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Alpine Starts
Alpine Starts
Alpine Starts
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Alpine Starts

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About this ebook

One was in search of independence. The other, a place in the sun. Both unknowingly embark on a journey of self-discovery. Michaela had to develop a thick skin growing up, for being her father's daughter thrust her into the limelight. While Satchel was stuck in a rut, praying for change. Both met in the middle for ten days of high adventure, and fell in love. With personal and professional challenges on the horizon, will their love continue to blossom? Will it get mowed down just when it's beginning? Or will it pass the trials ahead of them and shine like a morning sunrise.
Release dateMay 4, 2024
Alpine Starts

Leonard Stevenson

Leonard R. Stevenson is a born and raised New York Yankees fan from "Da Bronx." In my younger days I was an instructor for the Outward-Bound USA and Fresh Air Fund organizations. I love ballroom dance and use to teach it to children. I'm an avid Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese drama and anime fan. I'm currently learning Japanese to better myself as a martial arts teacher. My lovely wife Amber participates and indulges me in some of my hobbies. I took up book writing on the spur of the moment after completing a few scripts for the theater. This will be my third book.

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    Book preview

    Alpine Starts - Leonard Stevenson


    Copyright 2023 by Leonard R. Stevenson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please don’t participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Print ISBN: 979-8-35095-211-7

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-35095-212-4

    This book is dedicated to the people in my life who gave their time and expertise in helping me make this book happen: Emily, Maryory, Trenton, Hillary, Gina, Clairissa, Ude, Evgenia, my cousin Steven, Ary, Tasha, Sarah Newell, Michael, Cristina, Isabel, Sensei John, Paola, Pastor Kerrick, Aneisha, Hannah, Wanda, my family both upstate and on Long Island, and my lovely wife Amber. A special dedication goes out in the memory of Outward Bound instructor David Ibarra: he left us too soon. You gave me confidence when I needed it and believed in me at just the right time! Rest in power! I also want to thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for not only saving me, but inspiring me to write.

    Other books by Leonard R. Stevenson:



    Songs that inspired my writing:

    Whatever we started by Richard Marx.

    Suddenly by Richard Marx featuring Toni Braxton

    Amen by For King and Country.

    Together by For King and Country.

    In the house of stone and light by Martin Page.

    The vanishing race by Air Supply

    For more information about Father’s Heart ministries, go to


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9


    Chapter 1

    9 AM: Sioux Falls Regional Airport (Joe Foss Field),

    South Dakota.

    I’m glad that the car ride so far has been quiet. I can collect my thoughts and take a short nap. The airport is about an hour away by car, so I’ll get there in plenty of time for my flight. My brother Robby, short for Robert, is zoned out with his headphones. He wanted to stay home and play video games but that was shot down by my parents. My mom is riding shotgun while my dad drives with this stern look on his face. He is not in favor of my trip, but so far has accepted that I’m leaving.

    When I first mentioned going away for ten days, he went ballistic! He still considers me his little girl even though I’m an adult. A little about me: I’m Michaela Brightstar. I’m a Native American from the Oxbow Lakota Sioux tribe in South Dakota. I’m 24 yrs. old with a Masters degree in Education. I’m 5’2" with skin the color of honey. I have long, dark hair that goes down my back and dark brown eyes. I consider myself in good shape. I was on the cross-country team in high school. I also hold a brown belt in Chowa Kai Karate-do. My father is the chief of our small group of Sioux. Since I’m the eldest, I’m next in line to lead our group.

    I’ve lived on my own all throughout school with everything paid for by scholarships and a part time job. I only moved back home because I needed a break from looking for work. I also missed home. I miss the mountains and cliffs, the lake near my home, and the few friends I grew up with. I realized too late that moving back home was a mistake. My father clamped down on me as if I’m 10 years old again. Don’t get me wrong..I understand that I must live under my parents’ rules. I don’t pay for rent, food, or utilities. I just feel like my dad has it in for me! He complains about the few friends I do have, how I dress, what I eat, what I read, etc. It’s as if he wants to shape me into his idea of the perfect daughter and Chief.

    When we have visitors at our home, I feel like a show pony the way he struts out his college graduate daughter. My mother says nothing of course. She’s simply happy that a woman for the first time is allowed to be chief. I remember one night that I went to check the mail and received a letter that would change my immediate future. It was a promotional booklet from an adventure company called Mystic Adventures. I skimmed through it and was intrigued by all the outdoor programs they offer. I always wanted to go camping. I love being outside and hiking. Some would say that I’m a tomboy. I flipped through to the back and saw an ad: instructors and teachers wanted! No experience necessary. It was a God send.

    I emailed my cover letter and resume and received a quick response. I was invited to a ten-day staff training course held at their New York City headquarters. There was a short back and forth regarding my medical status, teaching credentials, etc. I bought my plane ticket, packed my bags, and said goodbye to my friends. The drive to the airport is met with excitement and fear. I know and hope my life will change for the better if I’m willing to take more courageous steps.

    We will be at the airport in ten minutes! I still don’t see why you must go all the way to New York. There are plenty of teaching positions available on the reservation.

    Please don’t start with me again dad! This is what I want, and New York City is the perfect place for me. I’m not changing my mind. We have come so far, and I’ve already spent money on this opportunity. Just let it rest.

    I can turn the car around and give you your money back. Just say the word. Besides, you would be helping your people if you taught at a school at home.

    Dad, it’s like a two-way interview that happens to last ten days. I may not even like the company, but I have to try. The description they gave me of their company is intriguing. I won’t be satisfied until I experience their way of doing things for myself.

    No way will I ask him to turn the car around, no matter how much my father whines. This is my chance to finally be truly independent and have a grand adventure. For all I know I’ll meet new people and learn new things about myself. I can’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers. My father drives us the rest of the way in near silence. He’s grumbling under his breath while my mother shakes her head. The car finally reaches the airport, and after bathroom breaks, I check my bags in. We all walk close to the security check-in, and I see my parents’ faces change. My mom gives a big smile while my dad has a sour look on his face. My brother just looks around aimlessly.

    If you can, give your father and I a call when you land so we know you got there safely. I will miss you baby! Now come here and give us a hug.

    I hugged my mom and dad, though he is hesitant to let me go. My brother even hugs me and mumbles good luck. I turn around and head for the security checkpoints, lugging my carry-on.

    Thank you for the support in getting Michaela to stay honey. You really made a difference.

    Now don’t be sarcastic with me mister. Your daughter is a grown woman able to make her own choices. You can’t keep holding on to her like she’s a little girl, especially if you want her to be Chief someday.

    I know, I know, she’s not a little girl. The world outside the reservation unfortunately is not a friendly place.

    She’s a smart woman. She can handle the big wide world out there. If she can’t, she should be able to ask for help without having it rubbed in her face.

    I won’t rub it in her face! I want her home where she can do the most good.

    Honey let’s just drop it. She’s gone and there’s nothing to be gained by arguing. Let’s just send her our love and hope she makes good decisions.

    10AM: One World Trade Center, New York City.

    Russell Martin

    Two trays of pastries are laid out in the middle of the round conference table. A secretary rolls in four carafes of coffee with 3 types of milk and sets it by the table. He readjusts the carts so that they are out of the way. Russell Martin, the man in question is nervous about the presentation he’s going to give in the next half an hour. His career will depend on whether he can con (Excuse me, cajole!) the board to go along with his plans. Russell knows he is prepared, but still his reservations come back to haunt him. He is betting everything on a long-ago rumor that may prove to be false. He starts to arrange the presentation materials around the table in front of each chair to be filled. It is now ten minutes till start time and the board of directors start to enter with the CEO in the lead.

    I hope this won’t be a waste of our time Russell! We are a busy group, and I’m due to fly out to my ranch today for some R&R.

    Melvin Peters, the CEO in question strolls over to the coffee and pours himself a cup. He then grabs and tears open a bagel and applies cream cheese. The other board members enter, grab coffee then take their designated seats. Some small talk is made until a throat is cleared. I take it as my cue to begin.

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Please feel free to grab coffee and pastries if you haven’t already. I will start as soon as everyone is comfortable.

    We are comfortable Russell, so please move onto why we are here.

    Yes sir! I have gathered you here today to discuss a golden opportunity for our company Valore Oil. Using recently developed A.I. technology we have discovered an untapped oil reserve in the most unlikely of places, South Dakota. There is reportedly enough oil there to sustain our company for decades. So far, no other company has gotten wind of the exact spot that we’ve discovered, so secrecy and speed is tantamount.

    A hand in the furthest part of the table goes up from a woman that is a recent addition to the board. (I’m an idiot to hope that I’d breeze through without any questions!)

    Exactly where is this oil reserve located Russell, and why haven’t we considered it before?

    To be honest ma’am, it is located on the edge of a Lakota Sioux tribe reservation. As I mentioned before, the technology to locate the reserve wasn’t available until now.

    A reservation huh? And you say it’s on the edge of it? Well, what’s your approach?

    The area in question is contested by the United States and the tribe. I think we can use eminent domain to take the land over. I’ve developed a relationship with a judge in the area who would not only be receptive of our plan but could handle things quickly.

    How quickly?

    Within a week and a half

    Whew! That’s fast! Are you sure no one else has a clue?

    I’m sure sir, but I must caution you all that this secret probably won’t keep for too long. I might have already generated questions commissioning the A.I. to be used in the area. 

    How did you get the idea to go to South Dakota for oil in the first place?

    Well, I went to the Museum of the American Indian down near Bowling Green around two months ago. I saw a skin with a hand drawn picture of a warrior riding a horse. There were patches of black lakes in the picture. At first, I thought it was an attempt to draw water, but water is blue. I looked closer and it looked like oil pooling up to the surface. I guess you can say it was my eureka moment.

    That’s quite an intuitive leap you had there. Ok, I need you to leave the room so we can discuss your proposal.

    Yes sir.

    I wait 15 agonizing minutes before I’m called into the room. I figure the worse they can say is I’m fired! I’ve saved a lot of

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