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Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup
Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup
Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup

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About this ebook

Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup is the delightful and entertaining tale of Roddenberry, one of over two hundred dogs who were hoarded by an overwhelmed owner. This story will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. It is told from the perspective of Roddenberry himself, a Chihuahua mix who is rescued by Kelly, a man beloved by all dogs at the shelter where he frequently visits. Join Roddenberry and his human companions as they navigate life’s joys, challenges, and new experiences.

About the Author
Kelly R. Pettibone was born and raised in Tacoma, Washington. He has been a volunteer at an animal rescue for over ten years. He has always loved dogs and cats, and Roddenberry was the first small dog he ever owned. He believes that he and this special little guy saved each other. He and his girlfriend Alex have also fostered many dogs with the help of Roddenberry. Kelly enjoys going to Renaissance fairs, watching sumo wrestling, cheering for the Seahawks, and going to the beach for vacation.

Release dateMar 22, 2024
Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup

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    Roddenberry the Adventure Rescue Pup - Kelly R. Pettibone


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    Copyright © 2024 by Kelly R. Pettibone

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    ISBN: 979-8-8902-7357-4

    eISBN: 979-8-8902-7855-5


    Hello my name is Roddenberry Pettibone, and I am a rescue dog. My life has been a very interesting ride. Although I would not change a single aspect of my life because all of the trials I went through lead me to my wonderful loving home. I also want to take this opportunity to let you, the reader, know that giving a shelter animal a chance can be such a rewarding experience. Shelter animals have so much love to give, they might seem shy or scared at first but once they trust you they will give you all of their love and heart; if you don’t believe me just ask my two owners they will tell you how much love they receive from me. I want to dedicate my book to all the shelter dogs and cats that are still waiting for their forever home and to tell you that it is better to adopt than shop.

    Chapter 1:

    My Origin Story

    I was born in the home of a man that was trying to do a good thing but was not able to understand that he was hurting more than helping. He was bringing in strays to give them a home and be able to feed and give them water. Yet, he eventually got so many dogs in his home that it got out of hand. I was born because the dogs he had were not fixed and had puppies. When I was little my mom would move my brothers and sisters and myself around from place to place and that is why I have so much loose skin on the back of my neck; it makes it seem like I used to be overweight and then lost weight and have extra skin back there. It was nice having brothers and sisters to play with, but I had to share the attention of my mom as well as the food. Slowly my brothers and sisters and I got bigger and stronger and had to stop relying on mom for our food. I had to learn to scavenge for food when I got old enough and never got any interaction with people. There were so many dogs in the house. I was able to make lots of friends besides my brothers and sisters but it was hard to get enough food or the proper nutrition to develop strong bones and muscles. The food I did find I had to hide from the other dogs and would only eat at night so that my food wouldn’t get stolen from me by the other dogs. One of the good things that came from living in this situation was that I learned to get along with other dogs of different sizes which would help me later on when I found my forever home. It was a busy three years that were spent in this situation but then one day my life would change drastically and for a while I was not sure what to do.

    One sunny day all of these strange people showed up and started to use these strange objects to catch my brothers, sisters, mom, and friends. I tried to hide from these humans but they eventually found me and put me in a weird box. I was so scared I curled up in a ball and put my head in the corner hoping that I would be ignored or that they would forget me. I ended up in what I found out later these humans call a car along with all my friends from the house. We were all barking and scared because we didn’t know what was going to happen to us. After what seemed like a lifetime we stopped and were brought out of the car and into a different type of house.

    I found out later that this house was actually a rescue shelter where the people tried to help dogs like me find their forever homes, although I had to go through a lot of things first before I could be able to be allowed to be adopted. These humans first stuck me with these sharp objects which hurt a lot and then probed me with other objects which were very unpleasant. Then the most humiliating thing happened, I fell asleep on a table and when I woke up I had some plastic thing around my head and they had removed a very important part of me. I don’t want to go into too much detail about what they removed but it made sure that I would not be able to have any puppies of my own. This made me think that I could not trust these humans; they all seem to cause pain and break my trust.

    While I was at this shelter I was given a name. The people at this place started to call me Roddenberry. I found out later from my forever parents that this name came from a guy that created some famous television show. I was at this shelter for a while but I didn’t want attention from any of the people that came and looked at me. I just wanted to stay in my kennel and curl up in a corner and sometimes play with the other dogs that were in there with me. It was nice to consistently have food and clean water but I didn’t really care for any of the people at this place, they didn’t want to get to know me or try to help me. After a couple weeks at this shelter one day I was again put into a crate and then into a car and off to a new place. I was feeling sad and uncertain of what was to come, but little did I know that this move would be so much different than my previous move.

    I arrived to a new shelter in a lot colder place than where I came from. I was not too thrilled with how cold it was; I am a sun dog and love the warm weather. I was put into a kennel with a few other dogs who would become really good friends of mine. The one I became closest with was an all-white Chihuahua who had one bad eye. I found out that his name was Ayden and he told me that he got the bad eye from an evil human that kicked him in the head. I can’t believe how mean some of these humans can be to hurt us dogs. Then there was Ace who was a bit bigger and a kind of grey color, and he liked to run around. I was still shy and liked to hide in the corner of the kennel when these humans that the other dogs called volunteers came around. Yet it would be one of these volunteers that would change everything for me and make me realize how good people could be and how much love I could love and how much confidence I could have in myself. Most of the volunteers at this shelter were nice and kind and would make sure that all of us dogs got food and water and would get to go outside to play and use the bathroom. The majority of these volunteers were women and they would say that I was cute but so shy and timid and they wished that I would come out of my shell and show my personality so that I could find a home, but they didn’t realize what I had gone through and that I didn’t really trust people to love me the way I hoped I could eventually be loved.


    Chapter 2:

    The New Volunteer

    Then one day a new volunteer arrived at the shelter, unlike most of the volunteers and people that worked at the veterinary part of the place, this volunteer was a male. I saw him going around and spending time with all the different dogs and giving them attention. The majority of the dogs really liked him and were wanting him to give them belly rubs and they would give him licks on the hand and sometimes face. I was unsure of him but there seemed to be something a little different about him than the other volunteers. He eventually got to the

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