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Soaring From Within: The Ultimate Human Journey
Soaring From Within: The Ultimate Human Journey
Soaring From Within: The Ultimate Human Journey
Ebook243 pages3 hours

Soaring From Within: The Ultimate Human Journey

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By you being here on Planet Earth, you have agreed to start and complete this journey called life. Everyone here on Planet Earth has a life. However, most of us are not alive; we are in a state of survival. We are not alive because we are either afraid to live or we do not know how to live.

Because of this, we compromise to live our lives in a state of constipation: everything is stuck because our lives lack rhythm and flow. And when our lives do appear to have some movement, they creep with disharmony, dissatisfaction, and discomfort!
Release dateJun 22, 2014
Soaring From Within: The Ultimate Human Journey

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    Soaring From Within - Lee Arthur Davis



    Throughout this book, the terms Universe and universe, Universal and universal, Love and love, and Truth and truth are used extensively. The way I like to differentiate these terms is by the following statements: God is Love, but you may love God. God created the Universe, but you create your own universe. God is Universal, but you are universal to God. God is the Truth, but you may find truth in everything you think, say, and do. The capital letters in the above example identify that they are from God or of God, whereas the non-capital letters indicate that they are from humanity or of humanity.

    You are about to embark upon the greatest journey and self-discovery you have ever taken. If you are on Earth, this book is for you. Every word, every sentence, every paragraph, and every page will transform your life if you allow this to happen. There is no magic in this book, but you may find the results magical. There are no shortcuts to getting the desired results, although you may find that the principles herein will speed up your spiritual, psychological, and emotional growth and development by quantum leaps.

    Many books will lay claim to transforming your life, but I will claim no such thing! Nothing and no one can change you and your life except YOU! Your ability to change is a choice. It is exclusively your choice; no one or no thing, other than you, can force change upon you. You must want to change. I repeat; you must desire a change, want to change, and be prepared to put these feelings into action. No matter what the change may be—a new wardrobe, or something more profound and less tangible, such as a new philosophy or a new approach to life—you, and only you, can implement the process to create change.

    If you are the type of student in life who is reckless and chooses to remain in a mental state of recess, change will find you. Change will seek you out because nothing and no one in the Universe remains stagnant. You will know you need to change because an unsettled feeling in your heart, or just a nagging presence in your mind, remains with you. As you become discontent with your environment or something in your personal life, this discontentment will necessitate a change. The Universe gently encourages your growth and development; it wants you to move forward and excel in all areas of your life. Remember, you are its child!

    Understand that these uncomfortable feelings will not disappear until you do something to make that happen. What you feel is the Universe’s way of encouraging you and letting you know that you are not in balance. You are out of equilibrium. Once the desire is in your heart and takes root in your mind, you must transform your idea into action by putting it into practice. Change is a verb; it is an action word. You must implement change daily. You cannot hope for change. You must create change. Change is nothing more than ideas made manifest. Through change, your ideas will nurture and develop until maturity.

    I cannot do this for you; I can only inspire and encourage you to change. I can only compel you to live in accordance with the laws of the Universe and inform you that if you do not comply, your remaining days on this planet will be the scattered to the wind life of a dandelion instead of the sweet life of a rose. I can make one guarantee; the predominant thought in your mind will create the events you experience. That is how life works, whether you like it or not.

    Before we begin our journey, I am going to pose some questions to help you understand your mindset about people and life. Your answers to these questions will clue you into your personal philosophies about the human spirit and the human race (something we take for granted).

    • When you witness a sunset, do you think of a massive star that is emanating and radiating an incredible amount of energy? On the other hand, do you see the Universe’s creativity manifesting itself to signify the end of a glorious day and the beginning of a wonderful night? The manner in which you perceive events will determine your experiences. One experience is called a moment; the total of experiences is called life. The process in which you string these moments together determines your lifestyle.

    • Why is it that if a man is walking down the street, he is judged by the unchangeable suit he wears daily (his skin color), instead of being looked upon as another godly sunset bursting forth in a different shade of light?

    • Why it is that we revere our tangible accumulations more than our spiritual growth and development?

    • Why do we judge a person by his economic status instead of the purity of his heart?

    There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, but some answers are more in tune to the Universal Guidelines than are others. The answers determine your spiritual development, whether it is on a mundane or profound level. Your answers will establish how you go through life and the experiences you will have. If you follow Truth, you should realize that everything has a purpose and design and nothing happens randomly.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words, We shall overcome were not a philosophy of hope addressed to one race of people. Rather, his words were a vision of hope addressed to the only race of people on this planet: us, the human race. Look into nature’s treasure chest and observe intently why peace, order, and harmony exist. Nothing happens for the sake of sport. Everything happens for a purpose. Whether instinct or intelligence prevail, Love is the key. It is one of the main ingredients in the Recipe to Become Human.

    This key of Love unlocks the door to a higher form of morality. It’s a code of ethics not predicated on the color of one’s skin, economic status, or prejudices. No, this code’s values are as simple and fresh as the morning dew. This dew is the sweet nectar of godly Love.

    A most prophetic question is, Are you truly a human? I will help you with the answer. You are not until you can demonstrate, effortlessly and naturally, the twelve ingredients that make a human:

    1. Acceptance

    2. Consistency

    3. Thankfulness

    4. Limitlessness

    5. Imagination

    6. Unconditional Love

    7. Compassion

    8. Awareness

    9. Resistance

    10. Communication

    11. Free Will

    12. Faith

    Being human must occur every moment of your life, forever. Sprinkling a little of these priceless and Universal qualities into your daily living does not constitute humanness. You must eternally ingest these precious ingredients and perpetually express them in everything you say, think, and do in every abundant way.

    Once you begin to look upon every person as an embodiment of the Universe, a Masterful Creation of the Most High, who can exist in any color, shape, size, and spiritual level, you are well on your way to becoming a human being. You must love everyone unconditionally, just as the Universe loves you unconditionally. You must accept people as they are and where they are on their own spiritual journeys. Recognize that people are exactly where they are supposed to be, just as the Universe accepts you at your position in life’s grand play. Accepting this assignment is your primary objective as a human and to become a human! Finally, you must inherit and boldly embrace the beauty of one race, one brotherhood, one sisterhood, and one Universal Love. Then and only then, you can emphatically proclaim, Yes, I’m human.

    Oh beautiful soul, partake in the refreshing truth of your essence and astounding heritage.

    Always and in all ways, know that the universe is a reflection of you. You have become the person you created yourself to be!

    The Universe responds to your every breath, thought, and action. The Universe is here to remind you of your true nature; it is a catalyst for your evolving spirit. It is not here for your glory or splendor, although you may find glory and splendor within it. The Universe you see and experience on the outside is identical to what dwells within you. You receive 100 percent of the credit for creating both Universes, because they are the same.

    You are here to discover that you are the miracle and the truth. Your life is exclusively yours, but you do not live it exclusively for yourself. You are here to be of service to others, too. Remember, you are connected to everyone and everything in the Universe. Everyone in the Universe is an expression of our Heavenly Father. The manner in which we live is our interpretation of the Universal Laws. Know that nothing happens by chance, nothing!

    You have the ultimate freedom to do anything you want with your life. However, anything you think, say, and do will affect every soul on this planet in some way. Henceforth, hold love in all your thoughts, actions, and words.

    You, along with our infinite and vast Universe, are a creator. As such, you must create by design and will. You can create anything and everything; it is your choice. You can create a life filled with gloom and squalor, or you can create a life imbued with prosperity and Love. Just as the Holy One, Blessed Be, created the Universe, you are a creator, too.

    No matter where you go, two concepts will remain sovereign:

    1. You will always make a choice.

    2. You will always play the game of life.

    A lack of action in either constitutes action for both. When you refuse to choose, you are making a choice. When you decide not to play, you are still in the midst of the game. Now, go into the silence and repeat the following:

    Forever, my decree is Unconditional Love for humanity with all of me!

    Forever, my aim is to Walk on the Sunny Side of the Street with a soulful beat!

    If you will not have Unconditional Love for humanity, you cannot— and will not—experience felicity, true bliss. Unconditional Love generates joy, peace of mind, and opens the portals to the Universal Source. Happiness is contingent upon things, but joy is your Universal inheritance.

    Again, I will ask, Are you human? Do not automatically answer Yes just because you could read the question. Answering Yes because you can read and walk upright makes about as much sense as saying a bird is an airplane because it can fly. Still, most of us will say that we are human. I am sure you are included in this elite group, but of course, we should all aspire to become better human beings, advanced souls who use spiritual technology to create a superhuman and extraordinary life.

    Here are some questions to ponder:

    • Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do?

    • When someone asks how your day is going, have you responded, Same stuff, different day?

    • Do you ever regret being here, on this planet?

    • Have you ever felt uninterested in what happens to you or your life?

    • Do you feel that some people are just born lucky?

    • Have you ever wondered why some people are prosperous in every respect, while others suffer calamities throughout life?

    • Do you aspire to become a better person and experience a fruitful life?

    • Do you ever feel as though you are just going through the motions of living?

    If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you! In these pages, you will discover the recipe for creating a super-human. You will find out how to live the life you have imagined, fairytale style! With these recipes, you will gain and maintain mastery of your life. Using just a few ingredients, you will be able to replace squalor, jealousy, limitation, and sadness with affluence, selflessness, limitlessness, and joy.

    When you look at something, what do you see? Most of us would say that whatever our eyes gaze upon is what registers in our mind. Physiologically, that is correct. However, one principle controls not only your physiology, but also your thoughts and actions. I call this the Principle of Self. It pertains exclusively to the essence of you, your true or higher self. This higher self is not comprised of all the emotional content (feelings, attitudes, and thoughts) driven by your intellectual nature. Your higher self is your infallible connection to the Universal Spirit. Within your True Spirit, there is no emotion, intellect, fear, worry, doubt, limitation, anger, or hopelessness. Your True Spirit knows only one emotion, one experience, and that is pure Unconditional Love!

    Unconditional Love does not grow; it is already complete and limitless. The Universe has already planted the seed of Unconditional Love in your spirit! You do not have to nurture and fortify this seed—it is already perfect. You are required, however, to ensure that the soil (your thoughts, feelings, and actions) that holds this seed is compatible and conducive for quantum growth and development. You are responsible for maintaining the purity of this soil and ensuring it does not contaminate or retard the growth of this perfect seed. It is your obligation to nurture and fortify the soil so the perfect seed of Unconditional Love will germinate. However, your obligation is only gentle encouragement. This seed of Unconditional Love only knows itself. Your mission is to know this seed to such a degree that it is the only emotion and experience in your spirit. This is your higher self, this is your True Self, and it embodies all of life! Your own understanding of Unconditional Love will grow and develop as you become aware of its presence and all-consuming power.

    Let me ask again, When you look at something, what do you see? You see a reflection of your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. You see yourself. Because what we see is a reflection of what we are, one person can be in the midst of a majestic sunset and be impervious to its tantalizing beauty, while another person may be emptying a vehicle at a local transfer station, and experience the sublime. Your thoughts define you and your life. Though you may believe that you are defined by your activity, you are mistaken. You are a culmination of your thoughts.

    Some people spend their entire lives focused on one consuming thought or emotion, and they never see anything beyond it! This very concept is why many of our youths commit suicide; they see no escape from the drudgery of the life they have created.

    As humans, we tend to categorize everything we experience as either good or bad. This categorical placement is responsible for the quality of life you experience. Remember, my friend: What happens to you is far less important than how you respond to what happens to you!

    For instance, let us say your alarm clock failed to ring one morning. Subsequently, you woke up late and were late to work. Now, in itself, an alarm clock that fails to operate properly is insignificant. However, your response to this event led to doubt, frustration, and disappointment. One mishap becomes the center of attention and gains a key position in a spotlight of despair and misery. With continued focus, this seemingly isolated event becomes unshake able and immovable. Moreover, everything it attracts is of the same quality. You radiate negativity and become a magnet for more negativity. Know this: like attracts like. As such, positive and uplifting ideas may enter your consciousness, but you may decide to ignore them. In doing so, you are depriving them of life and an opportunity to change who you are, and what you experience.

    Have you ever done something and didn’t even realize what you had done because you accomplished it subconsciously? You were not in the moment. You were going through the motions of a physical routine, but you did not have your mind and soul in the activity. You were not experiencing what you were thinking. Another example I am certain you can relate to is being in class or a meeting and thinking about the upcoming weekend or the previous night with your partner. Your eyes may be open, yet you do not see anything. Expressions of ecstasy or humor may even appear on your countenance as you reminisce. You may not be aware of this because you are not in the present moment; you are experiencing another life while physically present in this one!

    Your body may be involved in a situation or activity, but if your mind is not present, then, essentially, you are not there. You are cheating life

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