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Mallory in the Spotlight
Mallory in the Spotlight
Mallory in the Spotlight
Ebook123 pages49 minutes

Mallory in the Spotlight

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About this ebook

The world is a stage for Mallory McDonald!When Mallory tries out for a part in the school play and gets the lead, she is super excited. But not everyone shares her enthusiasm, especially her best friend Mary Ann. In fact, the more excited Mallory gets, the less excited Mary Ann becomes. Mallory can't understand why Mary Ann is acting so strange. Even though the lights are shining bright, is there something Mallory's not seeing? Can Mallory find a way to play the roles of leading lady and best friend?

Release dateAug 1, 2013
Mallory in the Spotlight

Laurie Friedman

Laurie Friedman is the author of the popular Mallory series, The Mostly Miserable Life of April Sinclair series, and many award-winning picture books. She lives in Florida.

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    Book preview

    Mallory in the Spotlight - Laurie Friedman


    Here’s a riddle: Whose name starts with an A, her friend’s name starts with a D, and they’re both jumping around my fourth-grade classroom like they’re either on a trampoline or really excited about something?

    If you guessed Arielle and Danielle, you guessed right.

    News flash! says Danielle as soon as I walk through the door with my best friends Mary Ann and Joey.

    What’s the news? I ask.

    We know, but we’re not telling, says Danielle.

    We got here early so Mr. Knight told us, says Arielle, like the idea that they were here to get the information is almost as exciting as the information itself.

    The bell rings. Class, take your seats, please, says my teacher, Mr. Knight.

    Since you’re late, you’ll have to wait and hear it when Mr. Knight tells the rest of the class, whispers Arielle.

    I give Mary Ann and Joey an I-know-they’reenjoying-knowing-something-we-don’t look.

    How do you know we even want to know what it is? I whisper back.

    She and Danielle look at each other like they have to hold in their laughter. Trust me, says Danielle. You’re going to want to know.

    Even though I don’t like that Arielle and Danielle know something that Mary Ann, Joey, and I don’t, I do like that Mr. Knight has something exciting to tell us. I cross my toes. I hope whatever he has to say is as exciting as Arielle and Danielle think it is.

    Class, says Mr. Knight once everyone is seated. Before we begin our lessons, I have an announcement.

    He writes the word Annie on the board.

    "Fern Falls Elementary is going to be putting on a musical called Annie. I am sure some of you are familiar with the plot. If you are not, it is the story of an orphaned girl and her dog and what they go through to find a family."

    Mr. Knight smiles. It is a heartwarming story, and it will be a lot of fun for everyone at our school who chooses to participate.

    A lot of hands go up.

    Mr. Knight motions for us to put our hands down. "I’m thrilled to see you’re all so enthusiastic. Let me finish explaining, and then you may ask questions.

    "The show is open to all students at Fern Falls Elementary. Auditions will be next week. If you are interested in trying out, please come see me. I will give you a preselected piece of the script, which you will need to memorize and recite at the auditions. As Annie is a musical, you will also need to be prepared to sing a song of your choice. There will even be some dancing involved for those of you who like to dance."

    Everyone starts talking at the same time. Now I know why Arielle and Danielle were so excited. This is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait to try out, I say to Mary Ann, who is at the desk next to me. We should pick our songs after school today so we can start practicing.

    OK, says Mary Ann. She picks at the frayed edges of her notebook like that is much more interesting than picking a song.

    Aren’t you excited to try out? I ask her.

    But before she can answer, Mr. Knight tells everyone to quiet down. If anyone has questions, I’m happy to answer them.

    When is the show? asks April.

    Next month, says Mr. Knight. Once the show is cast, it will take some time for the actors to memorize their parts and to get everything ready, like costumes and scenery.

    Joey raises his hand. What if you don’t want to be in the show, but you want to help do something else?

    Mr. Knight nods like he approves of the question. You will be able to sign up to be part of the crew, he says. There will be all kinds of things for the crew to do like lighting and scenery and makeup.

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