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The Faculty Club: A Thriller
The Faculty Club: A Thriller
The Faculty Club: A Thriller
Audiobook8 hours

The Faculty Club: A Thriller

Written by Danny Tobey

Narrated by Rich Orlow

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

At the world’s most exclusive law school, there’s a secret society rumored to catapult its members to fame and fortune. Everyone is dying to get in…

Jeremy Davis is the rising star of his first-year class. He’s got a plum job with the best professor on campus. He’s caught the eye of a dazzling Rhodes Scholar named Daphne. But something dark is stirring behind the ivy. When a mysterious club promises success beyond his wildest dreams, Jeremy uncovers a macabre secret older than the university itself. In a race against time, Jeremy must stop an ancient ritual that will sacrifice the lives of those he loves most and blur the lines between good and evil.

Packed with enigmatic professors, secret codes, hidden tunnels, and sinister villains, The Faculty Club establishes Danny Tobey as this season’s most thrilling new author.
Release dateJun 1, 2010
The Faculty Club: A Thriller

Danny Tobey

Danny Tobey is a fifth-generation Texan. He went to Harvard College, Yale Law School, and UT Southwestern medical school. Harvard gave Danny the Edward Eager prize "for the best creative writing." He wrote and edited the Harvard Lampoon and was anthologized in The Best of the Harvard Lampoon: 140 Years of American Humor. Danny's first novel was the sci-fi fantasy thriller The Faculty Club. Danny is a noted expert on Artificial Intelligence. In 2019, the Library of Congress gave Danny the Burton Award for his work on AI and the law.

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Reviews for The Faculty Club

Rating: 3.375 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This was so mediocre that it doesn't even qualify as terrible. I'm not sure how this author managed to screw up a story with an elite school and a super secret club, but he did. Just awful. Don't bother.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A well-written book which should appeal to both thriller lovers and anyone who just wants a fun and exciting read. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next "JFK" fan but I didn't care for this book's conspiracy. It starts out with my favorite things: the ivory tower of academia, secret societies, mystery and danger. Then voodoo got introduced. Usually I enjoy voodoo too but it just did not gel with this story for me. I guess I prefer my conspiracy theories to involve the government or cabals of powerful, wealthy individuals and not completely clueless law students being mounted by the "gods" for their own diabolical purposes.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A secret society within the college and the recruiting they do to keep members.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed reading this novel! There were a lot of twists and turns, and the adrenaline just kept pumping! I read the entire book in one sitting; I just couldn't put it down. There is some mystical realism involved, which I thoroughly enjoy, and the characters were memorable. The ending leaves the reader wishing for more, but leaves much room for speculation, which many great novels do. For instance, what happened to Miles? Could he be part of the V&D... is that why he suddenly disappeared? Etc. Great read! I hope there are more books on the way!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The first word that comes to mind with this book is boring. It is not particularly well written either. At times, I felt I was reading a young readers book. There is not much suspense, mystery or drama.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A combination mystery/adventure story with a bit of science fiction thrown in. I actually really enjoyed it. Occassionally the descriptions are a bit overly poetic, but overall the writing is good. Sufficient detail, but the author also knows when to condense the unimportant, inane details. Some decent discusion on goodness and its pursuit. Plenty of logic and puzzles to keep the mind thinking. I also like that the author acknowledges how his book has shared characteristics with "choose your own adventure" books and video games. Yet the book is not as cheesy as either of these genres. Yeah, you have to suspend your realism beliefs a bit towards the end, but I was willing to do it (and usually I don't). To me, that is a testament to the storytelling. It's a sophisticated beach read!

    The reader for this audio CD was also really good, which is always helpful.