned. They had been friends far too long and had, in fact, dated some of the same girls in college. In better times, Joe had watched Tracey and Brian romp around, teasing each other in a good-natured and sexy way. Sometimes, she would sit on his lap in an attempt to make Joe jealous. It never worked. Some men would have been furious. However, Joe actually liked to watch them and in fact got a strange little thrill when the two would get frisky.

    Just give me the chance, Brian said with a smile. I could melt the 'ice queen.' You know, Joe continued as if Brian hadn't spoken, she's only given me a blowjob about ten times in seven years. Wow man that is bad. Brian said seriously. I thought she was such a hot number when you two first started dating. You know... like she would do anything. I thought so too, Joe said and turned around to order another round of beer. When he looked back at Brian, his mind suddenly flashed back to that first double date with Tracey, Brian, and his girlfriend years ago. Joe had been dating Tracey for several months at the time. Brian was dating a pretty redhead with pale white skin and freckles on her face. She was a fiery and passionate redhead that even the suave and sophisticated Brian had trouble keeping up with. The four of them had just left the movie and were barely on the expressway when Joe heard rustling and a moan in the back seat of his car. Joe knew that something was going on between Brian and his date but was afraid to look back. Tracey sat quietly beside him, pretending like she hadn't heard anything.

    However, eventually, curiosity got the best of Joe and he reached up to adjust the rear view mirror. A little gasp escaped his lips when it appeared that Brian's date was fishing around inside his pants. He couldn't see her hand but from the movement of her arm, it appeared that she was jerking on his penis. Tracey was just as curious as Joe but was embarrassed to be spying. However, when she heard Joe gasp, she instinctively turned her head. A gasp came from her lips this time when she saw that Brian's date had his hard, black penis in her tiny hand. Tracey turned her head back quickly and acted as if nothing had happened. However, her breathing was more rapid now. The sight of Brian's penis pulsing in the girl's tiny hand was suddenly burned into her brain. Joe tried to keep his eyes on the road but kept glancing into the mirror.

    He watched as the young girl bent her head to Brian's lap, until he could only see the top of her head. When he heard a moan of frustration, he knew that she was having a difficult time getting the head of Brian's penis into her tiny mouth. Joe had seen Brian enough in the locker room to know that the size of his private parts matched his large frame. Suddenly, Joe's pants were very tight in the groin. When he glanced over at Tracey, he saw that she was staring at his crotch. He and Tracey had only been intimate twice and Joe had the impression that Tracey was somewhat prudish when it came to sex. Later, after they married, he found that to be an understatement. Another loud moan came from the backseat forcing Joe's eyes to the mirror. His own breathing grew more rapid when he saw the Brian's date moving her head up and down in his lap.

    The look on Joe's face made Tracey glance back again. Her eyes opened wide as she watched the girl suck Brian's long penis deep into her throat. In an uncharacteristically bold move, she reached over and grasped Joe's penis through his pants. Joe could see Tracey staring brazenly into the back seat now as her hand began to move slowly up and down his cloth covered shaft. He thought of taking his penis out of his pants, however Tracey's actions were so unexpected that he didn't want to spoil the moment. Instead, he moaned and let her fondle him. The moans in the backseat grew louder. When Brian was very near his climax, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see Tracey staring at them. He would have smiled except that he was so close to climax. Instead, he placed his hand on the girl's head and pushed her up and down, his eyes on Tracey's all the time. When the feeling was too much to stand, he closed his eyes and lifted his hips as a moan of pleasure escaped his lips. Tracey's eyes left Brian's face to look at the moving head of the pretty redhead.

    She thought that she heard a groan from her and then saw her head stop moving as her hand continued to pump the fat shaft. Suddenly, she realized that she was drinking Brian's cum. Without even realizing it, Tracey's hand began to squeeze Joe's shaft at the same pace that the girl was milking Brian's penis. Joe couldn't stop Tracey's hand. His hips lifted up and he moaned as he climaxed like a horny teenager into his pants. That night, Tracey and Joe had the best sex they had experienced in their short relationship. In fact, Joe still thought it was one of the best sexual experiences the two had ever had.

    Chapter 2

    Tracey Eckert watched the rain pour from the roof of the gym as she pedaled the exercise bike. She liked the rain most of the time. Especially when she didn't have to be out in it. As she stared at the drenching rain, she thought of Joe and Brian and how disappointed they were right now. She knew how much the two of them looked forward to their weekly golf match. Strangely, a little unwanted thrill raced through her at the thought of Brian and she became very aware of the pressure of the seat on her vagina. She pushed the thought from her mind. Tracey had grown up as a poor little rich girl. Her father had all the money in the world, or at least it seemed that way. However, she didn't consider herself spoiled, just a bit demanding.

    Fortunately, Joe had been able to keep her in a style of comfort that was more than acceptable.

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