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Trailer Park Diaries 2: TPD, #2
Trailer Park Diaries 2: TPD, #2
Trailer Park Diaries 2: TPD, #2
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Trailer Park Diaries 2: TPD, #2

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A group of people in a trailer park get transported to a fantasy world after taking bad drugs.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Trailer Park Diaries 2: TPD, #2

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    Trailer Park Diaries 2 - Aaron Abilene

    Trailer Park Diaries 2

    TPD, Volume 2

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Syphon Creative, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 15, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8224590346

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene



    505: Resurrection


    Dead Awake

    Before The Dead Awake (Coming Soon)

    Carnival Game

    Full Moon Howl


    Shades of Z


    Deadeye & Friends

    Cowboys Vs Aliens


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    Afterlife in Love (Coming Soon)


    Paradise Island

    The Lost Island

    The Lost Island 2

    The Lost Island 3

    The Island 2


    Pandemic (Coming Soon)



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    Breaking Wind

    Yellow Snow

    Dragon Snatch

    Golden Showers

    Nether Region









    Decontaminated (Coming Soon)


    Trailer Park Diaries

    Trailer Park Diaries 2

    Trailer Park Diaries 3


    Raising Hell

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride 2

    Zombie Bride 3


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    Small Town Blues

    Shades of Z: Redux

    The Gift of Death

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    Lazy Boyz

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Trailer Park Diaries 2

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Trailer Park Diaries 2

    Written by Aaron Abilene

    Benny burst through the door like a fireworks finale, his grin wide enough to split his face in two. Guys, you won't believe what I've got! He brandished a small bottle triumphantly above his head, the pills inside rattling like tiny maracas promising a fiesta.

    Stacy looked up from her book with an arched eyebrow, while Darius paused mid-strum on his guitar, the last chord hanging in the air. Tina, sprawled on the couch, set down her sketchpad, all eyes on Benny, their collective interest piqued by his infectious enthusiasm.

    Behold, he said, shaking the bottle with dramatic flair, the keys to kingdoms unknown, the express elevator to Cloud Nine, the—

    Cut the sales pitch, Benny, Stacy interrupted, laughter dancing in her eyes. What are those?

    These, Benny replied, waggling the bottle like a talisman, are not just any pills – they're the result of my latest experiment. They will take us on a trip so epic, we'll have stories for ages!

    Darius chuckled, his skepticism always as present as the bassline in his favorite songs. And you're sure these are safe, man?

    Absolutely! Benny boomed, undeterred. His confidence was as contagious as a yawn in a silent room. I tested them myself. They're a blend of science and a touch of... let's call it 'mystical enhancement'. You trust me, right?

    Tina sat up, brushing strands of colorful hair from her face, her gaze fixed on the bottle with a mix of curiosity and excitement. Last time we followed you into one of your 'adventures', we ended up in that karaoke bar in Chinatown singing duets with strangers until dawn.

    And it was legendary! Benny countered, his eyes gleaming with the promise of another unforgettable night. This will be even better. So, are you in or out?

    Stacy closed her book with a snap, a smile spreading across her face. You had me at 'kingdoms unknown'. I'm in.

    Me too, Tina chimed in, already picturing the vibrant hues she'd capture in her sketches of this new adventure.

    Darius strummed a final, decisive chord before setting his guitar aside. Alright, lead the way, Captain Benny.

    With affirmations from his crew, Benny's chest puffed with pride, his role as the self-appointed ringleader never more solid. With a magician's flourish, he opened the bottle, the sound of the cap popping off signaling the beginning of their journey into the extraordinary.

    The trailer, a haphazard collage of mismatched furniture and posters of bygone rock stars, hummed with an electric charge of anticipation. Crumbs from last night's pizza feigned innocence on paper plates, forgotten in the wake of Benny’s announcement. Amid the clutter, Stacy, Darius, and Tina found their familiar perches; a sagging couch, a beanbag past its prime, and the only chair that didn't wobble. They leaned in as if around a campfire, eyes reflecting the flicker of excitement that danced through the cramped space.

    Alright, my intrepid explorers, Benny began, his voice a ringmaster's call as he cradled the bottle with theatrical reverence. He unscrewed the cap again, and the sound seemed to echo, a starting gun for their impending escapade.

    Prepare for liftoff, he announced, pouring four tiny pills onto his palm. The light caught on their iridescent surface like sunlight on the wings of a beetle. They were no ordinary capsules; these gleamed with a promise of the unknown.

    Stacy reached out first, her fingers deftly plucking one from Benny's hand. Her eyes sparkled with the thrill of the new, her spirit undampened by the mundanity of their surroundings. She tossed the pill back like a seasoned voyager braving uncharted seas.

    Here's to kingdoms unknown, she said, her words a toast to adventure.

    Darius followed, his movements slow but deliberate, the pill resting momentarily on his tattooed knuckles before disappearing behind his lips. A loyal knight accepting the gauntlet thrown down by destiny, or perhaps just another Saturday night following Benny's lead.

    May our swords stay sharp and our stories epic, he intoned with mock solemnity, earning a chuckle from the others.

    Tina's hand was a fluttering bird, hesitant yet enchanted, as she took her share. Her eyes were already painting their next destination, vibrant and surreal, as she swallowed the capsule whole.

    Let's make it colorful, she whispered, a mantra to her muse.

    And then there was Benny, the last to hold his own invention. His grin was that of a maestro about to conduct a symphony of the extraordinary. With a wink to his comrades, he downed the pill, sealing their pact to venture beyond the veil of reality.

    Bon voyage, my fellow psychonauts, he declared.

    A collective breath held between them, they waited for the anchor to lift, for the winds of fantasy to whisk them away from the confines of the trailer, and into the embrace of the impossible. Together, they sat at the precipice of adventure, ready to leap into the abyss of wonder that awaited them.

    The world began to pulse with an otherworldly rhythm as the effects of the pills cascaded through their veins. Colors, once drab and muted within the confines of the trailer, now erupted in vibrant displays that danced upon their retinas. Benny's wide eyes mirrored the swirling cosmos that replaced the peeling ceiling, constellations forming and reforming with every blink.

    Whoa, Darius breathed out, his voice a reverberating echo that seemed to ripple through the very air. The patterns on the worn-out carpet beneath them swirled into life, a vivid serpentine river carrying their senses away. He reached out, fingers grazing the flowing designs, half-expecting water to lap at his fingertips.

    Stacy giggled, her laughter a musical chime that twined around the newfound brilliance of the room. The shabby curtains transformed, blooming into grand tapestries depicting tales of heroism and magic. She clapped her hands in delight as the images moved, the figures within waging battles and embarking on daring quests.

    Tina closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the symphony of scents that now filled the air. Gone was the musty odor of old dreams and forgotten snacks; in its place, a fragrance of enchanted woods and mystic flora. Opening her eyes, she saw the walls expand, stretching upward into eternity.

    Look! she exclaimed, pointing towards what once was a cracked window. It had become a portal, revealing a sky streaked with hues that defied description. There, among the celestial canvas, roamed creatures of myth—dragons etching trails of stardust, phoenixes reborn in dazzling fire.

    The quartet rose unsteadily to their feet, the trailer no longer a cramped space of earthly possessions but a gateway to the incredible. They stumbled outside, each step more assured than the last, as the trailer park shed its cloak of decay. Rusted metal blossomed into grandioresque spires reaching for the now Technicolor heavens, reflecting light like beacons of another realm.

    Benny led the way down what was once a broken step, now a grand archway framing their exit into fantasy. The gritty asphalt they had tread countless times before unfurled into winding cobblestone paths, guiding them into the heart of this new universe. Each stone told a story, engraved with runes that shimmered with ancient power.

    Are you seeing this? Stacy called out, twirling on the spot, her eyes wide with marvel. It's like we're in a fairy tale!

    Better, Benny replied, his smile undimmed by the metamorphosis around them. We're writing our own.

    Everywhere they looked, the mundane was reborn in splendor. Overgrown weeds transformed into lush gardens with flowers that sung in the breeze. The neighboring trailers morphed into fantastical abodes, their walls alive with moss and blooming vines, windows aglow with the promise of untold stories within.

    Guys, we're not just high, Darius said, his words laced with awe. We're ascended.

    They stood together at the threshold of discovery, their hearts beating in unison with the enchantment that surrounded them. No longer bound by reality, they embraced the world they had entered—a realm where imagination was the currency and adventure awaited at every turn.

    Benny, his once faded jeans and T-shirt now a bold ensemble of pirate regalia, stood at the helm of their newfound world. A tricorn hat sat askew on his head, a plume of exotic feathers dancing with each enthusiastic gesture. A flamboyant coat draped over his shoulders, glinting with buttons that shone like pieces of eight. He brandished a wooden cutlass, its blade etched with tales of adventure, as he rallied his friends.

    Avast, me hearties! he bellowed with a gleeful grin. There be wonders to explore, treasures to uncover! Who's with me?

    Stacy twirled beside him, her laughter airy and melodic. Her mundane clothes had blossomed into a dress of shimmering gossamer, wings unfurling from her back in a prismatic display. She lifted off the ground, buoyed by an invisible breeze, her newfound grace embodying the very essence of a fairy princess. With a giggle, she daintily hovered above the cobblestones, her fingertips trailing sparks of effervescent light.

    Lead on, Captain, she chimed, her voice tinged with magic.

    Darius stepped forward, his posture straightening under the weight of his transformed attire. Chainmail and plate armor encased him, reflecting the realm's surreal glow. In his hand, a broadsword materialized, its hilt adorned with jewels that spoke of valor and chivalry. He placed a gauntleted hand over his heart, bowing his head in solemn oath.

    By my honor, I shall protect this fellowship through peril and shadow, Darius declared, the timbre of his voice now deep and resonant, fitting the noble knight he had become.

    Tina flicked her wrists, and the air around her crackled with energy. The drab outfit she had donned earlier was now a robe of deep violet, threaded with silver sigils that pulsed with arcane power. Her eyes glowed with a sorcerer's fire, her fingers weaving intricate patterns in the air. With a flourish, she conjured orbs of light that danced around her, casting iridescent shadows across the group.

    Adventure awaits, Tina said, her words laced with an enigmatic confidence. And with my spells at our disposal, mysteries shall unravel before us.

    Together, they formed a circle of unlikely heroes, each brimming with newfound purpose. Benny, with a captain's determination, pointed his cutlass towards the horizon where their fantastical journey awaited.

    Then let's set sail for the unknown! he cried out. To the ends of imagination—and beyond!

    With a chorus of cheers, they ventured forth, the familiar sights of their trailer park existence now just a memory. They strode down the cobblestone path, hearts ablaze with the thrill of a world reborn, ready to embrace whatever enchantment lay ahead.

    Benny's boots clacked on the cobblestones as he led his band of friends through an archway woven from living vines and into a clearing that hummed with magic. Sunlight dappled the ground, filtering through leaves of emerald and gold. In this undulating light, unicorns gamboled about, their hooves barely touching the grass, leaving spirals of sparkling dust in their wake.

    By my cutlass, I've never seen such splendor! Benny exclaimed, his eyes wide beneath his tricorn hat.

    Stacy, twirling in her fairy princess attire, giggled at the sight of a particularly frisky unicorn prancing up to Darius. The noble knight, now armored in shining mail, offered it a gauntleted hand which the creature nuzzled enthusiastically, its mane shimmering like liquid rainbow.

    Easy there, noble steed, Darius chuckled, patting the unicorn's snout with a brotherly affection. We are but humble travelers in your majestic domain.

    Travelers with style, if I might add, Tina quipped, her voice echoing with mystic resonance as she waved her hands and summoned a breeze that made her sorceress' robe billow dramatically behind her.

    Just then, a shadow passed overhead, and they craned their necks skyward. A dragon soared above, its scales a tapestry of azure and silver, reflecting the sun in dazzling bursts. It did not menace, but rather, seemed to wink at them with one great, knowing eye before disappearing into a cloud.

    Is everything here so friendly? Stacy mused, watching the dragon's flight with wonder.

    Appearances can be deceiving, a voice boomed from behind them, especially in this realm.

    They spun around to find themselves staring at an elderly man with a beard so long it could have been used as a blanket. He wore a pointed hat adorned with stars and moons, and his robes were so voluminous it was a mystery how he managed to stand upright.

    Who might you be, ancient one? Benny asked, brandishing his cutlass—not threateningly, but more out of habit.

    I am Eldranor, the old wizard said with a twinkle in his eye, caretaker of this fantastical parcel of existence and your guide through its wonders.

    Guide? We need no guide, sir! Benny protested, puffing out his chest. We are adventurers, explorers of the—

    Of the unknown, yes, yes, Eldranor interrupted, waving a dismissive hand. But even the boldest pirate needs a map, and I happen to be just that. Plus, there's the small matter of the dark tendrils of Maleficus reaching into our land.

    Dark tendrils? Tina echoed, tilting her head slightly as one of her orbs of light zipped over to hover near Eldranor, inspecting him with a curiosity akin to her own.

    Maleficus, the wizard sighed, an ancient evil that once slumbered in the depths of the Dark Chasm. But let's not dampen the mood with such talk. For now, revel in the delights of this world. There will be time enough for heroics and harrowing escapes.

    Delights, heroics, escapes... This really is turning out to be quite the trip, Stacy said, her wings fluttering with excitement.

    Indeed, agreed Darius, bowing slightly to Eldranor. Your wisdom is welcome, Eldranor. Lead on, and we shall follow.

    Ah, a wise decision, my metallic friend. The wizard’s hearty laugh reverberated through the woods, and with a flourish of his staff, he beckoned them closer. Come now, let us acquaint ourselves with the whimsy and the peril that intertwine like the roots of the World Tree.

    With Eldranor at their side, they strode deeper into the realm, their laughter mingling with the calls of unseen creatures and the rustle of magical foliage—a symphony composed for adventurers embarking on a tale yet untold.

    Benny's heart thundered in his chest with the ferocity of a war drum as Eldranor unfurled an ancient, shimmering scroll. The wizard's voice carried the weight of eons as he intoned their destiny—to vanquish the dark lord Maleficus. Benny's eyes sparkled with unbridled zeal, and he felt a grin stretch across his face, as wide and wild as the adventure that beckoned.

    Maleficus doesn't stand a chance! Benny declared, clapping his hands together with a resounding crack that seemed to echo through the realm. With Eldranor's wisdom and our... um, very particular set of skills, we'll send him packing!

    Particular is one word for it, Tina quipped, her magical orbs dancing like fireflies around her head, casting her features in a warm glow that

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