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Abhorrent Human Behaviors: Why Some People Are So Destructive And Criminal? What Can We Do To Change That?
Abhorrent Human Behaviors: Why Some People Are So Destructive And Criminal? What Can We Do To Change That?
Abhorrent Human Behaviors: Why Some People Are So Destructive And Criminal? What Can We Do To Change That?
Ebook34 pages15 minutes

Abhorrent Human Behaviors: Why Some People Are So Destructive And Criminal? What Can We Do To Change That?

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There is no question that humankind is the most vicious and lethal species on Earth. It preys on not only other species but also its own species on the widest possible scale.

Why is humankind so vicious and lethal?

Clearly it has something to do with the basic instinct of survival of the fittest. But that really is a common instinct among all species on Earth.

What does differentiate human species from other species in the level of viciousness is clearly its high level of intelligence and the sheer brutality of its selfish individuality.

In combination, these traits can drive humans to exhibit extreme behaviors that are seemingly inexplicable and unforgivable.

Chief among these extreme inexplicable behaviors must surely be the compelling urge of powerful humans for brutal dominance in a group setting, and the criminal and murderous behaviors of many humans towards other humans.

Why does WW3 look so inevitable now when human society has achieved so much in terms of its socioeconomic development and its impressive advances in science and technology?

Is it because of the uncompromising human nature that is based so much on greed and the brutal exercise of power?

Is it because of the toxic political culture that humankind has developed over the past millennia?

Is democracy the perfect endpoint of humankind's political development, or is it the toxic confrontational ingredient that predestines the world to eternal conflicts and confrontation?

How do we stop the rot of all these abhorrent human behaviors?

First of all, we must get the politics right.

We must ensure that only people of impeccable integrity get into politics.

Politics should be a special calling only for those who have both the ability and the compassion to genuinely serve the people.

If this can be inculcated into the ethos of the new generation of politicians, hope is alive for the future of humanity.




PublisherTerry Nettle
Release dateMay 7, 2024
Abhorrent Human Behaviors: Why Some People Are So Destructive And Criminal? What Can We Do To Change That?

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    Book preview

    Abhorrent Human Behaviors - Terry Nettle

    1. Foreword

    Abhorrent Human Behaviors : Why Some People Are So Destructive And Criminal? What Can We Do To Change That?

    Human species is without doubt the most intelligent species on Earth.

    It is the top predator and top exploiter in the world.

    It is the merciless predator of all species on Earth, including its own species.

    It is the ruthless and destructive exploiter of all the precious resources of Earth.

    2. So Vicious

    There is no question that humankind is the most vicious and lethal species on Earth. It preys on not only other species but also its own species on the widest possible scale.

    Why is humankind so vicious and lethal?

    Clearly it has something to do with the basic instinct of survival of the fittest. But that really is a common instinct among all species on Earth.

    What does differentiate human species from other species in the level of viciousness is clearly its high level of intelligence and the sheer brutality of its selfish individuality.

    In combination, these traits can drive humans to exhibit extreme behaviors that are seemingly inexplicable and unforgivable.

    Chief among these extreme inexplicable behaviors must surely be the compelling urge of powerful humans for brutal dominance in a group setting, and the criminal and murderous behaviors of many humans

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