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Puzzle Pieces of Life
Puzzle Pieces of Life
Puzzle Pieces of Life
Ebook137 pages52 minutes

Puzzle Pieces of Life

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Puzzle Pieces Life is just that - giving people the opportunity to understand some pieces within themselves, that until now did not make sense. Engaging people to ponder on the parts within themselves that are confusing, or that they have tried to bury as a means of trying

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Puzzle Pieces of Life

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    Book preview

    Puzzle Pieces of Life - Dr Gunta Krumins-Caldwell

    Copyright © 2024 by Dr Gunta Krumins-Caldwell

    Paperback: 978-1-963883-44-2

    eBook: 978-1-963883-45-9

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024905422

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ordering Information:

    Prime Seven Media

    518 Landmann St.

    Tomah City, WI 54660

    Printed in the United States of America


    To my precious family, my friends and my patients-all

    of whom have been teachers to me in so

    many different and rich ways



    Finding You






    What are the odds?




    Mirror Mirror

    Settling for less

    There are no ordinary moments


    Sympathy Empathy and Compassion













    Time heals

    Triune of Life




    At odds with oneself

    Spite and retribution


    Life is Magic





    Flat line

    Probabilities and possibilities



    The road less traveled



    Control and manage




    These poems are forged by me, but not by me.

    I have a wise guide that channels me well

    So I could scribe the pain that we all feel

    And give light to it all in good straight talk

    So it gives us some insight of what we all feel

    But also a chance to listen and learn

    As we traverse this earth as best as we can

    Given the stakes of handicaps big

    But by giving a hand to each other,

    We can elevate ourselves to alleviate some hurdles

    To step into a world that is better by far 🧩

    Finding You

    I’ll take you on a journey

    Of curiosity and pain

    Into the deeper layers of you,

    Layer by layer,

    From thinking,

    To feeling,

    To experiencing,

    To realizing,

    To acknowledging,

    To eventually into

    Your deep well of wisdom

    That feels so rich

    As you discover your true self

    Ever deeper and deeper

    Until surreptitiously

    There is gratitude

    Of self realised love

    Of standing in your beauty 🧩


    What is enough

    We may well ask

    Of ourselves and others

    As we struggle to see

    That enough is no friend

    To the term mediocre.

    So what is enough

    As we struggle to see

    That we are enough

    Just as we are!

    But that’s not enough

    It’s frowned upon

    And denigrated

    As being just average

    In a world of competitiveness

    That surely falls short

    Of what we ‘should’ expect

    As we manoeuvre our way

    Away from ourselves

    And dishonour ourselves

    To be what we are not

    And forget to look within

    To see our own treasures

    That we feel are just rubbish

    When we compare to another

    As they struggle as well

    To see their enoughness.

    And so we seesaw

    From enough

    To average

    To mediocre

    To giving up on ourselves

    As we try very hard

    To see our own enoughness.

    Yet that is life’s point

    That all that we need

    And all our uniqueness

    Is definitely ours

    So how can we compare?

    Better by far

    To find within

    The treasures we carry

    And stamp them enough

    And be glad that by going within

    We eventually find

    The gifts that are ours.

    So carry them well

    For they need you to see

    That indeed

    They are more than enough 🧩


    The days are all gone

    When to flutter your eyelashes

    And look all demure

    Was the sign

    Of the feminine

    So gentle and pure

    Where helplessness

    Added to the demureness

    Of woman

    So sweet and succumbing

    And so easy to suppress

    But all through the ages

    Below appearances so calm

    A river has been flowing

    And gathering speed

    On its way to the sea

    Enough has been endured

    Enough has been pillaged

    From this feminine being

    As she rises to woman

    But as she rises to woman

    To feel her own strength

    And establish her will

    She gets accused of

    The masculine

    That isn’t becoming

    Of someone who


    And takes care of the other

    But how can Woman

    Take care of another

    If woman has never

    Taken care of herself

    So rise up woman

    And learn what it takes

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