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Beyond Loss: Rebuilding From The Ashes
Beyond Loss: Rebuilding From The Ashes
Beyond Loss: Rebuilding From The Ashes
Audiobook3 hours

Beyond Loss: Rebuilding From The Ashes

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This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

"Beyond Loss: Rebuilding from the Ashes" chronicles the extraordinary life of Onesimus Malatji, beginning with his challenging high school years marked by isolation and a lack of direction. Despite these early setbacks, Malatji discovers a passion for electronics and computers, which sets the foundation for his future endeavours. The narrative delves into his initial business attempts, from repairing computers to mastering graphic design, demonstrating his self-taught abilities and adaptability.

As Malatji's journey unfolds, the book highlights the establishment of Loxion Onys Printing Agency, marking his first significant venture into the entrepreneurial world. His business evolves to encompass publishing and printing services, showcasing his ability to identify and seize new opportunities. The story captures the complexities of business partnerships, detailing both the challenges and successes Malatji encounters as he collaborates with others.

Transitioning into the world of telecommunications, Malatji's story takes a turn, depicting his foray into this new industry and the setbacks he faces, including sabotage and partnership difficulties. Yet, his resilience shines through as he navigates these challenges, always emerging more knowledgeable and determined.

A significant pivot in Malatji's career occurs as he embraces writing, a move that opens a new chapter in his life. The book celebrates his astounding accomplishment as an author of 147 publications, spanning e-books, hardcopies, and audiobooks, highlighting his global recognition and the impact of his work.

Release dateFeb 12, 2024

Malatji Onesimus

Onesimus Malatji, a self-taught maestro in technology and innovation, began his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 19. His path, carved not through formal education but through relentless self-learning and a deep-seated curiosity, has made him a leading figure in his community. Onesimus's career is distinguished by a series of pioneering endeavours, demonstrating a courage to venture where others have hesitated. His inquisitive mindset has been instrumental in exploring new possibilities and opportunities.Despite his unconventional educational background, Onesimus has evolved into a mentor and thought leader, imparting his insights on emerging trends and inspiring fellow entrepreneurs. He stands as a symbol of hope and an inspiration to many in the business sector.Onesimus is also a prolific author and ideologist. His written works go beyond mere text; they are a wellspring of innovative ideas and concepts. His guiding philosophies reflect his approach to life and business:1. People First: "First the people, and the money will follow." This principle highlights his commitment to prioritizing community and human value over immediate financial returns.2. Vision to Reality: "If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand." Onesimus exemplifies the transformative power of visualization, turning ambitious dreams into concrete achievements.3. Limitless Possibility: "Who said, I can't?" This question underscores his defiance of conventional limits, continually challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.Onesimus Malatji's story is a testament to the power of determination, creativity, and the unwavering belief in self-education. He demonstrates that being true to oneself is not only sufficient but essential in making a meaningful impact on the world.

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