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The Success For Youths
The Success For Youths
The Success For Youths
Ebook106 pages1 hour

The Success For Youths

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Most of the time we will always be a reflection of our philosophies. What you learn about anything in life is the foundation upon which your experiences are disposed. The average youth only knows as much as their humility, flexibility, and awareness of their ignorant permits. It is not absurd to believe that our lives are pre-determined by our experiences and what we have allowed our experiences to be like. I wrote this book when I was twenty. I am still a student of success. Join me and together we can challenge our belief systems and soon enjoy the fullness of the blessings God has bestowed to us. I  have a question, if you are hungry, you will always find what to eat, When you are sick, you know well enough how to get to your doctor. When you are tired you know how to rest. Why is it so difficult to find out why you are struggling with the things you are working with? If I woke up and found myself broke, I would never again rest until I ruled money. Join me in correcting the little things that control so much. The success for youths. This book anchors what vision and character have to do with our becoming. Let us embrace these laws and experience success !

PublisherDavid Irungu
Release dateMay 15, 2024
The Success For Youths

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    Book preview

    The Success For Youths - David Irungu


    Copyright © 2024 Irungu D. Mwangi

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.






    Chapter 1: Vision

    Chapter 2: Lack of Character

    Chapter 3: Atmosphere Breakers

    Chapter 4: Activators

    Chapter 5: Knowing What You Are Called To Do

    Chapter 6: The Hindrance For Outburst

    Chapter 7: What Entraps Young People?


    My endless acknowledgment goes to Celine, my book editor, for consistently delivering beyond expectations and much more to the unlimited and selfless hands that have held me through motivation, mentorship, and inspiration.

    Which course are you going to take? Her confidence was eroded as she asked. I don’t know if they offer A MILLIONAIRE COURSE. I would love to do that; I even talked to Dad about it. She laughed intending to make me look stupid for my answer. Are you crazy? What do you mean by a millionaire course? Immediately after she…

    Discover the journey of a young entrepreneur who struggled to understand why universities don’t teach about money. Not only did His life become better by gleaning wisdom from successful men, but also discovered the most important things you should know to live an excellent life, the author believes that every product is a solution to a problem. Problems we solve in life create our reward. Every challenge we go through is relatable to our ignorance. We have learned well the things we needed to be who we are today. His question is Are you willing to still learn for who you want to become? This book will guide you through those lessons you need to start living and stop existing.


    This book is dedicated to you, my reader, from everywhere you are in the world. And to the body of Christ everywhere. And to my beautiful girlfriend, Gloria. K. Jebet, Pastor Tiema Evans, and your ministry. Everyone believing in success, cheers!!


    It is an exceptional, inspirational, counseling, chastening, and motivational book. My deep and earnest desire is that all youths find salvation. While we may not all be saved, let more of us find enlightenment and fulfillment through His (Jesus’) teachings. My plea is that we seek to hear from God. I am grateful to have this book; your age is no hindrance to its wisdom. Use the insights within to propel yourself towards a positive future and fulfill your destiny. I feel privileged and humbled to share this book with you because I yearn for hell to be empty and for the entrapped youths to be liberated. I believe that God is using me to reach out to everyone. I am willing to go wherever God leads me.

    Youth is the seedtime of full age, the molding season in the limited space of your life. It is a delicate period, the eleventh hour on your journey to destiny, where you shape tomorrow. It marks the turning point in the history of your mind, the foundation of your existence. The choices made in youth have enduring consequences that can haunt us spiritually, emotionally, physically, and economically. It is time to turn away from the devil, whom we have served for too long. We must fight back, show the devil a red card, and remove him from our lives.

    If we choose to engage with a loser, can we expect to win? No! Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team? The standards we choose to live by now determine the future we will inhabit. Our present experiences result from past choices, reflecting directly on tomorrow. In Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 NKJV, Solomon acknowledges our free will and responsibility for making righteous decisions. He encourages us to follow our hearts and minds but reminds us that God will judge our actions. Therefore, let us rid ourselves of sorrow and evil, as vanity lies in childhood and youth. We can choose what glorifies Christ and leads us to a fulfilling life. He is most glorified in us when we find satisfaction in Him. When we allow the cares of this world to overshadow Him, we risk losing sight of His divine plan for us.

    Welcome to my book on youths entrapped. It is a privilege to share this journey, born from personal experiences and reflections, with you. May the same Jesus who saved me reach out to you and free you from whatever holds you captive.


    Now, praise be to God! Have you ever nurtured a seed in your garden or orchard, watching it sprout and grow? Consider the cultivation of beans, for example. A series of attentive steps exist, such as fertilization, weeding, and pest control—all aimed at maximizing yield. Reminiscent of a saying, perhaps not exclusively African, Bend the tree while it is still young, there lies a profound truth in these words, especially concerning youth. Our youth is more than a transient phase; it is laden with potential and unlocked mysteries of our destinies. Have you pondered why God created time?

    Interestingly, God exists beyond the confines of time, dwelling in the realm of the Alpha and Omega. Time is a gift, a structured canvas to mark growth, change, and progression. Like the seasons dictate the growth and harvest of crops or how a gestating baby develops until birth, everything in our existence is tethered to time. Yet, as young people in this digitized era, we must navigate technology wisely, not letting it detract from our spiritual and personal development. God, who paid the ultimate price for us, yearns for our communion and pursuit of Him. Reflecting on my upbringing, I recognize it was divinely orchestrated despite its humble nature and the challenges it presented. My journey from a child to a teenager and eventually to an adult was underpinned by physical, mental, and spiritual growth. In 2018, I profoundly encountered God, realizing the limitations of my environment and the boundless potential within me through Christ. I began to see myself through the lens of success, influenced by those who left an indelible mark on history. This realization steered me away from the mediocrity embraced by many youths, propelling me into a life of fasting, prayer, and unwavering faith in God’s promise for my life. Success and blessings, I’ve come to understand, are not happenstances but inheritances passed down through generations, akin to curses. Our entrapment as youths often stems from environmental constraints. Still, God’s liberating truth can set us free, enabling us to soar like eagles and embrace the extraordinary dimensions of His grace. This book is an invitation to break free from the shackles that bind us and to redefine success not as the world sees it but as an embodiment of God’s love and power. Through a journey of faith, righteousness, and divine alignment, we can transcend our limitations and embody the greatness God has ordained for us. In essence, what entraps us is not our circumstances but our reluctance to fully embrace God’s vision for our lives. By avoiding the pitfalls discussed in the following chapters and seeking God with all our hearts, our lives can truly reflect His glory, becoming beacons of hope and wonder in a world in desperate need of His light. Amen.

    Chapter 1


    It took me time to unravel this mystery. So favored are you to grasp it. What is a vision? Who is a visionary? It is one great mystery and divine strategy to be Visionary. Someone without a vision in this digital world is like a fuelless Ferrari. It’s a car that can take you a thousand miles but lacks fuel as the crucial element. So is a man without vision. So it’s easier to say that even though I am educated if I am visionless, I am as good as dead. Why do I say so? Most youths are educated. I, too, am educated. It’s all good. But again, we live in times when we only go to school to get an office to work under. We want a roof where we can lay all our dreams there. We want a paycheck. We want to be employed, which is much more suitable. But again, who’s using you? What is to him that makes him an employer? What happened to

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