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God Reigns, The Devil Loses
God Reigns, The Devil Loses
God Reigns, The Devil Loses
Ebook259 pages4 hours

God Reigns, The Devil Loses

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In Novel 12, Father's Touch International Ministry goes through many changes as the result of a new Director, Bruce Stout. Because of his experiences as a military man, a policeman, and an FBI agent, he institutes an academy of cadets to be trained in survival skills and military tactics. Unlike the previous directors, he believes in fighting against people who would harass, torture, or kill members of the Ministry. The days of being pacifists are over. As the Ministry spreads to other continents it encounters unique situations involving adjusting to new languages, cultures, and prejudices. It was inevitable that its mission to help individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion would receive some pushback from militant gays, governments, and even religious institutions. Regardless, these dedicated members of the Ministry are willing to risk their reputations, finances, and even their lives for the sake of helping people who request their services. Bodies and souls are at stake! 
Release dateMay 11, 2024
God Reigns, The Devil Loses

Perry Riff

Perry Riff continues to write novels to inform the public about a subject that is unpopular with the mainstream media. From his experiences in education, rehabilitation, and addiction counseling he has come to realize that there are spiritual components that should be considered in counseling individuals requesting help for their complex problems. He taught psychology and sociology at the college level, which is reflected in his writings. 

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    God Reigns, The Devil Loses - Perry Riff

    God Reigns, The Devil Loses

    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2024 Perry Riff


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

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    This twelfth novel is dedicated to all men and women who strive to help individuals struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion. They believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the overall answer to the strugglers’ problems. In spite of the well-meaning Christians offering love and healing, many of whom themselves have come out of the gay lifestyle, there is great opposition from non-Christians and even fellow Christians. In this unhealthy environment of trying to be politically correct, these brave men and women will find a special place in heaven.


    One must search diligently to find information about ex-gay ministries and scholarly research regarding the true facts about men and women changing their sexual orientation and gender identity. The gay lobby has obscured the real truths about the subject; consequently, the general public is ignorant of what it takes to assist individuals who want to change. The author acknowledges the work of the Christian and conservative psychological associations that continue to do their research on an ethical basis. And too, to congratulate those Christian churches and institutions that hold fast to their convictions, in spite of ridicule and harassment.


    The Father’s Touch International Ministry is located on four continents. In spite of opposition from the militant Gay Enforcers and Gay RIders, as well as other extremist groups, the ministry establishes centers wherever it can be done. A new director and former FBI agent, Bruce Stout, will be filling the position of directorship. Unlike the previous directors, he will choose not to operate in hiding. His choice is to be the visible head of the ministry and to confront any source of opposition, including the government of the United States. Many of the same characters are contained in the storyline. The Gordon family members stand out the most. They help foster the goals of the ministry even without holding an official title. This novel continues to contain some violence and sexual scenes. It is recommended for mature individuals who want to help people who desire to leave the gay lifestyle. Someone has to do it!


    Starting Over

    G&E vs G&R

    Family Disappointments

    A Financial Miracle

    Helping Hands

    Getting Darker

    Progress in Asia

    Metro Studios

    Curses on the Ministry

    Corrupted FBI and CIA



    The Father’s Touch International Ministry was in its twenty-seventh year. Family members of Vance and Susan Gordon, the founders of the ministry, continued to keep the ministry going and growing. The present director of the ministry is Teddy Gordon, the grandson.

    He and his wife Mary have seven children, four biological and three adopted.

    Teddy, I don’t think living in this lodge is working out as well as we thought. Originally you said we would be here for just six months, but today it amounts to two years. I know we have to hide from the Gay Enforcers and the Gay Riders, but surely we can find another place to live.

    Teddy was used to Mary’s complaints. Since she lost their last baby, which would have made it their eighth child, her chronic depression has affected her moods and perceptions.

    I’ll try to find another location, Dear, but do take it easy. Why not lie down and nap? Sheryl and I can watch the children when they come home from school.

    But Ted, what about Mickey? He’s due for his cough medicine. I worry about our four-year-old son.

    You forgot, Mary. You took his temperature and it is normal. He is sleeping like an angel in his room. Again, don’t worry about the children. Just relax and we’ll take care of their needs.

    Mary was in somewhat of a daze. The medication she was taking slowed down her thinking process and made her feel mellow.

    OK, I’ll go to our bedroom, but wake me up for dinner.

    Mary left and Sheryl Richards came into the living room.

    How does Mary feel today?

    Well, about the same. I told her you and I have everything under control. She thinks we can just get up and go to another home. She doesn’t realize how much danger we are in now that there are two militant gay groups looking for us. I think if another traumatic event like losing the baby occurs, that might push her over the edge.

    I feel your frustration, Ted. We have all been praying for her healing of the depression. We’ll just have to keep assuring her that living at this lodge is the safest place to be. We have all the security devices any homeowner would want. By the way, did you get the test results for little Mickey? I hope they found out the reason for his lethargy, paleness, and shortness of breath.

    I was told by the doctor’s office we would be given a call by today. It’s early so I’m going to do some work on my computer. As the director of the ministry I have to keep up with the demands of my position.

    It was one in the afternoon when the phone rang and Teddy answered.

    Yes,…he’s sleeping now in his room,… what? The diagnosis is that he has leukemia. It can’t be true! He’s been healthy for four years of his life … .Yes, we’ll bring him on Wednesday. Thank you.

    Sheryl heard his loud voice and came into the study.

    "Did I hear the word leukemia? That’s what my stepson Nick died of at the age of nine! What’s going on here at the lodge? Is the disease in the water, or something?"

    Teddy took a moment to pray under his lips. Then he answered,

    Sheryl, it’s not a coincidence. I believe the Spirit just confirmed that the disease fell upon Mickey as a result of a curse. Is there a witch’s coven in this area?

    Um, I think so. Kyle met one at Walmart. The lady was buying Halloween decorations and joked that she was a witch. When he told her we had children living with us, she gave him her business card. She said she did fun parties for children. But of course, Kyle wouldn’t give her our name or any other information. Do you, I mean the Spirit, really think that the lady would declare a curse over Mickey or any other of our children.?

    Teddy replied, Right now we’re just dealing with Mickey. The other kids seem to be alright. Just the same, we’ll follow all the medical procedures required. But more than that we all have to pray against that witch and any curses she and her coven are directing toward us.

    After a moment of reflection, Sheryl said, Oh, how are you going to tell Mary about it? It would surely break her heart.

    Teddy grabbed Sheryl’s hand and led her to Mickey’s room.

    He motioned for her to pray with him. He led by saying,

    Almighty God, we plead with you as your children. Please remove this curse from our child, who really is your child. In your name we come against any witch’s coven or any other source of evil. You promised us that you would meet our physical needs as well as our spiritual needs. Well, today is the day to pour your healing grace upon Mickey, his siblings, Mary, and us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

    Sherly prayed in tongues. Strange words came out of her mouth that sounded melodious. When she stopped, Teddy felt inspired to interpret, My children, I hear your prayers. The enemy has tried to trick you. I will meet your needs in my mysterious way. Trust in me.

    Sheryl then asked, I’m not hundred percent sure what the Lord meant.

    Sheryl, the Lord is not always so explicit. Sometimes we have to wait to see what unfolds. I’ll go back to my computer and hope he answers our prayers soon.

    An hour later Mickey woke up and came into the study.Daddy, where’s Mommy?

    She’s sleeping. How can I or Aunt Sheryl help you?

    I’d like some milk and cookies.

    This was a sweet sound to Teddy’s ears. For the past couple of days Mickey didn’t have much of an appetite.

    Sure Son, just go to the kitchen where Aunt Sheryl is baking some pies. She’ll be glad to serve you.

    Just then the phone rang.

    Yes, it’s me, Mr. Gordon….What? A mistake?… How can that be?… Our son only has the flu?… Yes, yes!, I’ll go to the pharmacy right away. Thank you!

    He ran into the kitchen and told Sheryl the good news.

    Praise the Lord! she responded. There’s already some color in Mickey’s cheeks and his appetite seems normal. Just the same, go get that medicine and kill those bugs inside him.

    The other children arrived at their regular time.

    The eldest, Georgie came in with a scowl on his face.

    I’ve had it with these made-up names and disguises. I want to be a normal kid. Just wait till I graduate! I’ll make some changes in my life. You wait and see!

    He was speaking to Ryan, his brother of about the same age, but not of the same mother.

    Ryan responded, It’s not that bad, Georgie. I kind of like acting like I’m another person. I will rather be called Shawn by the girls than Ryan. And I don’t mind wearing these fake glasses. Hilda says I look very intellectual.

    I think you look silly. And I can’t figure out why you’re always combing your hair. Shouldn’t your fan club like you just the way you are?

    You just don’t understand us charmers. Since you’re almost ready to graduate, you’ve lost your chance to know what it is to be loved by the girls. Maybe, it’s because I’m a Gordon, and you’re really not.

    With that crack, Georgie punched Ryan in the face. A bloody nose resulted. Ryan ran toward the kitchen screaming, He punched me again. That bastard!

    Sheryl saw his condition and gave him a cloth to cover his nose.

    Sit down Ryan and hold your head back. I’ll get some ice to help your condition.

    Teddy heard the commotion and ran to the kitchen.

    "What’s going on here? And why is Ryan’s nose bleeding?’

    Ryan mumbled, Your adopted son punched me in the face for no reason. He’s getting harder and harder to live with!

    Sheryl said, This is not the first time Georgie got physical with Ryan. He even pushes some of the other kids around. I’ve raised sons, and I can remember how they get once puberty sets in. Tim and Billy handled their changes differently, but both of them got into trouble when it came to sex.

    Teddy motioned to Sheryl not to talk about sex while Ryan was present.

    Well, I’ll speak to Georgie right now. He’s got to promise to have his temper under control, responded Teddy.

    Going into the hall Teddy shouted, "Georgie, come downstairs and meet me in my study. Pronto!’

    A couple of minutes later Georgie appeared, fortunately in a calm state.

    Ryan said you hit him for nothing. Is that true?

    Not completely true. We were talking about girls and he said he appeared charming toward them because he was a Gordon. But I couldn’t be charming ‘cause I’m really not a Gordon. That pissed me off!

    Are you still as sensitive about being adopted as you were when you first came to us? I thought Mary and I reassured you hundreds of times that you’re just as much our son as any of our biological children. You have to stop using your self-doubt as an excuse to hurt others. We’ve noticed that in the last six months you’re irritating everybody. This pains me because we’re all trying to cater to your mother as she continues to get over the death of the baby.

    I honestly don’t know what’s happening to me. Being a senior in high school is supposed to be a fun thing, Dad. At least that’s what my fellow students keep telling me. I’m bored with all that academic stuff and I can’t seem to find a girl for the senior prom. Nothing’s working out right.

    Well, I can help you with getting a girl for the prom. I know some of the parents around here with daughters. But meantime you have to apologize to Ryan, and you’re restricted to the lodge for the weekend.

    Georgie thought for a moment and then said, Dad, I’m pretty close to making a serious decision. I know I will still be seventeen when I graduate, but I want to enlist in the Marines. Of course, I’ll need your permission and you’ll need to sign the permission forms.

    Surprised, Teddy said, What brought this on? I don’t remember you talking much about the military.

    Maybe you haven’t noticed with all the children in this lodge, but I’ve been playing a lot of video games involving war and armies. In fact, I wrote an essay for my English class about the Afghanistan war. Though my teacher didn’t like to hear about war stories, she gave me a good grade. My friend Titus is going into the Marines when he graduates, and I would like to go through boot camp with him.

    Teddy’s thoughts were revolving in his head. He came to realize he was talking to a young adult about his future. This would be one of seven encounters in the future.

    If you really want to experience the military way of life, your mother and I won’t stand in your way. But please understand she may be shocked by your decision. Most mothers normally don’t want their sons to go into the military or risk going to war. But I’m sure your mother will adjust to the new situation.

    Teddy leaned over and hugged Georgie.

    I love you, your mother loves you, and everyone at the lodge loves you. Now you have the opportunity to show what a Marine you could be by demonstrating that you can control your temper and be nice to everybody. Do you agree?

    Yes, Dad!

    Mary woke up and made it to dinner. Afterward, she and Teddy were sitting in the study alone.

    Mary, did you sleep well?

    Not really. I kept tossing back and forth. Maybe I’ll need a sleeping pill later. But what was Ryan telling the other children about? At my end of the table, I could only hear something about his nose.

    Um, Georgie hit Ryan in the face over a misunderstanding. I worked it out between them. Boys will be boys!

    I worry about Georgie. He’s changing into a man too fast. He reminds me of my brother who couldn’t hang around our family beyond graduation. He was eighteen and could sign himself up for military service. We didn’t see him for four years.

    Well, I think I ought to alert you to the fact that Georgie is thinking of joining the service himself after graduation.

    What? Not going to college? I thought we decided that all our children would get a good college education. But the military?

    Yeah, we said that when the kids were much younger, Mary. But it’s really up to them what they want to do once they’re around eighteen. Georgie really wants to join the Marines. He thinks that will make him happy.

    It would make me happy if he would stay with us longer. I already lost one child.

    Teddy knew he had to be delicate if he was going to reach Mary.

    Honey, miscarriages happen. Maybe God decided we had enough children to deal with for the present. You must remember we decided not to have any more children by using the natural planning method. However, nothing’s perfect.

    Once I realized I was pregnant I accepted the fact that another baby was going to come into our lives. Now you’re saying, I must forget it all.

    I’m sure you need time to forget the tragedy, Mary. But concerning Georgie, you have to let him go. It’s the right thing to do. I know he’ll keep in touch with us no matter where he’s stationed. Today we can speak face-to-face over Skype or Zoom. I’m sure we’ll be proud of him.

    But what if he winds up in a war?

    Then we have to believe God will protect him. Just as he’s protecting us by being at this fortified lodge.

    A couple of tears fell from Mary’s eyes. She moved toward Teddy to be held by him.

    Just be patient with me Darling. I know I have to accept things I can’t change. The doctor told me that my hormones would be out of whack for a while because of the miscarriage. I’m sure I will bounce back in time. Even with Georgie leaving we’ll still have six angels to watch over.

    Teddy kissed her tenderly. He thought to himself he shouldn’t mention the scare he and Sheryl had over Mickey’s condition. He must remember to tell Sheryl not to mention the word leukemia.

    Bruce Stout was hired by the ministry to visit its centers in the United States and overseas. From his experiences working for the FBI, he could advise the center directors on how to operate their centers more securely. Today he was scheduled to visit New York City. He was saying goodbye to his friend Walter.

    Walt, I appreciate your warning. Whether New York City is more dangerous than ever is not my concern. I know what real danger is by being in Afghanistan as a military officer, serving as a policeman in Chicago, and working for the FBI. All I have to do is visit the center, make my inspection, and have a conversation with the director. Then I will skedaddle out of the city.

    How will you ensure your safety? asked Walter. The present mayor is incompetent. The police try to keep order with their hands tied behind their backs. The crime wave has increased since he took office.

    My ace-in-the-hole is my knowledge of what to do if an emergency arises. I have a small gun strapped to my right ankle, and a knife taped to my left arm. My jacket and cap are reversible, and I have pepper spray in one pocket and sunglasses in the other. And the piece of resistance is that I’m wearing a modified bullet proof vest, explained Bruce.

    Jokingly, Walter asked, Then where will you hide your tank? It might stick out of your jacket.

    Ha!, ha! Buddy. I’m so glad you can be trusted. I only spent twenty years with the FBI. You volunteered to spend thirty. I wish you could come with me just to keep me company, but your wheelchair wouldn’t fit in my car.

    Even if it did, Bruce, I wouldn’t go with you. Visiting that city reminds me of how I got shot up by those mafia guys. And it was just twenty days before my retirement. It took me a year to be able to recover enough to live as a disabled man living alone.

    If you’re up to it when I get back to Jersey, I’ll take you to your favorite diner. We didn’t finish talking about the FBI guys that we knew. Stay well!

    May God protect you! replied Walter.

    Bruce parked his car on the New Jersey side and took a bus to the Port Authority Bus Terminal on eighth avenue. He took another bus to the center. The afternoon was sunny and there was the usual hustle and bustle of people walking the streets. As he approached a jewelry store he saw something suspicious. He looked in the window and saw two gunmen stealing the jewels after one of them shot the security guard.

    The one gunman said to the salesman, Put all the stuff in my gym bag. If you don’t cooperate, you’ll get some bullets in your ass!

    The other gunman yelled, "Chip, let’s get out of here! People might have heard the gunshots. I told you

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