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Poochtraveller: The Ruff Guide to Holidaying with Your Dog from the UK to Europe
Poochtraveller: The Ruff Guide to Holidaying with Your Dog from the UK to Europe
Poochtraveller: The Ruff Guide to Holidaying with Your Dog from the UK to Europe
Ebook119 pages51 minutes

Poochtraveller: The Ruff Guide to Holidaying with Your Dog from the UK to Europe

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About this ebook

Poochtraveller is the bible of dog travel guides – an insightful and down-to-earth book, and an invaluable support system for all dog owners looking to travel abroad.

Claire Templeton distils what she has learned over years of trial and error, traveling throughout Europe with her dog Snowy.

You will come away from this book feeling confident and excited about your travels, with some personal recommendations to get you started.
Release dateApr 26, 2024
Poochtraveller: The Ruff Guide to Holidaying with Your Dog from the UK to Europe

Claire L Templeton

Claire and Simon adopted their dog, Snowy, from the Dog’s Trust back in 2014. Reluctant to curb their love of travelling, they embarked on a series of road trips across Europe, tracking down the most Pooch-friendly hotels and restaurants along the way. They live in the very dog-friendly town of Rothbury in Northumberland.

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    Poochtraveller - Claire L Templeton

    About the Author

    Claire and Simon adopted their dog, Snowy, from the Dog’s Trust back in 2014. Reluctant to curb their love of travelling, they embarked on a series of road trips across Europe, tracking down the most Pooch-friendly hotels and restaurants along the way. They live in the very dog-friendly town of Rothbury in Northumberland.


    This book is dedicated to Snowy. She brings joy to our lives every single day and has changed me for the better in so many ways. She has taught me to be less selfish, more patient, and to appreciate the small moments that bring us happiness through connection. Our travel adventures are a lot more fun with you.

    Thank you, Snowy; you’re a star.

    Copyright Information ©

    Claire L Templeton 2024

    The right of Claire L Templeton to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    The story, experiences, and words are the author’s alone.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035836314 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035836321 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    Thank you to:

    Snowy, the inspiration for this book, and without her, it would never have been written.

    Simon (Snowy’s dad) for his support, encouragement, and patience.

    Dog’s Trust in Darlington for matching us with Snowy and Snowy’s first adopter, who changed his mind and returned her.

    My parents, Elspeth and Geoff (Snowy’s nan and grandad), for my love of reading and writing.

    My friend, Caroline Fernando, for her support editing.


    I was born in 2013 in a town in the northeast of England (I’m not exactly sure where). I was only in my first home for a year or so and spent a lot of time alone while my family were at work. I could bounce really high to look out of windows and chased my tail to keep myself entertained. I don’t remember much, only that they had a door bell, played football with me, had lots of small visitors who fussed over me and they fed me well (lots of fish and rice).

    I went on vacation to the Dog’s Trust in Darlington and ended up sharing a room with two sleepy Beagles who weren’t very exciting. On the other hand, I was very excited about the new smells, people, walks and challenges. I barked and bounced a lot; I don’t think the Beagles were too impressed.

    I had been with the Beagles for a few weeks when my new family came to collect me and took me to my new home. It was very different. No doorbell. No small people. No traffic. And different food. I’m a picky eater, so they fed me by hand for a while, which was nice of them. I liked my new home, but it was a lot to take in: woods and rivers, small furry animals to chase (bunnies), bigger, faster dogs that disappeared into the woods (deer), and some giants that I really wasn’t sure about (horses). I got to run free and often lost sight of my new family, but they always managed to find me, so I was never too worried (note: we were completely stressed and purchased a ‘tracker’ device for her to wear).

    I eventually got used to all the new stuff and started enjoying myself. I made loads of new dog pals; we got along much better once I stopped barking at them. But then things started getting a bit more exciting. Adventures usually involve me getting into the big tin box (car). Lots of bags, toys and treats come too. If I get a bit too excited or stressed, I have my blanket to chew on just until things calm down. We go to lots of new places with different smells. It’s exciting, but always nice to get back into my own bed with my own things.

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