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Her Biggest Secret
Her Biggest Secret
Her Biggest Secret
Ebook32 pages30 minutes

Her Biggest Secret

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After coming out, Dana thinks her girlfriend has all the answers to everything. That gets completely upended after meeting her girlfriend's older brother. Dana is told to bring up an odd question about an RV. This leads Dana to a revelation that not all of one's deeply guarded secrets are about one's sexuality and orientation. Some secrets can be more dangerous than that.

WARNING! This short story contains graphic and explicit depictions of girl on girl sex between consenting adults. It is intended only for mature readers of legal age. Here is an excerpt ...

For long time, I just stared at my steering wheel and tried to unpack what my girlfriend’s older brother was trying to tell me. I realized I might have been myopic in how my relationship started with her. I came out to her directly, and she helped me through the psycho drama that is being a lesbian-in-denial all of my life. She gave me a lot of tender loving care. More importantly, she was always there and listened. In my comic book addled imagination, Carter was Super Lesbo with a flowing rainbow cape and a strong wind ruffling her bangs. I was merely her sidekick. If she was the master, I was clearly the apprentice. And I had no problem with that, at all.

For a whole day, I wondered how to bring up the topic of her RV. In some way, I became silently obsessed with wondering the meaning of it all. Why would owning a recreational vehicle be such a deep dark secret? Did she use it for secret hook ups? No, that couldn’t possible. Her and I had grown so intimate so quickly, and she didn’t seem to be a cheating type. I just absolutely couldn’t figure it out. We had made plans earlier to cook a Friday night dinner together at my place and watch some movies, and I didn’t know how to act. Essentially, Bo had put a mobile-home-sized albatross around my neck as I waited for her to show. When she did, she instantly noticed something was off with me.

“What’s wrong?” Carter shut the door behind her.

“I...I... I don’t know.” I glanced away, afraid to look her in the eyes.

“Come on, Dana.” She said softly. “You know you can trust me. You know that.”

“Well. Um.” I stayed silent for a bit and just stared at the floor.

Carter put a finger under my chin and lifted my head until our eyes connected. “What is it? Please? Tell me.”

“You. Um. Have an RV?”

For the first time in our relationship, I saw livid, instant, anger and betrayal flash across her face. “How the fuck do you know that?” She yelled. “I never pegged you to be one of those types. Here, I thought I found the love of my life and...”

“One of those types?” I whimpered. My lower lip started quivering. “What the hell does that mean?” I instantly started uncontrollably sobbing. Retreating to the sofa, I plopped my ass down and buried my face in my palms and continued to cry. “Why are you yelling at me?”

He anger didn’t soften. “Answer me. Or, I swear to god, this relationship is over. How the fuck do you know about my RV? How much more do you know?”

I started crying even harder. “I don’t know,” I said in a very, very strangled way, sniffling a little. “Forget that I asked.” I couldn’t stand being near her or her nearly sudden and volcanic anger, as I absolutely wanted to be alone. I never knew Carter had so much fury inside of her. Then, I thought about her older brother: if Bo loved his baby sis so much, why did he trick me into provoking her?

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Her Biggest Secret

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    Her Biggest Secret - Dee DelaRocka

    Her Biggest Secret


    Dee Delarocka

    Copyright 2024, Dee Delarocka

    License Notes

    The sexual situations depicted in this work of fiction involves only consenting adults above the age of 18. This is a work of fiction, and any similarities with real-life persons are purely coincidental.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The cover is based on a royalty-free, licensed image downloaded from a stock photo agency. Use of this photo does not imply, in any way, shape, or form, an endorsement of the photographer, the stock photo agency, or the models of the content of this eBook.

    Her Biggest Secret

    Oh my god, I snapped, clenching my fists. Did she tell you? It felt like I really wanted to punch or slap him, but I knew I wouldn’t. Bo was my girlfriend’s older brother, and while we knew each other in passing, this was the first time I ever really talked to him.

    Bo held up his hands defensively. No, she absolutely did not, Dana. Trust me.

    Here I was at Bo’s World, a tiny gas station and garage that also served as a rifle shop. Plus, it was a place where you could buy fishing rods, tackle, and more. It was nowhere near the Interstate, but it was located near the more trafficked hunting and fishing grounds in our area – hence, his license to sell rifles and ammo. Unlike other gun stores, he absolutely didn’t sell handguns or military grade firearms. Also, he had the reputation as being the most talented mechanic in town, but many saw him as a grizzled weirdo who could existentially frighten most with just a hard stare. I had come here to fill my pickup truck’s tank, but that was just a convenient excuse to meet my girlfriend’s brother for the first time.

    As for a portion of my town not liking him, the fact that he was a master taxidermist didn’t help all

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