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Ocean of Love
Ocean of Love
Ocean of Love
Ebook283 pages3 hours

Ocean of Love

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Lenos makes the decision to leave his heavenly planet and embark upon a daring journey to assist Earth, which has become trapped in a cosmic anomaly. Throughout his varied incarnations, Lenos must come to understand and complete his galactic mission. His struggles, romances and adventures on Earth will culminate in an event that will affect the destiny of the entire Universe.

PublisherHelos Aloe
Release dateMay 15, 2024

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    Ocean of Love - Helos Aloe

    The Son of the Sea

    For Lenos the sea meant home. The horizon of the sea, sparkling with the reflection of the moons of planet Holon created a marvelous view that always reminded Lenos of dreams. It reminded him of the truest, deepest dreams one can have. Yes. This wonder was actually the extension of his soul. When he was still young, he asked his parents about the end of the sea, to which his mother kindly replied,

    Lenos, the sea is eternal just like the Universe. Over thousands of years this body of water can dry up, but the world, life itself and existence will always go on. It cannot end, because this is all that exists.

    Now, just as usual, Lenos stood on the shores of the sea and watched the mesmerizing azure sky merge into the vibrating white waves.

    In these special moments the blue eyes of Lenos also became one with the blueness of the sea and he felt that the sea is truly part of him.

    It could take him away, he could melt into the sea, nothing would change because it already lived in him and he lived in the sea.

    The sun had already set when the humming Lenos finally made his way towards the high, white cliffs where his soul family lived.

    Lenos' mother was meditating, singing and spinning a colorful scarf around herself, all at the same time. Due to his energy field, she had already sensed the approaching Lenos a while ago of course, and was not surprised at all.

    As he moved closer to his mother, Karah, Lenos caressed her hair and shoulders, while Karah kissed the scarf and touched Lenos’ chest with it. She did all this while still singing and without opening her eyes.

    Lenos took a slow walk between the marble-white crystal buildings which were illuminated by lanterns of blue, green and purple colors. These splendid dwellings appeared all over the planetary communities of Holon. Lenos continued on until he saw his father, Hano.

    Apparently, Hano himself was deeply immersed in a certain artistic activity at the moment. He was painting a hologram picture with an energy wand above one of the houses. The result depicted a beautiful female figure, undoubtedly one of the archetypes of the Goddess, unfolding in a seated position, naked, with her two hands gently touching her violet hair while at the same time lifting it slightly, with stars pouring downwards from the strands of her hair until the middle of her back where they formed sets of galaxies.

    The impressive piece of art had a striking look as it floated above the building. As Lenos approached, he touched his father's arm. Hano gently glanced at him, put his hand on Lenos' hand and then gave his son a soft wink. They did not need words to express their emotions.

    Lenos was extremely content to have chosen Karah and Hano as his parents during this incarnation, because life amongst his soul family was filled with calm inner peace, stable development and joy.

    Entering his room, Lenos looked out the window. Above the ocean, beside the thousands of dazzling stars, beside the purple cosmic rays and glittering planets, he saw the mesmerizing view of Holon's three moons. Next to them starships appeared from time to time, seemingly from nowhere and then quickly slipped by. Before closing the window, Lenos took a last glimpse at the brilliant and pulsating, rainbow colored world of the ocean for a deep, long and happy moment. Cosmic peace was all he knew.

    Then while lying down on his bed, he closed his eyes and shifted his consciousness to the astral plane, just as every other conscious being does every night, throughout the Universe.

    An Astral Realization

    Lenos was traveling in the colorful world of the astral realm filled with shiny forms and phenomena. The matter here was much lighter and much more liquid than in the physical realm. He stood momentarily on a mushy cloud and slowly drifted along a purple-blue river, which led him through jungles towards the distant sight of a radiant castle.

    As he was sailing, Lenos gazed at the night sky, where the star field morphed into different colors every single moment. Arriving at the castle, he stepped out of the cloud and walked up to the gate of the monumental building as the wind caused the grass to sway gently back and forth around him. Then he touched the gate intuitively, to which it suddenly sucked him in and with a whiff he was teleported into the inner courtyard of the castle.

    Once inside the courtyard, he found himself in a beautifully arched park, embellished with a thousand different types of flowers. And in the middle there was a group of familiar people, gathered in one huge circle. Each of them was a being from the soul family of Lenos: Noe, Alia, Asto, Mion, Lan and Vinu.

    As Lenos saw his soul family members together, immediately a sensation of completeness arose within him and he experienced a very intense sensation of Light inside his being.

    Light is the deepest essence of every being in the Universe. The Light, which comes from the Source. We are all cosmic sparks of the One.

    In the middle of the circle a brilliant, translucent, loving figure was floating. This particular being was an Ascended Master, who had already integrated himself completely into the Light and thus was a mirror of the Oneness. Right now he was just projecting his consciousness into the astral realm in order to help the rest of the Universe reach this same elevated state.

    Lenos took a step closer to Ascended Master Ashan and the group. Some members of the soul family smiled at him and Noe gave him a welcoming hug. Then he directed his consciousness towards Ashan, who made contact with him telepathically as well, which was the manner in which he always taught them.

    Lenos, he heard Ashan’s gentle voice in his head, "the astral realm is the land of dreams, desires and illusions. This plane is formed by your emotions. And your dreams are pure and in harmony with your Divine Purpose. Your essential element is the water and it is very beneficial that you always let the energies flow through you. This is how you advance in your mission.

    Your emotional body reflects the Cosmic Love, just as it should be, and you have wonderful experiences and great spiritual development amongst your soul family on Holon. As your vibrations grow, I sense an incredibly potent intuition and compassion in you.

    But you should know that there is a certain frustration in your subconscious, which is so slight and small that you yourself have not even noticed it yet. It has just begun to appear in you, as you become more and more connected to the center of the Universe, the Galactic Central Sun and as you start to see and sense the purpose of the different parts of the Cosmos.

    Frustration? asked Lenos in thought. I don’t remember… I don’t really know what…

    Think about the strange, underlying feeling that you had the last time you flew past Holon

    Lenos suddenly remembered: a sensation he experienced some time ago as he was floating on a starship over Holon’s ocean after a strong energetic practice. Then and there, he had received a strange doubtful impression implying that maybe the ocean doesn’t reach everything. There might be places out there which are secluded from it.

    Of course he took this to be just a metaphorical interpretation, indicating that there could potentially be a place in Creation which is not reached by and infused with the primordial material of the Universe, the spiritual Light. This thought, combined with the confused feeling was very strange for Lenos and he couldn’t understand how he could possibly even imagine something like that, when he knows very well that this could not be true. Thus he shortly forgot about it.

    Yes transmitted Lenos firmly. I know now.

    Good said Ashan telepathically with a smile. Now I will help you to experience this frustration consciously in your emotions, in order to be completely aware of it, to make it conscious, to digest it and integrate it inside. Visualize a rotating white circle of light, now!

    In that moment a circle of light appeared in Lenos’ mind, the astral space completely shifted around him and he found himself on an Eden-like island, surrounded by abundant plants and loving animals. There was a spring of glittering golden water which flowed in every possible angle and direction. It sustained life. Guided by his inner voice, Lenos started peacefully following one of the small streams but after a few steps a stunning sight presented itself.

    A little part of the island was isolated by an odd glass dome of gray color, on the inside of which no golden water and no fresh air could enter and even the light was dull and filtered. The scene was utterly illogical as this seclusion clearly did not serve any positive purpose. Lenos could not do anything else but stare at the dome in bewilderment and confusion. 

    The plants inside the dome started to mutate and the animals behaved in strange ways. It seemed to Lenos that he had been observing that which he could only interpret as some sort of negativity for a very long time. This must have been the error that had come about in a remote part of the Universe, the one the Ascended Masters seldom mentioned.

    He had heard only in stories and teachings about the fact that this anomaly had even caused galactic wars in the past in some other star systems. He was informed that because of the primary anomaly, there may be things in some parts of the Universe without Divine Purpose. There might be places in existence where the inhabitants of the planets don’t have everything they want, instead they live in lack and scarcity. It is even possible that the beings on certain planets do not act based on the fundamental inner Cosmic Love.

    This made it possible for negativity, for evil to come into existence. However, the scope of this anomaly extended only to a small area of the Universe and it was very far from the favorite planet of Lenos, and his home, Holon. 

    He looked at it, yet could not comprehend it, could not grasp it. Then he felt that very unfamiliar frustration once again which suddenly pervaded more and more his being, until he was completely conscious of an emerging impulse. He had never felt such an impulse before. And finally this forceful inner drive initiated an action.

    He visualized a powerful light staff in his thoughts which immediately materialized in his hands and he threw it with great force at the glass of the dome. At the moment of the breakthrough, everything was covered with a flash of white light as the glass surface burst and the sunlight, fresh air and golden water penetrated the previously blocked area. Lenos was relieved, the frustration passed and he woke up.

    A Call for Help from the Galaxy

    When Lenos opened his eyes, he breathed in with delight the fresh, salty air of the morning that was ever present in his home. His astral experience still faintly lingered in his mind, yet now he felt again completely at peace and his energies returned to balance.

    He stood up and walked over to the food manifestor, which upon his touch, assessed which nutrients he required for his physical body to function perfectly and accordingly created a meal out of etheric essence. Lenos crossed the room and stepped out onto the terrace where he usually had breakfast.

    His gaze turned to the cheerful birds flying in parallel with the horizon of the sunrise. They were playful and lighthearted creatures.

    Then he closed his eyes, began to take deep and long breaths and visualized that as he inhales, he inhales light and as he exhales, he exhales light. He imagined a beautiful and brilliant white Light that came from the Galactic Central Sun, from whence his soul had once emerged. He then visualized this light passing through the Sun of planet Holon, which served as a Light Portal, and flowing into his body, into his being, into his heart center. Then he visualized breathing out this marvelous Light into his surroundings and back into the Universe.

    This technique was used throughout the whole Galaxy by the inhabitants of all planets, regardless of race, in order to bring their energies in tune with the Source. For a few more minutes Lenos continued this form of breathing. Then, as he perceived his consciousness completely pure and anchored in the present, he finished his breakfast.

    Suddenly and totally spontaneously he started shouting out of joy as he felt a strong urge to express the beauty of existence, the magic of a new day, the joy of life and the love he felt. Then while dancing, he hurried towards the sea.

    He was dancing while running and singing and laughing right until he approached the beach. Along this route he passed by countless crystal dwellings of the Holon population, where some people greeted him with a smile, others were immersed in different activities, exercised or expressed their happiness in similar ways, like Lenos.

    Feeling the soft, velvety sand beneath his feet, Lenos took a deep, satisfied breath and raced at the highest speed towards the white shimmering waves of Holon’s sea.

    This feeling was indescribable to Lenos, as the soft, sweet, vivifying material covered him, took his shape, embraced him and loved him. And he in turn drifted with slow, profound, rapturous movements. He advanced and just swam deeper and farther. Then he ascended to the surface and began lying peacefully on the top of the silvery water.

    After a few blissful moments Lenos gently opened his eyes and just like every day, he admired the moments of the Universe. The sky had a bluish-purple reflection, the sun of Holon radiantly shone its light and few airy clouds floated leisurely along in the wind. Every once in a while starships appeared then vanished rapidly and the three moons of Holon were clearly visible along with some nearby green colored planets. In one word, he looked at the World.

    In these precious moments he felt that he glimpsed the highest levels of unity with the Universe, perceived tremendous happiness and was at home in the purest sense of the word.

    In a couple of hours he went back to the dwelling place of his soul family as he desired to meet his soul flame, Aloe.

    He was connected with her on every plane of existence, since the soul flame pairs were actually one soul incarnated into two polarities. Only on the lower planes, like the physical one did they seem as separate beings while on the deepest level, they were always one, thus they always sensed each other. Lenos could feel Aloe’s presence at that moment as well, he sensed her excited state of being and mood, but he did not know where she was located exactly.

    When he entered the center of the community, Noe appeared out of nowhere and gave him a big kiss on his forehead.

    Lenos! I’ve finished my latest music piece; you know the one about the Pleiadians and dolphins. Come a little bit later to the main square where I will perform it to everyone, it will be so much fun! A little musical party! Noe chirped rapidly who always liked to do and say everything in haste.

    I’ll be there, Noe. You can count on me, Lenos nodded. But Noe, don’t you know where Aloe is?

    Oh, I guess she didn’t tell you again… Noe laughed. She is ever-moving and always super independent. You know her.

    Yes, I know her well, muttered Lenos quietly with a smile. He knew that by this Noe was referring to Aloe’s constant need to travel, to move, to always change something and she preferred to do these things completely freely, without letting others know about it. 

    She always claimed that this was the way she felt most alive. And this is also how she complemented Lenos’ bonds and attachments to home and to beloved things, like the ocean for example.

    Aloe, however, changed her life radically and left behind old things in a second.

    She took a journey to Kvana, due to her sudden interest in the Haal crystal technology and she would like to learn more about them, Noe informed Lenos. Kvana was one of the three moons of Holon, the original home of the rare Haal crystals.

    Okay, then about the musical– but Lenos couldn’t finish his sentence, because the pink crystal which stood in the center of the community all of a sudden lit up and gave out a high-pitched repetitive sound, summoning the whole soul family for a Galactic Announcement. 

    After a few moments the majority of Lenos’ soul family assembled around the glittering crystal, except for Aloe, who was certainly listening to the announcement from Kvana.

    The crystal’s glow intensified to the highest degree and then, another Ascended Master materialized above it. She was called Lenana and she generally helped the whole solar system of Holon and its inhabitants on the physical plane.

    The astonishingly beauteous face of Lenana reminded Lenos of his father’s hologram picture.

    "Dear Light beings of Holon, I welcome all of you! I have to share with you an utterly important and all the more unusual thing with you.

    My message originates all the way from the Galactic Court and Galactic Confederation. Naturally, you have all heard about the Primary Anomaly and the disturbance it has caused in certain star systems. The Galactic Confederation was created to solve this problem. However, lately the negativity of this anomaly has spread to a much greater extent and intensity than we could ever anticipate.

    An official call for help was signaled from anomaly-infected planets into the whole Universe, pleading for volunteers who would be willing to assist in this heavy situation.

    The Galactic Confederation continually cures and resolves the situation from the outside, but there is a great need for specific souls who will travel to the planets, incarnate inside the anomaly and change the situation from within by bringing back Light and balance. They will be the carriers - the bridges and channels of the healing, liberating energies.

    I know you don’t understand this situation at present. You can see neither the problem nor the task clearly. With the absence of any experience of it, negativity means nothing to you, so please, let me show you now what the primary anomaly has caused and what we need to fix."

    Abruptly Lenana’s forehead emitted a glaring violet light in all directions, leading Lenos and his soul family through a visionary experience through which they

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