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The Calabar Vamp: Igbo Horror, #283
The Calabar Vamp: Igbo Horror, #283
The Calabar Vamp: Igbo Horror, #283
Ebook103 pages1 hour

The Calabar Vamp: Igbo Horror, #283

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The night was thick with an eerie stillness as the full moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the remote village of Calabar in Nigeria. In the shadows of the dense forest surrounding the village, a figure moved with unnatural speed and grace. This figure was no ordinary being - he was a muscular black gay vampire from Calabar.

Born centuries ago in the heart of Africa, this vampire had long since abandoned his human side and embraced the darkness that coursed through his veins. His name was Obi, and he was feared by all who knew of his existence. But despite his fearsome reputation, Obi was not without his own demons. He struggled to find a place in a world that shunned him for his unnatural desires and insatiable thirst for blood.

As he prowled the village, Obi's sharp senses picked up on the scent of a lone wanderer making his way home through the darkened streets. A slow sinister grin spread across his face as he silently tracked his prey, his fangs glistening in the moonlight. With a sudden burst of speed, Obi lunged at the unsuspecting man, sinking his razor-sharp teeth into the soft flesh of his neck.

The man let out a strangled cry of pain as Obi drank deeply, savoring the warm, metallic taste of his blood. But as Obi's hunger was sated, he felt an unexpected surge of remorse wash over him. He knew that this man had done nothing to deserve such a fate, yet he had shown no mercy in his pursuit of sustenance.

Haunted by guilt, Obi turned away from his victim and fled into the night. He sought solace in the depths of the forest, where the darkness wrapped around him like a comforting cloak. But even in his solitude, Obi could not escape the whispers of his own conscience.

Days turned into nights, and Obi wandered aimlessly through the shadows, tormented by his inner turmoil. He longed for a sense of belonging, a place where he could be accepted for who he truly was. But in a world that feared and reviled the supernatural, such a place seemed impossible to find.

One fateful evening, as Obi roamed the outskirts of the village, he stumbled upon a secluded clearing bathed in moonlight. In the center of the clearing stood a figure unlike any he had ever seen before - a beautiful young man with skin as dark as midnight and eyes that sparkled with an otherworldly light.

Intrigued by this mysterious stranger, Obi approached him cautiously, unsure of what to expect. But to his surprise, the young man greeted him with a warm smile and outstretched hand. "Greetings, Obi," he said, his voice as sweet as honey. "I have been waiting for you."

Confused but intrigued, Obi took the young man's hand and allowed himself to be led deeper into the clearing. As they walked, the young man explained that he was a creature of the night like Obi, born from the same dark magic that flowed through their veins.

"You are not alone, Obi," the young man said gently. "We are kindred spirits, bound by blood and fate. Together, we can create a world where we are free to be who we are, without fear of persecution or judgement."

Touched by the young man's words, Obi felt a sense of hope stir within him for the first time in centuries. Perhaps there was a place for him in this world after all, a place where he could embrace his true nature and find acceptance among his own kind.

And so, under the light of the full moon, Obi and his newfound companion united as brothers in arms, forging a bond that would endure for eternity. Together, they would roam the night, bringing terror to those who dared to cross their path while also finding solace in each other's embrace.





Release dateMay 12, 2024
The Calabar Vamp: Igbo Horror, #283

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really do like and appreciate the blend of horror with african culture

    1 person found this helpful

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The Calabar Vamp - Ifeany Sunday

Table of Contents

Title Page

The Calabar Vamp (Igbo Horror, #283)
























The night was thick with an eerie stillness as the full moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the remote village of Calabar in Nigeria. In the shadows of the dense forest surrounding the village, a figure moved with unnatural speed and grace. This figure was no ordinary being - he was a muscular black gay vampire from Calabar.

His name was Obi, and he was on a quest to find a rare and powerful artifact known as the Amulet of Chukwuokike. Rumor had it that the amulet was hidden deep within the heart of the forest, guarded by a coven of ancient, vengeful witches who would do anything to prevent its rediscovery. As Obi crept through the dense underbrush, he could feel the presence of the witches all around him, like a cold whisper on the back of his neck.

His senses were heightened beyond human comprehension, allowing him to navigate the darkness with ease. He could hear the rustle of leaves as a tiny forest creature scurried past, the distant hoot of an owl, and the faint whispers of the witches' sinister plotting. His fangs ached for the taste of blood, but for now, he remained vigilant, focused on his mission.

The forest seemed to go on forever, the trees towering overhead like massive stone sentinels. The air grew thick with a sense of foreboding, and Obi knew that he was getting closer to his destination. As he rounded a bend in the trail, he caught sight of a small clearing ahead, lit up by the eerie glow of a flickering campfire. Sitting around the fire were the witches, their wrinkled faces lit up in sinister smiles.

With a sigh, Obi knew that he had found what he was looking for. Steeling himself for the battle that lay ahead, he crept silently towards the camp, his sharp fangs bared and ready to strike. As he drew nearer, he could make out the words of their chant, calling upon ancient powers to protect their hidden treasure. Obi's heart raced with excitement and anticipation, and he felt a surge of power course through his veins. It was time to face the witches and claim the Amulet of Chukwuokike as his own.

With a sudden burst of speed, he leapt from the shadows and landed gracefully before the startled witches. They screamed in terror, dropping their crude staffs and scattering like rats. Obi ignored their cries, his focus fixed on the gleaming amulet that hung around the neck of their leader. With a swift movement, he snatched it from her grasp, feeling its power surge through him as he did so.

The forest seemed to erupt into chaos as Obi turned to flee, the witches' cries of rage echoing through the trees. He knew that they would not give up easily, and that he had to reach safety before they could catch him. As he ran, he clutched the amulet tightly, feeling its strength flow into him, granting him incredible speed and agility.


The trees seemed to fly past him as he raced through the forest, his muscles burning with effort. The sound of the witches' pursuit grew fainter and fainter, and finally, Obi emerged from the dense foliage, back onto the outskirts of Calabar village. Panting heavily, he leaned against a tree to catch his breath. The Amulet of Chukwuokike gleamed in the moonlight, its power still pulsing through him, sustaining him.

He knew that his quest was not yet over. With the amulet in his possession, he had the power to protect his people from the darkness that threatened to engulf them. But first, he must find a safe place to hide it, somewhere where it would remain hidden from the witches and those who sought to use its power for evil. For as long as the amulet remained lost, Calabar would be safe. But should it fall into the wrong hands, the consequences would be dire indeed.

The village of Calabar lay before him, its huts nestled among the trees, smoke curling lazily from their thatched roofs. Obi glanced around, searching for someone he could trust with this sacred duty. There were few among them who possessed the wisdom and courage required to bear such a burden. Eventually, he spotted an elderly man sitting on a stool outside his hut, watching the stars with a thoughtful expression.

Obi approached the man respectfully, bowing his head in greeting. Elder Ebub, he said, I come to you with a great responsibility. I have found the Amulet of Chukwuokike, and I must ask you to take it and guard it with your life.

The old man's eyes widened in surprise, and he slowly rose to his feet. Young Obi, he said, his voice trembling with emotion, you have done a great service to our people. I will take this burden upon myself, and I swear to you that I will keep the amulet safe until the day comes when it is needed once more.

Obi felt a great weight lift from his shoulders as he placed the amulet into the old man's hands. Thank you, Elder Ebub, he said, his voice choked with emotion. With your wisdom and courage, I know that the amulet could not be in better hands.

The two men stood together for a moment, silently sharing their thoughts and feelings. As Obi turned to leave, he knew that the fate of Calabar rested in the hands of this humble elder. With a final nod of farewell, he disappeared into the night, his mission now complete. But the memory of the witches' cries and the feeling of the amulet's power coursing through his veins would stay with him for the rest of his days, a constant reminder of the sacrifices he had made and the price he had paid for the safety of his people.


Elder Ebub watched as Obi vanished into the darkness, his heart filled with both pride and trepidation. He knew that the weight of responsibility he now bore was immense, but he also knew that he was prepared to do whatever it took to keep the amulet safe. For the rest of the night, he remained vigilant, guarding the hut where the amulet was hidden, his eyes never leaving the precious artifact.

As the years passed, Elder Ebub became something of a legend among the people of Calabar. They spoke of his wisdom and his courage, of the day he had taken the amulet and sworn to protect it with his life. And as they told these stories, they also passed down the tale of Obi and his heroic journey to retrieve the amulet from the clutches of the witches.

But it was not until many decades later, when a great evil once more threatened to engulf the land, that the amulet's true purpose was revealed. The people of Calabar, remembering the legend of Obi and Elder Ebub, knew that it was their duty to find the amulet and use its power to protect their home. And so, they set out on a new quest, following the ancient maps and riddles that had been passed down through the generations.

Eventually, they found the hidden hut where Elder Ebub had guarded the amulet all those years. There, in

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