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The Hidden Bridge: The Wildrose Sprite, #2
The Hidden Bridge: The Wildrose Sprite, #2
The Hidden Bridge: The Wildrose Sprite, #2
Ebook69 pages57 minutes

The Hidden Bridge: The Wildrose Sprite, #2

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Hazel has always been a Wildrose Sprite. She's been able to hide it but no longer. After bringing a magical stone to her home in Green Hollow, danger has come to her home.


Her father is in a coma. Goblins have attacked Green Hollow. Hazel's Wildrose magic is to blame. But there is hope, if she can just learn to control it.


Hazel is sent to find a teacher but that means leaving the safety of Green Hollow and venturing out to the unknown lands full of danger. Can Hazel learn to use her magic in time to save her father?

PublisherTroy Osgood
Release dateMay 20, 2024
The Hidden Bridge: The Wildrose Sprite, #2

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    The Hidden Bridge - Troy N Osgood

    The Hidden Bridge

    Troy N Osgood


    Ossy Books

    Copyright © 2024 by Troy Osgood

    Published in 2024 by Ossy Books

    Cover art and typography by: Sabrina Watts |

    Formatting by: Troy Osgood with Atticus

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    To Heaven and Paisley,

    the reasons I write













    About the Author

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    Chapter one



    Hazel stood at the top of the large rock. The backside had been covered in moss, allowing her to climb up it easier. The other side was shear, straight up and down. A pool of water disappeared under the rock and the land on either side, exposing roots of the large trees next to the rock.

    The roots were thick, holding up a thick layer of moss and dirt. There was enough space for Hazel to crawl under the roots if she wanted to. She thought about it, wondering what it would be like under there. What kind of bugs would she see?

    But her attention was on what she could see beyond the trees.

    Sitting down, Hazel pulled Boro’s map out of her bag, along with a small piece of nut. She ate the nut, studying the map. When she had found the big trail, and the two giants, Hazel had feared she’d gotten lost.

    That trail had not been on the map and once past, the forest was so different from what she was used to. As she walked further from the stone wall that separated her home of Green Hollow from the Wild Lands, it was harder to keep herself on course.

    The sight of the two giants had scared her. They were so big and so different.

    So scary.

    The rock she was on, and the two trees, were on the map. A marker pointing the way to where she would turn. It was drawn small but there was no way to mistake it.

    Smiling, Hazel put the map away. Standing up, she ate the last of the nut, looking down at the large pool. It wasn’t like the pond at Green Hollow, but it was bigger than the pond where she had found the cursed Green Stone. It would take her a couple minutes to swim across it.

    But jumping across?

    Hazel stepped back as far as she could on the exposed stone. Taking a deep breath, she ran as fast as she could. Reaching the edge of the stone, she jumped. Soaring into the air, Hazel spread her arms, feeling the wind against her skin.

    Her hands started glowing a light blue. She could feel wind pushing her from behind, not from in front like it was supposed to. Her Sprite magic guided the wind to help hold her aloft, giving her more distance to jump.

    Hazel still felt herself angling down. She would fall short of the far bank of the pond. It seemed like it would be deep enough to dive into the water, but it was dirty water, not something she wanted to splash in. With all the roots and the water digging away under the moss, there was no easy way out of the water.

    Cursing, Hazel reached deep into herself, drawing on the other kind of magic she had. The forbidden magic.

    One of the reasons she had left Green Hollow.

    Hazel felt the energy coming from within, the light blue glow around her hands brightening. Sparks of purple bolts snapped within the light blue glow. She could hear a crackling.

    The wind around her grew stronger, lifting her body. She was no longer falling but now leveling out. Her speed increased, going faster then she had before.

    Concentrating, Hazel released the Wildrose power. Her body felt tired as the energy left. Her angle changed, coming down at the end of the arc. She could see the edge of the pond, moss growing over thick roots. She extended her arms out in front, watching the ground rapidly approaching.

    Hands still glowing, she redirected the wind, now having it push against her. Her fall slowed.

    Hazel’s hands touched the moss. She felt the ground push down under her weight. She rotated her body forward, legs rolling over. Hands lifted off the ground, the moss springing up. Feet landed on the ground, Hazel facing the direction she wanted to go.

    She started running, laughing. Before her Wildrose magic had been uncontrollable. This was the first time she’d managed to have any control. She had directed it to do what she wanted.

    And it

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