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How Autocracy Perish
How Autocracy Perish
How Autocracy Perish
Ebook290 pages4 hours

How Autocracy Perish

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This book contains democratic education where citizens and governments can become more independent and professional in democracy, meritocracy, technocracy, law enforcement, integrity, independent economy, honest and fair economy, humanity, justice, peace, and harmony. This book also contains character education, political education, legal education, ethics, morals, democracy, meritocracy, autocracy, integrity, government, government systems, international systems, and world order.

Publishersatria novian
Release dateMay 15, 2024
How Autocracy Perish

satria novian

Saya bernama Satria Novian Lesmana. Saya adalah seorang aktivis kemanusiaan dan aktivis keadilan. Saya juga adalah elit politik baik. (My name is Satria Novian Lesmana. I am a humanitarian activist and justice activist. I am also a good political elite.)

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    How Autocracy Perish - satria novian


    By expressing gratitude to God Almighty, the book entitled, How Autocracy Perish, can finally be completed. The author also would like to thank the parties who helped in compiling this book, namely:

    1. Experts in the field of democracy.

    2. Experts in the field of politics.

    3. Experts in the legal field.

    4. Experts in the field of education.

    5. Experts in the social field.


    Democracy is very beneficial for the nation and state because an independent people and a government that is accountable, independent, credible, competent, professional, and transparent are very much needed by the nation and state. Independent people have education that is focused on turning citizens into experts or scientists or skilled workers and businessmen or entrepreneurs or traders who are diligent, creative, and innovative, and its citizens are clever in choosing candidates who are accountable, independent, credible, competent, professional and transparent for good governance for the nation and state without being deceived and fooled by populism, image politics, conspiracies, propaganda, dirty political campaigns, dirty political issues, radicalism, transnational ideology, hoax news, disinformation, post truth, political games, and geopolitical games.

    Democracy means that its citizens are independent and intelligent in choosing professional and competent candidates for national leadership, and cannot be deceived and lied to by populism, image politics, political games, geopolitical games, propaganda, conspiracies, dirty political campaigns, dirty political issues, radicalism, transnational ideologies, disinformation, hoaxes, post truth, heresy, slander, hypocrisy, and fraud. Democracy also means that government and citizens are independent and intelligent in managing assets (natural resources, human resources, entrepreneurship, expertise, employment, government governance, environmental governance, population governance, economic strategy, infrastructure development strategy, crime eradication strategy, law enforcement strategy, and legislative design strategy).

    The problem with democracy today is that the international community and citizens are still easily deceived and fooled by the mafia, radicals, extremists, terrorists, conspirators, corruptors, oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists, imperialists, colonialists, and globalists. The problems of democracy ultimately require the international community and citizens to unite, work together and intelligent in circumventing and overcoming various acts of organized crime, hidden crimes, conspiracies, propaganda, transnational ideologies, disinformation, hoaxes, post truth, rhetoric of tolerance, political games, and geopolitical games.


    1.1  Political Blackmail

    Political blackmail means that oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists, imperialists, colonialists and globalists carry out acts of blackmail on rich people, state employees, police officers, intelligence agents, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and military soldiers to submit and obey to them without exception. Usually political blackmail is accompanied by threats to kill people closest to rich people, state employees, police officers, intelligence agents, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and military soldiers. To outsmart and overcome political extortion, then citizens, rich people, state employees, police officers, intelligence agents, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and military soldiers must unite and work together in hunting down and eradicating oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists, imperialists, colonialists, and globalists because they are just helpless created beings, ordinary people without superpowers, and are not God so they are all easy to eradicate and deal with firmly. It could be said that citizens must use solidarity, unity, and cooperative actions aimed at saving the lives of family members from the clutches of oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists, imperialists, colonialists, and globalists so that rich people, state employees, members of the police, intelligence agents, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and military soldiers ultimately help citizens to eradicate and destroy oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists, imperialists, colonialists, and globalists.

    Political blackmail can also be carried out by mafias, radicalists, extremists, terrorists, conspirators, corruptors, oligarchs, dictators, authoritarian, totalitarian, fascists, imperialists, colonialists, and globalists when they have been arrested by law enforcers through usually fellow criminals must keep the secret of organized crime that has been committed by his colleague then use his colleague’s secrets through extortion so that he is not punished by law enforcers or he has no punishment at all.

    Political blackmail can also be carried out by rich people who blackmail government regimes, political elites, and political parties in order to develop their business. To outsmart and overcome the political blackmail above, then the government must finance political campaigns and hold political campaigns that are cheap and affordable for all citizens through a political campaign fighting of ideas between candidates held at universities or forums that invite experts, scientists, journalists, lecturers, students, teachers, workers, doctors, farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, and citizens, then political campaign fighting of ideas are broadcast on YouTube, websites, Android applications and iOS applications specifically for political campaigns, press media, social media, radio, and television so that political campaigns can be reached by all citizens within the framework of citizens can choose candidates who are accountable, independent, credible, competent, professional, and transparent in advancing and prospering the nation and state, upholding truth and justice, and maintaining peace and harmony.

    How can government regimes or law enforcers use law enforcement as a political game? The answer is through political blackmail where police leaders or leaders of anti-corruption institutions blackmail state officials or ministers who are involved in organized crime or corruption cases and then the cases are not disclosed to the public because the investigation must be secret or closed or it could be vice versa, such as the president uses police institutions, intelligence institutions, and anti-corruption institutions to find cases of crimes that have been committed by state officials or ministers or police leaders, then blackmail state officials or ministers or police leaders in a hidden and organized manner and then use them as political puppets in order to maintain power who owned by the president.

    So that there are no acts of extortion against perpetrators of criminal acts and perpetrators of criminal acts do not give gratuities and bribes during investigations, then the results of investigations who carried out by law enforcers must accompany the results of polygraph tests which show valid evidence that they handled the crime case in an anti-treason, anti-political puppet, anti-arbitrary, anti-bribery, anti-gratification, anti-corruption, anti-extortion, honest, sincere, firm, fair, accountable, independent, credible, competent, comprehensive, professional, and transparent manners.

    1.2  Criminal World

    The weakness of the criminal world is that criminals and hypocrites always boast so that they are easily defeated and eradicated because they are easily careless; do not have partners who can be trusted due to their treacherous nature; easily breaks promises so that his colleagues do not easily believe the promises of security that his friends make; and their lack of ideas to overcome the problem of their pride is due to their Lord, namely Allah deliberately limiting their cunning. That is a weakness that can be exploited by citizens and the international community so that all of you can eradicate and destroy criminals, mafia, gangsters, radicals, extremists, terrorists, conspirators, corruptors, oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascists, imperialists, colonialists, and globalist. Weaknesses in the criminal world are also permanent until forever because weaknesses in the criminal world are part of what has been ordained by Allah (God).

    Another weakness in the criminal world is that if you are incompetent in carrying out organized crime, hidden crimes, and conspiracies then you and your family members will be killed by your colleagues who collaborate with you. The international community and citizens can exploit the above weaknesses through solidarity, unity, mutual cooperation, and organized justice. For example, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers are afraid that they will be killed by the land mafia if the land mafia does not win the agrarian conflict, then citizens must be present to defend and protect judges, prosecutors, and lawyers, as well as their family members so that judges, prosecutors, and lawyers can remain safe from threats and intimidation carried out by the land mafia, and they can still punish the land mafia without fear and ultimately the agrarian conflict will be won by the citizens. When you are in conflict and fighting against the land mafia, then citizens must immediately gain political connections and political networks in the courts and law enforcers, plus protect the courts and law enforcers from threats, intimidation, and bribery carried out by the land mafia so that citizens can win agrarian conflict. That’s the procedure.

    1.3  Oligarch

    Because the fellow oligarchs among them have the secrets of organized crime that have been committed by their colleagues, then their weaknesses can be used by citizens and law enforcers to capture all oligarchs because of one oligarchic member only those who are arrested then automatically one member of the oligarchy will immediately notify anyone who is a member of the state institution included in the oligarchy so that all members of the oligarchy can be directly arrested and punished by law enforcers without mercy.

    The weakness of the oligarchy system is that if honest, intelligent, firm, and fair political elites start to occupy all the seats in parliament and one of them becomes the leader of the country, then the oligarchy will collapse.

    Because capitalists, oligarchs and global elites use power politics, zero sum politics, dirty politics, politics of fighting sheep, games, rhetoric, manipulative narratives, organized crime, information wars, trade wars, and technology wars as a means to seize natural resources, state assets, as well as land, then in fact they have committed crimes against humanity, organized crime, cyber crimes, cruelty, violence, and hypocrisy. The laws violated by capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites are the law on anti-monopoly, the law on public order, the law on defamation, the law on the spread of disinformation, the law on bribery and gratification, law on agrarian, law on natural resource management, law on persecution, law on premeditated murder, law on murder, law on corruption, law on theft, law on forced evictions, laws on abuse of authority and power, as well as laws on organized crime. They must receive the death penalty without exception, their company permits must also be revoked without mercy, and their companies must be destroyed because their business permits have been revoked.

    The disadvantages of being capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites are that they get the death penalty because they violate many laws, business licenses are revoked, assets are confiscated mercilessly, their companies will be destroyed, and go to hell and they also get painful punishment and harsh torture until forever in hell.

    The oligarchy will clearly use the agrarian ministry to control land and natural resources so that they clearly belong to the land mafia and mining mafia. They should receive punishment from the government regime and the courts. The use of policies to seize land and natural resources for group or personal interests clearly includes organized crime, corruption, and betrayal against the nation and state.

    The ministries that are clearly used by capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites so that they can control land and natural resources are the agrarian ministry, mining ministry, and energy ministry. Capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites are part of the land mafia, mining mafia, import mafia, goods mafia, and food mafia. They are a high-class mafia because they use government regimes, ministries, parliaments, policies, political parties, political elites, court, and police to protect themselves, as well as to control land and natural resources.

    The fair punishment for capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites is the death penalty, confiscation of assets, their business licenses must be revoked, and their companies must be destroyed.

    Crimes against humanity who committed by capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites are persecution and murder through criminalization and arbitrary law enforcement; forced eviction through falsification of land certificates and eviction of citizen residences; slavery and exploitation through their companies; continuous work contracts without stopping and the use of outsourcing companies so that their employees do not receive living wages and severance pay; thwart their competitors' businesses through failed exposure or failed promotions of goods/services so that no consumer is interested in buying products or services from their competitors' companies; regulate algorithms on social media so that they can reduce the number of people who watch promotions of goods or services who carried out by their competing companies; hoarding of goods and hoarding of food resulting in an increase in the price of goods and an increase in food prices, and an increase in inflation so that their competitors' businesses which are only able to reach people with low purchasing power experience bankruptcy and trigger an economic crisis; plunder of natural resources through organized crime, abuse of authority and power, betrayal of the nation and state, unjust laws, and unjust policies; the use of manipulative narratives and black political campaigns to overthrow and kill good political elites and activists, and dissolve good political parties; as well as the use of monopoly, political games, legal games, law enforcement rhetoric, economic rhetoric, trade wars, information wars, technological wars, fascism, imperialism, and unilateralism.

    Patriots and nationalists who currently serve as state official or parliamentarian or state leader then defend and support the existence of capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites, then they are no longer patriotic and nationalist because of the economic methods used by capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites to control over assets is neo colonialism or modern colonialism. Is it still appropriate for statesmen who in the past defended and supported independence and opposed colonialism or counter-colonialism to now defend and support neo-colonialism or modern colonialism carried out by capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites to be called statesmen or patriot and nationalist? The answer is no.

    Because the government, parliament, law enforcers, and courts protect capitalists, oligarchs and global elites or neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism, then law enforcers begin to emerge who are easy to bribe, then mafia, gangsters, armed groups, terrorist groups, organized criminals, conspirators, corrupt, dictatorial, authoritarian, totalitarian, fascist, unilateralist, and globalist emerge caused by law enforcers and courts that are easy to bribe and finally comes global chaos, global misery, and international injustice to this world.

    Outsourcing companies and unlimited work contracts are evil efforts made by capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites to perpetuate modern slavery and neo-colonialism if low wages and exploitation of working hours or excessive working hours are prohibited by the government because they violate human rights caused by including slavery and existed in colonial era, plus including crimes against humanity and organized crime.

    There are only a few companies due to organized crime carried out by capitalists or oligarchs or global elites, making it difficult for newly graduated students to find work, while the economy is also controlled by capitalists or oligarchs or global elites through government, parliament, and courts so that it is difficult for citizens in competing because business licensing is made difficult by evil members of the trade ministry and evil state officials, the existence of the food mafia, the existence of the land mafia, the existence of the illegal mining mafia, and the existence of the trade mafia. Factors that hinder the country's economic progress are capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites. The small number of companies and the small number of rich people are obstacles to the country's economic development. The main reasons why there are so few companies and so few rich people are capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites.

    Capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites usually tempt state leaders with natural resources, energy, and infrastructure development projects in his country to maintain the wealth of capitalists, oligarchs, and global elites so that capitalists or oligarchs or global elites can place evil political elites and evil and hypocritical law enforcers in strategic positions, such as ministries, district governments, and leaders in law enforcement institutions.

    The aim of capitalists or oligarchs or global elites to tempt state leaders with natural resources, energy, agriculture, and existing infrastructure development projects where the country's leaders lead the nation and state is to commit general election fraud, maintain the wealth of capitalists or oligarchs or global elites, control the running of the country's economy, and place evil political elites and evil law enforcers in strategic positions, such as ministries, district governments, and leaders in law enforcement institutions.

    What are the methods of capitalists or oligarchs or global elites to obtain infrastructure development projects, natural resource management, land for agriculture and plantations, and energy development projects in a country? The answer is to approach and tempt state leaders and then offer them shares through bribery and illegal investments. State leaders in the eyes of capitalists or oligarchs or global elites are important assets for controlling the country's economy.

    Capitalists or oligarchs or global elites usually bribe and hand over several percent of their shares to state leaders or investment ministers or state officials (governors or regents or mayors) to obtain illegal infrastructure development projects, illegal energy development projects, natural resource management permits illegally, and land for agricultural and tourism businesses illegally. Capitalists or oligarchs or global elites usually also build mafia networks to facilitate the process of controlling the country's economy. Influencing state leaders and parliamentarians to commit general election fraud in order to control the country's economy. That is the evil method used by capitalists or oligarchs or global elites to control the country's economy.

    The mafia network built by capitalists or oligarchs or global elites is the trade mafia consisting of the political mafia, legal mafia, investment mafia, land mafia, logistics mafia, import mafia, export mafia, illegal mining mafia, infrastructure development mafia, energy development mafia, food mafia, fertilizer mafia, goods mafia, and education mafia.

    1.4  Closed Discussion or Secret Deliberation

    Closed discussions or secret deliberations must not be used to carry out organized crime, hidden crimes, and conspiracies. Closed discussions or secret deliberations may only be used to eradicate crime, conspiracy, dictatorship, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, fascism, imperialism, colonialism, radicalism, extremism, and terrorism, as well as upholding truth and justice.

    Legal evidence, real evidence, and scientific evidence that supports the reality that in fact closed discussions or secret deliberations may not be used to carry out acts of organized crime, hidden crimes, and conspiracies, and closed discussions or secret deliberations may only be used to eradicate crime, conspiracy, fascism, imperialism, colonialism, radicalism, extremism, and terrorism are as follows!

    Have you not noticed that people who have been prohibited from holding secret discussions, then they return (carry out) the prohibition and they hold secret discussions to commit sin, enmity and disobedience to the Messenger. And when they come to you (Muhammad), they say greetings in a way that is not the way Allah has determined for you. And they say to themselves, Why doesn’t Allah punish us for what we said? That is enough for them in hell which they will enter. Then hell is the worst place to return to. (Qur’an Surah. Al-Mujadilah 58: Verse 8)

    O you who believe! When you hold secret discussions, do not talk about sins, enmity, and disobedience to the Messenger. But talk about deeds of goodness and piety. And fear Allah, to Whom you will be gathered. (Qur’an Surah. Al-Mujadilah 58: Verse 9)

    1.5  Political Network Base

    Political networks, political connections, and political cooperation are built through solidarity, mutual cooperation in goodness, economics, friendship, and marriage. Why are the political networks, political connections and political cooperation owned by citizens and the international community much stronger and far superior to the mafia, gangsters, radicals, extremists, terrorists, conspirators, corruptors, oligarchs, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians, fascist, imperialist, colonialist, and globalist? The answer is that citizens include all levels of society consisting of citizens, workers, farmers, breeders, fishermen, employees, teachers, lecturers, students, doctors, experts, scientists, journalist, businessman or entrepreneur, traders, state leaders, state officials, ministers, members of parliament, state employees, members of political parties, police officers, intelligence agents, military soldiers, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers, while the international community includes the whole world or all countries. The political networks, political connections and political cooperation that criminals and hypocrites have are actually very fragile because their fellow criminals are treacherous and always break their promises so that criminals do not have the slightest loyal partners. Meanwhile, citizens and international community have political networks, political connections and political cooperation that are very strong and very superior due to win-win solution politics where fellow citizens will get shared prosperity and social justice for all citizens. Usually criminals and hypocrites build political networks, political connections, and political cooperation through friendship, economics and marriage. Meanwhile, citizens and the international community build political networks, political connections, and political cooperation through solidarity, working together for goodness, win-win solution politics, shared prosperity/global prosperity, and social justice for all citizens/international justice.

    1.6  Win-Win Solution Politics

    A concrete example of win-win solution politics is that citizens win the agrarian conflict against the land mafia and the land mafia receives punishment in court, while family members from the court and law enforcers are safe from threats and intimidation carried out by the land mafia because they are protected by citizens who cooperate with the police. Another concrete example of win-win solution politics is that the government provides humanitarian assistance through humanitarian aid funds and training to become experts/scientists/skilled workers and diligent, creative, and innovative businessmen/entrepreneurs/traders, while citizens pay

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