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Two Billionaires, One Lady
Two Billionaires, One Lady
Two Billionaires, One Lady
Ebook147 pages1 hour

Two Billionaires, One Lady

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Emma's life is a living hell in the name of making ends meet. Rich as Medis with an ego to match, asshole would be her nicest term of endearment for her boss. Even still, what job doesn't have its challenges? On her way to yet another day of his shitty sunshine, her life takes a spin when he appears.


On the opposite side of the golden coin, Kieran Jones is what a rich gentleman should be. Rough and slick in all the right places, he strokes a fire within Emma she didn't know could blaze.


Caught in between two promising handsome men. One whom she loves but has his own past that keeps him from loving. And the other who loves her conditionally, but sometimes, love isn't just enough.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Two Billionaires, One Lady

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    Two Billionaires, One Lady - Hope Akinbode



    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Two Billionaires, One Lady

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    The End

    A Novel By,


    Hope Akinbode

    ©2023 Published by After Hours Publications, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+

    Dedicated to M & in the bosom of the Lord.

    Chapter One

    Emma glanced at her wristwatch for the hundredth time. She was late for work, which wasn't going to end well with her boss Mr. Joe. 

    He had told her to come very early that day because she had an important presentation to propose. 

    If not for this mechanic who disappointed me today again, eh. My car would have been ready by now, she said angrily while lipping her long hair backward to prevent it from entering her eyes. 

    She footed on the pavement to get a better view if a taxi was coming while standing there looking angry but cute at the same time, which annoys her sometimes because her friend often tells her that her angry face looked too cute to show her angriness. 

    She stood there, waiting for a taxi to arrive, when a car spattered rainwater all over her body while trying to save her face from the dirty water, she missed a step, and this made one of her heels breaks. 

    What the hell just happened? Emma screamed in bewilderment. She noticed the car stopped a few meters from where she stood. She couldn't even think of walking towards it because of her broken heel.

    The car's door was unlocked, and a chauffeur dashed to where she was standing. 

    Ma'am, I'm really sorry. I never knew water was there, he said apologetically, looking at her stained dress. She bent her head to see how bad the dress was ruined. 

    Shit, She murmured.

    He tried to clean the dirt away with a handkerchief. 

    Just leave it, else it will spread.

    Okay, thank you, and I'm sorry once again. It wasn't intentional.

    It's okay I...

    Emma was interrupted by the presence of a man who got down from the back door of the car. Her breath was taken away by his arrival and aura of confidence. He looked like a freshly baked cake, with his fragrance dominating the air. 

    While she was admiring the strange good-looking man, her cell phone rang. This tugged her back to reality. Jeez, my boss, she knew she was late, and he would be furious. 

    Mr. Joe is all about his money, and he makes sure he gets it with hard work, and of course, with the help of Emma, he knew she was a great asset to the company, she had finalized multiple deals, and she was about to finalize one too. She picked up the call.

    Hello, s... 

    Get your ass over here now! Mr. Joe interrupted her greeting with a yell and hung up. 

    Damn it She looked at her clothes again in frustration. Just then, the good-looking man whom she was admiring walked closer to her and his chauffeur. 

    Get her into the car and take her to a boutique, he said, handing his credit card to this chauffeur.

    Emma was taken aback by his arrogance and supremacy, which irritated her. 

    Excuse me, is that the best thing to do? She looked at the stranger's face trying to maintain strong eye contact, which wasn't really working because his eyes were so intense. She felt like she was looking into his soul.

    He wasn't expecting that response at all. He thought she would be excited about it. That's what most ladies craved for, he said nonchalantly.

    Well, I'm not like most ladies, she said and removed her broken heels. She walked away from the man and his chauffeur. Both of them were stunned.

    Wow, arrogance at its peak. An apology should've come first. They fucking ruined my dress, and my heels got broken, for goodness sake, She grumbled.

    She saw a taxi coming closer to her, and she quickly walked towards it, not caring about her ruined dress or broken heels. Her presentation wouldn't let her bother about such things at that moment. 

    Um, she's fierce The stranger grinned, and then he signaled to his chauffeur to get into the car, and they went on with their ride. When he was inside the car, he remembered the lady again, he tried to shake the thoughts away, but he couldn't get the fierce lady out of his mind. His inquisitiveness took the best out of him, and he asked his chauffeur about the fierce, beautiful lady since he was with her before him. 

    Did she tell you, her name? He asked his chauffeur Brand who had dedicated his attention to his driving. 

    No sir, she didn't mention her name, Brand answered surprisingly.

    Too bad, He responded, then opened his phone to check his mail. Brand was surprised his boss asked him about the lady. 

    An hour later, Emma got to her destination and ran to the restroom to clean up the specks of dirt on her dress. On her way out, she met her colleague Debbie, who was her best friend also. They started their friendship in college. They shared the same goal, and both were ambitious. This made them inseparable.

    What happened to you?  Debbie asked worriedly.

    Babe, I will gist you later. I'm late for my presentation, and my boss has called me already. 

    Oh, he asked me about you some minutes ago. You look like a mess, babe, Her friend said.

    I know. When I am done with the presentation, I'll do the needful, but for now, there's no time for that. See you later, babe.

    She left her friend and walked towards the presentation room, praying to God to help because the deal meant a lot to her and to her boss too, and she must finalize it else her boss would be furious and disappointed in her. She entered the room, and all eyes were on her. She looked up and got the shock of her life when she saw the good-looking stranger whom she had encountered an hour ago, sitting confidently on the reserved seat that was meant for the lead sponsor of the deal she was about to seal. 

    She couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the name tag which was in front of the handsome stranger and saw his name boldly written on it: 'Kieran Jones'.

    Kieran, too, was surprised and shocked at the same time when he saw Emma at the entrance, looking like a lost puppy with her jaw dropped. Emma’s boss winked at her to start her presentation. She blinked her eyes three times before she came back to reality. 

    God, what have I done? I almost insulted him a while ago, she whispered to herself regretfully. She cleared her throat, then composed herself and started her presentation. Praying to God to help her in her dilemma. Shortly after she finished her presentation, her boss told her to excuse them while he reviewed the deal with the boards. 

    Emma left the room trembling because the deal meant a lot to the company, and it meant a lot to her too. She would be promoted and become the Managing Director if the deal got finalized. She glanced at the stranger who had the final decision on the deal as he gracefully sat down on the chair, looking at her with an unreadable facial expression. She left hurriedly as she went to meet her friend, Debbie. 

    Debbie! she said. 

    You’re done? Debbie asked, then she stood up from the chair she was sitting on in her office. 

    Yeah, almost. You wouldn’t believe this, Emma said nervously. 

    Try me, She replied eagerly. 

    Emma narrated what happened between her and the sponsor to Debbie, who was rolling on the floor with laughter. 

    It's not funny! Emma screamed.

    No, babe, it is, her eyes were watery as a result of laughter. 

    What will I do now? I knew my mouth would get me into trouble one day, but I never knew it would be this way, She lamented. 

    Take a chill pill, babe. You don’t even know what’s going on there. Besides, you did nothing wrong, sweetie. 

    Hell no. I did something wrong, She protested.

    Debbie signed at her friend’s words, Hmm, okay, maybe you did, but I’m sure he will overlook it if the deal makes sense. Business is business, Debbie said, trying to

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